Want to stop Ji Haoyang.

However, how could Ji Haoyu's father allow such a thing to happen.


With one kick, Ji Haoyue's head exploded.

Then, he saw the other party's body falling to the ground.


Ji Haoyu looked at his brother's body.

He felt as if the sky had fallen.

Then, he jumped towards the bottom of the city wall.

However, before he could get closer, a spear penetrated his body.


At this time, his eyes were about to burst.


But in the end, he still died on the battlefield.

Ji Haoyue's death caused everyone to fall into madness.

They resisted the enemy at all costs.

Some even do not hesitate to sacrifice themselves.

Ji Haoyang, on the other hand, led most of the Ji family members into the city.

Now, the entire Ji family's imperial city was stained red with blood.

Not only ordinary people were injured, but many strong men among the Ji family also died.

And Ji Haoyue died in front of him.

This is the direct young master of the Ji family.

He used to show off his power in the family.

Now, he died by his own hands.

At this time, Liu Bang's cultivation level suddenly improved rapidly, from a mortal to an immortal, flying straight to the Golden Immortal realm.

His strength can be said to be terrifying.

Moreover, at this time, he was constantly absorbing the evil spirit permeating the battlefield.

These things are like delicacies to him.

And just when the battle was heating up.

Liu Bang also joined the battle group.

His whole body was blooming with rich purple light.

It's like wearing a purple armor.

While waving the weapon in his hand.

Every blow is filled with boundless sharpness.

Ji Haoyang didn't dare to resist.

However, despite this, Ji Mingyang's face also showed a solemn look.

After all, Liu Bang was too secretive.

Although it is only the strength of Jinxian in the early stage.

However, it was the existence that leapfrogged and killed the middle-stage Golden Immortal.

Now, it can only be dealt with cautiously.

After a brief confrontation.

Liu Bang's mouth showed a smile.

At this time, his aura is constantly rising. Every time he kills a person, he can get a breath to make himself stronger.

Such an opportunity can be said to be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

At this moment, on the other side of the battlefield.

Ji Haoyue's eyes were extremely red.

The Ji family, because of their own mistakes.

Now it has completely reached the edge of destruction.

The ancestor of the Ji family was beaten to the point of retreat and was surrounded by dangers.

the other side.

Xiang Yu also ran to the world of heavens and began his own path of cultivation.

This is a vast and boundless sea of ​​stars.

It contains countless magical medicines.

Moreover, the spiritual stones have not been exhausted.

There are countless magical treasures among the stars.

At this time, Xiang Yu came here.

The injuries on his body have already recovered.

At this time, the Overlord Halberd in his hand was waving.

There were bursts of cold light flashing out.


A planet was split into pieces.

Xiang Yu's strength actually reached the late Golden Immortal stage at this time.

He nodded with satisfaction.

Then, continue to hunt for resources.

However, it didn't take long just to travel.

A dangerous aura enveloped his heart.

Turn around and look.

It was a ferocious beast, coming at a rapid speed.

There was bloodthirst and violence in his eyes.

But Xiang Yu, who saw this scene, was not afraid at all.

"hold head high!"

The Overlord Halberd in his hand was waving.

He rushed forward instantly.


As a roar sounded.

The ferocious beast was knocked to the ground.

But then, he got up again and prepared to counterattack.

This is a giant bear that is as tall as a thousand feet.

His eyes were extremely red.

There was a cold aura emanating from the whole body.

At this time, it was roaring ferociously.

Its strength is not weak and has reached the peak of Xuanxian.

"court death!"

After seeing such a scene, Xiang Yu couldn't help but shouted angrily.

Then, holding a sharp blade, he rushed forward.

"Bang bang!"

The Overlord Halberd in his hand kept waving.

Every time it fell, it would definitely repel the ferocious beast, making it impossible to compete with it.

I don't know how much time has passed.

The beast's limbs were smashed to the ground.

The huge body twitched a few times and then stopped moving.

After seeing this scene, the joy in Xiang Yu's eyes became even deeper.

"Haha, I finally made the cut.

My strength has become stronger again.

Who can stop me! "

At this time, Xiang Yu shouted excitedly.

And just after his words fell.

But he saw the void in the distance.

Two figures were walking forward slowly.

One is a man in black robes, with a scar on his head.

Gives people a sinister feeling.

Next to him was a woman with extremely delicate cheeks.

The skin is extremely delicate.

Especially the mark on the forehead.

It makes her look divine.

Even though he bowed and saluted.

"Meet the Master!"

After hearing the sound, the man in black said calmly.

"Good disciple, you have studied with me for many years, and today it is time for you to leave and become a teacher.

Don't worry, my teacher will help you take good care of your sister. "

The voice sounded, with a hint of wistfulness.

As for the woman, tears fell down her face.

But at this moment, Xiang Yu's eyes widened.

"Who are you?"

There was horror in his voice.

Because he found that he couldn't clearly see the strength of those two people at all.

How can this not be surprising?

You know, even a powerful Golden Immortal cannot hide his senses.

But now, the other party has done it.

“Boy, you don’t have to worry about who we are.

I just want to ask you if you are willing to stay and practice with my disciple.

If you don't agree, I'm afraid I won't be able to be kind today.

After all, as a master, I never force others! "

The voice sounded.

The man in black robe had a sparkle in his eyes.

At the same time, strong winds swept out in an instant.


At this time, don't say that Xiang Yu is unwilling.

Even if it were anyone else, it would never be possible for him to agree.

"If that's the case, then go die!"

After hearing the sound, the man in black robe said slowly.

Then, he moved.


The figure swept out and appeared in front of Xiang Yu.

Then, the fist exploded out.

Fierce energy spreads between heaven and earth.


And Xiang Yu roared angrily.

A layer of flames burst out from his body.

The entire figure rose into the air in an instant.


At the same time, the Overlord Halberd in his hand swept out.


The moment they collide together.

Xiang Yu's figure was knocked away.


Blood spurted out from his mouth, looking extremely miserable.

"Haha, boy, you'd better accept the surrender.

Otherwise, you won’t survive today! "

The man in black robe said coldly.

At this time, his eyes showed bloodthirsty light.

Even his disciple was standing there.

There is no blocking.

Obviously he acquiesced to what his master said.

But Xiang Yu's eyes showed determination.

At this time, he felt it on the man in black robe.

There was an energy filling the air that made his heart palpitate.

“Hmph, even a mere Golden Immortal realm wants to suppress me.

It’s simply wishful thinking! "

A cold voice came out.

Then, a dark ax suddenly appeared on the palm of his hand.


The ax swings like thunder roaring.

The mighty energy is raging between heaven and earth.

A look of horror appeared on the face of the man in black robe.

Then, his figure dodged to one side.

And while he was dodging.

The Overlord Halberd in Xiang Yu's hand was struck down hard.


The space seemed to be torn apart.

This made the man in black robe show a look of fear in his eyes.

"Master, help me!"

At this time, the girl, with tears in her eyes, begged for mercy to the man in black robe.

However, her voice had just fallen.


There were bursts of roaring sounds.

But he saw that the Overlord Halberd was blooming with bright brilliance.

Then, he directly chopped off the head of the man in black robe.

The other party died, and the girl was so frightened that she collapsed on the ground.

Don't dare to move an inch.

After Xiang Yu killed the man, he looked at the girl in front of him with a look of pity.

"Girl, let's go!"

After the sound fell.

He was sitting cross-legged in the corner of the valley.

The aura of heaven and earth here is extremely rich.

He decided to retreat.


But, after seeing such a scene.

The woman cried loudly.

Although he was unwilling to do so, he had no choice.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and walked out of the valley.

When she just walked dozens of feet away.

An old man appeared on the scene.

His face was wrinkled.

Extremely pale.

His body exuded an aura of decay.

When he saw the woman, his eyes showed excitement.

Said slowly.

"Girl, you are here after all!"

As the voice fell, his body flashed and he rushed towards the woman.

Then, hold the other person's arm.

The doting look in her eyes is beyond words.

Many years later, Xiang Yu's cultivation level reached the level of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

For some reason, when he was just a Golden Immortal, he was able to kill the man in black who had reached the level of Daluo Golden Immortal.

And the combat experience is terrifying.

Now, he has become Taiyi Golden Immortal.

In the entire universe, he can be considered the number one master.

He wants to take revenge, find his former friends, and find out about Long Qie.

But no matter what, all those old friends seemed to have disappeared, and no news about them could be found.

"hold head high!"

While Xiang Yu was preparing to continue searching for traces of his brother.

Suddenly, a thundering roar of a dragon came to mind.

It made his pupils shrink involuntarily.

Then, his eyes were cast towards the sky.

I saw it above the clouds in the distance.

There were already dark clouds at this time.

A giant dragon covers the entire sky.

"hold head high!"

Another roar sounded.

I saw the giant dragon swooping down in an instant.

The sharp claws are like sharp blades.


The sky seemed to be collapsing.

Xiang Yu had a look of horror on his face.

No waiting for reflection.

A giant dragon appeared next to him.

The huge mouth opened.

It was like an abyss, swallowing him up.


When the sharp teeth came into contact with Xiang Yu.

Xiang Yu roared angrily and smashed out the Overlord Halberd in his hand.

This blow is enough to destroy a star.

But it had no effect at all.

The dragon is still approaching.

It was even devouring the energy in his body.

This scene made his eyes turn red and he almost went crazy.

However, how could such an attack harm the dragon?

The giant dragon bared its teeth and claws, constantly forcing the opponent.


After another blow.

There was blood flowing out of Xiang Yu's mouth and nose.

Then, the opponent finally stopped attacking.

They just kept circling around each other.

A ferocious smile appeared in his eyes.

And at this time.


Xiang Yu thrust his Overlord Halberd at the giant dragon, but the dragon blocked it easily.

Then, he let out a mocking roar.


Then, with a sway of his body, he left.

But Xiang Yu's fingers were shattered inch by inch at this moment.

There was pain on his face, but he didn't flinch.

"go to hell!"

Xiang Yu roared angrily and rushed towards the opponent again.

But at this time, the giant dragon simply ignored his attack.

The figure shuttles through the void from time to time, and every time it falls, it always brings a fatal threat to Xiang Yu.

And Xiang Yu became more and more embarrassed.

However, after fighting hard, he finally seized the opportunity.

The Overlord Halberd in his hand drew an arc and cut off the dragon's tail.

In an instant, blood mist rolled.


With bursts of roaring sounds.

The giant dragon turned into a human figure, and at this time, his eyes were filled with fear.

Looking at Xiang Yu, he was filled with hatred.

"You humble ant, I'm going to kill you!

When the other party swats at you.

The halberd in his hand pierced the dragon's belly.


It fell with a banging sound.

The huge dragon exploded in the air.

Then, it turned into endless pure energy.

Xiang Yu ignored him.

Swallow it directly into your mouth.

After a moment, blazing light burst out from the whole body.

The whole person's strength increased several times in an instant.

Then, he patrolled around again.

At this time, he knew in his heart that he had to find the dragon quickly.

Otherwise, it may be very dangerous.

"Huh, I don't know what this giant dragon is..."

Just when Xiang Yu was about to leave.

There was a murmuring sound in my ears.

His brows furrowed because he had heard this voice before.

I heard it in my dream.

But for some reason, this time, it showed the truth.

And at this moment.


Waves of roaring sounds resounded between heaven and earth.

It turned out that when Xiang Yu killed the giant dragon.

Attracting the attention of nearby strange beasts.

They ran out of various caves and gathered here.

These strange beasts include incomparably strong tigers, leopards, and jackals.

There are naked bulls.

There are also weird-looking crocodiles.

Moreover, the strength is extremely strong.

Even the worst ones are in the realm of golden immortals.

And those who are the strongest.

Even Xiang Yu felt palpitations.


A ferocious ape swung its fist and hit him directly.

The fist is vast.

Xiang Yu's eyes condensed.

Then, a halberd struck out.

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