Liu Zheng did not dare to neglect.

Continue to kill towards the front.

At this time, he knew in his heart that as long as he blocked these guardian beasts, he would not be able to take the tomb of the gods.

However, at worst, it can ensure that the army will not be harmed.

But, just as he rushed out.

On the other side, the elders of the Heavenly Demon Sect led their disciples and ran towards the depths of the God's Tomb.

At this moment, there was a hint of excitement in their eyes.

There must be important treasures inside this god's tomb.

Otherwise, it would not cause a war between the two forces.

And just when they had just stepped into the depths of the God's Tomb.

A deep voice came out.


Then, dozens of men dressed in black came over.

The leader was an old man. When he saw the coming person.

The elder of Tianmo Sect said coldly.

“You are so brave.

How dare you block my way.

Do you want to die? "

After hearing the sound, the strong man on the opposite side showed no fear at all.

Instead, he said coldly.

"You really don't know how to live or die. The owner of the God's Tomb has been dead for many years.

If not, it would be your turn to occupy the tomb of the gods.

Today, since you dare to come, then leave your life behind! "

The sound sounded, and several figures appeared around again.

They all exude a strong aura.

Liu Zheng's pupils couldn't help but shrink.

“There are other masters in this God’s Tomb.

We can't waste any more time.

Quick solution! "

He said slowly.

And just after the sound fell.

Just take the lead.

The body turned into a stream of light and shot forward instantly.

The Hanxing Sword in his hand was swung away.

The blazing sword light flew out directly.

Wherever it passes, the space is shattered.

The whole person is like a god of death, which makes people feel shocked.

But at the same time.

The strong men on the opposite side had a ferocious look in their eyes.

Then, they stretched out their palms.

All of a sudden.

Endless claws are covering it.

It's like it can cover the sky.

He collided with Liu Zheng.


It fell with a banging sound.

The two sides separated in an instant.

Liu Zheng spit out blood from his mouth.

There was a look of horror in his eyes.

Because he didn't think of it.

These strong men are actually so powerful.

He is no match at all.


Then, there was another sound breaking through the air.

A long sword pierced his shoulder directly.

Severe pain hit him, causing his face to become distorted.

However, he still stood with gritted teeth.

Because, at this time, he knew clearly that if he didn't withstand it, he would be in trouble.

Everyone in the Heavenly Palace is bound to die.

And just when he was about to fight back.

Another figure appeared.

This is a woman with a cloak on her head.

Obviously, he was afraid of being recognized by others.

However, although the appearance is covered up.

But her figure is extremely slim.

Especially that charming look.

Even through the cloak, Liu Zheng felt short of breath.

Moreover, Liu Zheng could feel a familiar smell from the other party.

He had seen it before.

Just now, he used the other party to refine elixirs.

But, he didn’t wait for him to speak.

The opponent's body flashed.

The dagger in his hand cut his throat.

Blood splattered.

"His Majesty!"

After seeing such a scene, the heavenly soldiers screamed.

There was fear in his eyes.

This is their emperor in heaven, if he falls here.

Not only will you be punished.

It may even implicate the entire army and become the target of public criticism.

And at this moment.

The woman in black did speak.

The voice was extremely cold: "Shut up, everyone.

Whoever says one more word will be sent on his way.

If you give up resistance, you might be able to leave the whole body behind! "

Her words were filled with awe.

The faces of those heavenly soldiers showed signs of despair.

However, no one dared to refute.

After all, for them, Liu Zheng is their only hope.

At this time, Liu Zheng did not care about the comfort of those soldiers.

Because he knows that these people are just ordinary people.

It's not of much help to myself.

And at the same time.

The elder of the Heavenly Demon Sect also stared at the woman in black and said slowly.

"Who is you?"

There was a hint of coldness in the voice.

"Huh, who I am has nothing to do with you.

Tell me, what treasures are there in the tomb of the gods! "

The woman in black shouted.

There was a strong sparkle in her eyes.

“Haha, how could I tell you these things.

Today you killed so many masters of our Heavenly Demon Sect.

I don’t believe you can hide this matter! "

After the sound fell.

The two sides were once again in a stalemate.

And right now.

But at this moment, there was a roar in the distance.

Then, the figure appeared in the void.

He is clearly a member of the Heavenly Demon Sect.

The leader is an old man.

At this time, his eyes were staring at the field.

After a moment, he said slowly.

"Elders of the Heavenly Demon Sect, you are well-informed.

We found this God's Tomb so quickly!"

The voice sounded.

With a hint of ridicule.

The elders of the Heavenly Demon Sect frowned.

"You have nothing to do here.

Go back.

We don't like outsiders to interfere in our Heavenly Demon Sect's work!"

After the voice fell.

The other party did not mean to leave.

He said with a smile.

"Elders of the Heavenly Demon Sect, I advise you that if you want to take the treasure in this God's Tomb for yourself.

You are not qualified!"

"Haha, do you think I'm afraid of you?

The things in this God's Tomb.

We will take it!"

The voice of the elders of the Heavenly Demon Sect was full of cruelty.

And just after his voice fell.

The powerful men of the Heavenly Demon Sect around him also started to act at the same time.


The elder in the lead roared.

His fist burst into brilliant golden light.

He smashed directly at the old man.

The mighty pressure filled the entire space.

Such an attack would kill Liu Zheng even if he was caught off guard.

At the same time.


A figure blocked the old man.

He was the commander of the Heavenly Soldiers.

He radiated a brilliant light.

He punched him.

The fight between the two broke out in an instant.

The blazing fist burst into dazzling sparks in the air.


Then, in the surprised eyes of everyone.

The commander's arm was shattered in an instant.

The whole arm turned into nothing.

He showed reluctance in his eyes and wanted to retreat.

However, how could the people of the Heavenly Demon Sect tolerate his easy escape.

An elder chased him at this time.

The sharp blade in his hand pierced into the opponent's body.

In an instant, screams were heard.

The commander of the Heavenly Soldiers died completely.

However, the people of the Heavenly Demon Sect also paid a price.

Two elders were seriously injured, and the remaining disciples were besieging and killing the remaining heavenly soldiers.

This is a cruel picture.

And at this moment.


A rain of arrows streaked through the air.

Instantly pierced the head of an elder of the Heavenly Demon Sect.


Then, a huge head soared into the sky.

And the other elder took the opportunity to pounce on the woman in black.

The sharp blade in his hand chopped down without hesitation.


The sound of the sharp blade cutting through flesh and blood came out.

The figure of the woman in black was startled.

Then, a blood lotus bloomed in the air.


Then, the sound of sharp weapons entering flesh and blood was heard.

When the blood flowed down.

The elder of the Heavenly Demon Sect had already died.

And at this time, the woman in black couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Miss, are you okay!"

At this moment.

The maid's nervous voice rang out instantly.

It turned out that just when the danger came.

The blood lotus in front of the black-clothed woman saved her.

If not.

At this moment, she would have been slapped away by a palm.

After hearing the voice, the black-clothed woman's eyes showed a trace of relief.

Then, she said slowly.

"You leave here first!"

There was a trace of anxiety in her voice.

She didn't want the maid to be buried with her.

And just after her voice fell.

The maid knelt on the ground and said.

"Since I serve the young lady, I will never leave even if I die.

Unless the young lady drives me away!"

After hearing the voice, the black-clothed woman couldn't help showing a trace of gratitude on her face.

Then, she said.

"Well, follow me.

It's not safe here.

You have to be careful!"

"Yes, young lady!"

The maid at this time seemed unusually respectful.

Just after his voice fell.

The two ran towards the depths of the God's Tomb.

Wherever they passed, they left only a mess on the ground.

However, just when they were preparing to avoid the enemy.

A voice sounded in an instant.

"Haha, I didn't expect that we would actually meet a beautiful woman. It's really lucky.

It's hard to give up a natural beauty. I think we brothers should have more fun tonight.

You're welcome!"

This is the voice of the people of the Demon Sect.

After hearing the voice, the maid couldn't help but get anxious.

Then she was ready to fight desperately.

And at this moment.

The woman in black stopped the other party.

Then, she said lightly.

"I'll go with them, you leave!"

The voice was crisp and pleasant.

It was like the sound of a mountain spring.

But at this time, in the eyes of the people of the Demon Sect.

That was a piece of fat meat.

They showed greed in their eyes.

Then, they spoke.

"The beauty is really sensible.

We brothers will definitely be gentle with her!"

After the voice fell, he took a step forward and grabbed the woman in black.

The speed was very fast.

Not only him, but also several other elders, also attacked at the same time.

They wanted to take down the woman in black.

And at this moment.

The other party suddenly slashed with a sword.

The cold sword light instantly cut through the space.

This is a killer move in sword skills.

It is not something that ordinary people can resist.

The faces of the people of the Heavenly Demon Sect showed horror in an instant.

They wanted to stop it, but it was too late.


A stream of blood spurted out.

Then, a huge cut was torn on this person's body.

"If you dare to kill people, my Heavenly Demon Sect will not let you go!"

The elder of the Heavenly Demon Sect shouted fiercely at this time.

But the woman in black didn't care at all.

Her figure flashed and flew directly to the distance.

In a short time, she disappeared in the vast night.

Seeing such a scene, the elder of the Heavenly Demon Sect had a gloomy face.

He knew that even if he chased and killed him now, it would be difficult to capture the other party alive.

Therefore, he shouted immediately.

"Search every inch of the God's Tomb for me, and don't let anyone go!"

His voice was full of hatred.

"Yes, sir!"

The other disciples of the Demon Sect all agreed.

Then, they dispersed to the surroundings.

At this time, the woman in black had already left the place.

Walked towards the most central area of ​​the God's Tomb.

She knew in her heart that although she had escaped the encirclement of the elders of the Demon Sect.

But, she did not escape the God's Tomb.

The Demon Sect must have deployed a large army in the outside world.

So, the only way was to find the most precious thing in the God's Tomb.

But, at this moment.

A team of soldiers in armor surrounded her.

It turned out to be the guards of the God's Tomb.

The leader was a fifth-level immortal.

The pretty face of the woman in black could not help but change.

These guards were so powerful that she could not match them at all.

But her goal was too important.

It was impossible to leave easily.

So, after the guards arrived.

Her voice rang again.

"Stop, I am the imperial concubine of the Han Dynasty. Do you dare to stop me?"

The voice was full of arrogance and majesty.

"Emperor's Concubine!"

After hearing the voice, the gatekeeper frowned.

Such an existence cannot be offended.


While he was thinking.

The black-clothed woman had already moved.

The dagger in her hand, under the moonlight.

The cold light flashed, making people dare not look closely.


The next moment, her dagger slashed out.

It was extremely sharp.

It actually pierced a guard directly.


With the sound of the bang, the opponent turned into fragments and fell on the spot.

And the other gatekeepers, after seeing such a scene.

They were shocked and angry.

Then, they roared.

"Bold thief, dare to kill my people from the Heavenly Demon Sect.

You deserve to die!"

There was anger in his voice.


Then, they rushed forward.

The sword energy whistled in the void.

But the woman in black was still unusually calm.

The sharp sword in her hand danced.

The whole body was covered by the sword light in an instant.

Then, she flew away.

"Hmph, I want to see where you can escape!"

The leader of the guards said coldly.

The other disciples chased forward.

As for the woman in black at this time.

She became more and more panicked.

Because, at this time, she found that she had lost her way.

Here, it was like a huge city.

All kinds of palaces stood in a row.

And they were all brightly lit.

But, at this time, no one could be seen.

"Bang bang!"

The footsteps were heard, which seemed particularly creepy in the silent night.

Just when the woman in black didn't know where to look for opportunities.

A burst of fighting sounded.

Then, a guard's voice was heard.

"Grand Elder, why are you here!"

There was a hint of excitement in his voice.

"Waste, you don't need to ask any more questions, just bring your men and chase them now!"

There was a hint of ruthlessness in the voice of the Grand Elder.

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