
Sparks flew.

His body was knocked back.

He spat out a mouthful of blood.

These beasts were too powerful, and he could not defeat them at all.

But if he ran away now, his strength would be damaged.

Thinking of this, Xiang Yu stood up, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

The weapon in his hand was raised in an instant.


An axe swept out, sweeping thousands of brilliance.

This was his strongest attack.

However, those beasts were not easy to deal with.

Facing such a powerful attack, they did not dodge at all.


The two sides collided with each other.

Xiang Yu's figure retreated in an instant.

At the same time, blood gushed out of his mouth.

Not daring to neglect, his figure flashed and soared into the sky again.

He wanted to leave here before these beasts surrounded him.

But these beasts, although powerful.

They were not clumsy.

Just leaped up.

He was surrounded by many strange beasts.

Xiang Yu's plan to escape was completely bankrupt.

At this time, the opponent was unwilling to sit still and wait for death.


He waved the Overlord Halberd in his hand.

A sharp aura swept through the air.

He was desperately resisting.

"Bang Bang!"

However, these strange beasts were also extraordinary.

Although their cultivation was not as good as Xiang Yu's, their bravery was not weak at all.

Especially the leader of the alien race, who was extremely powerful.

He slapped out with one palm.

The vast energy swept towards Xiang Yu.

It made the opponent unable to breathe at all.


A sharp claw scratched a bloody mark on Xiang Yu's chest.

His body fell straight to the ground.


After seeing such a scene, the strange beasts roared in unison.

They were ready to pounce on each other.


But at this moment, a black-robed figure suddenly appeared in the sky.

He held a black umbrella in his hand and slowly landed in the field.

There was no expression on his resolute face.

After seeing such a scene, the pupils of all the strange beasts shrank.

They remembered that the alien just now died in the hands of the other party.

How could they not be afraid of such a person.

So, all the strange beasts crawled on the ground in an instant.

They bowed respectfully at the feet of the man in black robe.

Not only them, but also Xiang Yu was full of horror.

He didn't expect that he would meet such a master here.

At this time, the other party had already said slowly.

"You guys step back, I will escort you this way!"

His voice was plain.

But after hearing the voice, the strange beasts below did not dare to refute at all.

They responded respectfully.

Then they withdrew from the battlefield.

And just after those strange beasts left.

The man in black robe slowly approached Xiang Yu.

At this time, there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

It seemed that he didn't know why there was such a strong man here.

"Who are you!"

When he was only about ten feet away from Xiang Yu.

The man in black robe stopped.

"Who are you and why are you here!"

Xiang Yu's voice was full of vigilance.

"Haha, I am the eldest disciple of the Demon Lord.

I passed by here today and saw that the spiritual power here was strong, so I came in to explore.

I didn't expect that there would be such a strong man like you here.

If you can stay by my side, it will definitely make your strength soar!"

After the voice fell, he didn't care about anything else.

He took a step forward and attacked Xiang Yu.

The speed was extremely fast.

Xiang Yu's eyes widened.

I didn't expect that someone would take the initiative to seek death.

However, he didn't care about much at this time.

In his eyes, there was a bloodthirsty light.

The weapon in his hand fiercely met the disciple of the Demon Lord.


The two violent energies collided with each other.

The void was shaking constantly.


And Xiang Yu was even more unbearable, and blood spurted out of his mouth again.

His strength was too weak, and he was far behind the disciple of the Demon Lord.

However, the opponent at this time was not much better.

Although he was the disciple of the Demon Lord.

But his strength was only at the peak of Taiyi Jinxian.

Compared to Xiang Yu, he was still a step behind.

This kind of fight was very disadvantageous.

"Damn it, who are you?

Why are you here? Master will not let you go!"

The disciple of the Demon Lord showed an angry light in his eyes.

At this time, he wished to tear Xiang Yu into pieces.

But, what he didn't know was.

At this time, Xiang Yu also wished to tear him alive.

This time, he was considered to be a failure.

Not only did he fail to take over the body.

And even his life was almost lost.

Can only wait for the next opportunity.


Thinking of this, he did not hesitate.

He drove the golden chariot and disappeared on the spot.

As for the disciples of the Demon Lord.

After seeing Xiang Yu leave, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he turned around and left.

In this world, people die every day.

And they die inexplicably.

So, he didn't bother to care.

As long as they didn't provoke him, he didn't care.

After all, his mission was to kill other aliens.

On the other hand, Xiang Yu didn't know that this matter had alarmed the Demon Lord.

His current idea was to get rid of the pursuers as soon as possible.

Otherwise, it would be really dangerous.

But unfortunately, his injuries were too serious.

Even with the support of the system, it was difficult to recover completely.

Even ordinary actions were impossible.

And just as he continued to rush to the Southern Continent.


A stream of light streaked across the sky.

Then, he saw a huge and ferocious head rolling down from the sky.

It was an alien.

And the head opened its eyes at this time.

Obviously, he felt the pain when he was dying.

Then, the whole body collapsed.

For a moment, the faces of all the people on the entire continent turned pale.

Because they knew what that thing was.

It was rumored that there was a monster in the foreign land that specialized in devouring humans to increase its own strength.

Unexpectedly, it was killed by someone.

Moreover, there were more than a hundred of these monsters, and the lowest was the Golden Immortal Realm.

But now, they all died.

This was simply incredible.

At the same time, mist appeared around the head.

Then, a man in black appeared in front of everyone.

This man was strong and carried a long sword on his back, like an iron tower.

His eyes flashed with cold light, and when he looked around, he was full of ferocity.

And with his appearance.

All the people around, including those from other races, knelt down at this time.

"Meet the Son of God!"

When the voice sounded, everyone's eyes were filled with awe.

Because they knew clearly what this young man in black represented.

This is the Son of God of the Palace of the God King, the biological son of the God King.

He has great authority in the Palace of the God King.

However, at this moment, the other party's eyes flashed with a cold light.

"Hmph, this young master doesn't like nonsense.

Now, tell me, what happened to you just now?

And those alien races!"

After hearing the voice, the Demon Lord disciple said respectfully.

"Report to His Highness the Son of God, just now when we were hunting alien beasts in the depths of this mountain range.

Suddenly a stranger appeared, with good strength and secret means.

He killed it with one blow and took away the alien beast!"

After the voice fell, the Demon Lord disciple pointed to the corpse on the ground and said.

And just after the voice fell.


The fist of the Son of God hit the ground and exploded instantly.

"Waste, you can't even deal with a mere Taiyi Jinxian, what's the point of keeping you.

Go to hell!"

A cold voice sounded.

Then, the dense crowd around turned into a bloody rain in an instant.

The Demon Lord disciple knelt on the ground at this time.

His eyes showed panic.

He didn't understand why his son of God was like this.

And at this moment.

A cold voice came from behind the other party.

"Your Highness, what should we do with this guy!"

The voice fell.

The Demon Lord disciple looked up.

He found a tall man standing not far from him.

Moreover, the other party's cultivation was not inferior to that of the Son of God.

Especially the pressure emanating from his body.

It made him breathless.

"Who are you? How dare you block my way?

Do you know how to write the word death!"

The cold voice of the Son of God came out slowly.

The black shadow behind him rushed out at the same time.

A breath was released, which made the Demon Lord disciple's heart and gall bladder burst.


There was no time to react at all, and the sharp claws pierced his throat.

The bright red blood overflowed and dyed the ground red.

Then, the black shadow waved his hand, and the opponent's Nascent Soul flew into his hand.

His eyes showed satisfaction.

"You are lucky, you are actually a disciple of the Demon Lord.

Not bad, not bad.

I hope you can survive.

Remember, my name is Black Shadow, and I am a fierce general under the Dark Saint Emperor.

I hope one day, you can become the son of God in the Palace of the God King!"

After the black shadow's voice fell, it disappeared on the spot.

Xiang Yu suddenly appeared, led the black shadow away, and then slaughtered the aliens.

It was extremely shocking, even those hidden forces were shocked.

At the beginning, their ancestors established the Palace of the God King after entering this continent.

However, in the past few hundred million years, the Palace of the God King has become more and more powerful.

"Go to hell, aliens!"

Just when the major forces were shocked.

A burst of scolding was heard.

Xiang Yu held a war halberd in his hand and chopped forward.

The blazing axe blade was looking down in the void.

Wherever it passed, the alien races had no chance to dodge.


It fell with a loud bang.

Countless aliens were killed in the field in an instant.

Such a scene shocked all the people from all the major forces.

Xiang Yu's bravery was beyond everyone's expectations.

At this moment, Xiang Yu finally stopped the attack.

Then, he was ready to leave.

But suddenly

he felt that there was more information in his mind.

When he read it, he was stunned.

This is a mysterious map, which marked many small cities and major forbidden areas.

There is also a special place.

It is said that there are amazing treasures here.

Moreover, the target he is looking for this time is nearby.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but show excitement on his face.

However, there were doubts in his heart at the same time.

Which force gave him this map?

And why did they know all this?

But no matter what, this matter was finally resolved.

He was ready to leave immediately.

Just after he took a few steps, he heard the panicked shouts of the people from all the major forces again.

"Ah, those aliens are coming again, run."

These people were all scared.

After all, although these aliens are extremely weak.

However, they are not one or two that can be easily killed.

However, their speed is too slow, not as fast as Xiang Yu.

In a short time, they were caught up.

At this time, everyone looked at him as if they were looking at a corpse.


Sure enough, when Xiang Yu rushed into the crowd of aliens.

Those originally arrogant aliens completely collapsed.

While howling.

The whole body exploded in an instant.

This scene made those aliens who escaped by chance tremble.

At this time, they were really scared, afraid of encountering the existence that was like a killer.


However, just when they were extremely nervous.

A violent collision sounded.

Then, a foreigner was smashed to pieces.

Rich blood essence emerged.

At this moment, all the foreigners stared with their eyes wide open, unable to believe what they saw.

But Xiang Yu ignored them.

He continued to walk away.

His steps were extremely steady.

With each step, his figure became more majestic.

And just as Xiang Yu was flying away.

At this time, he had already stepped into another city.

The gate tower of this city was very huge.

There was a huge lion head on it.

And it exuded a ferocious and fierce aura.

It was a foreign city.


However, just when Xiang Yu approached.

In the city, an unparalleled strong wind rose.

Sweeping towards him.


The dragon roar sounded, and the muscles around Xiang Yu were knotted.

Like a stone sculpture.

No matter how the strong wind blew, he remained motionless.

Then, he leaped and shot towards the city gate.


His hand reached out and grabbed the city gate directly.

With a crisp sound.

A crack was torn out on the city wall.

The next moment, Xiang Yu's figure disappeared outside the city gate.

Then, the crack on the city wall was instantly restored.

However, all this was unknown to Xiang Yu who had just entered the city.

He had just stepped into the city gate.

He felt a sense of solemnity.

Then, his brows furrowed.

Because this place was too chaotic, even chaotic.

Countless alien races were fighting each other.

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