Therefore, I can only leave in anger.

Left here too.

However, at this time, Xiang Yu knew in his heart that the other party was definitely not passing by.

The other party should be here for themselves.

Thinking of this, a slight look of solemnity appeared in his eyes.

"Bang bang!"

And right now.

Two figures ran over at this moment.

It was the ancestor.

His face was full of embarrassment.

When he saw Xiang Yu on the city wall, he quickly fell to the ground.

"Mr. Xiang, you are finally back.

You have to make the decision for me! "

There was misery in the voice.

"Why so!"

Xiang Yu asked.

He didn't know what was going on.

And after hearing the sound.

The ancestor's eyes instantly revealed a look of malice.

"Mr. Xiang, my grandson's death must have something to do with them.

Those guys were sent by the Demon Spirit Emperor, and they wanted to destroy the city.

Please save this old slave! "

After hearing the sound, Xiang Yu couldn't help but frown.

I didn't expect that there was such a thing in this secret realm.

Dang even said.

“In that case, then you should go home first.

I'll handle this.

Don't worry.

But remember, don’t go out without my permission! "

When the voice sounded, several generals around Xiang Yu nodded in agreement.

Although these generals don't like to take care of things.

However, he is indeed extremely loyal to Xiang Yu.

"Okay, let's go!"

Xiang Yu said.

His voice just fell.


Just when the ancestor was about to retreat.

Counting until the sound of breaking wind came out.

Then, a dagger appeared in the void.

The cold light is brilliant and extremely sharp.

The speed is extremely fast.

Even the space was rippled.

Obviously, the person who was assassinated this time was not weak.

Unfortunately, he chose the wrong person.

Before he got close.


The deputy general beside Xiang Yu had already shot out.

The battle ax in his hand was swung.

The assassin was killed instantly.

Blood spread on the city gate.

Everyone who looked at this scene had a look of horror in their eyes.

No one thought that Xiang Yu's generals would be so powerful.

At this moment, another man in black robe also appeared in the distance.

His eyes flashed with murderous intent.

He shouted coldly.

“Capture Xiang Yu.

Anyone who blocks it will be killed! "

As soon as the words fell, the whole person was wrapped in a layer of dark mist.

Like a ghost.

After hearing the sound, a ferocious smile appeared on Xiang Yu's lips.


Palms stretched out.

The dragon roared.

The entire sky turned into dark clouds in an instant.

Then, the giant dragon behind Xiang Yu smashed out fiercely.

The demon master had no time to resist.


His head was exploded in an instant.

Then, the entire body turned into blood mist.

The soldiers around them, who dared not stay at this moment, fled quickly.

But Xiang Yu had no intention of catching up.

His methods are tyrannical.

However, when faced with a siege, one must be cautious.

After all, I am no longer alone.

Soon after, he led his generals back to the mansion.

Looking at the generals, Xiang Yu spoke.

"You can each return to the military camp, I will guard this place.

If anything happens, please notify me immediately! "

After the voice fell, a group of soldiers rushed around.

Obviously, he went to report the news.

But Xiang Yu sat on the main seat.

There was a look of thought in his eyes.

After a moment, he slowly stood up.

He walked toward the outside of the city.

The current secret realm is extremely dangerous.

But he needs to practice a lot before he can break through.

Thinking of this, my heart became firm.

At this time, it can be said that there is chaos in the secret realm.

Demon Spirit Emperor, the demon army summoned this time numbered millions.

They entered the city in a mighty manner.

Wherever he goes, no one dares to match him.

In the secret realm at this time.

A troop of cavalry roared past.

The general at the head was exuding a strong evil aura from head to toe.

This person is a powerful general under the command of the Demon Spirit Emperor, called Blood Madness.

He once killed many masters among the demon clan.

Therefore, it is deeply trusted.

And just when he led his subordinates through the secret realm and came outside the secret realm.

A burst of exclamations came out.

This made the blood maniac's eyes shine brightly.

"Haha, it seems we are too late. The treasures here have already been taken advantage of!"

When the voice fell, he rode out.

And others followed closely behind.

However, just after getting closer.

Just saw that there were countless corpses standing in the dense forest.

Every corpse is covered with scars.

Especially on the neck, there are traces of tearing by sharp claws.



But while Blood Mania was preparing to look for traces of the ferocious beast.

Another roar came out.

Then, a dragon was seen rushing out of the dense forest.

The huge head exuded a fierce aura.

His eyes were red.

"I'm afraid we'll encounter a tough problem this time!"

The blood maniac said, but immediately after, he jumped out.

In his hand, the long knife glowed with cold light.

It was split in an instant.

The blazing sword slashed across the sky and the earth.


Wherever the sword light passed, the space was shattered inch by inch.

And the giant python was not afraid.

The figure hovered and fought with the bloody maniac.

The collision between the two caused the entire mountain range to shake.

The place was filled with thick smoke and dust.

This battle lasted for half a day.

When the smoke disappears.

I saw a puddle of meat falling to the ground.

And the giant python was also dying at this time.

The blood maniac's eyes showed excitement.

Looking at the giant python on the ground, he muttered to himself.

“It’s really delicious, but it’s a pity that I’m tired of eating humans.

Just eat it.

Hope you don't disappoint me! "

After the sound rang.

He just picked up the long knife and swept directly forward.

And the giant python's pupils kept shrinking.

Because she felt threatened by death.

I want to get rid of it, but at this time, where else can I do it?

However, just when she thought she was going to die.

A figure appeared next to the giant python.

It is Xiang Yu.

Looking at the bloody maniac.

"I don't like snake soup, I'll keep it for you!"

After finishing speaking, point out.

A hole as thick as a thumb appeared on the blood maniac's chest.

Then, the whole person fell to the ground.


The smell of blood came out.

This time, it's finally over.

And after seeing such a scene.

There was a hint of gratitude in the giant python's eyes.

She understood that this was the person who saved her life.

Then, the huge body coiled around Xiang Yu's feet.

And Xiang Yu, after solving the blood madness.

He had no intention of leaving.

Instead, he continued walking into the distance.

His body is very strong and strong every time he takes a step.

All obstacles can always be avoided.

In a short time, they entered the depths of the dense forest.

At this time, in a secret realm, in a palace.

The Demon Spirit Emperor's face was as gloomy as ink.

This time, he sent a large number of legions there.

But now no one alive has returned.

Although I know, I must have encountered some powerful existence.

But he was still extremely angry.

He shouted to the many elders below.

"Find out for me who did it, and I will crush him to ashes!"

The sound sounded, causing all the elders below to bow their heads and remain silent.

They are afraid of getting into trouble. Today's emperor has a very violent temper. Once he offends the other party, he will definitely die.

Therefore, even the Great Elder remained silent.

And at this moment.

A figure walked into the hall.

"Your Majesty, there are people in the secret realm who want to kill members of our legion!"

The voice sounded, with a hint of panic.

The Demon Spirit Emperor became furious after hearing the sound.

"You bastard, someone actually dares to challenge me.

Do you think I can't take down a mere secret realm?

Get out of here and let them all die inside, otherwise, I will make their lives worse than death! "

The ferocious voice of the Demon Spirit Emperor sounded.

And just after his voice fell.

The messenger who was kneeling on the ground spoke respectfully again.

"Your Majesty, it's humans who are taking action this time!"

There was a bit of trembling in the voice.

If he were an ordinary person, maybe he would have the courage to report it.

But facing a human, he really couldn't muster the courage.

"Hmph, no matter who it is, if you dare to provoke me, you will have to pay the price.

Tell me what that person looks like! "

The Demon Spirit Emperor said coldly.

Over the years, I have swept through the secret realm and obtained the resources.

I don’t know how much it has increased.

Even beyond what others thought of those dynasties.

Under such power.

There are still people who dare to provoke me.

It's simply courting death.

"Your Majesty, it is said that this powerful man, named Xiang Yu, is here for the rare treasure in the secret realm.

We simply can’t resist it! "

After hearing the sound, the messenger spoke cautiously again.

And just after his words fell.

The corners of the Demon Spirit Emperor's mouth revealed a bloodthirsty look.

Said slowly.

"Human, then let him be fulfilled!"

When the voice fell, he waved his hand to signal the other party to retreat.

Apparently he planned to take action himself.

Xiang Yu, on the other side, had no idea that danger was coming.

At this time, he was running quickly.

Here, we are very close to the city in the center of the secret realm.

He believed that clues about the tomb of the gods should be found here.

And, most importantly.

Here, you can also get some opportunities.

After all, the news about the God's Tomb has been circulating for hundreds of millions of years, and masters from all races came here after hearing the news.

Moreover, it is said that this time, all major races have sent their geniuses to come.

This can be said to be an excellent opportunity for him.

After all, his current cultivation level has been stuck at a bottleneck for thousands of years.

If there is no breakthrough, there is no way to continue to improve.

And while he was constantly flying by.

A cavalry team appeared in the surrounding forest.

They were clothed in golden armor and held sharp swords in their hands.

He is clearly the elite of the Celestial Clan.


As a roar sounded.

Hundreds of giant rhinos were killed.

The leading general nodded with satisfaction.

He spoke.

"Yes, everyone has worked hard, and you will definitely be rewarded when you go back!"

The sound sounded, and all the soldiers around smiled.

But at this moment, a voice came out.

“You Celestial Clan are too domineering.

I discovered this giant rhinoceros first, but you dare to snatch it away! "

There was helplessness in his voice.

Astonishingly, it was Xiang Yu flying from a distance.

At this time, he was exuding a vast dragon-elephant light.

It was as if the God of War had come to this world.

And just after the words fell.

"Haha, you are a human ant who dares to be a hero even if you have no strength. You are really looking for death.

You met our brothers today. You are unlucky.

kill! "

After hearing the sound, the general of the God clan said coldly.

The soldiers behind him charged forward instantly.

But, just when the soldier was approaching.

Xiang Yu, who was standing there, moved.

"hold head high!"

The huge fist flashed in the air.

In an instant, they collided with the generals of the Tianshen clan.


After the two sides fought together.

This made the generals of the God Clan that day extremely horrified.

The other party just punched and shattered the sword in his hand.

How could he not be shocked by this.

And at this moment.


The blazing sword light streaked across the void.

In an instant, he split the general in half.

Then, the body turned into blood mist.

After seeing such a scene, the other soldiers of the Celestial Clan did not dare to stay and fled into the distance.

But, how could they escape.

Covered by a hail of arrows.

Those soldiers of the Celestial Clan turned into thick blood mist in the blink of an eye.

Such a scene is shocking.

At this time, Xiang Yu could not take care of the soldiers of the Celestial Clan.

His body swayed and he walked towards the depths of the secret realm.

The rare treasure in this secret realm attracted his attention.

And just after Xiang Yu left.

A group of men and horses were also galloping in the distance.

The leader is a man in black.

The whole person was filled with a fierce aura.

Astonishingly, it was Mr. Mo Yun, the son of the Demon Spirit Emperor.

At this time, after seeing the scene in front of me.

His brows furrowed involuntarily.

"The smell of blood is so strong, it seems that someone got there first.

Let’s go and have a look! "

Mr. Moyun said calmly.

Following closely behind the opponent, they entered the depths of the secret realm.

At this time, Xiang Yu had already arrived at the center of the secret realm.

His face showed joy.

On this piece of land, there is actually an ancient tree, rooted underground.

The trees are lush and green.

On every leaf, there are actually runes flickering.

Although I don’t understand the specific use.

But I also know that it must be very precious.

Thinking of this, his eyes showed excitement.

But, just when he was about to step forward to pick it.

A figure blocked the way.

This man is extremely tall.

There is a long bow on the back.

Wearing bronze armor.

The whole person exudes a fierce aura.

When he saw Xiang Yu, he shouted disdainfully.

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