
And just when he was about to approach Taiyuan Holy Emperor.

The opponent's body suddenly erupted with bright energy.


This power is so powerful that even Xiang Yu is a little overwhelmed.

There was a sound of broken clothes.

His chest was scorched black.

"Jie Jie, I am Taiyuan Saint Emperor.

Is this temple something you can enter whenever you want?

Go to hell! "

Taiyuan Saint Emperor's gloomy voice sounded.

Then, he slapped Xiang Yu with a palm.

The speed was so fast that not even an afterimage was left behind.

Xiang Yu's pupils couldn't help but shrink.

Then, he greeted him without hesitation.

His palm stretched out to meet the opponent's palm.

This palm is unparalleled in dominance.

However, after touching the palm of Taiyuan Saint Emperor, it actually cracked every inch.


Then, it flew straight backwards.


The blood was spilled, which looked extremely poignant.

At this time, Xiang Yu was seriously injured after all.

Taiyuan Saint Emperor is too powerful.

"Haha, the power of my jade talisman.

You can't match it.

Go and die! "

Taiyuan Saint Emperor laughed and said.

He didn't want to waste time and was ready to continue.

After all, he had just been promoted.

It just needs someone to check it out.

However, just after his words fell.


A roar came out at this time.

Then, a ferocious beast appeared in everyone's sight.

Its figure almost stretched across the center of the entire battlefield.

His eyes were red, like wild beasts.

This made the Taiyuan Saint Emperor frown involuntarily.

Then, he shouted coldly.

"You evil beast, if you dare to cause trouble here, I will kill you without mercy!"

The voice was full of violence.

However, after hearing the sound, the ferocious beast didn't care at all.

Roaring towards the sky.

"hold head high!"

The giant claws stretched out and grabbed directly at Taiyuan Holy Emperor.

This is a prehistoric alien species with a body size of ten thousand feet, and its whole body is covered with scales.

A pair of eyes, as big as copper bells.

Plus, a ferocious face.

The people watching the battle all around couldn't help but feel shocked.

At this time, the Taiyuan Saint Emperor also looked slightly startled.

He didn't expect that a ferocious beast would suddenly appear here.

But immediately afterwards, he did not dare to neglect at all.

There was a cold light in his eyes.

Then, the long sword in his hand moved.

"call out!"

The blazing sword gang burst out in an instant.

Colliding with the sharp claws of the ferocious beast.


Space is torn apart.

The ferocious beast was directly knocked away.

However, the other party at this time had no intention of stopping at all.

He rushed forward again.


A sharp iron claw directly cut through the air.

Taiyuan Saint Emperor showed fear in his eyes.

But at this moment.


Another roar came out.

I saw a green bull strutting in the distance.

Every step it takes makes people feel the heaven and earth shaking.

In particular, the pair of horns exudes a powerful light.

It makes people look scared.

At this time, not only Taiyuan Saint Emperor was stunned on the spot, but also the ferocious beast was standing there without any reaction.

The figure of the green bull was slowly approaching.

Everyone knew that a war was about to begin.

In the Taiyuan Holy Land, masters from all major forces gathered here, if there really was a fight.

It must be a battle between dragons and tigers.

The ferocious beast was a little hesitant.

He didn't know Qingniu, but he understood that this was definitely not an existence that he could contend with.

And just when he was confused.

There was a hint of disdain on the corner of Qing Niu's mouth.

Between his breaths, he exhaled a stream of gray mist.

Then, he walked towards the front.

This scene made Taiyuan Saint Emperor's eyes flash with excitement.

As long as the green bull leaves, he will be sure to take down these outsiders.

He is not afraid of death, but he is most afraid of loneliness.

And the eyes of others also flashed with joy.

At this moment, everyone hopes that these two top players will decide the outcome and determine life and death.

In this way, you can reduce stress.

However, everyone is looking forward to the time when the two of them will fight.

The green bull suddenly turned around.

He raised the sole of his foot and stepped down directly.

In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color.

A terrifying surge of energy.

The Taiyuan Saint Emperor wanted to escape, but it was too late.


There was a sound of bones breaking.

His whole body was trampled into a pulp.

But at this time, the ferocious beast was stunned.

He wanted to escape, but it was too late.

Then, Qingniu took steps again.

Although this ferocious beast is a strange species from ancient times, it is very powerful.

However, how could he be Qingniu's opponent.

The opponent's hooves kept stepping down.

Along the way, all those who stood in his way were trampled into pulp.

In a short time, he appeared in front of the ferocious beast.

A slap down.


The beast's head was directly slapped away.

Then, the huge body fell to the ground, making a dull sound.

A huge inner elixir rolled down from his abdomen.

After seeing such a scene, Qingniu's eyes showed excitement.

When he opened his mouth, he sucked it into his mouth.

Then, the body turned into a stream of light again, flying towards the direction of Taiyuan Saint Emperor.


He roared loudly in mid-air.

The sound shook the entire sky.

As for Taiyuan Saint Emperor, his expression was extremely ugly.

He wanted to summon an army to surround and kill the beast.

But, don’t wait to speak.


A golden rope was suddenly pulled off.

Instantly wrapped around his neck.


Taiyuan Saint Emperor's head flew out directly.

Then, the rope was tightened.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a golden gourd.


But the spiritual light on the gourd became increasingly bright.

In the end, Taiyuan Saint Emperor was swallowed up.

After a while, everything calmed down.

Everyone, including those watching the battle outside the battlefield, were completely confused.

No one expected it.

After a prehistoric alien species appeared, it only took less than a stick of incense to trap the Taiyuan Saint Emperor.

How can they match such strength?

For a moment, everyone felt the intention to retreat.

And at this moment.


A clear chirping sound came out.

Then, a flaming phoenix was seen rising into the sky.

Her wings fluttered.

With animation, fire and rain fall from the sky.

Everyone's faces showed a look of horror.

And at the same time.


A thunderous explosion fell in the void.

Then, everyone saw a thunder snake hovering in the sky.

It's like Optimus Prime.

An electric arc struck down.

It hit the beast's head directly.


The opponent's head was shattered.

It turned into blood mist and filled the air.

Then, the body fell to the ground.

Obviously, these are two strong men joining together, preparing to deal with one first.

As for the remaining humans, they can only be regarded as cannon fodder.

This scene made everyone feel horrified.

They finally understood that there would be heavy casualties today.

However, just when these people were preparing to retreat.


Another stream of light shot out.

Then, I saw a lotus blooming.

An old monk sat cross-legged on it, with his eyes closed, as if he was sitting in meditation.

However, everyone knew that the other party had not entered meditation, but had been keeping vigilance against everyone.

Such a situation made them feel relieved.

Anyway, there is finally a savior.

And the green bull was no longer attacking everyone at this time, but was standing aside, as if waiting for something.

After seeing such a scene, many monks became even more cautious.

But, at this moment.


A strong wind suddenly swept around.

Wherever the strong wind passed, the trees and weeds withered instantly.

The strong smell of blood hit his face.

It makes people feel sick.

Everyone's eyes were looking forward.

Their pupils couldn't help but shrink.

Because, in the distance, a team of thousands of people was slowly running towards here.

And it's extremely fast.


Seeing such a scene, everyone couldn't help but gasp.

Because they found out.

These people turned out to be members of the demon clan.

The demonic energy emanating from his body.

Even they felt heart palpitations.

At this time, the leading demon clan member was indeed looking this way.

There were black runes dancing in his eye sockets.

The whole person looked extremely ferocious.

Looking at those human monks, he said solemnly.

"Haha, you humans deserve to die.

We have been waiting for this day for too long.

This time, I must kill you all, leaving no one behind! "

There was ferocity and violence in this man's voice.

After hearing the sound, the faces of the humans around them showed horror.

If they were still taking chances before.

Now, it is real despair.

Because the opponent is so powerful that they cannot resist it.


At this moment, the leading demon clan member flicked his fingers.

A ray of sword light cut through the sky and rushed towards the crowd in an instant.

Wherever it passed, the blazing sword rage raged.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically.

At this moment, they didn't even have a chance to resist.


As the roar sounded.

In the field, blood rained suddenly.

And just when the leading demon clan member just stopped killing.

Another team arrived at this time.


The leader, a woman, held a long whip and swung it fiercely.

Just like a dragon coming out of the sea, wherever it passed, the human figures were instantly exploded.

The thick blood mist kept surging.

This time, they were not just hunting those human masters.

They are even preparing to destroy the indigenous people here.

Otherwise, their losses would be too huge.

After all, apart from the ordinary monsters, most of the people living in this secret realm are humans.

If these people are allowed to grow up, they will be in trouble in the future.

And now everyone is busy.

Liu Zheng was already standing on the city.

At this time, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

This city is not big, but it is very solidly built.

Moreover, there are restrictions.

If you don't have your own system.

I'm afraid I can't find it.

Just as he was taking in his surroundings.


The sound of dense footsteps could be heard.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of cavalry appeared in Xiang Yu's field of vision.

Astonishingly, the demon army arrived.

At this time, he had a bloodthirsty smile on his face.

The murderous aura in his body was extremely strong.

He was looking for prey, and this city was his target.

After seeing such a scene, Xiang Yu did not dare to neglect.

Dang even greeted him.

"hold head high!"

As a roar sounded.

Xiang Yu's body expanded in an instant.

The Overlord Halberd was waved in his hand.


In an instant, endless energy escaped.

At this moment, the demon clan member frowned.

Although he thinks he is powerful.

But Xiang Yu is definitely a top powerhouse.

Moreover, the opponent's size at this time is also much larger than that of ordinary people.

Don't dare to neglect.

Dang even raised the sharp blade in his hand and faced it.


With the sound of gold and iron clashing.

The two collided in the air.

The battle actually came to a brief stalemate.

But Xiang Yu's figure became stronger and stronger.

There are scales emerging on every inch of skin.


Cold words came out of his mouth.

A terrifying aura emanated from the body.

At this time, the strong man from the demon clan.

Not to be outdone.

There was a fierce light flashing in his eyes.

The body swept forward again.

I want to completely tear Xiang Yu into pieces.

And just when the battle between the two sides reached its most intense.

A figure appeared in the sky.

She is dressed in red.

There was a look of indifference on his face.

At this time, he walked down slowly.

After seeing such a scene.

Everyone else in the field couldn't help but shrink their pupils.

Because the pressure put on them by the woman in red was really too great.

Especially the demon clan member, after feeling the woman's cultivation.

His expression changed drastically in an instant.

Because he felt the threat of death from the other party.

And at this moment.

The woman in red said slowly.

"Go away, you are not qualified to be an enemy of this princess.

Spare your life today.

Otherwise, massacre the city! "

The voice sounded, filled with endless domineering power.

After hearing the sound, everyone in the venue bowed their heads respectfully.

I dare not refute even half a point.

"Thank you for your help, girl!"

At this moment, Xiang Yu also walked up.

He bowed to the woman and saluted.


After hearing the voice, the woman in red nodded.

Then, it disappeared directly in place.

She didn't explain anything.

And the demon clan member did not continue to pursue.

This time, they entered the secret realm with the intention of hunting more humans.

I didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

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