"Break it for me!"

The voice fell, and he went straight to meet the Overlord Halberd.

The two collided in an instant.


The sound of violent collision sounded in the air.

A mighty strong wind swept out.

Everyone couldn't help but retreat.

Xiang Yu stood on the spot.

But the temple guard was so shocked that he stepped back.

However, at this time, he was furious.

Because Xiang Yu's performance exceeded his expectations.

"Damn it!"

He let out an angry roar and wanted to continue attacking Xiang Yu.

And how could the other party be afraid at this time?

Holding the Overlord's Halberd in his hand, he drew forward again.


Blazing light flashed in the air.

Everywhere he passed, the space was shattered inch by inch.

The look of panic on the temple guard's face became even more intense.

Only then did he realize that Xiang Yu in front of him was too terrifying.

There is no way he can match it.

However, it was too late to run away at this time.


Xiang Yu's attack had already landed on his shoulder.

Fiery blood splashed out.

Making him cry out in pain.

"Xiang Yu, I am the envoy of the Lord of the Temple.

If you dare to hurt me.

There will definitely be a price to pay! "

The voice was filled with desolation.

"Haha, what a bullshit temple, I don't care about it, just die!"

After hearing the sound, Xiang Yu laughed wildly.

Then, there was the horrified gaze of the guard.

The Overlord Halberd landed on the opponent's neck.

In an instant, a huge head was abandoned high.

Plasma shot out everywhere, turning the ground into a sea of ​​blood.

And after Xiang Yu did all this.

The action didn't stop.

Then, the Overlord Halberd was pushed out horizontally in his hand.

The powerful military front showed infinite power at this time.

He crashed directly into the group of bandits.

There was a roar, and the bandits were slaughtered in an instant.

Xiang Yu did not stop after beheading the prince.

He led the army and marched into the distance.

Although I don’t know why these people found their traces.

But now that you're here, there's no need to leave.

At this time, as long as he encounters any obstruction, he will directly destroy it.

On this day, the sky was horribly dark, as if the end was coming.

Xiang Yu sat in the military formation and quietly waited for the news.

During this period, he killed more than 800 people in total.

Everyone is a powerful being.

But it's not enough.

I need a breakthrough.

No matter where you are, strength is the most important.

And just when Xiang Yu was thinking about how to improve his strength.

A team of knights appeared in his sight.

After seeing Xiang Yu, the leading general showed a look of indifference in his eyes.

"Xiang Yu, you dare to kill the temple messenger, you deserve death!

Kneel down on the ground, otherwise, you will definitely die! "

The sound sounded, making Xiang Yu frown.

I don’t understand why the people in this temple always like to talk nonsense.

However, he didn't ask any more questions.

After all, the most important thing for him now is his strength.

Thinking of this, he shouted coldly.

"Huh, it's just you!"

After the words fell, his eyes were filled with light.

Immediately afterwards, the entire body turned into flowing light in an instant.

Go straight to the temple messenger.

The speed was extremely fast.


The two sides collided instantly.

Powerful energy emanates.


The surrounding vegetation withered instantly.

In the field, it felt like the end was coming.

And the messenger, after feeling the crisis.

There was a look of surprise in his eyes.

However, he didn't wait for him to take action.


An Overlord Halberd pierced his chest directly.

This caused the opponent's figure to fall directly to the ground.

At this time, Xiang Yu was full of fighting spirit.

Just getting ready to leave.

But right now.

"hold head high!"

A roar sounded in the air.

Then, several temple masters appeared.

These people had brilliant thunder flashing on their armors.

At the same time, there is also a strong divine light blooming.

"If you dare to kill the messenger, I want you to die!"

A temple master shouted angrily.

He understood in his heart that the temple's position in the northwest was very important.

If the envoy died this time, I am afraid that I and others will not live long.


After hearing the voice, Xiang Yu didn't hesitate at all.

The Overlord Halberd was waved in his hand.

Powerful energy is surging.

This scene made the people in the temple even more anxious.

Because these people simply couldn't resist Xiang Yu's attack.

"Bang bang!"

The Overlord Halberd in Xiang Yu's hand kept slashing down.

Wherever he passed, there were bursts of explosions in the air.

A temple master was directly blown away.

Vomiting blood from the mouth.

There was a look of horror in his eyes.

He held a jade talisman in his hand.

At this time, it had to be crushed into pieces.


As the sound falls.

A palace appeared from the void.

It is filled with golden energy.

Everyone's expressions changed involuntarily.

At this moment, an old voice sounded.

"Whoever dares to kill my grandson must pay with his life today!"

There was a hint of ferocity and gloominess in the voice.

Then, a figure slowly walked out of the palace.

He is clearly the god of the temple.

There was light green mist hovering over his body.

There was a bright light in his eyes.

After he came out.

All the temple disciples around him actually prostrated themselves on the ground.

He spoke respectfully.

"Meet the protector!"

These temple disciples have absolute respect for the people in the temple.

Even Xiang Yu couldn't help but show a solemn look in his eyes.

The opponent's strength is much stronger than those of the previous ones.

"Jiejie, little guy, you killed my grandson.

No matter what, you must die! "

The protector made a strange sound, which made people feel chilly.

Then, at this moment, bloodthirsty light flashed in the other party's eyes.

Then, he stretched out his hand to grab Xiang Yu.


With a burst of chirping sound.

His right palm penetrated directly into Xiang Yu's chest.


Immediately afterwards, a vast energy raged in the opponent's body.


The severe pain made Xiang Yu scream.

Veins popped out on his forehead.

Obviously, the strength of this protector is indeed strong enough.

In just a short period of time, Xiang Yu could no longer bear it.

At this time, there was even a look of fear in his eyes.

However, he was stubborn and refused to give in.

But there was a cruel smile on the protector's face.

He spoke.

“Boy, fight with me.

Not even close! "

After the voice fell, his left palm struck Xiang Yu again.

At this time, Xiang Yu could be said to be extremely embarrassed.

Under the palm of the protector.

It's impossible to resist at all.

He could only keep avoiding.


But the protector had no intention of letting him go.

After the blow fell, it hit Xiang Yu on the back again.

After all, the other party couldn't bear it.

The body exploded in an instant.

Blood rained down.

And right now.

The eyes of everyone watching the battle showed excitement.

Because the protector's strength was too strong, much more powerful than they expected.

Especially the thunder spear in the opponent's hand.

Every time it is swung, it can trigger thunder.

Moreover, the power is so huge that it is simply unstoppable.

This scene shocked everyone.

However, at this moment.

There were roars in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, several figures were seen.

Coming on the clouds.

One of them was actually a red flame horse.

There was a fierce aura emanating from his whole body.

It made those ordinary people tremble.

On the other side, there was an array of dragon chants.

The dragon and horse passed through the sky, like the heavenly river pouring down, making the protector's pupils shrink slightly.

Not daring to neglect, he retreated in an instant.

And those people from the temple did not dare to stay and followed closely behind.

Right after they escaped.


In the sky, the crimson flame horse roared and went straight to kill the envoy from the temple.

At this moment, those who gathered around were completely boiling.

Although they are all believers in the temple, they are also very aware of the horror of the guardian.

But I didn't expect to encounter such a thing.


The red flame horse tore the two disciples beside the protector into pieces.

A dazzling red light bloomed from the scales on his body.

The hot breath makes people's hearts tremble.

"Bang bang!"

Then, the bodies of the two guards fell straight to the ground.

Their eyes were filled with horror.

However, it has lost its vitality.

And the protector did not care about the injury.

He yelled with splitting eyes.

"The beast is looking for death!"


As the sound falls.

The body swept out and charged towards the red flame horse.

At this moment, the entire world seemed to have turned into a melting pot.

Fierce air currents crisscrossed the air.

Although the red flame horse is extremely brave.

However, under the blow of the guardian.

But it is also difficult to resist.

The body keeps retreating.

However, this protector's strength is indeed too strong.

In the end, he could only watch helplessly as the opponent punched him.


There was a roar.

The red flame horse was smashed into the mountains.

It struggled to get up.

However, it was impossible to do anything.

The protector stood where he was.

He said coldly.

"Humph, this is not the place you should come.

If you want to die, then die! "

The voice sounded.

Just prepare to continue taking action.

Right now.

A cold voice came out suddenly.

"Who do you think you are.

Dare to commit murder outside my temple! "

There was a sense of indomitableness in this voice.

At the same time, a sharp arrow shot through the air.

The speed was extremely fast.


When the guardian felt the danger approaching.

But it was too late.

The sharp arrow, in the moment of approaching him.


It actually pierced the guardian's throat.

Blood gushed out.

Then, the body flew backwards in an instant.

There was a look of unwillingness in his eyes.

He didn't expect that someone would attack him.

And the sharp arrow did not stop attacking.

After piercing the target.

It flew up again.


It pierced his head directly and nailed it on the mountain wall.

And all this happened in just an instant.

It suppressed a guardian on the spot.

Such a result, no one expected.

The saint of the temple was even more unbelievable.

Her beautiful eyes widened.

She didn't believe that such a scene would happen.

And while she was stunned.

Xiang Yu appeared in front of the saint of the temple.

The corner of his mouth showed a slight smile.

He said with thin lips.

"You didn't expect that I'm still alive!"

After the words fell, he took the next step.


The temple saint was trampled directly under his feet without any resistance.

There was fear and resentment in his eyes.

And those guardians didn't expect that Xiang Yu would dare to attack his saint.

He couldn't help but scold angrily.

"Thief, dare to hurt the saint!"

"Haha, I came here to save her today.

If she is safe, I will turn around and leave.

Otherwise, you must pay with your life!"

Xiang Yu's voice was extremely cold.

After hearing the voice, a hideous look appeared in the eyes of the guardian.


Then, he commanded his guards to kill Xiang Yu.

He knew that since the other party came to save people, he would not dare to really kill himself and others.

Otherwise, there would be a big trouble.

But, just after his voice fell.


A high-pitched chirping sounded.

Then, a huge hawk swooped down.

Its wings spread out, like covering the sky and the sun.

Its claws moved in the air.


A scream rang out.

Those charging guardians instantly fell to the ground.

And the guardian was also caught by the hawk.

Its wings spread out.

It hit the chest of the guardian fiercely.


A violent crash was heard.

The body of the guardian shattered at this moment.

And the hawk slowly rose into the air.

It was obviously going to return.

However, at this moment.

The saint girl's eyes flashed with brilliance.


A pill was thrown from her arms into the air.

The moment the pill entered the sky, it exploded directly.

A rich fragrance filled the entire space.

Then, a ball of golden mist floated towards the hawk.


The hawk screamed miserably.

Then, the whole body was shaking.

Finally, it fell heavily to the ground.

At this time, the feathers around it became dull.

Obviously, it was seriously injured.

However, it didn't dare to stay any longer.

After struggling on the ground, it actually fled far away.

And at this time in the temple.

Everyone looked at this scene, and they all felt lucky to have survived.

Just now, the pressure from the guardian was radiating.

They thought that they would definitely be killed this time.

Moreover, the saint was even more defiled.

Now, seeing the goshawk running away, his face looked much better.

"Your Highness, the Saint, thank you!"

The elder in the temple said respectfully.

If it weren't for the help of the saint, they would have died at this time.

How could they survive now?

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