Non-aggression means opposing all unjust wars. Mozi supports defensive wars. Because he himself has led people to participate in several wars to help others defend the city.

In Mozi's view, unjust wars are extremely shameful.

Of course, wars launched due to different ideas are just.

Or, if there is a rebellion by subordinates, going to suppress the rebellion is also a kind of justice.

But if the war is launched for desire, it is extremely shameful, and all such wars are opposed!

Most defensive wars are launched by the other side, so Mozi often led Mohist disciples to help the defenders defend the city during the Warring States Period.

At that time, they would use a lot of knowledge they learned and use Mohist mechanisms to help everyone defend the city.

Shangxian: Respecting virtuous talents.

As the name suggests, this is to respect virtuous people. Virtuous people should be respected by Mohist disciples.

And they should also learn from those virtuous people.

Shang Tong: Heaven "selects the people who are praised by the world for their virtue, wisdom and eloquence, and establishes them as the Son of Heaven", and establishes them as the Three Dukes, the princes of all countries, and even the generals, officials and heads of villages. Social members from bottom to top are in harmony with the "righteousness" of the Son of Heaven; and "if the superior has faults, he should be admonished".

The wishes of social members are passed up layer by layer, and the emperor and officials at all levels below him act according to the common "righteousness", thus realizing "the rule of the world".

This is actually Mozi's view on the rule of the world.

Frugality: The emperor saves the people's strength.

I hope the emperor will not be too extravagant, such as building so-called palaces everywhere.

This is a practice that wastes people's strength and people's livelihood, but if it is to reclaim wasteland or develop canals, it naturally cannot be counted as one of them.

Tianzhi: A manifestation proposed to realize his social ideal of "mutual love and mutual benefit".

"Heaven" has the will to reward good and punish evil, "Heaven's will" regulates and restricts people's thoughts and behaviors, "Heaven's will" is the source of law, "Heaven's will" is the best law, and the core of "Heaven's will" is "mutual love and mutual benefit". The purpose of Mozi's advocacy of "Heaven's will" is to emphasize the fairness and equality of the law.

In fact, this is the advocacy of the rule of the Three Emperors in ancient times.

The highest rule of advocating the way of heaven and governing.

That is the era of the rule of the Three Emperors in ancient times.

Of course, this era has long passed.

The Mohists never just talk about some ways of governing the country, but actually help generations of people and kings.

They will not only help some weak and bullied countries to defend the city, but also help some people.

The Mohist mechanical art is famous all over the world, and everyone knows it.

There is a Gongshu Ban in Lu State, who is known as the ancestor of craftsmen. Because he is in Lu State, he is respected as Lu Ban.

Lu Ban's mechanical art has reached the pinnacle, but he likes to help the king make some siege equipment.

Lu Ban even claimed that if he had the siege equipment he invented, there would be no city that could not be conquered.

Later, when Mozi found out, he personally competed with Lu Ban in front of a king.

In this competition, Lu Ban competed nine times and lost nine times.

Gongshu Ban, who was known as the ancestor of craftsmen in the world, was defeated nine times in nine battles when facing Mozi.

However, Mozi did not say how superb his skills were, but said that he used love to hook and respect to refuse, and finally educated Lu Ban.

It was after this incident that Lu Ban no longer invented those siege equipment, but turned to invent some civilian products.

Like the Mohists, they all began to invent some daily necessities for ordinary people.

For example, agricultural tools such as hoes are used for people's daily life.

This also shows that the Mohists' thoughts are extremely high, and not just thoughts, they really gave their lives to benefit the people.

This is the son of the Mohists.

Therefore, the power of the Mohists is extremely huge.

Although the mortal world is now unified, some of the ideas of the Mohist school are no longer suitable, but the Mohist school is still active among the general public.

In addition to the Mohist school, there are still many schools.

For example, the Legalist school, the representatives of the Legalist school are Guan Zhong and Shang Yang, and the most famous is not only that, the current Prime Minister of the Qin Dynasty, Li Si, is one of the representatives of the Legalist school.

In this way, we can also see the strength of the current Legalist school.

There are also Yin-Yang School, the representative of the Yin-Yang School is Zou Yan, also known as Zou Zi.

There are also famous schools, agricultural schools, miscellaneous schools, novelists, diplomats, military strategists, medical schools, etc.

The representatives of these masters all became Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

This is one of the benefits of having a powerful school of thought.

Among them, the most powerful are Confucianism, Taoism and Mohism. These three schools are among the most powerful schools among the hundreds of schools of thought.

And the remaining ones are similar to Yin-Yang School, Diplomacy School, Military School, etc., which are actually not small in power.

When powerful people of Hunyuan continue to appear among the various schools of thought, it is destined that these theories will be carried forward one by one and passed down for generations.

Among them, Confucius, Zhuangzi, and Mozi are the leaders of the various schools of thought.

In the Heavenly Palace.

When all the representatives of the various schools of thought came to the Heavenly Palace, Ying Zheng even met them in person.

Ying Zheng not only unified the country in terms of territory, but also in terms of culture.

Although the former unification was also a great achievement, it was not Ying Zheng's greatest achievement.

His greatest achievement was cultural unification.

This cultural unification was to completely integrate the world into one country, rather than the many countries and cultures of the previous feudal system.

The Great Qin Empire unified the writing, currency, etc., which means that all cultures were unified.

Of course, Ying Zheng did not say that he wanted to unify the thoughts.

In Ying Zheng's view, a country can have many thoughts, but it cannot have many cultures.

Culture must be unified, and thoughts can be relaxed.

This thought is the various schools of thought.

Each school has its own attitude towards the world and its own different views.

This is thought.

In short, although the thoughts of these various schools of thought are very different, their goals are the same.

That is, to benefit this country and this society.

In Ying Zheng's view, a country cannot imprison its thoughts. Only with constant collision of thoughts can a more brilliant country be born.

Therefore, Ying Zheng respected these people.

When they entered the Heavenly Palace, Ying Zheng personally came to meet them.

"Everyone, why do you come to the Heavenly Palace?" Ying Zheng looked at these great thinkers in front of him with dignity.

In a sense, Ying Zheng still admired them very much.

At the beginning, although these people were not ordinary people, their cultivation was not high, but they were willing to devote their entire lives to their doctrines and constantly run for their own thoughts.

So, from this aspect, these people are all worthy of respect and admiration.

"Your Majesty, now that Your Majesty is going to ascend the throne as the Emperor of Heaven, we naturally want to promote our doctrines to Your Majesty, and hope that Your Majesty can use them widely..."

Confucius walked out of the queue, bowed to Ying Zheng, and said respectfully.

For him, Ying Zheng is also an emperor worthy of his great respect.

This kind of great man, he looked through history and found that no human in the mortal world could compare with him, only the legendary three emperors of the prehistoric times could compare with him.

This is Ying Zheng, this is the first emperor.

Although his so-called virtue is a bit too much...

But his achievements are greater than the five emperors is a real fact!

Therefore, it is not a big deal to use this word emperor.

Even now, the human emperor Xuanyuan is going to announce his abdication and pass the throne of the human emperor to Ying Zheng.

When Ying Zheng became the human emperor and was crowned the title of the emperor of heaven, from then on, the human emperor will be united with the emperor of heaven.

The human race no longer has a human emperor, but the human race has its own emperor of heaven!

This kind of power is incomprehensible and unimaginable to all other races except the demon race.

Although Di Jun treats everything very fairly, the demon race still has benefits that other races can hardly imagine.

For example, the thirty-six heavens of the heavenly court include countless races of the demon race.

There are many races living in the heavenly court.

Those monsters, one by one, didn't know how happy they were in their hearts.

For them, this was a godsend!

Not only that, there was also the advantage of being an official in the heaven, and most of the officials were selected from the monsters.

Although some official positions were given to other races and forces, where could there be such a number of monsters?

A large number of grassroots officials and core officials belonged to the monsters!

As for other forces, they were either given some titles or some senior positions.

Of course, this benefit now also became the human race.

Because the human race won and the monsters lost.

But the monsters did not suffer any major purges, after all, they were not fighting to the death.

Of course, it was true that they had a fight.

"Your doctrines were the doctrines that were adapted to the mortal world in the past. Today, I am in charge of the entire prehistoric world. Are your doctrines still applicable?"

Ying Zheng said indifferently, with no sadness or joy in his tone, and it was hard to tell what he was thinking.

In fact, he did not object to using these people's theories to govern the world.

But after all, those were theories in the mortal world, not the present prehistoric world.

The prehistoric world was so large that there were countless mortal worlds!

Therefore, what was applicable in the mortal world in the past might not be applicable in the present prehistoric world.

What's more, the human race was the only one in the mortal world, and although the human race was the most powerful in the prehistoric world, the other forces should not be underestimated.

There were countless other races, and those races might not necessarily agree with these so-called theories of various schools of thought.

Therefore, it was actually quite difficult to apply these theories.

As soon as Ying Zheng said this, the eyes of the various philosophers below lit up.

What this meant was that if they could apply it, then their theories could be adopted!

"Your Majesty, our theories are all applicable. If Your Majesty adopts them, they can be modified according to the time and place, and slightly repaired, which will definitely help Your Majesty stabilize the prehistoric world."

Mozi smiled slightly and said to Ying Zheng above.

Their Mohist thought, no matter what the other party is, it is good for the people anyway, I believe those races will not reject this thing.

Therefore, Mozi is extremely confident.

At this time, Confucius, who was tall and muscular, said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, the teachings of our Confucianism will surely appease the world and make the subjects feel at ease. If Your Majesty can adopt it, it will be a blessing for all spirits in the world and also for Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty, our Yin-Yang School respects the five elements of heaven and earth..." Zou Zi strode out and saluted Ying Zheng.

"Your Majesty, my famous scholars can help the Heaven Court to denounce the disloyal..."

"Your Majesty, my strategists can definitely help the Heaven Court to clear the universe..."

"Your Majesty, my military scholars can also help the Heaven Court's army to increase its combat power..."

"Your Majesty, my medical scholars can benefit all the races in the world..."

"Your Majesty, my agricultural scholars can benefit all the people..."

"Your Majesty, my miscellaneous scholars..."

"Your Majesty, my novelists..."

All the scholars came forward and told Ying Zheng the benefits of adopting their own theories.

Only Zhuangzi of Taoism remained silent and watched all this quietly.

For him, let it go.

In any case, it can be done slowly.

If Ying Zheng can adopt his theory, it would be the best.

But if the other party does not adopt it, then it will not be adopted.

Use it if you like.

The Taoist school emphasizes a quiet and inaction.

Lie Zi and Zhuangzi of Taoism did not say a word, which successfully attracted Ying Zheng's attention.

Ying Zheng looked at Zhuangzi and Liezi with curiosity and asked, "All the philosophers have told me the benefits of believing in them and that they can help me govern the world, so why don't you two say anything?"

"If your majesty believes in Taoism, Taoism can naturally help your majesty govern the world. If your majesty does not believe in Taoism, what's the use of our eloquent words?" Zhuangzi smiled slightly, bowed to Ying Zheng and said.

Ying Zheng nodded slightly and smiled, "Your Taoism is quite interesting."

"Thank you for your praise, your majesty." Zhuangzi smiled indifferently and said with interest.

At this time, the other few people admired Zhuangzi a little.

At least, they couldn't say a word when facing Ying Zheng.

At this time, Gongsun Long from the famous family sneered, "Zhuangzi and Liezi are so indifferent, why do you come to the heaven with us today?"

Zhuangzi smiled indifferently and disdained it.

In his opinion, these people from the School of Names were just some guys who liked to play sophistry. They could do nothing but talk.

Talking to these people would only cause troubles for themselves. Ignoring them was the best way to deal with them.

However, Lie Zi retorted: "Although we are indifferent, if Your Majesty is interested in Taoism, we can naturally answer your questions."

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