Besides, the other party is such a young guy, how could he be so powerful.

Thinking of this, he did not dare to neglect and retreated to the back.


Just when he was about to escape.

Xiang Yu's figure was like a ghost.

In an instant, he appeared beside the elder.

The sharp claw blade directly slashed towards the other party's head.

At this moment, the elder finally knew that he was afraid.

His voice sounded at this time:

"Spare my life, I am willing to surrender!"

At this time, his eyes were full of regret.

If he had known this earlier, he would never provoke this crazy guy.


And just after his voice fell.

Xiang Yu's sharp claws directly tore his throat.

Drops of blood spilled at this time.

And the elder's body also fell to the ground.

Showing a cold corpse.

And just after he was killed.

Xiang Yu's eyes were red.

The aura on his body rose up in an instant.


Then, he roared towards the sky.

The whole person turned into an extremely ferocious appearance.

At this time, his eyes exuded a terrifying brilliance.

"I remember!"

There was a hint of coldness in Xiang Yu's voice.

Then, he shouted again.

"Destroy the enemy!"


Now, his cultivation bottleneck has been broken.

His strength has increased by leaps and bounds.

It's just right to experience some experience.

Then, he walked away.

After seeing such a scene.

Xiang Yu turned and walked towards the palace.

This time, he wanted to vent all his hatred on the Taiyuan Holy Land.

When he entered the palace.

A vast pressure spread.

But at this time, Xiang Yu did not have any fear, but instead went forward.

His face was extremely cold.

At this time, he said slowly.

"I want to kill people, can you stop me!"

The voice contained endless tyranny and coldness.

"Hmph, just a group of ants, kill them if you want!"

The royal family guarding the palace said coldly at this time.

There was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

Also a genius, he also had a desire to fight in his heart.

And at this moment.

Xiang Yu had already taken action.

He jumped up.

A blazing golden light emanated from his body.

On his fists, brilliant energy condensed.

He smashed towards the hall.

At this moment, he was like an ancient beast.

The guard's face became extremely ugly.

But he also knew that he was no longer the opponent of the other party.


The moment the fists collided.

A deafening roar sounded.

Then, the guard's figure was smashed away.

And just when his figure just fell.

Xiang Yu's figure rushed to the sky again.

Every step he took left a huge pit on the ground.

In a short time, he stood in the void again.

Looking down at the guard.

At this time, the other party was completely dumbfounded.

He couldn't figure out in his dreams how such a strong man could be born.


At this moment.

He felt his throat being strangled.

Then, a huge head splashed up.

At this moment, the whole Tianhe City was silent.

And those ordinary soldiers were even more shocked.

They had never seen such a powerful existence.

And at this moment.

A cruel smile appeared at the corner of Xiang Yu's mouth.

At this time, his eyes were scarlet.

The whole person seemed to destroy the world.


A violent voice sounded, and Xiang Yu rushed directly downwards.

His figure was extremely fast.


Just after entering the Taiyuan Holy Land.

He waved his fists.

In an instant, several houses were overturned to the ground.

He pushed forward all the way, and the disciples he met could not resist at all.


At this time, Xiang Yu roared.

In his mind, a huge stream of information surged out.

Then, the fierceness in his eyes became more and more intense.

"Bang bang!"

Then, two more punches were thrown.

The disciples of Taiyuan Holy Land couldn't even dodge.

They were beaten to death by him.

Everything was the fault of Taiyuan Holy Land, and no one else could be blamed.

At this time, on the other side, the attack of the great elder and others had indeed begun.

Taiyuan Holy Land was originally a powerful sect.

However, they were severely injured in the hands of Tianhe Saint Lord.

Now, although they have recovered a lot, they are still not as good as their peak period.

And these people can be said to be the real core figures of Taiyuan Holy Land.

The rest of the disciples can only be regarded as peripheral members.

At this time, under the attack of the great elder and others, they could not resist at all.

The shadow of death loomed over everyone's heart.

And at this moment.

An elder exclaimed.

"The headmaster has come out of retreat!"

There was joy in his voice.

After hearing the voice, a gleam of brilliance flashed in the eyes of the elder.

The headmaster is the direct disciple of the Taiyuan Saint Emperor.

He has great authority in the entire holy land.

If the other party takes action, he will definitely be saved.

Therefore, after hearing the voice, he was extremely excited.

A moment later, he flew towards the depths of the holy land.


When he just arrived outside the hall.

A dragon roar sounded.

Then, a golden dragon flew out.

It hit the guard fiercely.

Wherever it passed, the void shattered.

The elder's pupils shrank.

He had seen this move before.

When he fought with the Tianhe Saint Lord.

Taiyuan Saint Emperor used this move.

Now, it was shown here again.

He did not dare to hesitate and retreated quickly.

Because the elder knew in his heart that if he did not escape in time, he would probably die here.

Just after his body moved.


A ray of sword energy passed by.

His right arm fell directly on the ground.


His body fell to the ground.

At this time, the golden dragon had already circled over.

He looked at the elder and shouted angrily.

"Don't surrender yet, otherwise I will definitely kill you!"

The voice sounded, and the elder's eyes showed horror.

Now he can be said to be regretting it. If he had known this, he would never dare to go to the big man.

At this moment.

A figure appeared in the field.

This person seemed small.

But the aura emanating from his body filled the elder's eyes with fear.

"Greetings to the master, please save my life.

You must avenge me!"

The elder shouted miserably.

At this time, the Taiyuan master showed a gloomy look in his eyes.

He had been in seclusion for a long time, but he didn't expect that someone would come to cause trouble.

He said coldly.

"Whoever did it, get out!"

There was a chill in his voice.

"Haha, you finally came out.

In that case, I will send you to see the Holy Emperor Taiyuan!"

As the voice fell, a hearty laugh came out.

Then, Xiang Yu appeared on the spot.

At this time, the elder was very excited to see that the other party dared to provoke the headmaster.

Because, as long as the headmaster took action, the other party would definitely lose.

After seeing Xiang Yu appear.

The headmaster frowned.

"Who are you? How dare you come to my Taiyuan Holy Land to make trouble!"

The voice was very low.

However, as soon as the voice fell.

Xiang Yu's eyes bloomed with cold murderous intent.


Then, his body turned into a black mist and disappeared instantly.

The speed was so fast that it was beyond everyone's expectations.

The headmaster was blown away before he even had time to react.


A mouthful of blood spit out.

A look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

He didn't expect that Xiang Yu's strength would be so strong.

However, the next moment, his face became ferocious.

"You deserve to die!"

As soon as the voice fell.

A jade talisman appeared in his hand.

Then, he crushed it.

At the same time, a vast breath permeated above the Heavenly Palace.

Then, the entire sky above the Heavenly Palace.

It was actually covered by a layer of light blue light curtain at this time.


The moment the light curtain just rose.

It was chopped by a knife.

But Xiang Yu's figure did not stop at all.

After breaking the barrier, he continued to rush towards the Taiyuan Sect Master.

The speed was so fast that he reached the opponent in the blink of an eye.

The blazing sword aura spread out at this time.

The Taiyuan Sect Master showed a look of terror in his eyes.


He met it with a palm.

The two collided with each other, making a deafening roar.

Xiang Yu's figure did not stop at this time.

Thick black smoke burst out from his body again.

Then, he took a step forward.

He chopped down with a knife.

The blazing blade light crisscrossed between heaven and earth.

Taiyuan Sect Master was simply no match.


His left arm shattered in an instant.

Such a scene made the other party look horrified.

He wanted to escape.

But Xiang Yu would never let him do so.


Another knife fell.

Half of the opponent's shoulder was cut off alive.

The Sect Master's eyes showed a crazy look.


Then, he actually roared to the sky.

A milky white droplet spurted out of his mouth.

In an instant, it gathered around and turned into a giant beast, charging towards Xiang Yu.

This giant beast was covered with scales and had two ferocious horns on its head.

It was like a prehistoric god from ancient times.

Wherever he passed, the space trembled violently.

Xiang Yu's pupils shrank.

Then, he shouted.

"Hmph, a mere trifle!"

As soon as the words fell, his figure suddenly grew in size.

His physical strength is extremely powerful.

Enough to compete with anyone.

After blocking the giant beast.


The war spear in his hand pierced the opponent's chest.

Then, he pulled it into his arms.

This caused a look of despair in the headmaster's eyes.

The trump card that he was proud of was easily suppressed in front of the opponent.

And right now.

In the Heavenly Palace, the figure of Taiyuan Saint Emperor also appeared.

This is an old man, and he is full of energy.

He is clearly a master of Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

After seeing what was going on, a look of indifference appeared on his lips.

He spoke slowly.

"Who are you? You dare to break into my holy land. You are really looking for death!"

There was a sinister tone in the voice.

Then, point out.

A finger force roared out.

The entire space became extremely silent in an instant.

Everyone can feel the aura of destruction contained in it.

But Xiang Yu was happy and not afraid.


With one punch, the fingerlight was shattered to pieces.

Then, it hit the Taiyuan Saint Emperor straight away.


After seeing such a scene, Taiyuan Saint Emperor couldn't help but snorted coldly.

The same punch was thrown.

The huge fist seal collided with Xiang Yu.


With the sound of chirping.

Xiang Yu actually retreated towards the rear.

However, just after he stood upright.

"hold head high!"

The dragon's roar sounded instantly.

Xiang Yu's whole body suddenly surged with dazzling golden light.

Then, the scars on his body healed at this time.

"hold head high!"

On the other side, the Taiyuan Saint Emperor's body erupted with endless black flames.

Like a volcano, it surges between heaven and earth.

The two of them attack.

The entire void was shaking constantly.

Such a battle attracted countless onlookers.

They did not expect that the Taiyuan Holy Emperor, who was rarely encountered in ordinary times, would actually fight with others.

This is the peak combat effectiveness of Taiyuan Sect.


When the two separated, Taiyuan Saint Emperor's eyes showed surprise.

Obviously, he didn't expect that Xiang Yu had such strength.

However, at this moment, Xiang Yu stomped his steps.

The figure has already rushed towards the opponent again.

This kind of battle is what he dreams of, and he can only get braver with each fight.

Only in this way can you improve your cultivation.

Over the years, he has been holding back. How could he miss the opportunity now?


There was a strong chilling air in his voice.

One punch seemed to break the sky.

The Taiyuan Saint Emperor's eyes could not help but narrow.

Then, the figure burst out in an instant.

His palm shot out.

Fighting with Xiang Yu.


A violent collision was heard.

Then, Taiyuan Saint Emperor's figure was forced to retreat.

But Xiang Yu did not pursue the victory.

Although he had the upper hand at this moment, he still had not forgotten his purpose here.

The sharp blade in his hand was raised again.


A cold light flashed past.

This time, it went straight towards the neck of Taiyuan Saint Emperor.

This blow was extremely sharp.

Taiyuan Saint Emperor, it was already too late to escape.

Therefore, do not dare to be negligent and stretch out your right palm to resist.


However, before his palm touched the sharp blade.

A crisp sound came out.

Then, his entire palm was completely destroyed.

"Ah, I'll fight you!"

Screams sounded.

Taiyuan Saint Emperor's eyes showed a look of resentment.

Then, he turned his wrist and a jade talisman appeared in his palm.

Then, he threw it fiercely towards Xiang Yu.

"not good!"

When the jade talisman fell in the air, Xiang Yu knew something was wrong.

His body jumped out, trying to stop the opponent.

However, as the jade talisman flew out, it bloomed with dazzling brilliance.

"hold head high!"

A huge python appeared in the air, opening its bloody mouth, trying to devour Xiang Yu.

At this time, his face couldn't help but show a solemn look.

Then, the figure kept twisting in the air.

Finally dodged that huge attack.

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