"His Majesty!!!"

"His Majesty!!!"

"His Majesty!!!"

After the death of the Heavenly Emperor and Heavenly Queen, the fate of Heaven suddenly dimmed and there were countless collapses.

Large swaths of luck were frantically escaping outside.

At this time, there is no way to suppress these heavenly destiny.

At this time, all the generals in Heaven suddenly looked miserable after discovering that the Emperor and Queen of Heaven had all died.

How can this be? !

Shouldn't the Emperor of Heaven be an undefeated myth?

Many of their creatures have grown up listening to the legends and stories of the Emperor of Heaven since they were born, and they all have infinite worship for the Emperor of Heaven.

However, now they are told that the Emperor of Heaven will actually fall? !

How could the Emperor of Heaven fall?

On this day, not only the Emperor of Heaven fell.

There are countless living beings who have died following the heart.

These creatures have worshiped the Emperor of Heaven since childhood.

But now, when Emperor Jun falls, the hearts of these people also die.

When their hearts died, countless living beings also perished.

I don't know how many souls committed suicide today.

It's because Emperor Jun died...

Endless creatures are unwilling to believe the scene in front of them.

But in fact, this is the case, Di Jun has already fallen.

There was nothing they could do to stop this from happening.

Although Di Jun can still be resurrected, he is no longer the emperor of the past who will never fall no matter what.

This Emperor of Heaven is the Emperor of Heaven for all eternity.

He is the undefeated Emperor of Heaven.

He is the Emperor of Heaven that no one can ever defeat!

Buzhou Mountain.

The battle at this time has gradually come to an end.

Ying Zheng, who had his hands free, assisted Xuanyuan and easily killed Emperor Donghua.

Then, the two men did not relax, and continued to take action, killing those stubborn and stubborn people in heaven.

And whether it is Xuanyuan or Ying Zheng, they are the most majestic beings in the world.

They are all peerless strong men who can easily kill ordinary Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Although these two people are slightly inferior to Di Jun.

But they are all of the same combat power.

Today's human race, with such two peerless powerful men sitting in charge, is no longer the same human race that lacked top combat power in the past!

The moment they took action, it was a complete crushing.

The ancestral witches of the Wu clan, seeing that the situation was over, quickly stopped.

"Zulong! Let's give it up!"

Di Jiang looked at Zulong in front of him with a cold face and said quickly.

How could this damn guy be so powerful?

You must know that although Di Jiang's strength is not as abnormal as Xuanyuan and Ying Zheng, he is also the most powerful group of gods besides those super powerful men.

It's just that, apart from facing those top strong men, he looks a little weak.

But in fact, these ancestral witches are absolutely at the top of the prehistoric world!

But those extremely perverted strong men were so powerful that they simply exceeded their original realm.

Each one of them is too evil, which makes a saint like Dijiang who is not so evil and perverted, very weak.

But in fact they are not, they are the normal peak combat power in this realm.

But unfortunately, they always deal with those monsters and strong men, so they look very weak.

After all, these ancestral witches are not bullies.

When facing someone weaker than themselves, they will not rely on their strength to bully the other party.

And it is impossible for the other party to provoke them for no reason, because that is an act of seeking death.

Therefore, once the ancestral wizards fight, most of them will find players who are stronger than themselves.

Although there are countless creatures in the ancient wilderness, there are actually not many who are stronger than them.

It can even be said that it is no more than a hundred.

This still includes those great gods and demons, as well as the ancient existences that have been hiding themselves for who knows how many years.

All in all, all in all, that is the habit of these ancestral witches, which causes them to always be beaten by stronger people.

But fortunately, everyone is the existence of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. As long as they don't provoke some special Dao gods and demons, they will basically not really die.

But there are always some people who provoke those great gods and demons and can wipe them all out of this world.

Even if he has attained enlightenment through countless time and space, even if he has incarnated in infinite time and space, in the end, it is actually just wiped out from the source by those great gods and demons.

This is the terrifying ability of some extremely powerful Dao gods and demons.

You know, although this world is a prehistoric world, the prehistoric world stands on top of the world of chaos!

And these gods and demons of the Great Dao are transformed from the Great Dao!

In other words, they are the oldest and most terrifying existences in this world.

Even though Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian has demonstrated the Tao of various time and space, there are still existences of great truth in countless time and space.

The existence of the Great Dao, for those gods and demons of the Great Dao, means their existence.

Therefore, if they want to erase this guy, they only need to move their fingers.

The premise is that they can beat each other.

As long as you can beat the opponent, that's fine.

But if you can't beat the other party, then everything is in vain!

As long as you can beat the other party, then nothing is a problem!


In the end, the Wu clan also surrendered to the human race.

Those people in the Heavenly Court saw that things could not be violated, so they naturally surrendered.

There was no way, if they didn't surrender, they would die.

But if they surrendered, at least they could be saved.

Of course, this was not a matter of deep hatred after all.

Therefore, when these people surrendered, the human race did not kill them all.

Instead, it announced a full takeover of the Heavenly Court. From today on, everything in the Heavenly Court will belong to the human race.

The Qin soldiers brought some human races into the Heavenly Court, and the rest of the human race followed them back to the human race's capital Luoyang.

Luoyang Luoyang.

Now, the sun has really set.

The human race really won, and Xuanyuan felt a little lonely.

I don't know why, anyway, Xuanyuan doesn't have too much joy now.

Instead, there is a psychological feeling of disappointment after the mission is accomplished.

This feeling is a bit uncomfortable.

At least, for Xuanyuan, it is so.

But for the human race, this is a day of celebration.

Because from now on, the human race is the first and most powerful race in the prehistoric world!

The status is just like the previous demon race!!!



"Your Majesty, there is no two suns in the sky!"

Suddenly, Dahong said to Xuanyuan with full of worry.

Nowadays, there is no longer only the emperor Xuanyuan in the human race, but also the emperor of the Qin Dynasty, Ying Zheng.

Now, Ying Zheng has entered the heaven.

Although he has not officially ascended the throne as the emperor of heaven, all the arrangements for the operation of the heaven are actually decided by Ying Zheng.

This is the difference.

And what Dahong said also represents the opinions of a group of civil officials and military generals.

After all, Xuanyuan is the emperor of the human race.

Ying Zheng is the emperor of the Qin Dynasty.

Now Ying Zheng is in charge of the heaven, so naturally he should do it according to the will of the emperor of the human race.

Dahong and others thought that Ying Zheng should abdicate!

"Well! I know. I will deal with it in the morning court tomorrow!"

After hearing Dahong's voice, Xuanyuan said lightly.

Then, he walked towards his residence.

Now he was a little confused.

He wanted to stay here.

But he was afraid that after leaving, there would be chaos among the human race.

Therefore, he was in a dilemma.

"Alas, I am not a qualified king after all!"

When he returned to his residence, Xuanyuan sighed and said.

After this catastrophe, his cultivation has returned to its peak.

And he has made a step further.

If it weren't for the rise of the human race, he might have left long ago.

After all, in his opinion, the human race still needs to be protected by himself, not by himself.

But he felt that he was no longer suitable to be the emperor of the human race.

And it happened that at this time there was a Ying Zheng willing to take over.

In his heart, he was still happy.

But he felt a little guilty.

However, he had no other options.

However, just after he finished his sigh.

He heard a noisy noise coming from outside the door.

Then, the guard said respectfully: "Your Majesty, the Emperor of the Great Qin Empire, Ying Zheng, wants to see you."

As soon as the guard's words fell, Xuanyuan frowned.

Obviously, he did not expect Ying Zheng to come to see him, but since he came, let's meet him.

Thinking of this, he was ready to call all the ministers to discuss.

At this moment, the guard said again.

"Your Majesty, the Emperor of the Great Qin said he wanted to meet your Majesty alone."

The voice was very low, as if he was afraid of disturbing Xuanyuan.

After hearing the guard's voice, Xuanyuan was a little confused.

He and Ying Zheng had never communicated at all, so how could he meet him alone?

However, since Ying Zheng said so, he couldn't refuse.

He said slowly: "Please let him in!"

As his voice sounded, the guard left respectfully.

A moment later, Ying Zheng walked in.

Looking at Xuanyuan, his face was calm.

When Xuanyuan saw Ying Zheng coming in, his eyes flashed with an inexplicable light.

He wanted to investigate Ying Zheng, but found it impossible.

It seemed that there was a vast blood in the other party's body, blocking him.

This made him more and more confused.

I don't know what Ying Zheng wants to do when he comes to see me.

However, he didn't say much.

Instead, he sat down and said.

"What do you want to see me this time?"

He didn't say "I", but called himself "I".

This also means that he intends to talk to Ying Zheng in a private capacity.

"Haha, you should know why I came!"

Ying Zheng said with a smile.

At this time, he still looked calm.

Even his voice was very plain.

This made Xuanyuan's pupils shrink.

Because Ying Zheng's performance really exceeded his expectations.

However, he was relieved immediately afterwards.

After all, it was right for the other party to do what he did now.

"I know you want to rule the entire prehistoric world!"

After hearing Ying Zheng's voice, Xuanyuan spoke.

"That's right!"

After the other party's voice fell, Ying Zheng admitted it directly.

He really wanted to do this, after all, the prehistoric world is too vast, even if there are many strong people.

However, if he can control the prehistoric world.

It is also a good thing.

After hearing Ying Zheng's words, Xuanyuan showed a bitter smile at the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that his decision was correct.

"Okay, since you want to rule the prehistoric world, I promise you!"

After hearing Ying Zheng's voice, Xuanyuan said without hesitation.

Since the human race has become the most powerful race, his mission is completed.

From now on, the human emperor is the emperor of heaven, and the emperor of heaven is the human emperor.

In this case, he will abdicate.

Let Ying Zheng take the position of the human emperor and the emperor of heaven. From then on, there is no human emperor in the human race, and there is only the human emperor of heaven.

After hearing Xuanyuan's voice, Ying Zheng also showed a bright smile on his face.

Although he and Xuanyuan had not known each other for a long time, he knew that the other party was a man who valued his promises.

Since he had said this, he would definitely not break his promise.

Then, he spoke.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The voice sounded, with a strong sense of sincerity.

After all, the position of the emperor of the human race is related to the fate of the human race.

Ying Zheng did not want the position of the emperor of the human race to fall into the hands of others.

And just after Ying Zheng's voice fell.

The next moment, a slight fluctuation came from Xuanyuan's mind again.

It made his face change.

However, after the next moment, he still spoke.

"You are also clear about the current situation of the human race. I am ready to abdicate and give you the power of the human race!

However, there is one thing I hope you can abide by.

Ten thousand years later, if the human race you lead is not good enough, I hope you can abdicate!"

Xuanyuan said solemnly.

After all, although he wanted to abdicate, he did not want the human race to fall into regression.

After hearing his voice, Ying Zheng did not hesitate at all and answered directly.


The voice was resounding.

This was the condition he agreed to, and as long as he was in charge, the development of the human race would definitely be stronger than before.

"Thank you very much!"

Xuanyuan bowed and said.

Then, he signaled Ying Zheng to leave.

When the two parted, the clouds of worry on Xuanyuan's face disappeared.

He turned and walked out of the hall.

At this time, he felt that the human race had the support of Ying Zheng, and everything was not to be feared.

Then, with a gleam in his eyes, an extremely cold voice sounded in the hall.

"Order, three years later, Ying Zheng will be enthroned as the emperor of man and in charge of the heaven.

At the same time, let all the gods return to their respective camps.

Remember, keep in touch!"

The voice sounded and drifted away.

After receiving the order, the soldiers began to prepare respectfully.

At this moment, all the people of the human race knew that the new emperor of man was born.

On the other side, Ying Zheng, after leaving the palace, headed for the Heavenly Palace.

At this time, he did not hesitate at all.

After leaving, he went straight to the Heavenly Palace.

At this time, he knew in his heart that he could only stabilize the prehistoric world by consolidating his position as soon as possible.

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