
In the human race, the three-year agreement passed in a flash.

"Today, I abdicate."

Human Emperor Xuanyuan looked at the new and old ministers in front of him with melancholy.

Although he did not miss the so-called power.

But this does not mean that he has no memories of the past years.

Among the three human emperors, he was the one with the shortest reign.

But he is also the most memorable human emperor, because his reign successfully made the human race the only great race in the ages!

Since three years ago, the human race has been the most powerful race in the prehistoric world!

It is also the most powerful force, which other forces cannot avoid.

Even a huge force like the Heavenly Court, even a powerful existence like Emperor Jun, all lost to the human race.

The human race is the most powerful existence in the prehistoric world.

It is the most powerful force in this world.

When Emperor Xuanyuan abdicated, everyone knelt down and shouted to Xuanyuan above: "Your Majesty!!!!"

"Your Majesty!!!!"

"Your Majesty!!!"

For a while, the whole world was filled with such voices.

All the human races were remembering this super human emperor.

Xuanyuan, the contemporary human emperor, was also the previous human emperor from this moment on.

Of course, these human races would all remember each other's kindness and worship each other.

Everyone knew that Xuanyuan was the most majestic existence in the world.

At least, he was the most majestic existence among the human race.

All those who cared about the human race, there was no one who did not worship and admire Xuanyuan!

Everyone knew how majestic Xuanyuan was! ! !

Not only that, there were countless creatures of other races who also worshipped Xuanyuan!

The reason was simple, it was just because Xuanyuan was powerful and had great personal charm.

At this moment, the sword of the human emperor of the human race has become the Xuanyuan sword belonging to Xuanyuan!

Xuanyuan sword is the representative of the human emperor and also the representative of Xuanyuan.

Among the three emperors of the human race, Xuanyuan's sword is the most powerful.

Only Xuanyuan has reached the pinnacle of swordsmanship and has become the only sword genius in the ages!

And Xuanyuan, with such a terrifying ability, also represents his strength! ! !

Not only that, there is also infinite terrifying charm.

This charm deeply attracts the sword spirit of Xuanyuan sword.

Let Xuanyuan sword want to get close to Xuanyuan.

Because as long as it can stay with Xuanyuan, it seems to have found a favorite feeling.

That is a kind of domineering, murderous aura.

Xuanyuan is arrogant and arrogant, and many people of other races are extremely hostile to him.

There are also countless people who are all eyeing Xuanyuan.

However, all these don't matter. After all, for Xuanyuan, these are just some jokes.

He can naturally wipe out everything with one sword.

Moreover, there are countless creatures waiting for the opportunity to kill him.

Xuanyuan has made countless enemies and killed countless enemies in his life.

And every time he attacks, he kills at least the existence of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian level!

Those existences are all the existences standing on the top of the world.

In other words, the strength of these people is seen by the whole world.

No one can resist the strength of Xuanyuan, and no one is not afraid of Xuanyuan.

For the human race, Xuanyuan is the most majestic existence in the world, and the strong man who leads the human race to the peak.

It is an existence admired by countless human races!

The end of everything is also the most majestic human emperor!

The human race of this era has long forgotten the glory of Suiren.

Although, they also know that Suiren has made great contributions to the human race.

He is the most majestic existence in the entire human history, and the most admired existence.

When Xuanyuan abdicated, he handed the Xuanyuan Sword to Ying Zheng.

Who knew that the Xuanyuan Sword would never go to Ying Zheng, and it hovered madly above Xuanyuan's head, unwilling to leave.

When the people below saw this scene, their pupils shrank.

It is said that the Human Emperor Sword is the transformation of the human race's destiny, and all the Human Emperors must be recognized by this sword.

But now, this sword does not recognize Ying Zheng!

Does this mean that Ying Zheng is not recognized by the human race's destiny?

Cannot become the Human Emperor?

At this moment, the people below could not help but communicate with their souls and whisper.

Although no sound came out, the fluctuations of the souls around could not be concealed.

When Ying Zheng saw this scene, his face changed slightly, but it was not too livid.

He looked at this scene and said calmly: "I don't need this sword. What's important is never the sword, but the person who uses it."

"Even if I only use the simplest Tianwen Sword, this sword will still become the best sword in the world, because it is my sword!"

Wow! ! !

Suddenly, everyone's eyes widened, looking at Ying Zheng in the sky in shock.

Ying Zheng is so confident!

This strong self-confidence and physique made them all crazy!

No one can refuse such a powerful Ying Zheng!

Buzz buzz buzz!!!

Upon hearing this, the Tianwen Sword trembled continuously and vibrated wildly in the scabbard.

A man will die for his friend.

How could a sword of their level not have a sword spirit?


Suddenly, an extremely powerful force rose into the sky.

Everyone looked at the source of the force in horror.

It was released by a golden sword!!!

That was...

Xuanyuan Sword!!!

The Xuanyuan Sword exuded a strong force, washing the Tianwen Sword on Ying Zheng's body wildly!


Ying Zheng snorted coldly when he saw this, his eyes full of shock.


In an instant, the two forces offset each other, and the power of the Xuanyuan Sword was gone.

At this time, Xuanyuan also stretched out his hand, waved at the Xuanyuan Sword, and calmed it down.

Then, Xuanyuan's figure disappeared and left here.

At this time, everyone present looked at each other, looking at each other, somewhat at a loss.

At this time, they didn't know whether to kneel down and worship the new emperor, or what.

After all, Ying Zheng did not get the approval of the Human Emperor Sword...

And the Human Emperor Sword was formed by the destiny of the human race...

But now, the problem is like this, so they have no way to solve it.

But no matter what, there are not many ways.

"Greetings to His Majesty!!!"

Suddenly, a minister appeared and shouted at Ying Zheng.

"Greetings to His Majesty!!!"

"Knock on Your Majesty!!!"

A group of people knelt down and shouted crazily at Ying Zheng.

These people kept knelt down at Ying Zheng.

Gradually, all the ministers followed and knelt down at Ying Zheng.

After all, it was a general trend for Ying Zheng to become the Human Emperor, which was far from being controlled by the Human Emperor Sword.

Especially when the Human Emperor Sword became the Xuanyuan Sword, it was even more so.

"Long live your majesty!!!"

"Long live the human race!!!"


When Ying Zheng became the emperor of mankind, he shouted to his ministers: "You have made contributions to the human race. You should go to the heaven in ten thousand years to witness the ceremony of the emperor's enthronement!"

After that, he left here without waiting for these people to react and flashed towards the heaven.

"Your majesty, we bid farewell!!!"

The people said happily.

Since they can be given a chance to go to the heaven to witness the ceremony, it means that they will be given some official positions.

Otherwise, they will not be invited specially.

The reason why the enthronement ceremony will start ten thousand years later is mainly because the enthronement of the emperor is not as simple as the enthronement of the emperor of mankind.

The enthronement of the emperor of mankind is just a matter within the human race. People from other forces can come or not.

But now, the enthronement of the emperor of heaven is related to the prehistoric world, and all forces are qualified to come.

Moreover, it is not just about being qualified, but there must be a representative to come and give gifts.

The gifts do not have to be too good, but people must come to congratulate.

This is the Emperor of Heaven!

This is the difference between the two! ! !

You must know that the Emperor of Heaven is the ruler of this world! ! !


Ying Zheng sat on the high platform, overlooking the entire prehistoric world.

There was a hint of smile in his eyes.

He felt that this prehistoric world seemed to have changed a lot compared to before.

Thinking of this, he stood up and slowly walked towards the hall below.

"Greetings, Your Majesty!"

At this time, as soon as he entered the hall, countless compliments were heard.

After hearing these voices, Ying Zheng nodded slightly.

He was very satisfied with the attitude of the crowd, and then continued to walk deeper into the hall.

A moment later, he came to the throne of the Emperor of Heaven.

"Stand up, and give a banquet!"

Ying Zheng shouted lightly.

The next moment, the whole palace became lively.

Table after table of delicious food were placed on the table.

Each one was a top-grade spiritual fruit, exuding an alluring fragrance.

After eating and drinking, Ying Zheng sat on the throne, closed his eyes, and said:

"My dear people, I plan to create the Heavenly Court. Do you have any opinions?"

Ying Zheng said slowly, his voice was extremely low.

"Your Majesty, I think that our human race is in need of people now, and we should take the opportunity to gather more talents!!!"

An old man said slowly.

"Your Majesty, I agree!!!"

Another military officer said slowly.

"Your Majesty, I also think that the human race now urgently needs to expand."

"Yes, Your Majesty, if our human race can grow stronger, even other forces will not dare to easily become enemies with our human race."

"Your Majesty, think twice..."

For a while, the whole hall was full of discussions, some supported Ying Zheng, and some opposed him.

However, Ying Zheng just watched their proposals quietly.

After a long time, he said:

"Okay, I understand your feelings.

I will not force you.

However, the establishment of the Heavenly Court will definitely attract the attention of other forces, and they will definitely come to make trouble.

So, I hope you can be prepared, so as not to be caught off guard!!!"

After Ying Zheng's words fell, the whole hall fell into silence.

Obviously, everyone understood what Ying Zheng meant.

Then, a minister said cautiously:

"Your Majesty, our human race is the supreme ruler of the prehistoric world. With just the demon race, do you really dare to provoke our human race?"

"Hehe, although the demon race is not afraid of our human race, what about the other races?

There are also forces such as the demon race and the witch race.

What's more, some forces among the dragon race and the human race are also dissatisfied with us.

When they come together, who can stop them?"

Ying Zheng said lightly.

After hearing his voice, everyone below couldn't help but change their faces.

Indeed, they don't have the capital to compete with these forces now.

If they act rashly, they will definitely not get any benefits.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Finally, some ministers spoke up and agreed with Ying Zheng's point of view.

After all, their power is not strong yet.

Can't act rashly.

At this time, a sound of footsteps came, but a team of soldiers ran in quickly.

Their expressions were extremely panic.

"Your Majesty, something happened!"

Among them, a captain-like existence spoke respectfully to Ying Zheng.

"What happened that made you so panicked!"

He looked at the soldiers below and said.

"Your Majesty, please look at the sky, the blood clouds are everywhere, I am afraid that some alien race is going to invade our human race."

The captain said, with a trace of anxiety in his eyes.

"Well, I know, retreat!"

After hearing his voice, Ying Zheng said lightly.

However, there was a trace of coldness in his eyes.

Then, he turned his gaze to the void, and at this time he also understood in his heart that his plan to reach the top of the prehistoric world safely was shattered.

And outside the hall at this time.


Thunder roared, dark clouds gathered.

The whole world became extremely dark in an instant.

It was terrifying.


Then, there was a huge roar of beasts.

The sound was deafening, causing the faces of the soldiers around to change drastically.

I don't know what happened.


However, soon a cold killing intent came from the black cloud.

In an instant, a sharp blade flew out from the black cloud and slashed towards the hall, and a black light bloomed.

Everyone's pupils shrank. They didn't expect that the demons would attack the human heaven.

And at this critical moment, a golden streak, like a long rainbow piercing the sun, came up.

During the collision, there was a violent roar.

Then, the two forces disappeared between heaven and earth.


Then, there was another dragon roar.

I saw a giant python leaping into the sky.

The huge snake body hovered above the sky.

The fierce eyes emitted a terrifying light.

Everyone was terrified.


Two sharp fangs stretched out and directly bit off a soldier's head.


Then, the huge head slammed heavily on the ground, stirring up smoke and dust.

"Evil beast, you are looking for death!!!"

At this time, a general of the human race shouted angrily.

He held a weapon in his hand and rushed towards the ferocious giant python.


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