But blood came out of his mouth.

He was obviously injured.

However, his fighting spirit became stronger.

"Haha, like an ant!"

The black-armored soldier roared arrogantly.

Then, the spear in his hand slashed with a cold breath.

He stabbed at Liu Bang again.

At this moment, Liu Bang knew in his heart.

He could not be the opponent.

However, he was not afraid.

Instead, it aroused the blood in his heart.

He held the weapon tightly in his hand and went forward.


The two weapons collided in an instant.

Sparks burst.

Liu Bang's arm was numb.

However, at this moment, he still did not stop attacking.

His figure jumped up in an instant.


A knife was chopped out.

The blazing sharp aura was like a thread.

The black-armored soldier felt bad and wanted to retreat.

However, his strength was too different from Liu Bang.


Finally, Liu Bang cut him on the shoulder.

Instantly, blood splattered.


The soldiers who were watching this couldn't help but take a breath.

Liu Bang's ferocity exceeded their expectations.

He dared to fight with the brave generals in the army.

At this time, they showed admiration in their eyes.

And the black-armored soldier was furious.

Who is he? The commander of the Shenzhou Imperial Army.

On weekdays, who dares to disobey his orders.

These guys in front of him are simply guilty of death.

Thinking of this, he ignored the injuries on his body.

He stepped across the void and killed Liu Bang.

The vast magic power spread.

Wherever he passed, the soldiers retreated one after another.

At this time, Liu Bang also felt a sense of oppression.

The other party's cultivation was extremely powerful.

It was even stronger than himself.

But at this time, he had no way to escape.

Only hard resistance.


However, before Liu Bang could react.

A deafening dragon roar sounded.

Then, the body of the black-armored soldier was thrown to the ground.

There was fear in his eyes.

He knew in his heart that if it weren't for the sudden appearance of the dragon roar.

He would have died long ago.

At this time, not only Liu Bang was surprised.

Even the soldiers couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, this black-armored soldier can be called the elite of the Shenzhou Imperial Army. His strength is too strong.

If he dies, it will be a damage to the prestige of the entire Imperial Army.

And just when everyone was relieved.

A sound of horse hooves came from a distance.

Then, a cavalry was seen whistling.

These cavalrymen were extremely fast and appeared in everyone's eyes in an instant.

It was a black-armored heavy cavalry.

They were all wearing armor.

A vast aura rippled around.

Moreover, the warhorse he sat on even crushed the void.


After the leading general rushed into the field.

His limbs stepped on the ground, causing the heaven and earth to tremble.

Then, he flew out.

In the stunned eyes of everyone, a punch hit the chest of the black-armored soldier.

"Ka La!"

The sound of bones breaking rang out.

The face of the black-armored soldier showed fear.

Then, he fell into the dust.

Although he did not die, he was not far from death.

Liu Bang, seeing this scene, was not afraid, but his eyes showed excitement.

At this time, in his eyes, the appearance of this legion seemed to be the opportunity for him to escape.

"Who are you? How dare you attack our imperial guards!"

A general shouted.

"Imperial guards, you are not worthy!"

The black-armored soldier said indifferently.

Then, he slapped out with a palm.


The general instantly turned into blood mist.

Such a scene made the remaining soldiers' pupils shrink.

They showed fear on their faces, and dared not neglect it. They drove the chariot and prepared to leave.

But the corner of the black armor soldier's mouth showed a ferocious look.


As his roar fell.

The soldiers behind him followed him and rushed to kill those soldiers.

All this happened very quickly.

In a short time, hundreds of soldiers were killed.

The strong smell of blood floated in the air.

Liu Bang stood in place, watching this scene, his heart was full of joy.

At this time, he wanted to laugh wildly at the sky.

He finally got out of trouble.

Then he looked at the girl beside him and said slowly.

"Thank you!"

There was a touch of sincerity in his voice.

Although he knew that the girl saved him, perhaps just because she liked the handsome man, and would not give anything.

However, Liu Bang was very pleased.

Because this proved that he was still very attractive.


After hearing the voice, the girl snorted coquettishly, but her face gradually relaxed.

After all, her personality was outgoing, but she was not good at expressing herself.

Then, she asked.

"What's your name!"

At this time, the coldness on her face faded.

Became gentler.

However, after Liu Bang heard the sound, a pattern could not help but appear in his mind.

Then, he replied respectfully.

"Liu Bang!"

After the words fell, the girl didn't wait for her to speak.

I asked this time.

"I still don't know what the lady's name is?"

At this time, there was a trace of expectation in his eyes.

If you can catch this line.

With his strength, he can definitely recover faster.

After all, the girl in front of him felt so special to him.

He couldn't bear to refuse.

"Oh, my name is Ji Xue!"

After hearing the voice, the girl spoke lightly.

At the same time, he pointed at the iron wall-like Forbidden Army outside the city and continued.

"We're leaving, please wish yourself well!"

There was a hint of regret in his voice.

"Wait a moment!"

However, just as she was about to leave, Liu Bang called out to her again.

"Well, is there anything else?"

Ji Xue said doubtfully.

"Miss Ji Xue, may I take the liberty to ask you a favor?"

Liu Bang asked tentatively.

"You don't have to be like this, just say it!"

Ji Xue said unceremoniously.

At this time, she had a good impression of the young man in front of her.

Therefore, there was no avoidance of suspicion.

"Miss Ji Xue, I'll tell you the truth.

In fact, before he died, my father told me something that he hoped I could complete.

He said, if I can complete it, I will be rewarded generously!

I don't expect any gold or silver. As long as the lady can help me, I am willing to be a slave and a servant to repay the kindness! "

The voice sounded, but it was pleading.

Obviously, in Liu Bang's opinion, as long as he can leave this mortal world.

Then you are free.

After hearing the voice, Ji Xue frowned slightly.

Her character is different from ordinary people, she doesn't care about any reward.

However, now that her benefactor had spoken, she couldn't refuse.

"Do you know where we are going this time?"

Ji Xue said.

There was a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

"I have no idea!"

Liu Bang shook his head and said.

He didn't know any of this.

After hearing the sound, Ji Xue gritted her teeth.

Finally spoke.

"This time, we are heading to the Nine Nether Realm!"

"Nine Nether Realm?"

After hearing the sound, Liu Bang's eyes showed horror.

At this moment, he finally understood who he had met.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

He spoke.

"Miss Ji, aren't you afraid of death?"

The Nine Nether Realm is the sphere of influence of the Nine Nether Holy Court. It is at the bottom of the Three Thousand Worlds.

However, to ordinary people, it is like a devil's cave.

After entering, death is almost certain.

Therefore, Liu Bang couldn't help but take a breath of air at this time, and then spoke.

"Haha, if you were afraid of death, why would you do this errand?

Just don't worry! "

The girl said nonchalantly.

"Thank you so much, girl!"

After hearing the sound, Liu Bang's face showed excitement.

Then, he spoke.

He knew that the other party had good intentions.

Therefore, naturally he will not refuse.

"Just call me Ji Xue, no need to call me girl.

Plus, you deserve it! "

While talking, he took out a pill and handed it to Liu Bang.

"This is a healing elixir. Take it. It can protect your wounds from getting worse!"

The girl spoke.

Then, the body rose into the air.

Flying away into the distance.

Extremely fast.

Seeing this scene, Liu Bang's eyes flashed with light.

He did not expect that the other party would give him such a precious elixir.

Immediately, he took out the jade bottle and put away the elixir.

Although I don’t know how effective it will be, since this Miss Ji Xue has given it away.

Of course there is nothing wrong.

Then, Liu Bang sat cross-legged on the ground.

Refining medicine to restore strength.

At this time, Ji Xue had already arrived outside the Forbidden Army camp.


Just as they arrived at the door, more than twenty crossbows were fired from it.

Blazing light bloomed in the sky.


Immediately afterwards, there were bursts of screams.

It turned out that these people had been waiting for Ji Xue for a long time.

However, in their eyes, Ji Xue is just a little girl.

Don't take it to heart at all.

That's why they ambush in secret.


Ji Xue shouted loudly and jumped up. ! "

Seeing such a scene, Ji Xue let out a shrill scream.

The whole person is moving backwards.

Such an attack is enough to penetrate her.


However, just when she was about to fall.

But a sharp sword appeared and caught her firmly.

Surprisingly, it was Liu Bang who caught up.

He looked at Ji Xue.

He spoke.

"I'll send you away!"


Ji Xue nodded, and then followed Liu Bang into the distance.

And the guards were also alarmed.


Looking at the fleeing Liu Bang and the other two, the leading general roared.

In an instant, everyone rushed towards the two.

Their body movements were strange, and every step they took could cover hundreds of meters in an instant.

However, Ji Xue and the other two were not weak either.

"Ding Ding!"

The weapons of both sides collided.

Liu Bang's face suddenly became gloomy.

Because he could feel that the other party also had the cultivation of the immortal realm.

This made him feel a little tricky.

Dare not neglect, and dodge repeatedly.

However, the two of them knew very well that the battlefield now not only had enemies, but also the Nine Nether Emperor, who could come at any time.

Therefore, they had to get away as soon as possible.

Therefore, they ran desperately at this time.

And the soldiers of the imperial army became more and more fierce.

They did not care about their own life and death.

They charged towards Liu Bang fearlessly.

Liu Bang couldn't get rid of it at all, and could only barely maintain his balance.

However, Ji Xue didn't run away at this time.

Instead, she stood in place and waved her hand.

In an instant, a series of bright cold rays streaked across the air.

Those imperial guards couldn't dodge at this time.


The blood mist spread, and in a short time, several imperial guards fell on the spot.

Such a scene made Liu Bang dumbfounded. He didn't expect that Ji Xue would burst out with such fighting power.

I saw that Ji Xue at this time seemed to be a different person.

The long skirt rustled.

The whole person exuded a sharp temperament.

In a pair of beautiful eyes, there was a cold light.

The whole body was shrouded in brilliant rays of light.


The next moment, a punch was thrown.

In the void, a mighty fist roared out and smashed towards the imperial guards.

It made them feel heartbroken.


However, before those people could come back to their senses.

Ji Xue swung her sword again.

This sword was as fast as a meteor.

In the blink of an eye, it fell into the crowd.

In an instant, a shower of blood splashed.

Liu Bang was completely stunned. He did not expect that such a young girl like Ji Xue would burst out with such terrifying fighting power.

However, at this moment, Ji Xue walked towards Liu Bang.

"Don't worry, I will take you to the border town!"

Ji Xue said lightly, and then carried Liu Bang on her back.

Then, her figure flew out at this time.

Her toes tapped in the air.

The speed was so fast that it disappeared in the distance in almost the blink of an eye.

When the two appeared again, they appeared outside a huge city.

This city is very majestic.

The towering city walls are even more than 100,000 feet high.

It shows its strong foundation.

Moreover, at this time, there was a guard stationed on the top of the city.

The leader was a general of the commanding level.

He was wearing golden armor and exuded a strong pressure.

"Who dares to trespass into my Nine Nether Realm!"

As soon as he approached the city gate, the leading general shouted angrily.

Ji Xue ignored him and went straight to the inner city.

However, at this moment.


A figure flew over.

He had a full beard and his eyes were wide open.

He held a huge mace in his hand.

After seeing Liu Bang and Ji Xue, his face showed a ferocious look.

Then, he roared.

"Looking for death!"

As the voice fell, the mace hit the two fiercely.

This blow was too fierce.

If they were hit, even the two would be seriously injured and dying.

At this time, Liu Bang's pupils shrank.

This wolf-fanged man was obviously an expert.

Ji Xue also had a look of shock in her eyes.

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