Ying Zheng is very happy, at least today he is very happy.

After all, it doesn't matter to him what the guys in front of him are like.

However, the power he has obtained is truly in his hands.

Moreover, it is not just this so-called power.

As long as you can obtain this power, you will be the true Emperor of Heaven.

Of course, with so many loyal fans here, no matter what he does, he will eventually obtain this power.

What's more, he is now the Human Emperor.

With the power of the human race, as long as they can stabilize those within the human race and make them convinced of themselves, they will definitely be able to secure the position of Emperor of Heaven.

As for Ying Zheng, he is an existence with the path of the emperor.

That is, a majestic existence that is as good as the national destiny!

The stronger the national destiny, the stronger his strength will be!

If the country is strong enough, it can surpass everything and become an extremely majestic existence!

But now, he is the Emperor of Heaven, which means that all the creatures in the ancient world belong to his subjects.

The entire prehistoric period was under the rule of Ying Zheng, which meant that the fate of the country was no longer limited to the Qin Empire.

And when Ying Zheng becomes the Human Emperor, it means that the fate of the entire human race has also been blessed by him!

Now, the entire prehistoric era is considered his subject!

In other words, the entire prehistoric period belongs to Ying Zheng!

The emperor's road, the national destiny is unparalleled!

The endless national fortunes are all concentrated on Ying Zheng, and his unknown strength is skyrocketing crazily.

You know, the growth rate of Emperor's Avenue is extremely terrifying.

The reason why Ying Zheng became the most powerful emperor was also because he received this increase.

Buzz! ! !

Endless great power gathered from all directions, and bursts of powerful power shot out from Ying Zheng's body!

Previously, his strength had reached a critical value.

After all, he could defeat Di Jun, even if it wasn't a one-on-one fight.

But just when he became the Human Emperor, that terrifying increase had already brought his strength to its peak!

If he were allowed to fight the Emperor of Heaven after becoming the Human Emperor, he would definitely be able to defeat the opponent.

And now, Ying Zheng has become the Emperor of Heaven!

That kind of terrifying increase suddenly broke through the shackles!

Let his realm suddenly break through from Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal to Hunyuan Wuji Golden Immortal! ! !

Buzz! ! !

This terrifying state crazily washed over everyone present!


"Your Majesty!!! This!!?!"

"His Majesty made a breakthrough?!!"


"Your Majesty, what is going on?!"

"Your Majesty's holy life is boundless and his power spreads all over the world!!!"

"Your Majesty is truly a god!!!"

Suddenly, the people present continued to praise Ying Zheng crazily.

Because Ying Zheng is so powerful that he actually broke through during this banquet!

This is the first person in the world to break through to the Hunyuan Wuji Golden Immortal!

As for Pangu, he was not a person from the ancient times.

Those are the people in chaos.

And Ying Zheng is the real first person in the world.

But now, he is just like the emperor Jun before!

That is the real Emperor of Heaven!

From now on, no one can shake his position!

This era is the era of the human race, and it is also the era of Ying Zheng! ! !

"Your Majesty, you have just made a breakthrough and need to consolidate it!!"

Looking at the dazed Ying Zheng in front of him, an old man said respectfully.

"Well, what you said makes sense, please continue, I need to take a rest!!"

After hearing the old man's voice, Ying Zheng nodded in response.

At the same time, he restrained his breath.

Immediately, Ying Zheng left here,

I went to find a place to practice.

He wants to improve his level quickly.

Although, he is now considered a top expert in the prehistoric era.

But Ying Zheng's ambitions were even greater.

Since we want to dominate the ancient times, we must be eternal and immortal!

And this is what Ying Zheng wants to achieve.

However, it is not easy to fulfill such a wish.

In particular, there were so many strong men in the ancient world that Ying Zheng alone could not resist them.

Therefore, Ying Zheng now needs to become stronger and more tyrannical! ! !

Not long after Ying Zheng left here.

A piece of news spread throughout the whole world.

The new Emperor, Ying Zheng, made a breakthrough!

Became the new Emperor of Heaven! ! !

This incident shocked the world.

You must know what kind of strength Ying Zheng was before, all living beings know it.

In the eyes of all living beings, although Ying Zheng is very strong, it is still impossible to break through to the Hunyuan Wuji Golden Immortal!

At least, it won’t break through within ten thousand years!

But who would have thought.

In less than ten thousand years, Ying Zheng had reached the level of Hunyuan Wuji Golden Immortal!

It is not even the ordinary Hunyuan Wuji Golden Immortal, but the Hunyuan Wuji Golden Immortal of the Emperor's Avenue.

How could this not shock them?

"Haha, you are indeed Ying Zheng. In less than ten thousand years, you have successfully become the Hunyuan Wuji Golden Immortal of the Emperor's Path!"

In a hidden place, Hongjun looked at the void and smiled lightly.

His face was calm, he didn't care about Ying Zheng's breakthrough at all!

However, he didn't know whether Ying Zheng could go through this journey!

Because it is full of unknowns and dangers.

On the other side, in the dense forest of a mountain range in the wilderness.

A man is sitting cross-legged on the ground.

At this time, his whole body was wrapped in rich spiritual energy.

And he is clearly Di Jiang, the number one ancestral witch in the ancient world.

However, at the next moment, a terrifying killing intent swept towards him!

It made him open his eyes, his eyes flickering, revealing wisps of cold light!

Immediately afterwards, prepare to stand up and meet the enemy!

But it was too late, that terrifying energy was already close at hand.


A terrifying figure suddenly appeared and headed towards Dijiang to attack.

"Huh, get out of here!"

After feeling this momentum, Di Jiang's eyes showed a solemn color and he shouted in a low voice.

Then, he punched directly.

In an instant, the two were fighting together.


The collision between the two is like Mars hitting the Earth.


There was a loud noise, and the entire void shattered.

Then, a strong wind dispersed.

Two figures appeared, and they were clearly Di Jiang and the attacker!

The two of them won't win or lose in this collision!


The next moment, Dijiang roared and the Space Avenue unfolded.

The entire void turned into a dark world.

And he seemed to be the master who controlled the world.

Go towards the attacker and suppress him!


However, the cultivation level of the attacker was also extraordinary, and he was able to withstand Di Jiang's suppression.

"Who are you to have such great power?"

Di Jiang looked at the person in front of him and asked with some doubts.

In the wild world, how many people can fight against him!

But now, the guy in front of him can actually compete with him.

the other side.

Xuanyuan has abdicated and is no longer the Human Emperor.

However, Ying Zheng also made him the Emperor of Thailand.

From then on, the Suiren clan was the Emperor of Heaven, Shennong was the Emperor of Earth, and Xuanyuan was the Emperor of Tai.


Suddenly, Suiren's voice came from above.

There was a hint of sparkle in his eyes.


Xuanyuan quickly spoke.

As the Emperor of Tai, he is a being who can call the wind and rain in the entire prehistoric period.

But in front of the Emperor Suiren, he was still extremely respectful.

After all, the opponent's strength is there.

Of course, it's not a matter of strength, the most important thing is prestige.

In terms of strength, Xuanyuan has already surpassed the Suiren clan.

Whether it's cultivation, commanding an army, or running a country and ensuring peace, etc.

However, he always respected this senior very much.

"Xuanyuan, I have a piece of advice, I wonder if you can listen to it!"

Suirenshi said.

"Emperor, please speak!"

After hearing the other party's voice, Xuanyuan said respectfully.

"Although Ying Zheng is powerful, it is inevitable that he will not encounter a conspiracy. Moreover, I always feel that someone in this primitive world is targeting Ying Zheng. If you are willing to help, you must be careful!"

Suiren said solemnly.

"Emperor, are you saying that someone is targeting the Emperor of Heaven?" Xuanyuan frowned and said in a deep voice.


Suirenshi nodded slowly.

Although his strength is not as good as Xuanyuan.

However, in terms of divination and deduction, it is indeed much better than the latter.

"Thank you, Emperor, for your advice!"

After hearing the other party's voice, Xuanyuan bowed and prostrated.

Deep in his eyes, there was a determined light.

Then, he turned around and left the place!

He knew in his heart that Emperor Suiren's words were not alarmist, but a reminder to him.

Therefore, naturally I dare not neglect it.

"I hope Ying Zheng can get through this!"

Watching Xuanyuan leave, Suiren murmured to himself.

Then, he returned to his palace.


Not long after he entered the palace.

That's when a tearing sound was heard.

Then, a piece of cloth fell to the ground.

There is a line of words written on it: "Nine days unite, all dharma returns to the clan!"

Suiren's pupils shrank after seeing these words.

He didn't expect that someone could actually find the ancient continent.

Moreover, he also wants to take advantage of the sentient beings in the ancient world.

This made him feel a chill.

This kind of person, I am afraid that even the powerful Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is not his opponent!

And just when he was deep in thought.


In the Mortal Realm, within the territory of Da Qin, in a magnificent city, nine rounds of scorching sun rose into the sky.

The blazing light is extremely dazzling.

The whole world turned into red.

At the same time, strange phenomena also appeared in other places outside Great Qin.

There are clouds covering the sky and a sea of ​​blood boiling.

There are even dragons and phoenixes singing together.

This made everyone in the whole prehistoric era feel horrified and inexplicable.

However, all this did not attract the slightest attention from the senior officials of Da Qin.

They are busy with their respective jobs every day.

In the Heavenly Court, in the Lingxiao Palace, Ying Zheng was sitting on the king's chair.

Then, he looked around and spoke slowly.

"I have decided to hold the Fengshan ceremony in March.

You all go down and prepare!"

After the words fell, all the generals below retreated respectfully.

Then, Ying Zheng continued to close his eyes.


On the other side.

In the mortal world, Daqin.

At this time, Liu Bang was just a Sishui Pavilion Chief. Although he had some power, he was far behind the Qin officials.

He was inspecting the Sishui River.

A year ago, Daqin sent officials to garrison here.

Every year, taxes need to be paid.

Now, it is less than half a year away from the deadline for paying taxes.

Liu Bang was naturally unwilling to give up.

However, when he walked to the bank of the Sishui River and looked at the calm water flow.

Disappointment appeared on his face.

This year's taxes may be delayed again.

Just as he was about to leave, a noise attracted his attention.

Following the sound, he found that several teams of soldiers were escorting hundreds of prisoners to the shore.

These people were disheveled and their clothes were tattered.

There was panic in their eyes.

"Look, there are women among those people, they are so beautiful, I wonder who was caught!"

A voice sounded, making people jealous.

After hearing the voice, Liu Bang couldn't help but look.

Sure enough, he saw that in the center of the prisoners.

There was a young woman with a beautiful face and crystal skin.

However, she was extremely haggard.

Her body was shaky, as if she could fall to the ground at any time.

After seeing such a scene, Liu Bang couldn't help but frowned, not knowing what to do.

And at this moment.

The jailer on the side sneered and said.

"Why, you feel sorry for them, do you want to save them, do you have such ability!"

After hearing the voice, Liu Bang didn't speak.

Because he knew that he couldn't afford to offend these jailers at all.

But he was unwilling.

Just let these prisoners suffer.


At this moment, under the feet of the prisoners.

A huge altar emerged.

It emitted a brilliant golden light, protecting them.

At the same time.

The jailers took action.

They picked up the whip and whipped them fiercely.

"Bang bang!"

A burst of dense noises came out.

The prisoners screamed miserably, and some were even killed directly.

"Humph, a bunch of lowly people, they will die, who will feel sad? Following these prisoners is a dead end!"

A jailer said.

"No, they are all innocent!"

Liu Bang shouted.


But just after his voice fell.

The prisoners were beaten alive on the spot.

The blood mist splashed, and the scene was horrifying.

This scene made Liu Bang completely angry.

He flashed and flew away.

He wanted to stop the jailers and not continue the killing.

And the jailers would never give him a chance.

"Looking for death!"

Liu Bang's figure had just flown out.

Then a loud shout was heard.

Then, an iron spear pierced through the void.

Like a poisonous snake, it went straight to Liu Bang's throat.

The speed was extremely fast.

It was too late for Liu Bang to dodge.


He could only raise his sword to block.


A violent collision sound was heard.

Liu Bang's body was smashed and flew out.

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