"Your Majesty is so majestic, how can you not know what Taoism is? Why do you need you to come and answer it?"

"With these words, Liezi is saying that your Majesty doesn't know whether your family is home or not?"

Gongsun Long sneered, his eyes full of ridicule.

Obviously, this guy intended to trap Liezi.

When Ying Zheng heard this, he immediately saw Gongsun Long's intention as real, and immediately felt unhappy in his heart.

He looked down upon people of this kind of character who had no talent and were just talkative. He looked down upon this kind of people the most.

If Gongsun Long can do practical things, then he will consider keeping the other party.

After all, this is real talent and learning, and it can really help him.

But now, these are just famous people.

Although famous people are not all talkative people, they also have their own ideas, but most of these ideas are derived from Confucianism and Taoism.

In other words, as long as Yingzheng adopts these two families, it doesn't make much sense whether Mingjia uses them or not.

In fact, there is far more than just the reason why Ying Zheng looks down on Gongsun Long.

Liezi said expressionlessly: "What Gongsun said is simply ridiculous. Although your Majesty is extremely majestic, my Taoist teachings are naturally more familiar to Taoists."

"There is a certain order of learning, and there is a specialization in the art."

"In terms of ability to govern the country, your Majesty is ten thousand times better than me, but in terms of Taoism, your majesty may not be able to surpass me."

"As a famous scholar, you don't think about studying and teaching. You only know how to hurt others with your words. It is simply a shame to be in the same room with someone like you!"

Liezi pointed at Gongsun Long and cursed him loudly, but did not coddle him for a moment.




Gongsun Long's face turned green when he heard this, and he looked at the guy in front of him in shock.

He didn't expect that after so many years of fighting, he would one day be defeated.

Also, these idiotic Taoist disciples can't even say a single word for a long time on weekdays. How can they talk about their feelings with so many crooked ways?

Good guy, everyone is hiding everything, right? ! !

Thinking of this, Gongsun Long's face became even more ugly.

"Liezzi, as a Taoist disciple, how can you insult our famous masters like this? Are you looking down on our famous masters?!"

At this time, Hui Shi also jumped out and said.

Huishi, also known as Huizi, was the founder of the famous family and a great master of his generation.

In fact, he and Zhuangzi were good friends and could be regarded as close friends.

The two people always discuss the avenues with each other and discuss their own thoughts.

However, after all, the famous family does not belong to him alone. Even if he is the founder, the development of this family cannot be due to him alone.

In the past, when Huizi was the prime minister of Wei, he mostly dealt with Zhang Yi and Zhang Zi, the political strategist.

The two were both enemies and friends. Although Huizi was defeated many times, it was only due to the difference in national power and monarchy between the two sides. It did not mean that Huizi was inferior to Zhang Yi.

Of course, Huizi's achievements were much worse than Zhang Zi's.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, Zhang Zi is also a more powerful person than Kezi.

This is also a rare person among various schools of thought who can directly compare the winner and loser. After all, they have actually fought against each other.

When Liezi saw that it was Huizi who spoke, he became more polite in his words. He bowed and replied: "I have seen Huizi, and I have no intention of doing so. It's just that Gongsun Long made some rude remarks earlier. I'm going to retaliate." That’s all.”


Huizi snorted coldly, then stared straight at Gongsun Long and yelled: "Shame on you! It's really a shame for a famous family to have someone like you!"

After saying that, he no longer looked at Gongsun Long.

He couldn't stand this kind of person who could only talk and talk!

Because in his opinion, Zhang Yi back then was just such a person!

The king of the Six Kingdoms, who talks so much about cheating and talking about water, is furious!

Of course, he, Keiko, couldn't stand it either.

But it just so happens that there is such an additional person among famous people now, Gongsun Long!

Although Gongsun Long's talk is powerful, he is still not as strong as Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi is a person who can convince people, even if it takes a long time to react afterwards.

But Gongsun Long was just sophistry!

If you cheat, even if you win, the other party will not be convinced.

He even refused to admit that he lost.

It's just that I can't find a suitable excuse to refute.

Just like the white horse is not a horse.

How could the white horse not be a horse?

You don’t care whether it’s a white horse or a black horse, isn’t it just a horse?

But he was able to use sophistry to make people think that the white horse was really not a horse.

Of course, he was brought into it. If he didn't say this at all, then nothing would happen! ! !

However, at this time Gongsun Long was completely angry by Liezi.

These words could be said to belittle him as worthless and made him furious!

"Liezzi, don't bully others too much!"

"Since you Taoists are so arrogant, I will fight with you today!"

Gongsun Long shouted angrily, then stretched out his palm to grab Liezi.

However, when Liezi saw this, he easily avoided his attack and at the same time kicked Gongsun Long in the belly.

Gongsun Long was caught off guard and was immediately kicked out. He fell to the ground and held his stomach while screaming.

"Stop! In broad daylight, under the clear sky, we actually fight in front of His Majesty. How unbecoming is this?" Confucius on the side looked at this scene and suddenly became anxious. He stood up and scolded.

He values ​​etiquette the most. There is no doubt that the behavior of Gongsun Long and Liezi just now was a blatant violation of etiquette and offended His Majesty.

"Your Majesty, forgive me, we also made a mistake."

Liezi said quickly.


Ying Zheng nodded, and then said: "I have written this down."

"From now on, we won't be allowed to do anything like this!"

"I obey the decree!"

Everyone responded respectfully.

Only then did Ying Zheng turn around and look at Gongsun Long, who had already gotten up.

Gongsun Long was so embarrassed that he, a great leader of his generation, would be taught a lesson.

Especially since the person who taught him a lesson was still a little-known boy!

How could Gongsun Long endure this?

At the moment, Gongsun Long didn't care about his image and looked at Liezi and Confucius fiercely.

"I have written down Liezi's enmity. Just wait!"

After saying that, he was ready to leave the palace and go back to summon his tribe for revenge.

However, as he walked to the threshold, he suddenly heard a sentence.

"Master Gongsun, wait a minute, you haven't said goodbye to His Majesty yet!" Liezi said slowly, with a rather gentle tone.

When Gongsun Long heard this, he immediately stopped, turned his head, and stared at Liezi with gritted teeth.

He cursed secretly in his mind, how insidious!

I was just about to sneak away, but this guy said these words in public.


Gongsun Long snorted coldly, but he did not dare to neglect it. After all, Liezi was right.

Immediately, Gongsun Long bent slightly towards Ying Zheng, bowed and thanked him: "I am Gongsun Long, Gongsun clan. I would like to thank your majesty for your grace."

"Let's get married for free!"

Ying Zheng waved his hand and signaled Gongsun Long to retreat.

Gongsun Long walked away quickly. Before leaving, he glanced at Liezi and wished he could cut Liezi into pieces with a thousand knives!

At this moment, he had long forgotten his previous thoughts of winning over Liezi.

At this moment, Gongsun Long only had a strong murderous intention in his heart!

Liezi, must die!

He must kill Liezi!

The change in Gongsun Long's expression was immediately noticed by Ying Zheng.

But he didn't stop him, he just watched Gongsun Long leave quietly.

Gongsun Long is a little more tender after all.

"Haha, Liezi, you are getting into trouble by doing this!"

At this time, Yu Chu came over with a smile and teased Lie Zidao.

"I'm just telling the truth!" Liezi smiled lightly and said softly.

"Everyone, since we are all gathered together, we might as well have a chat together!"

He changed the subject and said with his arms raised around him.

"That's what Liezi said!"

Mozi also echoed.

And his proposal was approved by many people. After all, it was the result of everyone's discussion.


"I think so too!"

Everyone said one after another.

Immediately afterwards, they sat down and continued to discuss how to resolve the dispute between Confucianism and Legalism.

"However, I think the Legalist philosophy is not impossible to change." Mozi said suddenly.

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"Oh, what do you mean by Mozi's words?" Confucius asked.

"The Mohist philosophy is also to govern the world with benevolence and righteousness. If we overturn the harsh punishment of the Legalists, can the Mohists use benevolence to govern the world?" Mozi thought for a moment and said.

As soon as he said this, he immediately won the approval of many people.

They all understand what it means to rule the world with benevolence and righteousness, and they know this.

However, this kind of benevolence to rule the world requires sufficient force to support it.

If there is no absolute force to deter, who will be convinced?

And this is exactly what they lack.

"If we follow Mozi's opinion, Confucianism can give it a try!" Confucius said after pondering for a long time.

The Legalists are now the dominant family, and all the other schools of thought have no chance to speak.

Even the Legalists followed Li Si and reached the sky in one step, but these various schools of thought were still not sure that they could be adopted by Ying Zheng.

And now, the Confucianism that Confucius talked about is exactly the same doctrine as Mozi, both of which are aimed at making the people live a better life.

The Legalists adopted harsh criminal laws, rather than putting the people first like them.

Just like Mencius among Confucianists, he once said a famous saying.

The people are the most important, the country is the second most important, and the king is the most important.

Obviously, in Mencius' view, the most important thing is the people. Only if these people live well, that is the most important thing.

The next most important thing is the country and the country. The people are the most important, followed by the country's country.

And the lightest one, of course you are the king.

Although Confucianism is for the sake of the people, it does not mean that it has no pursuit.

For example, Confucius hoped that one day he could build a sage temple to worship Confucius to demonstrate his own value.

Therefore, the goal of Confucianism is to become the first of a hundred schools of thought!

Of course, this is only theoretical.

Because although Confucianism emphasizes benevolence and righteousness, its practical operation is far from achieving such results.

In this era, the development of Confucianism is still at the theoretical stage and has not yet been able to truly develop.

Even though Confucius's doctrines were very successful, it was very difficult to apply them in practice.

Because they thought people were too simple, and true human nature was not that simple.

"Then my Nong family..."

At this time, Xu Xing, the leader of the Nong family, stood up and wanted to speak.

But he was immediately scolded by Mencius: "You, a man with a southern barbarian tongue, are so eloquent! You speak nonsense!"


Xu Xing wanted to refute a few words, but after being scolded by Mencius, his face turned red in an instant.

Not only him, but all the disciples of the Nong family glared at Mencius and wanted to take action.

But Xu Xing stopped him. It was not the time yet. They were not the opponent of the other party. If they acted rashly, they would only suffer losses.

"Hmph, I am just a rough man who does not understand the principles of your Confucianism, but you are right. I am just a rude and rough man. What you said is the same as what I said!"

When Xu Xing's voice fell, the faces of all the Confucian scholars present changed drastically, and they all showed contempt.

At this moment, Qin Shi Huang stood up and said.

"My dear students, I invite you here today to discuss the governance of the world with you!"

His voice resounded throughout the hall.

Everyone looked at him in unison.

Then he glanced around and said slowly: "Are you willing to assist me?"

As soon as his words fell, they caused a burst of noise.

"Your Majesty, Confucius is not talented, but I am willing to help your Majesty solve your problems." Confucius bowed immediately after hearing this.

Seeing this, the other students hurriedly followed suit and bowed and shouted: "We are willing to help your Majesty!"

"Haha! Good!"

Qin Shi Huang laughed with satisfaction, and then pointed at Confucius and said: "My dear Confucius, then you will coordinate the learning of the Hundred Schools!"

"Yes!" Confucius replied respectfully.

Then he looked at everyone and shouted loudly: "You are all willing to serve me, and I welcome you very much!"

His tone was heroic, making everyone feel the courage of Qin Shi Huang!

However, Mozi and others were somewhat displeased when they heard what Qin Shihuang said.

They were all leaders of the Hundred Schools of Thought, so how could they allow Confucius to dominate alone?

Immediately, an old man stood up and said, "Your Majesty, you want to rule the world, but the Hundred Schools of Thought have not yet been unified. If you use them rashly, I'm afraid...!"

He didn't finish his words, but the meaning was very clear.

That is, the Hundred Schools of Thought are not so easy to mediate. If you forcefully intervene, it may arouse conflicts between the Hundred Schools of Thought.

Moreover, what he said was the truth. The Hundred Schools of Thought are not so easy to unify.

If someone secretly makes small moves, it will be extremely detrimental to Qin Shihuang's governance of the world.

"Haha, no problem, although the Hundred Schools of Thought are messy, each one is indispensable.

As long as they can be integrated, they can be of great help to the prehistoric world."

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