However, there was no hesitation at this time, and the black armor on his body instantly covered his whole body.


Immediately afterwards, a majestic force burst out from her body.


With the sound of shattering.

On her shoulder, there was a scar that went deep into the bone marrow.

Red blood overflowed.


Immediately afterwards, another mouthful of blood was spat out.

Obviously, the big man with wolf teeth just now had touched her meridians.

As a result, Ji Xue was seriously injured.

However, Liu Bang didn't care much at this time.

Because the opponent's sledgehammer is about to fall.

He wanted to rescue, but it was too late.

Just when the big man's mace was about to hit Ji Xue's head.

A burst of breaking wind came out.


Only a violent roar was heard.

Then, the figure of the wolf-toothed man was thrown directly away.


A howl of pain came out.

At this time, everyone looked behind Ji Xue.

It turned out that right in front of Ji Xue, an extremely burly man stood in front of her.

An arm was thrown out like a steel whip.

The wolf-toothed man was thrown away with both his body and his weapon.

"Miss, are you okay?"

The person who came was none other than the leader of the Ji family's enshrined guard.

After seeing Ji Xue's appearance, his expression couldn't help but change.

He hurried forward and asked.

"I'm fine!"

Ji Xue shook her head and said.

Although her injuries were extremely serious.

But she was thoughtful and knew that the most important thing now was Liu Bang in front of her.

At this time, Liu Bang also showed excitement in his eyes.

"Thank you very much!"

He said sincerely.

After all, if he didn't help, Ji Xue would definitely die.

After hearing the voice, the worshiper spoke slowly.

"My young master said, leave this place to us, you can go treat your injuries first!"

Then, Liu Bang followed the maid and left.

As for Ji Xue, she was sitting cross-legged.

After taking the elixir, Yun Gong recovered from his injuries.

On the other side, a burst of noise came from the Ji family's tent.

"Damn guy, he actually hurt my sister, I'm going to kill him!"

There was a hint of violence in his voice.

Surprisingly, it was Ji Xue's elder brother, Ji Haoyue.

"Young master, please be patient. Since it is the young master's order, we will do it.

However, the young lady’s injuries need to be treated as soon as possible.

Otherwise, it will leave hidden diseases that will be difficult to cure in the future.

Please relax, young master, I will do my best! "

After hearing the sound, the worshipper spoke.

At this time, the other party's eyes were shining.

Obviously, he is also a powerful figure in the Ji family.

"Hmph, I wish that bandit good luck this time!"

Ji Haoyue said coldly.

Then, he turned around and retreated.

Everyone in the Ji family moved quickly.

Soon, all kinds of miraculous medicines were continuously moved into the palace where Ji Xue was.

And right now.

Ji Xue's door was pushed open.

I saw an old woman with gray hair and a childish face walking in with a concoction.

Seeing Ji Xue, a loving smile appeared on her face.

"Girl, take your medicine!"

Said in a gentle voice.

It makes people feel like a spring breeze.

Then, Ji Xue stretched out her jade hands, picked up the bowl and chopsticks, and prepared to drink the soup.

However, the next moment, his expression suddenly changed.

I saw dark brown powder scattered in the soup in the bowl.

"Ahem, what's wrong with this soup!"

She said with a trembling voice.

"Miss, this is poison, pour it out quickly!"

exclaimed the old woman.

After hearing the voice, Ji Xue's pretty face revealed a look of despair.

"Haha, you stinky girl, you really think of yourself as the genius of the Ji family.

Don't take a pee and look at yourself.

A waste deserves to be called a genius.

Today, I will let you know.

The fate of a genius is to be strangled! "

At this moment, an arrogant roar came from outside the hall.

Ji Xue's brows couldn't help but frown.

She did not expect that the Ji family would send strong men to attack her.


Then, Ji Haoyue smashed the table with one palm.

His eyes were tearing.

shouted to Ji Xue.

"Little sister, hold on, wait for brother to help you!"

After the voice fell, he rushed towards the door.


However, just when his body took a step forward.

The two guards broke through the door and entered.

There was a ferocious look on their faces.

Then, he rushed towards Ji Haoyue.

The sharp sword in his hand was even more dazzling.


Although Ji Haoyue is brave.

However, after all, cultivation is short-lived.

No one can match these guards.

In an instant, his chest was pierced.


At this moment, a shrill scream came out.

Ji Xue's figure appeared in front of the door.

At this time, tears were already rolling in her beautiful eyes.

She wanted to kill those people right now.

However, she was already seriously injured at this moment, and was no match for those guards.


At this moment, Ji Haoyue broke free from the restraints of the two guards.

His eyes were red.

He looked at Ji Xue and roared.

"Little sister, run away, I'll hold them back!"

After that, he fought with the two again.

After seeing such a scene, Ji Xue.

Tears could not stop flowing down.


However, at this moment, she had no other choice but to fight to the death.

With a punch, she directly knocked a guard out.

Then, she jumped up.

Touching the ground with her toes, she rushed straight to the city gate.

"Stop her, we must not let that bitch run away!"

After seeing this scene, the voice of the worshiper sounded.

In an instant, several guards chased after her.

However, Ji Xue was so powerful that they could not catch up with her.

When Ji Xue arrived at the city gate.

The army of the Ji Dynasty was ready.


Ji Haoyue shouted.

In an instant, the soldiers of the Ji Dynasty fought with the enemy.

For a moment, the whole sky seemed to be boiling.

The swords were flying everywhere, and the blood mist was everywhere.

Ji Xue stood on the city gate.

Her face was pale, and her eyes were filled with grief and anger.

At the same time, on the distant mountains.

"Haha, this time, we picked up a treasure!

I didn't expect that the direct descendant of the Ji family would be so beautiful. No wonder my father asked me to come!


A frivolous voice sounded.

Then, in the surrounding void, a group of iron cavalry condensed out of thin air.

The first man was wearing golden armor and holding a war spear.

He exuded a fierce breath.

It was Ji Haoyu, the second generation ancestor of the Ji family.

This time, it was his father who asked him to come here to hunt for beauty.

"Ji Haoyu, you'd better keep your mouth shut about this matter, otherwise, I will kill you!"

Looking at the other party, Ji Haoyue gritted his teeth and said.

"Hehe, kill me? I want to see how you kill me. It is said that your Ji family has a peerless genius, and even my eldest brother can't do anything about it.

But today I want to tell you what a real peerless genius is!"

Ji Haoyu said disdainfully.

The next moment, his men moved.


As the voice fell, thousands of cavalrymen rushed towards the Ji family's army like a tide.

The blazing blade almost tore the sky apart.

The disciple of the Ji Dynasty showed fear on his face.

At this moment, a figure came up.


Ji Haoyue actually chose to confront the enemy head-on.

The sharp blade in his hand swung and collided with it.

However, his strength was still far from enough.

He only lasted for a moment before he was thrown backwards by the shock.

Moreover, this was because Ji Haoyu's target was not him.

If it were someone else, he would not be able to resist even one move and would surely die.


A Ji Dynasty's genius was even shot by Ji Haoyu's sharp arrow.

The situation in the field was already very dangerous.

However, at this time, Ji Haoyue was fearless.

He knew in his heart that if he retreated, the Ji Dynasty would surely be destroyed.

However, all this was not something he could stop.

At this time, he could only rely on himself.

Thinking of this, the true energy in his body surged wildly.


Another guard was killed by him.

However, his side was also stained with blood.

At this time, Ji Haoyue was already covered in blood.

But he continued to fight.

Seeing such a scene, Ji Xue couldn't help but show a look of pain in her eyes.

"Haoyue, don't worry about me, you retreat first, I'll be your scapegoat!"

The voice sounded, with a sense of determination.

"Little sister, don't be impulsive, you go first.

If today, both of us brothers and sisters are alive, I promise that no one can bully you in the future!"

Ji Haoyue roared.

He didn't want to see his little sister die for him.

And just after he finished speaking.

On the other side, Ji Haoyu was indeed impatient.


The spear directly pierced a disciple of the Ji Dynasty.

He looked at Ji Haoyue with a smile on his face.

"I said, whoever dares to step out of the city today will be killed without mercy!

So, die obediently!"

After the voice fell, a brilliant blade flashed.

He went straight to Ji Haoyue.

Obviously, he wanted to completely solve the opponent.


At this moment, Ji Haoyue didn't care about much.

He raised the sharp blade to resist.


Fiery sparks splashed.

But he was still too slow.

The dazzling blade light directly chopped on his shoulder.

He staggered and fell to the ground.

Then, Ji Haoyu said coldly.

"Waste, if you know what's good for you, kneel down and surrender now, there is still a glimmer of hope.

Otherwise, die!"

After hearing the voice, Ji Haoyue's eyes flashed with a gleam of brilliance.

He knew that if he gave in, death would be waiting for him.

And when he was hesitating.

On top of the city, Ji Xue's face showed determination.

Jiao shouted.

"Ji Haoyu, let Haoyue go, otherwise, I will die with you!"

The voice sounded.

Ji Xue's body bloomed with strong murderous intent.

At this moment, Ji Haoyu couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

"you dare!"

he exclaimed.

At this time, Ji Haoyue said slowly.

"Little sister, please leave quickly and leave me alone!"

Although he is usually a dandy.

But his thoughts are extremely delicate.

He had already seen through everything, and if Ji Xue stayed, he would definitely die.


But, at this moment.

There was a roar outside the city.

A tent was shattered.

Then, a group of people walked out.

These people are all wearing black armor.

Just appeared on the battlefield.

Ji Haoyu's expression couldn't help but change.

Because he knows the leader.

The opponent is Ji Haofeng, the third prince of the Ji family.

His own cultivation level has reached the level of Daluo Jinxian.

More importantly.

Behind this person were several god kings.

Such a lineup is enough to crush any team.

At this moment, Ji Haofeng said coldly.

"Ji Haoyu, you are so brave.

Our Ji family has no enmity or grudge against you, but you actually led your clan to attack our Ji family dynasty. You are simply seeking death! "

The voice was extremely cold.

Ji Haoyu's eyes showed a look of horror.

I didn't expect that such a situation would occur.

However, it is not to be outdone.

He spoke.

“Hmph, you Ji family members are already ungrateful.

My mother also helped you when she married into the Ji family.

Now, we are not only trying to seize the territory of our Ji family.

He also wants to put my Ji family to death.

Are we two brothers and sisters going to sit back and wait for death? "

At this time, Ji Haoyu had already made up his mind to die.

And other people from Ji's dynasty also agreed.

"We swear to follow the third prince to the death!"

"Yes, today we must fight you to the death!"

For a while, there were constant shouts of killing.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer.

Ji Haoyu stood on the spot holding a sharp sword.

He was ready to fight Ji Haoyu.

As long as you can kill the opponent.

The Ji family can win.

Ji Haoyu's eyes showed a ferocious look.

But at this moment.


Ji Haofeng's figure moved in an instant.

He jumped up and his hands turned into claws.

Grabbing Ji Haoyue's neck.

It fell hard to the ground with a thud.

"Haha, Ji Haoyue, I want your life.

I will do the same with your sister.

This is the fate of my Ji family! "

At this time, Ji Haoyu's arrogant voice came out.

This made everyone extremely angry.

Especially Ji Haoyue's sister.

Tears rolled down.

However, she knew that she could not save her brother at all.

But at this moment.

Ji Haoyu shouted again.

"Kill me!"

After the order is given.

The soldiers under Ji Haoyu's command charged forward.


Ji Haoyue struggled to get up.

There was a huge gash on his chest.

The whole person looked extremely embarrassed.

However, when he saw Ji Haoyu grabbing Ji Xue.

There was a look of madness in his eyes.

The palm of the hand holds the sharp blade tightly.

Just slash towards the opponent.


Yin Hong's blood spurted out.

And Ji Haoyu screamed.

However, Ji Haoyue's reaction was also extremely fast.

His body skills are unparalleled.

While avoiding the opponent's attack.

The sharp blade in his hand swept out.

Immediately afterwards, the whole body actually burned with a faint green flame.

The body lifted up a bit in an instant.

At the same time, he met with a punch.

Fierce brilliance emanated in the air.


Ji Haoyu was caught off guard and was hit on him.

His body receded and he was bleeding from his mouth and nose.


Then, Ji Haoyu came up with another kill.

Just, right now.

A figure flew past in the distance.

Surprisingly, it was Ji Haoyu's father, the prince of the Ji family, Ji Mingyang.

His face was extremely gloomy.

He said coldly to the people around him.

“Get Ji Haoyu.

Kill others without mercy! "

After the words fell, he rushed towards the city.

Obviously, he couldn't let his son die.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

After hearing the sound, the guards beside Ji Haoyu didn't dare to neglect him.

They drew out the scimitars from their waists and started killing each other.

And Ji Haoyu, at this time, rushed towards the city gate.

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