
With one palm shot, the black-robed man's body was directly shattered.

In an instant, blood mist filled the air.

It made him horrified.

He wanted to escape, but before he could move, a sword strike struck like lightning.


In an instant, the man in black robes didn't even have time to react and flew backwards.

There was a hideous wound on the entire chest.

The red blood is constantly flowing out.

At this time, he was finally afraid.

"Beg for mercy, otherwise, you will definitely die today!"

Seeing that the man in black robe was silent, Ying Zheng said indifferently.

At this time, he had regained his sanity.

After all, he was the Lord of Qin at the beginning.

How can you be controlled so easily.

“Hmph, wanting me to surrender is just a dream.

Even if you die, I will support you! "

When the words fell, he didn't show any nostalgia at all, and was ready to explode his soul.

He knew that the majesty in front of him had no intention of letting him go.

In this case, he might as well fight to the death.

However, just after he finished speaking.


A muffled sound sounded in the field.

He was actually stepped on by the nine-clawed golden dragon.

There was a look of reluctance on his face.

However, no matter how hard he struggled, he could not make waves.

"I don't want to argue with you. You are so stubborn and stubborn. You are really looking for death!"

The nine-clawed golden dragon spoke.

There was a cold look in his eyes.


Then, powerful energy fluctuations burst out in an instant.

The figure of the man in black robe was directly wiped out in the void.

"hold head high!"

As a burst of dragon roar fell, the figure of the nine-clawed golden dragon completely disappeared.

At this time, only the Twelve-clawed Golden Dragon and Ying Zheng were left in the secret realm.

"That man in black robe is not an ordinary person. He was transformed by Pangu's resentment, which is why he is so powerful. Fortunately, he is still no match for you."

The twelve-clawed golden dragon said calmly, as if he understood everything in his eyes.

He is actually the Chaos Golden Dragon, one of the three thousand gods and demons of the past.

This is the ancestor of all dragons and the source of everything.

The ultimate source of all dragon thoughts is the Chaos Golden Dragon.

The Chaos Golden Dragon is also called the Chaos Demonic Dragon and the Chaos Divine Dragon.

The twelve-clawed golden dragon is just a form of him, not a complete body.

That's why I'm so cautious.

"Thank you for your kindness, senior!"

After hearing the sound, Ying Zheng bowed to the ground respectfully.

His character is much arrogant compared to his peers.

Therefore, even if he knew that the twelve-clawed golden dragon was nothing more than a lingering thought.

He also saluted very respectfully.

And just after his words fell.

The twelve-clawed golden dragon said with a smile.

"Haha, we were all once a family, so why are you so polite?

But this place is not suitable for me to stay for a long time.

I need to retreat for a while. You should collect these treasures first.

I hope it will be helpful to your practice! "

After the twelve-clawed golden dragon finished speaking, he waved his finger and dozens of dragon balls appeared in front of Ying Zheng.

A dense light emanated from it.

Show its extraordinary quality.

The other party couldn't help but show excitement in his eyes.

“You take all these treasures, but remember.

These things can be said to be treasures in the ancient world. If you are in danger or have enemies, leave them to me! "

The voice of the twelve-clawed golden dragon came out again.

"Thank you, senior!"

At this time, Ying Zheng said calmly.

Although he knew that the existence in front of him was just a remnant and not real, he still felt a sense of intimacy.

And just after his voice fell.

The voice of the twelve-clawed golden dragon disappeared in place.

After a moment, a voice sounded.

"Ying Zheng, let's meet again when the next opportunity comes!"

After the sound fell, it disappeared.

And Ying Zheng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, the existence in front of me is too strong.

Even the regrets still made him dare not disobey.

Then, it swept away into the distance.

But, after he left for a long time.

A figure appeared in the field.

It was the man in black robe just now.

However, at this time, his face was extremely pale.

In order to avoid the attack just now, he almost exhausted all his mana.

At this time, there was fear in his eyes.

I didn't expect that the twelve-clawed golden dragon's remnant could be so powerful.

Not only did he break his own seal.

He even killed himself and was unable to fight back.

“Jie Jie, I never expected that Ying Zheng would know such a being.

It seems that my luck is really bad! "

This person's cold voice sounded.

This man in black robe was none other than Pangu's resentment.

In the past, Pangu opened the sky, and the remaining thoughts combined with the ancient things turned into endless innate sacredness.

These innate sacred beings are collectively called Pangu sacred beings, and they are different from those innate sacred beings that are combined with prehistoric things and the residual thoughts of gods and demons of the Great Dao.

Those innate holiness were indeed created before the heaven and earth were formally formed, so they are genuine innate holiness.

It is innately sacred in every sense of the word.

Although these Pangu gods are also called innate gods, they are actually gods formed by the innate way, not gods formed by the innate heaven and earth.

So, the meaning of innate is that they are formed by the innate way.

Of course, the actual talents of the foot and feet are not much different, because although these Pangu gods are transformed by the countless remnants of Pangu, they are different from the ordinary innate gods who are transformed by the remnants of the great way gods and demons.

The remnants of the great way gods and demons are only a few, at most hundreds.

In other words, the creatures transformed by the remnants of the same great way gods and demons are at most hundreds.

But the creatures transformed by the remnants of Pangu are endless.

Therefore, even if Pangu is far superior to those great way gods and demons in terms of foot and strength, the gods he transformed are actually not much different.

Even the top gods are the same.

The Great Dao gods, demons and saints have a head start. After all, they were born one era earlier than the Pangu saints. Therefore, in terms of opportunities in all aspects, they are stronger than the later Pangu saints.

However, the Great Dao will not favor one over the other. Although the Pangu saints lost the head start, they were formed by the remnant of Pangu and the things of heaven and earth. Therefore, they were more favored by the later Heavenly Dao and had a smooth journey.

This is also why Di Jun and others were able to overtake on the curve.

Of course, it was also because Ye Xuan played a big role in it.

Although Ye Xuan rarely intervened directly in the things in the prehistoric world, he actually intervened indirectly in the things in the prehistoric world.

Once the prehistoric world did not develop as Ye Xuan expected, Ye Xuan would use the Heavenly Dao to create a situation that he wanted to see.

In other words, whether it was Di Jun who far surpassed Hongjun and dominated an era.

Or the current Xuanyuan's attack on the sky and Ying Zheng's succession, they were all planned by Ye Xuan.

Without Ye Xuan's intervention, both the former and the latter would have a high probability of failure.

At the beginning, in addition to these innate saints, there was still something.

That was the fierce beasts transformed by the resentment of the great gods and demons!

That is the first great disaster of fierce beasts after the opening of the sky!

In the past, the great gods and demons could transform into countless fierce beasts due to their own life and death.

And Pangu, of course, also came out of resentment!

Even a saint like Pangu actually had a trace of resentment before his death!

No matter how much he wanted to open the sky and how much he dedicated himself, it would be extremely unrealistic to say that there was no trace of resentment!

And this black-robed man was transformed by Pangu's resentment!

Therefore, this black-robed man can have the cultivation that overpowers Ying Zheng!

Of course, although he can't defeat Ying Zheng, who has the golden dragon of the Qin Dynasty, he can still beat Ying Zheng alone.

This is already very powerful.

Although it shouldn't be just this much strength compared to Pangu's resentment.

But you have to know that Pangu's resentment is extremely small, so small that it almost won't take shape!

However, since the Great Dao gave Pangu this resentment, how could it really prevent it from taking shape?

So, even after countless time, this resentment finally took shape!

And this is the strength of Pangu.

Of course, it is not a good thing for the prehistoric creatures.

After all, this Pangu resentment wants to destroy the prehistoric world!

Moreover, because of his characteristics, he is almost immortal.

Unless Pangu himself takes action, or Ye Xuan takes action, this Pangu resentment will never die completely no matter what attack it suffers.

Even if it is destroyed by the gods and demons of the Great Dao, it will eventually be resurrected and return.

Of course, even if Pangu's resentment cannot really die, he is not willing to die now.

This is why he was extremely happy after escaping a disaster when facing Ying Zheng.

I just didn't expect that such a being would die in the hands of a human being, and even his body was shattered.

I have to say that this is simply too unbelievable.

Moreover, he was killed by a human.

Therefore, this made Pangu Yuannian very angry.

After all, the human race is just a later race, not even a congenital sacred race.

At the beginning, Pangu Yuannian wanted to destroy the prehistoric world, but because he was afraid of Di Jun's strength, he had been suppressing his restless heart.

And now, the person who suppressed him has become Ying Zheng.

Although Ying Zheng could not suppress this resentment without the help of the golden dragon of luck transformed by the Qin Dynasty, he now has this golden dragon of luck!

Therefore, this resentment can't actually cause any waves.

However, Pangu Yuannian himself didn't think so, he wanted to overturn this world with all his heart!


On the other side.

The twelve-clawed golden dragon found that Pangu Yuannian was indeed not dead, and a light flashed in his eyes.

He did not make too much noise, after all, he was not Ying Zheng's nanny.

The reason why he treated Ying Zheng like this before was just an investment.

He also hoped that Ying Zheng could grow up, but it did not mean that he would consider everything for Ying Zheng.

And Pangu's resentment was a very good whetstone.

If it weren't for Pangu's resentment, the twelve-clawed golden dragon wouldn't know where to find such a good stepping stone.


In the Heavenly Court.

Hundreds of schools of thought contend.

In the Great Qin Empire, not only those soldiers became Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Even some people who preached in the mortal world before have now broken through to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

In the final analysis, it is because the Great Qin Empire's national fortune is prosperous and it has completely accepted the fortune after the collapse of the Heavenly Court.

In addition to the fortune of the heavens and the worlds now, these various schools of thought have also broken through their cultivation one by one.

As the saying goes, one person becomes an immortal, and chickens and dogs ascend to heaven, that's it.

Of course, these various schools of thought are not without real talents and knowledge, otherwise they would not have been selected.

The representative figure of Taoism is Zhuang Zhou, also known as Zhuangzi.

Zhuangzi advocates idealism philosophy, and advocates the political proposition of not using the world for anything. He is also an existence that pursues freedom and transcendence.

In his opinion, the best thing in the world is that all living things are free and unconstrained.

Moreover, he believes that transcendence is the ultimate goal.

In addition to Zhuangzi, the representative figure of Taoism is Lie Zi.

Lie Zi also advocates tranquility and inaction, independence, and self-cultivation.

In addition, there is Confucius, also known as Confucius.

In addition to Confucius, the representative figure of Confucianism is Mencius.

The ideological propositions of these two are also extremely similar, and both are great figures of Confucianism.

Confucius advocates benevolence and courtesy, and courtesy is Zhou Li, which is also an ancient courtesy.

The proposition of benevolence is "the benevolent love others", which requires the ruling class to understand the people's feelings and oppose harsh policies. Confucius believes that to achieve "love for others", it is also necessary to follow the way of "loyalty and forgiveness", that is, "do not impose on others what you do not want others to do to you".

Although Mencius also advocates benevolence, he is more inclined to righteousness.

The so-called benevolence and righteousness, in his opinion, are innate.

Similarly, we have to talk about another representative of Confucianism, Xunzi.

Mencius believed that human nature is good at the beginning, while Xunzi believed that human nature is evil at the beginning.

In Xunzi's view, the good side is all acquired through education.

In this respect, Confucius is at a higher level.

Confucius said: Nature is similar, but habits are different.

It means that human nature is similar at birth, and it is the environment and customs that make it different.

This point is closer to the human race in the mortal world.

In addition to the powerful Taoist and Confucian schools, there is also a more powerful Mohist school.

The huge power of the Mohist school does not only refer to the spread of the power, but also the real power.

All Mohist disciples must abide by the ten principles of universal love, non-aggression, frugality, understanding ghosts, heaven's will, respect for the virtuous, respect for the same, frugal burial, non-music, and non-fatalism.

Universal love means loving each other and benefiting each other. It means loving people and the people to achieve mutual love and mutual assistance, rather than mutual resentment and mutual harm.

This is the model of the world of great harmony designed by Mozi based on the era of Yao and Shun. Universal love is also reflected in the fact that big countries do not invade small countries, there is no war between countries, and they coexist peacefully.

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