Ying Zheng looked at this scene with a gloomy face.

He knew that many people would be dissatisfied with his enthronement.

He also knew that some people might have different ideas and rush to hinder him.

However, he did not expect that the other party would dare to criticize the Heavenly Court in broad daylight.

Moreover, the fact that the other party could get here now means that there must be someone in the Heavenly Court who has colluded with the other party.

But if it were not for these, the big snake in front of him would not even be qualified to enter the Heavenly Court.

But now, the other party has come in.

Although it is impossible for this snake to pose any threat to the Heavenly Court, you must know that this is an extreme provocation to the Heavenly Court!

As the emperor who is about to ascend the throne, Ying Zheng is still very taboo about this kind of thing.

These damn things are really a serious provocation to him.

Facing all this, Ying Zheng just drew his sword and swung it gently.

Boom! ! !

A sword light rushed up and instantly cut the big snake.

Boom boom!!!

A loud explosion sounded.

Suddenly, the big snake fell here.

After the big snake fell, nothing happened in the heaven. At this time, everyone looked unhappy.

No one knew how the big snake got here, and no one knew who colluded with outsiders to let the big snake in.

And, how many people in this heaven are dissatisfied with Ying Zheng.

It is conceivable that some people in this place have certain problems.


I don’t know how many people have problems.

But it is conceivable that 99% of the people who came from the Qin Empire in the mortal world have no problems.

Because for them, if Ying Zheng ascended to the throne of the emperor, it would be a great benefit to them.

After they have benefits, there are more benefits.

For example, they can get an official position in the heaven.

This official position may not seem very high, but the luck that can be distributed is much more than that of officials in other places.

Many times, the fights are all about luck.

Because if the luck is strong, it can help speed up the speed of cultivation.

If the speed of cultivation is faster, it is a very good thing.

All living beings cannot refuse luck.

Not only does it speed up the speed of cultivation, but there are also other benefits.

After all, if you live in the prehistoric world, this luck is one aspect of fate.

In other words, these lucks are countless benefits.

Things about fate are not just the kind that can be controlled.

There are countless other aspects.

In other words, as long as the luck is higher, everything will go well, and if the luck is very low, everything will go wrong.

Therefore, in the prehistoric world, no one can refuse the luck.

Of course, it does not mean that you can do anything for luck.

Fighting should be upright, only in this way can you avoid gossip.

This is especially true for the war between the human race and the heavenly court.

If you want to overthrow a heavenly court with a very good reputation, you need to defeat the other party in an upright manner.

Otherwise, there will be countless rumors in the prehistoric world.

Perhaps those rumors are just some slanderous words to the human race, but you have to know that the most difficult thing to stop in the world is the mouths of all living beings.

The human race and heavenly court may be able to use force to suppress the entire prehistoric world, but they cannot suppress the mouths of all living beings in the world!

This is the horror of public opinion, and it is also the thing that leaders of all generations fear the most.

Of course, a great existence like Ying Zheng will definitely not be swayed by these things.

After all, for him, these are just false things.

Only things that are actually in his hands are real.

"Today's matter, thoroughly investigate!"

Ying Zheng said calmly, with no sadness or joy in his words, and his face was extremely calm.

It's not that he doesn't care about this kind of thing, but he thinks that this matter can be handed over to the people below to deal with it.

After all, for these people, no matter what it is, they can solve the problem at will.

However, after a certain amount of time, such a thing can be solved in the end.

Time flies by, and ten thousand years may be a very long time for ordinary creatures.

But for these extremely powerful creatures, it is just a blink of an eye.

The reason for the ten thousand years is to allow all races and spirits to send representatives to congratulate the Emperor of Heaven on his ascension to the throne!

And now, the ten thousand years have passed.

When these times have passed, those times will not matter.


In the Heavenly Court, there was a great brilliance.

Among the witches, there was the ancestor witch to congratulate.

Among the dragons, there was also the ancestor dragon and the two dragon kings who came in person.

This time, the ancestor dragon came to see what benefits Ying Zheng would give to the dragons.

If Ying Zheng did not give the dragons enough benefits, he would not agree to this matter.

You know, the reason why the human race was able to defeat the Heavenly Court was that the dragon race was crucial.

Without the help of the dragon race, the human race would not have been able to reach the top.

Not only the dragon race and the witch race, but also other creatures of all races have come here.

Apart from other things, there are all creatures of all races.

Even if they come here, all things will be handled by the Heavenly Court.

Not only that, there are countless creatures who will come here.

The demon race has come here.

The demon race was the master of the Heavenly Court before, but now, the demon race has been driven down by the human race.

However, the demon race has come here now.

After all, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit, this is the law.

The leader of the demon race is Nuwa.

Nuwa is the most powerful and the most respected among the surviving demons.

At the beginning, Nuwa was the demon king.

However, her current situation is not very good.

There are many people in the demon race who are dissatisfied with her, because Nuwa did not take action when facing the human race.

Even if she took action, it would not change the situation of the war, but whether she took action or not was a matter of position.

Many people think that Nuwa is concerned about the human race and has no demon race in her heart.

After all, the human race was created by Nuwa, so when the demon race was defeated, those demons who did not participate in the battle took out all their anger on Nuwa.

Of course, Nuwa still has many supporters.

Because those demons know that Nuwa alone cannot change the situation of the war.

Moreover, although Nuwa did not help the demon race, she did not help the human race either!

This also shows that Nuwa actually supports the demon race in her heart, otherwise the current scene would not appear.

Therefore, there are still many people in the demon race who will support Nuwa.

Nuwa's character is originally gentle.

Although there are supporters, when facing the attacks of so many people, she still seems helpless and weak.

After all, these people are unreasonable. No matter how you argue, they just want to attack Nuwa.

However, even so, Nuwa persisted to the end. She is now the only emperor of the demon clan and the last pillar.

Now, Ying Zheng is about to ascend the throne, and Nuwa is here to congratulate on behalf of the demon clan.

Therefore, Nuwa must come, and she must not be rude.

Otherwise, it will really be a cause of gossip, and then not only the demon clan will be implicated.

Even other clans will be affected.

When Nuwa walked into the Lingxiao Palace, the entire Lingxiao Palace was full of people.

These people are all races and spirits, each of them is extremely powerful and has practiced for more than tens of millions of years, or hundreds of millions of years.

Some people have even practiced for hundreds of billions of years.

Therefore, their strength is strong, and every move has great majesty.

Even outside the Lingxiao Palace, Nuwa can feel a strong force, but this is naturally not powerful for Nuwa.

After all, Nuwa's own strength is extremely powerful.

"Nuwa, meet your majesty!"

When she stepped into the Lingxiao Palace, she glanced around and spoke.

"Well, get up, Queen Nuwa is polite, please sit down."

After hearing Nuwa's voice, Ying Zheng, who was sitting on the dragon throne, spoke slowly.

A gleam of brilliance flashed in the depths of his eyes.

As the Emperor of Heaven, he now has to accept Nuwa's worship.

Even if he is also a human at this moment, he is also the Xiantian Emperor, and then the human race.

If he is the Human Emperor, he should worship the Holy Mother of the Human Race, but he is now the Emperor of Heaven.

The Human Emperor is still second.

As the Emperor of Heaven, he should not worship others.

Because the Emperor of Heaven is the most noble existence in the world, who dares to ask him to kneel!

And just after Ying Zheng's voice fell.

The many monsters below bowed at the same time: "Meet your majesty!"

They spoke together.

There was a fiery look in their eyes.

The imagined majesty of the Emperor of Heaven did not appear.

This made them extremely confused.

"Stand up, no need to be polite, please take a seat." Ying Zheng said lightly without a trace of joy in his words.

At this time, all other races and spirits also bowed to him again.


On the other side.

The Wu Clan, in Pangu Hall.

Zhu Jiuyin is the second brother. After the eldest brother Dijiang went to congratulate the birth of the new Emperor of Heaven, he naturally became the leader of these ancestor witches.

"Second brother, how do you think this new Emperor of Heaven will treat the Wu Clan..."

Suddenly, Xuanming on the side asked with a frown.

She didn't understand anyway, how would this new Emperor of Heaven treat the Wu Clan.

After all, the Wu Clan is still very powerful.

Moreover, the most serious thing is that the Wu Clan had previously stopped the human race.

The two races are equivalent to hostility. Now that the other side has won, what should they do?

But even so, they can't do anything, they can only expect the human race to be tolerant of the Wu Clan.

After all, the Wu Clan is truly unable to resist the human race, which is now at its peak!

The human race is so powerful that it is no longer something that one clan can contend with.

Moreover, now that they are still blessed by the Heavenly Court, this is even more true.

"I don't know." Zhu Jiuyin shook his head with a complicated expression, indicating that he didn't know.

Then, he sighed and said, "I hope I can treat the Wu clan better..."

The Wu clan is now the defeated party. It can be said that if the Emperor of Heaven had not ascended the throne, they would not even appear in the prehistoric world.

From then on, the prehistoric world will be all the world of the human race.

They can only rely on the underworld and survive in the underworld.

This is the result that the Wu clan does not want to see, but they dare not disobey.

After all, the human race is now ridiculously powerful.

"Hope, let's wait and see!"

After hearing Zhu Jiuyin's words, several other ancestor witches also echoed.

Although they were unwilling, they were powerless.

The current power of the human race is simply not something they can match.

Therefore, after a brief discussion, they fell silent.

"Second brother, should we also express congratulations to the Emperor of Heaven?"

At this time, Xuanming spoke with a hint of worry in his eyes. After all, the rise of the human race is not a good thing for them.

"Hey, the human race is strong now. Unless all of our ancestors unite, we have a chance to stop the other side!"

Zhu Jiuyin sighed and said, he didn't know what to do now.

Just after the three ancestors talked, the whole heaven was boiling.

A burst of shouts spread throughout the heaven.

"Congratulations to your majesty for successfully ascending the throne!"

"Congratulations to your majesty!"


Endless shouts resounded through the void, shaking the whole heaven.

When Ying Zheng, who was sitting on the dragon throne, heard the sound, a smile appeared on his face.

But it was fleeting.

He spoke to the ministers in the hall.

"My dear ministers, enjoy it to your heart's content!"

His voice sounded, and it seemed extremely heroic.

And below, countless civil and military officials were all excited. After all, such celebrations are not common, and they would not participate in them on weekdays.

However, this is also an honor, because this is the first time for most of them to participate in the banquet of the Emperor of Heaven.

The people present can be said to be famous in the prehistoric world.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

In an instant, a burst of cheers rang out.

Then, the banquet officially began.

The wine was placed on the jade table, and the nectar exuded a rich fragrance, which made people salivate.

"Haha, my dear ministers, today I will drink this cup with you.

In the future, the prehistoric world will be prosperous and peaceful!"

Halfway through the banquet, Ying Zheng picked up the wine in his hand and laughed.

At this time, his heart was extremely happy. He finally became the Emperor of Heaven. How happy and happy it was!

This is what he ultimately wanted!

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