Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 491: People’s will, Ying Zheng goes to the star field

There is no Emperor of Heaven in the present-day prehistoric world.

The Heaven Court is no longer there, and it is unable to maintain order in the prehistoric world.

The entire prehistoric world, except for the places occupied by the human race, is in a mess.

This is true for both the Wu Clan and the Dragon Clan.

The Wu Clan suffered heavy casualties in this battle, and the Wu Clan's power in the underworld is unprecedentedly weak.

Therefore, a large number of the remaining Wu Clan members settled in the underworld to maintain order in the underworld.

Outside, many races appeared and did not listen to the Wu Clan's orders, making them more willful.

This is because the power of the Wu Clan has greatly declined, and the territory it controls has naturally shrunk.

Similarly, the Dragon Clan also has this problem.

The number of casualties of the Dragon Clan is not less than that of the Wu Clan, and even more!

The sea clans in the four seas were originally very dissatisfied with the Dragon Clan, so they would take the opportunity to explode at this time.

Naturally, the number of rebellions at this time has become more and more.

Originally, the races that feared the mighty power of the dragon clan might not dare to resist the dragon clan.

But now, it is completely different. The power of the dragon clan has been greatly reduced.

Although the dragon clan still has two dragon kings and one dragon emperor, it cannot cover the entire four seas.

Especially in the West Sea and the South Sea, the dragon kings and dragon generals in these two places and some dragon clan Hunyuan were almost wiped out.

Most of the dragon clan Hunyuan in these two seas have fallen.

Therefore, the sea clans in these two seas are extremely arrogant.

The power of foreign races is also rising with the tide, and more and more sea clans are gradually becoming independent.

However, the human race does not have too many things.

After all, the human race is the winner, and everyone knows that most of the time in the future will be ruled by the human race.

Therefore, even if the actual control of the human race’s territory has decreased a lot, in fact, no one dares to touch the rule of the human race.

This is the strength of the human race.


Among the human race.

Xuanyuan held a court meeting as usual.

This was the first official court meeting after the war.

Although Xuanyuan had announced to the human race that he was about to abdicate before this, and also announced that he would elect Ying Zheng as the next emperor.

However, those veterans who had always followed Xuanyuan to conquer the world began to be dissatisfied.

The reason was very simple. Although most of the people who followed Xuanyuan at the beginning were helpless.

But after such a life-and-death battle, and after winning.

They should have enjoyed the fruits of victory, but at this time, Xuanyuan chose to abdicate!

Xuanyuan's abdication was actually not a big deal, provided that it did not affect their interests.

No matter who the new throne of the emperor was passed to, as long as it was not passed to the human race who came out of the mortal world of the Great Qin Empire, it would not affect their interests!

But now, it was passed to the human race who came out of the mortal world of the Great Qin Empire.

Although everyone is of the same human blood, they are of the same bloodline and have not been tainted.

However, factions are real.

Even though everyone knows that they are of the same race, as long as they are in different factions, they will attack each other when things are stable.

There is only one factor for people from different factions to stand on the same front, that is, a new common enemy has appeared. Only in this way can they put aside their prejudices and stand on the same front.

But now, the Heavenly Court has been destroyed and the demons have retreated.

Therefore, the human race can be said to no longer have so-called external enemies, so the factional disputes between them are real.

And now, the leader of their Honghuang human faction, Emperor Xuanyuan, has actually chosen to abdicate, and he wants to pass the throne of the human emperor to Ying Zheng!

Who is Ying Zheng?

He is the emperor of the Qin Empire in the mortal world!

In terms of the realm of cultivation, he can indeed serve as the emperor of man, or even the emperor of heaven, and they do not object to this.

After all, Ying Zheng is also the blood of the human race and a descendant of the human race.

From any aspect, there is nothing else to say.

But they are from different factions!

If Ying Zheng is allowed to serve as the emperor of man, what about the emperor of heaven?

The Emperor of Heaven is also Ying Zheng?

Because now the human race has won, the Emperor of Humanity is naturally the actual Emperor of Heaven.

As for whether to ascend to that position, it depends on the Emperor of Humanity's opinion.

They don't think that Ying Zheng has no idea about the position of the Emperor of Heaven!

In other words, if Ying Zheng becomes the Emperor of Heaven, what should the positions in the Heavenly Court be like?

Naturally, they will be given priority by Ying Zheng to his loyal subordinates, that is, the generals brought from the Great Qin Empire.

What about these old subordinates of Xuanyuan?

Naturally, they will be slightly later.

Although it is not to say that they will not be given a good position, the number must be much less.

In addition, each of them has really made outstanding contributions, and the human race can defeat the Heavenly Court without their contributions.

But now, when it comes to rewarding merits, their positions have become less?

How can they bear this?

So, these people united together and wanted Xuanyuan to take back his order.

At least, they must get a position in the Heavenly Court before Ying Zheng ascends the throne.

In this way, even if Ying Zheng ascends the throne of the emperor, they will not have much to say.

Therefore, when the court meeting began, Dahong, the first general under Xuanyuan, immediately stood up to speak.

Dahong came out, looked at Xuanyuan sitting at the top with a serious face, bowed slightly, and said: "Your Majesty, I will see you."

Xuanyuan looked at Dahong below and guessed something in his heart.

Dahong in front of him must have some dissatisfaction in his heart, and wanted to refute what he said before.

"Dahong, what do you want to say?" He said indifferently.

In the past, they were the closest monarch and minister.

But today, it is different.

For the sake of interests, Dahong has gradually moved closer to those who are blinded by greed.

In fact, if Xuanyuan wants to sit on the throne of the emperor of heaven.

Even Ying Zheng can only watch this scene from the side.

After all, the world now belongs to Xuanyuan!

Among the human race, Xuanyuan is the leader.

Even if Ying Zheng has the spirit of the Heavenly Emperor and is powerful, he can only step back.

Because almost everyone in the human race recognizes Xuanyuan and does not recognize Ying Zheng.

So, at this time, as long as Xuanyuan wants to ascend, it is a matter of raising his arms.

Facing the temptation of the position of Heavenly Emperor, Xuanyuan did not think about becoming the Heavenly Emperor.

He just wanted to pull Di Jun down and break the Heavenly Court that belonged to the demon race, so that the Heavenly Court would belong to the human race in the future!

This is what he thinks is the meaning of his existence!

Lead the human race to the highest peak!

The rest of the things will be left to future generations.

Each generation has its own mission...

This is also the cognition of all human emperors since ancient times.

They all did this.

Just like the former Shennong, the human race has long been powerful, and Shennong can actually lead the human race to conquer the sky.

Even if he cannot fight against Emperor Jun, he can wait until Xuanyuan reaches the top before attacking the sky!

If Shennong is unwilling to abdicate, then even if Xuanyuan is strong, it is impossible to take the throne of the emperor from Shennong.

Because the human race at that time, everyone worshipped Shennong.

Even now, there are still many people who worship Shennong.

At that time, Xuanyuan did not have the prestige it has today.

Just like the original Suiren, if Suiren had not abdicated, Shennong would not have come to the throne.

But it is because generations of emperors did not linger on power that the human race is prosperous today!

"Your Majesty, I have something to say!" Dahong bowed first, then said: "Your Majesty, the current emperor has passed away, and the heaven is leaderless, causing the stars to dim and the people of the prehistoric world to live in misery."

"As the saying goes, the sky cannot be without a master for a day."

"Therefore, Dahong petitions on behalf of the people of the world, asking Your Majesty to ascend the throne of the emperor as soon as possible, rule the ministers of the heavenly court, and restore the former prosperity of the prehistoric world!"

When Dahong finished speaking, almost all the ministers in the court came out and bowed, saying: "Your Majesty, we second the motion!!!"

Looking at these ministers below, Xuanyuan was a little angry at this moment.

He did not expect that all of his ministers were actually some of these ministers.

Sure enough, people's hearts are not the same as before.

Although these ministers are also devoted to the human race, they are more concerned about personal interests at this time.

Unlike the previous sages, they no longer care about personal gains and losses, but are dedicated to the public.

But on second thought, now is a different era after all, and it is a little unrealistic to ask them to be like the sages.

What's more, these people really didn't do anything excessive.

Let me ascend to the throne of the Heavenly Emperor so that they can benefit from it, which is also human nature.

Thinking of this, Xuanyuan couldn't help sighing and said: "My dear ministers, I already know what you mean."

"But I have no intention of power. Now that the human race has been determined and the conquest of the sky has succeeded, Ying Zheng is more suitable for the position of Heavenly Emperor than me."

"Therefore, there will be no more Human Emperor in the future. The Human Emperor is the Heavenly Emperor, and the Heavenly Emperor is the Human Emperor."

"All this is a destiny in the dark."

"Of course, Ying Zheng is a man with a big heart. He will definitely grant positions according to merit, and there will be no favoritism."

Xuanyuan explained to them one by one, and also comforted these people.

This is not only to make them feel at ease, but also to make it easier for Ying Zheng to ascend the throne.

Because these people are huge forces, if they all gather together to rebel, it will not be a good thing for Ying Zheng.

At least, it is not something that Ying Zheng's forces can extinguish in a short time.


Everyone looked at each other after hearing this.

Yes, if it can be like this, it seems to be a good thing!

But the premise is, will Ying Zheng really reward according to merit?

Will Ying Zheng really not be partial?

No one knows, because they have never had contact with Ying Zheng.

They just saw Ying Zheng from a distance and knew that Ying Zheng was a great emperor born in the mortal world.

Knowing that this was the backhand left by Xuanyuan, the rest were all unknown.

As for what kind of person Ying Zheng is, no one knows.

No one dares to guarantee this.

On the other side.

Above the Heaven.

Ying Zheng wore a black dragon robe and looked straight at the sky.

Nowadays, although most of the Heaven has surrendered, the stars seem to be still resisting vaguely.

He knew that this was because of the will of the Star Ancestor.

Therefore, if you want to completely take power, you must clear all obstacles.

And the operation of the stars in the sky cannot be separated from the Star Ancestor.

In order to avoid problems in the operation of the stars in the sky, a policy of strong attack cannot be adopted.

"I will go to the Endless Star Region."

Ying Zheng looked at Bai Qi in front of him and said coldly.

He is like this, and he has always shown a cold image.

All this is inseparable from his childhood.

"Your Majesty, just go ahead, and I will definitely protect the Heaven!" Bai Qi bowed his head slightly and clasped his fists and said.

There are naturally countless creatures spying on these places in the Heavenly Palace.

These creatures all wish to enter the Heavenly Palace, or seek a position in the Heavenly Palace, or have a place to live and work in peace.

The Thirty-Six Heavens, that range is naturally huge.

In the past, the demons entered the Heavenly Palace, and now all those demons have been cleared out.

For a time, the huge Heavenly Palace became empty.

And those demons who were cleared out did not really have no chance to enter the Heavenly Palace in the future.

Rather, all forces have to be reshuffled.

Anyway, the place left for the demons cannot be as large as it was in the past.

It would be good to have one-tenth of the territory before.


In the star field.

The Star Ancestor sat on the west side, staring at Ying Zheng in front of him.

Ying Zheng looked calm, looking at the Star Ancestor in front of him, and said calmly: "I intend to ascend the throne as the emperor. In the future, the Human Emperor will be the Heavenly Emperor, and the Heavenly Emperor will be the Human Emperor."

"If that's the case, why do you look for me again?"

The Star Ancestor's eyes were gray and he said indifferently.

The two people began to compete with each other invisibly.

"The movement of the stars in the sky cannot be separated from the support of Daoyou." Ying Zheng said softly without changing his expression.

"Hehe, I am so old, do I still have such skills?"

The Star Ancestor laughed at himself and said: "But I don't know that I can still have such abilities..."

"Although I was born in the mortal world, I have heard of Daoyou's name. All the creatures in the heavens know that Daoyou is a preacher in the prehistoric world. In the past, he couldn't bear to see the prehistoric world fall into the claws of Hongjun, so he was willing to preach in the prehistoric world."

"Today, of course, I will not watch the prehistoric world's stars run in disorder."

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