"You dare to get your hands on this holy medicine, you are seeking death!"

The voice sounded, but there was no time to defend Xiang Yu.

The long arrow in his hand shot out in an instant.

Bring forth a bright light.


After Xiang Yu saw such a scene.

He also counterattacked without hesitation.

He stretched out his palm and greeted him.

The arms of the two collided fiercely.


With the sound of chirping.

The burly body flew backwards in an instant.


He fell heavily to the ground.

Blood overflowed from the mouth and nose.

"This holy medicine belongs to me. Get out!"

Then, the cold voice sounded again.

This time, the generals of the Tianshen clan were completely afraid.

However, he didn't wait for his reaction.


Xiang Yu roared and rushed out.

This kind of thing almost happened several times during this period of time.

The general of the Celestial Clan was no match for Xiang Yu and was so suppressed that he could hardly breathe.


Finally, after being caught by the opponent, he got an opening.

It tore the chest directly.

Screams sounded instantly.

Then, the whole person fell to the ground.

His eyes were wide open and he would not close his eyes.

As for the other soldiers, they were even more frightened at this time.

He didn't dare to say anything at all and ran towards the distance.

And at this moment.


Another roar came out.

Then, he saw a dragon rising into the sky.

A terrifying pressure radiates from the body.

Astonishingly, the Dragon King arrived.

His strength is unparalleled.

Punch out.

All the soldiers of the Celestial God clan died.

Then, the figure flew towards the dense forest.

Apparently they came after the treasures in the secret realm.

But when he came here.

What he saw was a corpse.

This made his eyes tear open.

A strategy that he worked hard on himself.

But it failed at this time.

He hated it, hated himself for being too careless.

Otherwise, these treasures would already be in his possession.

However, it was too late to regret it at this time.

In the end, I could only grit my teeth and leave.

No matter what, there is always hope to get the treasures in the secret realm.

As long as you can survive, nothing will be a problem.

Thinking of this, he didn't stop and left straight away.

Meanwhile, on the other side.


Xiang Yu climbed up from the ground.

Although the blow just now made him extremely embarrassed, it also benefited him a lot.

His physique has increased by a full fifty times compared to before.

Even comparable to the generals of the Tianshen clan.

Moreover, he felt as if he had touched some kind of level.

If there is a breakthrough, you will definitely get extremely generous benefits.

It's just that now is not the right time for a breakthrough.

Therefore, he could only give up.

"hold head high!"

At this moment, a loud dragon roar came out.

Immediately afterwards, a giant python wandered from the depths of the mountains.

Its body reaches several thousand feet.

The body is like Optimus Prime.

Above the head, a pair of vertical pupils flashed with a cold luster.

The scales on his body glowed with a cold light.

At this time, when he looked at Xiang Yu, he was filled with bloodthirsty light.

The huge body swept over him in an instant.


A snake letter came out of his mouth.


An ancient tree actually broke directly on the spot.

What a terrifying offensive this is.

Even Xiang Yu couldn't help being shocked when he saw this.

He knew this giant python.

It is an extremely ferocious and poisonous insect that lives here on weekdays and rarely leaves the mountains.

But today, he not only left the nest.

And he also launched an attack on Xiang Yu.

Obviously preparing to devour Xiang Yu.

However, the opponent's strength did make him a little afraid.

However, he did not flinch at all, and his figure flew out in an instant.

The spear in his hand glowed with dazzling golden light.

"hold head high!"

At the same time, the black giant beast under his crotch roared.

Charge forward.

The battle started instantly.

Xiang Yu's movement was erratic and turned into a phantom in the void.

His speed was so fast that even the poisonous insect had difficulty catching traces.

At this moment, the sharp blade in his hand cut through the sky and stabbed the opponent's body fiercely.


A clear voice came out.

The poisonous insect's body was pierced in an instant.

Just, right now.

A powerful suction force emerged in an instant.


Xiang Yu just felt that all the bones in his body were shattered in an instant.

At this time, the figure fell to the ground.

And the poisonous insect disappeared in an instant.

Obviously, he entered the secret realm.


Severe pain spread out, and Xiang Yu roared.

However, no matter how hard he struggled.

There is no way to move even an inch.

At this time, a look of despair appeared on his face.

I don't know what to do.

And at the same time.

Outside the secret realm.

"hold head high!"

Another roar of the giant python was heard.

Then, he saw a giant python looking down at all living beings from the sky.

The scales all over his body were dense, exuding a strong ferocity.

It made everyone around him tremble uncontrollably.

Because, in their impression, only a true dragon can possess such pressure.


As a roar fell.

The giant python was condescending.

Open the huge bloody mouth.

A crystal clear bead spit out from his mouth.


The beads flew directly towards Xiang Yu below.

Wherever it passed, there were bursts of explosions.

Everyone below was stunned.

This is the essence of the real dragon, which can help practitioners improve their skills.

At this time, Xiang Yu was helplessly watching the essence attack towards him, but he was helpless.

At this time, he understood in his heart.

If you can't escape, you will definitely die here.


However, when he closed his eyes and waited for death.

There was a roar in his mind.

Then, around him, several generals wearing heavy armor actually condensed out of thin air.

Each one of them is wearing a helmet, and their whole body exudes a vast aura.

Especially the person at the head gives people a majestic feeling, seeming to be able to suppress all realms.

He stood next to Xiang Yu.

The sharp sword in his hand was slowly raised.


A deep voice sounded.

In an instant, the long sword, with its unparalleled sword steel, faced the fine element.


Block it with ease.

Then, the general shouted again.


The voice sounded, and all the generals under his command followed behind.

They are brave and invincible.

Every step he took was like thunder exploding.

The giant python didn't dare to get even closer.

Finally, he ran away amidst bursts of shrill screams.

The entire mountain range became silent in an instant.

At this time, Xiang Yu's face was extremely pale.

That Jing Yuan just now was really too terrifying.

He felt a fatal crisis.

If it hadn't been for the general's rescue, he might have been dead by now.

At this time, there was a complicated look in his eyes.

I don't know what to say.

After all, the other party was saving him.

But then, I figured it out.

Over the years, he has encountered dangerous situations more than once.

If you don't have the ability to resist at all.

How can he be qualified to be an emperor?

Therefore, he spoke immediately.

"Thanks, brothers.

Don’t worry about what happened today, I won’t forget it! "

The voice sounded somewhat solemn.

Then, they walked towards the distance.

After hearing the sound, the soldiers behind him smiled.

Although they are not Xiang Yu's subordinates, they have helped them a lot over the years.

At this time, since they were out of trouble, they naturally did not need to worry about safety issues.

However, just after Xiang Yu left.

The wounds on his body collapsed in an instant.

Blood gurgled out.

Over the years, his injuries became more severe.

If it weren't for the support of the secret medicine, he would have fallen long ago.

However, no one knows all this.

At this time, Xiang Yu returned to the imperial city.

This time the secret realm battle was quite fruitful for him.

On a short journey.

Xiang Yu felt that his injuries were almost recovered.

Then, he walked towards the outside of the palace gate.

There was determination on his face.

At this time, Xiang Yu was planning to find the temple.

Although the injury was not serious this time, it was worth it.

If you don't find the temple.

I'm afraid even my life will be at stake here.

Because, he already felt that endless demonic energy was gathering towards him.

I'm afraid this place won't be too peaceful.

And while he was walking around.


A figure was knocked to the ground.

It was Xiang Yu's bodyguard, a junior high school student.

But at this moment, a hideous scar appeared on his chest.

His eyes were wide open and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth. He obviously died in the secret realm.

Seeing this scene, Xiang Yu couldn't help but frown.

He shouted coldly.

"What happened!"

At this time, his mood was extremely unpleasant.


However, just after his words fell.

The palace gate on the other side was directly knocked down.

Then, a figure appeared in Xiang Yu's sight.

The other person has a full beard and an unusually tall figure.

A fiery light emanates from his eyes.

This man is clearly a prince, with unparalleled strength.

Moreover, there is a faint golden light shining on the body.

"Xiang Yu, this palace belongs to me.

get out.

Otherwise, I will kill you myself! "

The person spoke.

There was a hint of disdain in his words.

It turned out that this man was a native.

After hearing the sound, Xiang Yu's eyes showed anger.

However, it turned into ice cold immediately afterwards.

A dazzling light shone in his eyes.

He spoke to the people behind him.

"Brothers, get ready. I'm going to kill people today!"

When the voice sounded, the generals around him rushed out without any hesitation.

They were all Xiang Yu's personal guards.

They naturally knew Xiang Yu's temper and character, so they would not be afraid at this time.


The battle axe and the spear swept across, and in an instant those ordinary people could not resist at all.

Blood mist gushed out.

"Bang bang!"

But the prince had no intention of holding back.

As his palm waved, a majestic gust of wind swept out.

"Bang bang!"

Then, one guard after another was slapped away.

Finally, they fell to the ground.

Their eyes were wide open.

But they had already lost their lives.

This prince of the Han Dynasty actually killed the generals under Xiang Yu's command directly.

"Hmph, a mere barbarian dares to snatch things from me!"

At this time, Xiang Yu's eyes were red.

He shook his body and rushed towards the prince.

He was so fast that he was in front of the other party in the blink of an eye.

The battle axe chopped down.


At the same time, a roar came out of his mouth.

A fierce voice came out.

But the prince was also extraordinary.

He raised his arm and blocked Xiang Yu's attack.

However, at the moment when the two touched.

The other party's figure couldn't help but take a step back.

It was obviously hurt.

"Hehe, a barbarian, you want to kill me!"

The prince laughed sinisterly.

He is a real master.

The force of one punch is enough.

If he was not afraid of Xiang Yu's strength.

The punch just now would be enough to shock him to death.

But now, he is unwilling to take risks.

Therefore, he chose to retreat.


But just when he was about to leave.

A muffled bang was heard in the air.

Then, a huge axe fell directly on the man's head.

There were sparks on the sharp blade.


A scream was heard, and the man's head was directly chopped off.

No one expected such a result.

Especially Xiang Yu, he was a little stunned.

This is a prince.

I actually killed him.

How could this be possible.

Then, he turned his head and looked into the void.

I saw a sturdy body slowly walking out of the darkness, and he was shrouded in a black robe.

Around his body, there was a faint golden light.

It was hard to figure out.

However, at the moment when the other party appeared, the generals following Xiang Yu couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's the temple guard!"

They recognized the man, who was one of the beings who had opposed Xiang Yu in the secret realm.

Now that he appeared again, it must be no good.


At this moment, Xiang Yu didn't care about anything else.

He looked up to the sky and roared.

The whole person was like a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Holding the Overlord Halberd, he smashed the temple guard fiercely.

At this moment, his body seemed to be made of steel.


Heavy footsteps stepped on the ground.

The whole ground was shaking.

"Ka La!"

Where the Overlord Halberd passed.

A deep gully was broken on the ground.

The temple guard couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

He didn't expect that after Xiang Yu experienced the hardships in the secret realm.

Not only was there no weakness.

On the contrary, he was a little more violent than before.

How could he not be shocked.

Then, there were even cracks.

At this moment, the temple guard finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He stretched out his hand, and a ray of divine light flashed.

Obviously, this person also practiced martial arts.

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