Xiang Yu looked at this scene and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Why is this guy so much more shameless than me?

After all, I’m not that shameless!

Xiang Yu possesses an innate talent for cultivation, which is extremely terrifying.

This kind of cultivation talent gives them extremely powerful abilities early on.

Even when he was a mortal, he could beat to death practitioners who had not yet entered the immortal path with just the power of his body!

Not only that, he also has a terrifying talent that will improve his cultivation during battle!

The greater the battle, the greater the cultivation level that can be improved!

Unconsciously, he had entered the avenue of war.

Not only is it the Avenue of War, but he is also born with double pupils.

Having double pupils is the way to be invincible, so why borrow another person's bones?

The last person with double pupils was Cang Jie!

Before Cangjie, it was Shi Yishi.

Each of these two is a legend!

Among them, the human teacher Cangjie is undoubtedly the best!

There have been several terms of the Human Emperor, and the characters in each term are very different and unrelated.

But only Cangjie firmly occupies the position of human teacher.

The position of teacher is here for one person.

No matter how the world changes, the ultimate teacher will always be Cangjie.

This is Cangjie's ability.

It was also his legacy that created the writing that is unique to the human race.

This kind of legacy is not an ordinary thing.

That is a real great achievement!

Of course, it's not just that.

As long as human writing is immortal, Cangjie will always be a teacher.

Even if there will be more positions for human teachers in the future, it cannot erase Cangjie's contribution and position.

Teachers are not the only ones, nor can they be replaced by the next one.

The Human Emperor is the supreme leader.

There are no two days in the sky, and there are no two masters in the country.

There is no way around it.

But if it were a human teacher, it would be different.

If you have a great influence on the human race, you can become a human teacher.

As long as you can become a human teacher, you are basically a permanent human teacher.

Each double eye will create an extremely powerful being.

And now, Xiang Yu also has double pupils.

He was born with double pupils, and he was regarded by the Xiang family as the hope of revenge like Qin Shihuang!

Of course, that was before.

Now, Qin Shihuang has become the Emperor of Heaven, and no one dares to challenge him again.

Such an extremely powerful existence is naturally extremely powerful.

The Xiang family no longer thinks about overthrowing the Qin Empire.

In fact, as the Qin Empire broke through the mortal world and reached the world of heaven, the Xiang family no longer thought about anything.

However, their surrender to Qin Shihuang did not mean that Xiang Yu was willing to surrender.

Xiang Yu is now alone in the world.

A person ran into the world of heavens.

Even if you don't know everything, even if you only have the most basic first-level strength.

That is the Golden Immortal Realm.

The Golden Immortal realm means having an infinite lifespan.

With infinite lifespan, one can travel freely among the heavens.

No more fear of what may happen.

The premise is that they will not be killed by the opponent.

And now, Xiang Yu has become Taiyi Golden Immortal.

You can cross steps to kill enemies.

Because he himself is the most powerful method of cultivation.

Not only that, there are also relatively weak cultivation methods among the heavens.

Of course, this is equivalent to speaking in the wilderness.

The cultivation method in the mortal world is the cultivation method in the ancient world.

Similarly, if calculated according to prehistoric standards, his current strength should be at the level of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Although I have just set foot in it, I am not even Da Luo.

But this was enough to sweep the entire prehistoric world.

After all, this is the world of heavens.

Moreover, after Xiang Yu grew up, he also experienced a great disaster.

The pressure frightened him.

If he hadn't escaped quickly, he would have definitely fallen under that thunder.

Therefore, the current Xiang Yu exists.

His speed is very fast, almost beyond the speed of light, and he can cover a distance of tens of millions of miles in the blink of an eye.

In his eyes, the entire universe seemed bleak.

But just as he was flying towards the East China Sea, he met a group of people.

"You are seeking death, and you dare to block my king's footsteps. You will all die today!"

After hearing the sound, Xiang Yu stopped in his tracks.

The strength of this group of people is too low.

However, since he was in his way, he had to die.

Thinking of this, he swung the three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand.

The sharp blade flashed across the void in an instant.

Bringing forth bursts of roaring sounds.

This made the people surrounding him look horrified.

They had never seen such an attack before, as if it was not something humans could send out at all.


Immediately afterwards, there was a roar.

They didn't even have time to scream.

It turned into ashes and disappeared into the heaven and earth.

At this time, Xiang Yu, after getting rid of these miscellaneous fish, continued to fly away into the distance.

Above the East China Sea.

A huge city stands tall.

A sacrificial ceremony was being held at this time.

Outside the city gate, there is a huge blood jade stele.

It has the words "East China Sea Dragon Palace" written on it.

In the surrounding area, endless navy surrounded this area.

If this scene was seen by someone, it would be extremely shocking.

The East China Sea Dragon Palace is famous.

Who would have thought that such a scene would appear.

However, at this moment, everyone did not feel strange at all.

Because today is the time for the East China Sea Dragon King to pay tribute to his ancestors and recruit dragon girls.

The dragon sons and grandsons of the dragons naturally need to participate.

And at this time.


Countless meteors fell in the sky.

This scene made the shrimp soldiers and crab generals guarding the East China Sea show excitement on their faces.

"This is a distinguished guest coming to the door, and my Dragon Palace will soon welcome the distinguished guest!"

A commander said.

His eyes were full of joy.

And just after his voice fell.


A dragon soared into the sky.

The scales on his body were shining with brilliant golden light, just like cast gold.

It was shocking.

"Haha, the island guardian beast of my Dragon Palace has finally been promoted to the level of Daluo Jinxian.

Let's go out to sea with me to welcome the distinguished guests!"

The commander said with a smile.

His voice resounded through the sky.

And just after his voice fell.

Other soldiers followed him one after another.

Just like that, they flew out to the sea in a mighty manner.

Only the people on the East China Sea were left dumbfounded.

It turned out that the legend was true, and those strong men could travel around the nine states.

And now, the guards of the Dragon Palace really did it.

I just don't know who those people are.

Just as this commander was plundering overseas.

Xiang Yu was already standing on the top of an island.

He looked down and said slowly.

"What a strong breath.

It's worthy of being the world of the heavens!"

At this time, his eyes were shining with dazzling light.

Then, he walked forward.

And just as he walked in.

He saw a figure coming up.

It was the brothers Ao Bing and Ao Shun.

These two were originally the sons and grandsons of the dragon in the Dragon Palace.

At this time, when they saw Xiang Yu, they were naturally very respectful.

"Meet the envoy!"

The respectful voice sounded, and they did not dare to neglect it.

"Well, are you from the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea?

I am looking for an old friend.

Can you tell me where she is!"

After hearing the voice, Ao Bing said respectfully.

"Please wait a moment, sir. I will send Prime Minister Turtle to inform you!"

After that, Ao Bing retreated.

And Xiang Yu was not in a hurry.

He stood quietly in the same place, waiting patiently.

However, just a moment later.

A group of people and horses flew over from a distance.

This group of people and horses rode on extremely fierce mounts.

It was the imperial guards of the Dragon Palace.

Ao Feihu, the leader, had a gleam in his eyes after seeing Xiang Yu.

"You are Xiang Yu!"

The voice sounded, filled with unparalleled murderous intent.

"It is someone!"

Looking at Ao Feihu, he said lightly.

There was no fear in his eyes.

"Hmph, those who dare to offend your majesty will only die!"


After hearing the voice, even Xiang Yu was stunned. He didn't expect the other party to say so.

However, he said coldly afterwards.

"If you want to kill me, you are almost there with a waste like you!"

The voice sounded, with a touch of disdain.

At this moment, Ao Feihu's eyes were boiling with murderous intent.

"Haha, kid, you are so arrogant.

Do you know who I am!"

"No matter who you are, if you want to kill me, show your true ability!"

After the voice fell, Xiang Yu leaped out and rushed towards Ao Feihu.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the other person.

Instantly, infinite energy surged.

"Hmph, I will kill you today!"

Ao Feihu shouted angrily and rushed forward.

The two collided, and sparks flew in an instant.

Although Xiang Yu had just broken through to the realm of Taiyi Jinxian.

However, his fighting skills were extremely profound.

In a short period of time, he firmly gained the upper hand.

Moreover, more importantly, although Ao Feihu was at the peak of Daluo Jinxian, he was not good at fighting.

At this time, Xiang Yu was getting braver and braver.

Each of his blows contained a destructive aura.

Making Ao Feihu embarrassed.

In the end, he didn't even have a chance to escape.

He was forced to retreat step by step.

At this moment, a figure wearing golden armor flew over from a distance.

His eye sockets were deep and his cheekbones were protruding.

His whole body was covered with thick scales.

Showing a strong body.

But after seeing Ao Feihu being suppressed, his eyes burst into brilliant light.

Then, a cold voice came out:

"Evil beast, get out of my way!"

As the voice sounded, the whole space was filled with murderous intent.

Then, he punched out.


Thunder actually exploded above this punch.

It hit Xiang Yu like a thunder python.

After seeing such a scene.

How dare the other party be negligent.

Steps forward.

Just avoid it.


And just at the moment his figure left.

Ao Feihu's armor was torn to pieces.

There were bursts of shrill roars coming from his mouth.

Then, the body turned into a puddle of pus in an instant.

Obviously, the attack just now was enough to kill him.

At this time, Xiang Yu looked at the dragon master who suddenly appeared, with a solemn look in his eyes.

The strength of this strong man is very terrifying.

Just the momentum he exuded was enough to make Xiang Yu unable to breathe.


At this moment, a roar was indeed heard.

Then, I saw two extremely ferocious beasts emerging from the bottom of the sea.

Their bodies are almost several thousand feet in size.

The huge body hovers above the sea.

The body is surrounded by blazing blue light.

Astonishingly, it was the Water Yuanling and the Dark Demon Crocodile in the eyes of the sea.

After seeing Ao Bing clearly.

The Dark Demon Crocodile's eyes revealed a bloodthirsty light.


Let out a roar.

The huge mouth opened and bit towards him.

At the same time, the water elemental spirit also rushed forward in an instant.


Ao Bing never thought that these two people would take the initiative to attack and kill him.

He was hit hard on the chest by the opponent.

Blood spurted out of his mouth.

The whole person was thrown to the ground.

"You are seeking death!"

After saying that, Ao Bing was ready to summon his men to capture the two of them.

But, at this moment.

But Ao Feihu blocked his way.

"Father, save me!"

Ao Bing exclaimed.

At this time, he understood that Ao Feihu was simply unreliable.

Therefore, it is a call for help.

And just after his words fell.

Xiang Yu's expression changed.

Then, he pointed out that there was actually a hole pierced in Ao Bing's forehead.

He lost all his vitality.

Then, he was swallowed by the Dark Demon Crocodile.

Ao Feihu on the other side was looking at the monster in the sea's eyes, but the anger on his face could not be concealed.

Xiang Yu actually dared to kill his son in front of him.

This is naked humiliation.

However, he also knew in his heart that if he took action, he might not be able to get any favors from him.

After all, this Ao Bing is his only son.

Now that he has fallen, how can he not be angry.

Thinking of this, he shouted coldly.

“I will let you go today.

Remember, you are just an ant.

Just wait outside Shenlong City to be punished! "

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Xiang Yu, however, still stood proudly on the spot, as if he had not heard his words.

After Ao Feihu left.

The other soldiers also disappeared.

At this time, Xiang Yu ignored everyone's thoughts.

He looked at the treasure left by Ao Bing.

There was greed in his eyes.

If these wealth were used to support his cultivation.

I'm afraid it's enough for him to rise again.

Then, he said slowly.

"In that case, it's better to be respectful than to obey!"

The voice sounded.

Then, all the valuable things in the treasure house were taken away.

Then he left.

As for Ao Bing's life and death, he had forgotten it.

In his opinion, the opponent's strength is weak.

As long as you are careful and don't get discovered by the other party, even if you don't improve your cultivation level.

Self-protection is not a problem either.

After all, within this Tianyan galaxy.

Except for the Dragon King, he was not afraid of others at all.

At this time, what Xiang Yu didn't know was that after he left just now.

Ao Bing's father, Ao Feihu, has returned to the camp.

Looking at Ao Bing's body sitting in front of Shuai'an, Ao Feihu's eyes showed resentment.

"Your Majesty, Ao Bing is my only son.

You want to avenge him! "

There was a hint of sincerity in his voice.

Although Ao Bing's strength is not good.

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