"Yes, elder!"

After the words fell, he retreated.

Obviously, he was full of fear towards the woman in front of him.

But, just when the woman in black was breathing a sigh of relief.

The figure of the guard suddenly jumped out of the darkness.

He shouted with red eyes.

"Jie Jie, since you are here, stay forever!"

There was madness in his voice.

At the same time, the palm of your hand shoots directly.

The strong wind caused the face of the woman in black to change slightly.

She never imagined that she would encounter such a thing.

However, it is too late to say anything now.

We can only fight head on.


The dagger in his hand was swung out in an instant.


The two collided together, making a sound of gold and iron.

This caused the woman in black to retreat.

"Jie Jie, I didn't expect you still have some strength, no wonder you dare to break into the tomb of the gods.

But, I am destined to die here today! "

The guard commander said with a smile.


After hearing the voice, there was no trace of fear on the face of the woman in black.

Instead, he showed a strange look.

Then, he said slowly.

"In that case, let's try it!"

After the sound fell.

"hold head high!"

As soon as her words fell.

A dragon roar sounded instantly.

Immediately afterwards, a golden python appeared in the sky.

The body circled and rushed downwards.

Extremely fast.


Feel the aura emanating from the other person.

The guard commander not only stiffened in place.

He even forgot to avoid it.

At this moment, the giant python had already arrived.

The giant tail swings.


In an instant, the opponent's head was blown open.

Blood splattered.

But the woman in black did not stop.

"hold head high!"

The giant python roared and flew out.


A huge head was bitten into pieces.

If someone next to you saw this scene, their jaws would probably drop in shock.

After all, this was the deputy sect leader of the Heavenly Demon Sect, and he died here like this.

And at the same time.


The sound of breaking through the air was heard again.

Then, several elders attacked from different angles.

These people's bodies are all blooming with vast energy fluctuations.

This is the Heavenly Demon Sect's unique skill, the Heavenly Demon Claw.

Every claw mark contains terrifying power.

It is enough to tear the world apart and make people horrified.

"Bang bang bang!"

But at this moment, the woman in black showed a solemn look in her eyes.

At this moment, she knew that if she continued to delay, she would definitely die.

Therefore, do not dare to neglect.

After the body technique is unfolded.

"call out!"

A dagger was sacrificed.

Like a poisonous snake spitting out a message, it stabbed towards the neck of the elder of the Demon Sect that day.


When the two touched each other, they made a violent explosion.

"Deng Deng!"

Then, the figure of the woman in black retreated.

Although she blocked the attack, she was also shocked to the inside.

This made her feel helpless.

Am I really going to die here today?

Not willing to give in.

Just when she thought of this, the elders of the Heavenly Demon Sect had no intention of stopping.

Stretch out your palm and grab it forward.

The hot breath filled the air.

It seems to be swallowing up the sky.

Such an attack is simply impossible to resist.

However, just when they were about to approach the woman in black.

A cry of killing came out.


A group of soldiers rushed towards them in an instant.

"His Majesty the Han Emperor is here, and you will be captured if you don't hesitate!"

Cao Zhengchun's voice sounded.

The elders of the Heavenly Demon Sect could not help but stagnate.

However, he finally spoke.

"Han Emperor, I didn't expect that you would dare to come and die!

Today, even if you have the strength to reach heaven, you still have to keep your life! "

After he finished speaking, he started to kill Liu Zheng again.

At this moment, everyone thinks so.

Liu Zheng, like them, was prepared to seize the treasure.

But, at this moment.

Liu Zheng, who was standing on the spot, had a slight curve in the corner of his mouth.

Then, he said slowly.

"I don't like others threatening me, especially the Demon Sect!"

The words just fell.


Punch out.

The vast fist contains a destructive aura.

At this moment, the surrounding world couldn't help but tremble.

The elder of the Heavenly Demon Sect had a look of fear in his eyes as the fist pointed.


The next moment, the opponent's figure was blown away in an instant.

The body exploded in mid-air.

Blood mist spurted out.

The breath of death spreads at this time.

And Liu Zheng's figure did not mean to stop.

After killing the elder.

He went straight towards the other three elders of the Heavenly Demon Sect.

At this moment, there was no expression on his face.

His entire body was turned into an afterimage.


There was a sound of sharp blades cutting through flesh and blood.

One of the elders was split into two pieces by him.

In a short period of time, he fell into the field.

The remaining two people dared to hesitate.

The figure swept away in an instant.

However, it was too late to escape at this time.

"Bang bang!"

When Liu Zheng's body disappeared in a flash.

The figures of the two elders were like falling to the ground dead.

Then, he ignored it.

Go deeper into the cave.

At this time, he urgently needed to find the mechanism.

Otherwise, you will be trapped here soon.


And as the footsteps fell, a huge portal was opened.

At this time, he didn't hesitate.

Entered directly into the main hall.

This time, he came with an army.

Naturally, it is impossible to return empty-handed.

Therefore, while entering, he ordered the guards below.

“Search for me.

See what's there! "

"According to the order!"

As the order is given.

The sound of fighting in the secret room became more and more intense.

After a while.

"Report to His Majesty the Han Emperor.

In the deepest part of the secret room, a secret treasure was discovered.

However, it is protected by a strong person and we cannot take it down! "

After hearing the sound, Liu Zheng's brows couldn't help but frown.

However, he finally waved his hand and said.

"In that case, you guys, please retreat first.

I'll go there myself! "

After saying that, he stepped directly onto the steps.

But the big Han general did not dare to say anything and retreated respectfully.

After he left.

Liu Zheng's figure has reached the end of the palace.

Sure enough, this is a small room.

However, even he felt a little surprised.

On the stone bed, there was actually a skeleton lying on it.

However, upon closer inspection.

But he discovered that the skeleton was actually emitting a rich golden light.

And more importantly, the skeleton is actually a living thing.

His eyes opened, and cold light shot out.

It was a corpse king.

Not only that, there was a young man sitting next to the corpse king.

This man was wearing a black brocade robe, but it could not hide his appearance.

He has sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, and a straight nose.

She has a very handsome face, which is much better than that of other women.

However, the gloomy aura emanating from his body made people feel chilly.

At this time, after seeing Liu Zheng arriving.

There was a smile on his lips.

"Haha, you are finally here.

Unexpectedly, this treasure battle attracted so many powerful people.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! "

There was a hint of excitement in his voice.

And after hearing the sound.

Liu Zheng said calmly.

"You know, I will never make a loss-making business!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer this time!"

The man spoke.

Immediately afterwards, a piece of jade was simply thrown to Liu Zheng.

After Liu Zheng held it, his spiritual power penetrated into it.

I was surprised to find that there was a picture scroll recorded in it.

Just, when you see the content clearly.

Liu Zheng's expression became extremely solemn.

Because what is recorded on this scroll is the official layout of the Imperial City of Han Dynasty.

However, every inch of land in this painting is clearly marked.

If you really follow what is recorded above.

I am afraid that the entire dynasty will disappear from this world.

This is horrible.

He couldn't help but frown.

"Where did you get this thing from?"

At this time, Liu Zheng even had a hint of anger in his voice.

Because, the layout on this picture is related to the memory in his mind.

But they are almost the same.

Although, he did not send anyone to Dahan.

However, the other party seemed to know his whereabouts.

How could he not be angry?

"Jie Jie, I got this from my master's tomb.

How about it, be sincere enough! "

After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng's eyes showed a trace of doubt.

How does the other party know that this tomb is within the Han Dynasty?

But now, I can't control that much.

As long as the safety of the royal family can be guaranteed.

Everything else can be put aside for now.

After all, if the royal family is destroyed.

That big man is dangerous.

"Nice to work with, I need a complete version of this drawing!"

Liu Zheng said with a smile.

"Haha, this is what it should be, as long as you help me break through.

This picture is yours.

Our cooperation will definitely shock everyone! "

The voice sounded.

Liu Zheng and the man in green robe were both happy.

This time, everyone gets what they want.

However, just when the two were about to leave the secret room.


There was a roar in the distance.

Then, a giant beast appeared in everyone's sight.

He is completely black and is tens of thousands of feet tall.

The scales all over his body glowed with a cold light.

It was like a small mountain peak, blocking the entrance to the secret room.

The tall Han soldiers around him were smashed into pieces as soon as they swooped forward.

And after seeing such a scene.

The man said disdainfully.

"They are just a bunch of ants, trying to block my way.

Today I will devour you! "

There was ferocity in his voice.

Obviously, he also felt threatened at this time.

Looking at such a scene, Liu Zheng said coldly.

"Get away!"

There was murderous intent in his voice.

Then, he slapped forward with his palm.


The space split open in an instant.

And the behemoth roared.

Then, he met Liu Zheng.


The fists collided together, sending out vast energy fluctuations.

Then, the giant beast was knocked away.

The green-robed young man stood motionless on the spot.

With a playful look on his face, he stared at Liu Zheng and said slowly.

"Yes, you have some strength!"

There was no fear at all when he spoke.


At this time, the giant beast was pushed back by Liu Zheng.

It actually rose into the sky again and crashed towards Liu Zheng.

The speed is extremely fast, like lightning.

But Liu Zheng didn't care at all.

He pulled out the bloody blade from behind with his backhand.

The blade cuts horizontally.

Fierce light cut through the void.


The behemoth was split in half in an instant.

As the blood mist filled the air, the entire world was dyed red.

Anyone who sees such a scene will be extremely frightened.

And just after Liu Zheng dealt with this behemoth.

There was a hint of surprise in the eyes of the green-robed young master.

"Such a powerful martial arts skill, it actually makes me feel a little depressed.

I wonder if your cultivation techniques are willing to be exchanged! "

After the voice fell, a smile actually appeared on his face.

However, just after he finished speaking.

Liu Zheng said indifferently.

"We are enemies, no need to negotiate a deal!"

After his words fell.

Just walk towards the outside world again.

At this time, for some reason, he had a feeling.

That's the mission this time, and it seems to be very troublesome.

But, at this moment.


The door to the secret room made a crisp sound.

Then, countless soldiers appeared.

Surprisingly, they were the Imperial Guards in the Han Emperor's city, and they arrived at the same time.

At this time, looking at the scene in the field, his expression became extremely ugly.

The smile on the man in green also faded.

He did not expect that Liu Zheng would dare to mobilize troops to attack him.

Even if he ordered.

"Humph, since you are looking for death.

Then I will send you back to the west first! "

There was a trace of ferocity in the voice.

Then, it’s time to prepare.

However, how could Liu Zheng give him this opportunity?

Directly ordered.

"Get it for me!"


As the voice fell, countless imperial guards began to wrap up towards the man in green.

But the other party's expression became increasingly gloomy.

Although these guards are not his opponents.

But there were so many that it was impossible to get rid of them.

Moreover, Liu Zheng was still eyeing him, and he couldn't escape at all.

In the end, the only option was to fight to the death.

But, how could he know about the Han's Imperial Guards?

It has already surpassed the ordinary Holy Court.

He has also experienced endless trials of life and death.

The combat effectiveness is extremely sturdy.

Within a short period of time.

He beat the young man in green until he vomited blood.

Finally, it was delayed.


The young man was thrown to the ground.

Liu Zheng kicked him out and knocked him to the ground.

Then, a cold voice sounded.

"Now you know the difference between us.

Hand over the secret book in your hand.

Otherwise, die! "

The sound sounded like gold and iron rubbing against each other.

The young man in green had a look of resentment on his face.

But in the end, he just gritted his teeth and said.

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