As soon as he appeared, he was attacked.

A foreign man rushed towards him.

The palms turned into sharp claws in an instant.

The sharp light flashed, as if it was about to split the heaven and the earth.

Xiang Yu, on the other hand, did not hesitate and raised his fist to meet him.


The two collided fiercely.


Blood overflowed from the corners of the other party's mouth, and he backed away.

Obviously, he was no match for the opponent.

However, there was a look of greed in his eyes.

Because of the coercion exuded by Xiang Yu.

Let him believe that the other party's realm must be higher than his own.

If you eat the opponent, your strength will definitely increase greatly.

After seeing such a scene, Xiang Yu's eyes showed a cold light.


Then, he punched again without hesitation.

This punch was a bit more terrifying than before.

The air around him couldn't help but explode.


The strong man from the foreign race was in such a situation.

Can't react at all.

All he could see was the vast energy flying towards him.

Then, his chest collapsed in an instant.

The entire body was directly smashed into pieces.

The smell of death permeated the air.

The foreigners around him did not dare to step forward.

At this time, Xiang Yu was like a devil in their eyes.

And Xiang Yu, after doing all this, did not stop.

Continue walking towards the center of the city.

This city is not big, but it has gathered various forces, and it can be considered lively.

When Xiang Yu just entered it.


Just when he was about to look for traces of the aliens.

A sound of breaking through the air came from the flank.

Then, he saw a spear stabbing him directly in the forehead.

The speed was extremely fast, and he arrived in front of him in the blink of an eye.

Xiang Yu couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

Then, the figure retreated towards the rear.

At the same time, his right arm stretched out to resist.


There was a sound of gold and iron clashing.

The strong alien who attacked him.

He was shaken and flew backwards.

However, Xiang Yu did not intend to let the other party go.


Kick out.

Hit the opponent's Dantian.

That foreigner has not yet landed.

It just fell to the ground.

There was a look of resentment in his eyes, but in the end he couldn't say anything.


With a burst of chirping sound.

The man's body was reduced to ashes.

After seeing such a scene, Xiang Yu's eyes showed satisfaction.

In this case, you can gain millions of experience points.

But, just when he was about to leave.

An old woman suddenly appeared in front of him.

There was a cold light in his eyes.

Keep an eye on him.

"Your Excellency has killed too much, come back with me!"

After hearing the other party's voice, Xiang Yu couldn't help but frown.

Although the opponent's strength may be good.

But if I want to let myself go back with her, I'm afraid it's still far away.


Then, a cold voice came out.

But after hearing the sound, the old woman became furious.

"How dare you reject me.

Do you really think I can't do anything to you?

You must go back with me today! "

The sound sounded, and a fierce smell spread around.

Then, I saw a dozen people surrounding the old woman.

They all stood there with cold faces.

At this time, Xiang Yu was still calm.

He spoke slowly.

"You guys can definitely take me down!"

The voice sounded.

Those who were besieging had a solemn look in their eyes.

The combat power Xiang Yu had just displayed had exceeded their expectations.

If he really tried his best, he and others might fall, and they would not be able to defeat the other party.

Thinking of this, there is no way to delay.


For a moment, shouts of death rang out on the street.

Then, a dozen people rushed towards Xiang Yu.

The shadow of the sword and sword flashed.

Every move falls.

All have a destructive flavor.

"hold head high!"

But Xiang Yu roared at this time.

In an instant, the whole person transformed into the state of a giant dragon.

His physical body is powerful and can be regarded as an overlord level.

Therefore, facing these ordinary soldiers, there is no fear at all.

The scales on the body glowed with a dazzling luster.


A circle, directly swallowing a person in the belly.

The blood mist rose, so thick that it made people feel suffocated.

In a short period of time, three people were killed.

The remaining people were all frightened and inexplicable, but they also knew that Xiang Yu could not be allowed to escape.

For a moment, he rushed towards Xiang Yu without fear of death.

From their point of view, even if the emperor encountered such an attack, he would not be able to resist it.

However, Xiang Yu is very comparable to others.

He swam in the air, dodging the opponent's attacks.

The flexibility of the body is astonishing.

Then, he waved out his palm.


A soldier was shot and flew out.

It was torn apart in the air.

This made the remaining people fearful, but they didn't even dare to approach Xiang Yu.


At this moment, Xiang Yu's body suddenly flipped in the air.

Then, the huge tail swung and whipped down like a steel whip.


A soldier was smashed into a pulp.

"Looking for death!"

The alien warrior on the other side saw his own people being killed at this time.

But he could no longer bear it.

Holding the mace, he smashed it directly towards Xiang Yu.

The blazing light flashed with dazzling runes.

Wherever he passed, the void made a crackling sound.

Everyone was shocked.


A huge sound came, and the old woman turned into a blood mist in an instant.

At this time, Xiang Yu's eyes also showed a bloodthirsty look.

Then, he took a step forward.

His figure jumped into the air.

The Fang Tian Huaji in his hand flashed a dazzling light and chopped straight at the leader of the alien race.


The two sides collided in an instant, and a roar sounded.

"Bang Bang!"

The leader of the alien race retreated directly, and Xiang Yu was not feeling well either.

His body was knocked back a full kilometer before he stabilized.

Such a record made him extremely excited.

Since he started practicing martial arts, he has never had such a refreshing battle.

"Haha, it feels good!"

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At this moment.

The eyes of the alien warrior also showed a ferocious look.

Then, he leaped and rushed out in an instant.

His claws shattered the space inch by inch.

It looked extremely ferocious.


After seeing such a scene, Xiang Yu's figure was also stunned.

Then, he went forward.

The sharp blades on his fists emitted a dazzling light.


The next moment, the two collided again.

Moreover, the more they fought, the braver they became.

This is because Xiang Yu's cultivation method is special, and his strength is strong, so he almost has the upper hand in the battle with this alien warrior.

At this time, he even suppressed the opponent faintly.

After seeing such a scene.

Those human races who watched the battle showed excitement in their eyes.

Unexpectedly, their leader was so powerful.

However, more people were worried.

After all, there were too many aliens, and their strength was much higher than that of the vanguard corps.

If the battle lasted for a long time, they would definitely suffer.

And just when everyone was a little anxious.

But at this time, Xiang Yu's eyes were full of brilliance.

The painted halberd in his hand stabbed directly forward.

It was like a meteor chasing the moon.


The long spear passed.

The alien commander's head shot out in an instant.

He couldn't die anymore.

At the same time, other aliens could no longer hold on.

However, an old woman appeared at this time.

The opponent's strength is unmatched, and he is a Daluo Jinxian.

But at this time, he appeared again.

"Humph, since you dare to kill my son, I will sacrifice him with your blood today!"

The old woman's voice was full of madness.

Then, she rushed towards Xiang Yu.


The long sleeves swung, and a huge strong wind spread.

The soldiers around were all thrown backwards in an instant.

Obviously, they could not withstand the terrifying energy.

The strength of this old woman is really strong.

And Xiang Yu was also unwilling to be outdone.

The long halberd in his hand danced and rushed towards the old woman.

"Bang Bang!"

The violent collision sound kept coming out.

I saw that Xiang Yu's feet were already full of cracks.

However, the old woman's figure was also shaking constantly.


Finally, after another bombardment by Xiang Yu.

The opponent's figure was smashed out.

Although her body was not completely broken, she had lost the ability to resist.

"Kill this woman, kill all these humans.

Anyone who dares to stop us will be killed without mercy!"

The leader's voice came out at this time.

He showed resentment in his eyes.

His son was killed, all thanks to Xiang Yu, how could he let him go easily at this time.

As the other party's voice fell.

The surrounding aliens all moved.

They rushed towards the crowd.

At this time, the field fell into chaos.

But Xiang Yu was also in a bitter battle.

While fighting, he had to protect the people, so his fighting spirit was gradually worn out.

Not only that, the cruelty of those aliens also caused heavy losses to the human race.

When Xiang Yu killed an alien in front of him, there was no human left in the field.

On the ground, there were corpses everywhere.

Blood gushed out.

It was shocking.

At this moment, those foreign races were preparing to charge into the city.

Seeing this scene, Xiang Yu's face showed a ferocious look at this moment.

"Haha, none of you can escape today!"

As soon as the voice fell, he rushed forward in an instant.

A brilliant divine light rippled on his body.

The whole person was covered with heavy armor in an instant.

The Fang Tian Hua Ji in his hand burst into dazzling brilliance.

And those foreign races just approached.

Xiang Yu's Fang Tian Hua Ji swept out.



As a burst of thunder exploded.

Everyone in the room knew it.

Xiang Yu won.

A powerful man at the fifth level of Daluo Jinxian was actually killed by Xiang Yu.

Moreover, the opponent has not been injured yet, which is so tough.


Then, when those aliens were stunned.

Xiang Yu shouted angrily.

He led his troops and charged towards the aliens.

At this time, he was covered in blood and his eyes were red.

Every move he made was filled with endless murderous intent.

But at this time, the foreign race was frightened.

They were outmatched by the enemy clan and wanted to escape, but Xiang Yu appeared fiercely and blocked their way, making it impossible to leave.


At this time, a strong alien roared and actually abandoned his comrades beside him.

Want to run away into the distance.

And just when he left.

Xiang Yu pierced the opponent's chest with one spear.

Scenes like this are happening constantly.

In a short period of time, the entire battlefield was shrouded in thick blood mist.

And just when it was all over.

The soldiers in the city had joy in their eyes, and they were cheering and celebrating their victory.

But Xiang Yu's face was still calm.

These alien races may be extremely difficult to deal with in the eyes of humans.

But when fighting against them, he didn't even have the qualifications to take himself seriously.

He still knew this.

However, when I saw the old woman.

His brows couldn't help but frown.

Although the opponent's strength is not strong.

But extremely weird.

The most important thing is that it is far away from where his troops are stationed.

It's millions of miles away.

If this person is not dealt with, it will definitely be a big trouble.

Therefore, it should be regarded as an order.

“You guard the city and don’t allow anyone to enter.

I'm going to support! "

After saying that, he rushed out of the city.

At this moment, he knew in his heart that if he didn't deal with this old woman, the danger to the human race would have just begun.

And just as he left.

The old woman had already retreated.

She spat out a mouthful of blood, obviously she had just been shocked by Xiang Yu.

“Haha, you thief is indeed very powerful.

If you hadn't killed my son, I would definitely not be able to spare you today! "

The old woman said coldly.

Then, prepare to attack again.

However, just when she raised her arm.

A cold voice came out.

"you wanna die!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xiang Yu was already standing on the city wall.

At this time, his whole body was bathed in blazing flames.

The painted halberd in his hand is like a giant python.

Just chop it down.

The space shattered, making bursts of roaring sounds.

The old woman's expression also couldn't help but change.

Then, he couldn't care less about competing with Xiang Yu.

The body drifted towards the back.

"hold head high!"

At this time, a giant dragon suddenly appeared at the city gate.

The body is entrenched in the void.

Exuding powerful coercion.

Suddenly the emperor arrived.

"His Majesty!"

After seeing this scene, the old woman's eyes turned red.

Her voice was choked.

At this time, the hatred was crazy.

"I came too late and made my beloved suffer.

From now on, no one in this world can bully you. "

The emperor spoke.

Then, the palm slowly stretched out.

In an instant, billowing spiritual energy gathered.

Then, it turned into a stream of light and submerged into the old woman's body.

The originally shriveled body actually became extremely plump at this time.

not only that.

What's more important is that her cultivation level has actually been promoted to the seventh level of Da Luo.

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