After hearing the sound, a human expert said with a smile on his face.

Then, he pointed to a place in the distance and said.

Sure enough, after seeing this scene.

The other party's pupils couldn't help but shrink.

I saw it behind a huge boulder in the distance.

At this time, there were three corpses lying there.

And the clothes of these people are all the same.

Apparently they are in the same group.

At this time, their eyes showed horror.

Obviously, this kind of thing was not expected at all.

Then, his expression became gloomy and terrifying.

After all, he is the city lord of Tianfeng City.

If something like this happens under your own jurisdiction.

Where will I put my face in the future?

Thinking of this, he was ready to use the army to destroy those strange beasts.

But, just when he turned around.

A burst of footsteps came out at this time.

Then, there was sight.

A group of people wearing golden armor appeared on the battlefield.

The man at the head is tall and tall.

He held a sharp blade in his hand.

The whole person exudes an aura of majesty.


"See Lord Tianfeng City!"

In the crowd, a leader shouted.

Then, he knelt down and worshiped on the ground.

There was a hint of fear on his face.

"Hmph, you are so brave.

Have you forgotten what you are here for this time?

How dare you touch such a magical elixir! "

The sound sounded, making those strong human beings tremble.

Then, someone spoke.

"Reporting to the City Lord, this is someone from the Ancient Demon Clan who came to steal it.

There is nothing I can do about it.

If anyone wants to blame it, it's their own bad luck.

We are also helpless.

Otherwise, you would never dare to set foot even half a foot! "

The voice sounded, and everyone begged for mercy.

After all, if you anger the other party, the consequences can be imagined.

However, just after he finished speaking.


The man standing in the field waved his hand, and a blazing sword light was drawn out.

In an instant, a leader was split in half.

Then, Leng shouted.

"Hmph, since we are here to steal treasures.

Of course you have to pay the price! "

As the voice fell, the soldiers behind them raised their weapons.


The sharp blade fell at this moment.

In an instant, the wailing sounds in the field started again.

Whether it was the leaders or the ordinary human martial arts cultivators, they were all killed on the spot.

Thick blood mist rose up all around.


After seeing such a scene.

The Lord of Tianfeng City didn't say much and headed straight towards the valley.

After a moment, he appeared in front of the Ganoderma lucidum.

At this time, around the Ganoderma lucidum.

More than ten leader-level beings have been gathered.

They looked at Ganoderma lucidum.

There was greed in his eyes.

"Brother Tianfeng, look at what we should do this time!"

A strong man said slowly.

He was as tall as an iron tower.

His eyes were shining with light.

This person is the leader of the Qinglong Tribe.

Although the strength is not very strong.

But behind the scenes, there is the support of the Qinglong Tribe.

Therefore, he is considered the number one figure in the entire Tianfeng City.

"Haha, since it's something here, we naturally want to occupy it. As for this time, we all work together. I believe we can definitely get it. How about it!"

After hearing the sound, the Lord of Tianfeng City spoke.

There was a hint of joy in his eyes.

After all, this place is not very far away from the Qinglong Tribe.

If this treasure can be snatched away.

He doesn't have to worry about the Qinglong Tribe's revenge.

"Okay, let's attack together and we must get this thing!"

After hearing the voice, everyone else agreed.

Then, they rushed forward in an instant.

They are indeed strong.

Each one is extremely brave.

The weapon in his hand was swung out.

Vast Gang Qi condensed in the air.

Like a wave, it swept out.


Some people even used secret techniques.

In an instant, a gap was torn out on the Ganoderma lucidum.

Although these strange beasts are powerful, they are far inferior to the strong humans.

And after seeing such a scene.

Tianfeng City Lord and others became more and more excited.

They stepped up their offensive and moved closer to the gap.

However, right now.

Inside the Ganoderma lucidum, a majestic energy burst out.

This energy turned into several beams of light.

Everywhere he passed, the void was pierced.


And feel such a powerful destructive force.

Even the Lord of Feng City couldn't help but take a breath of air that day.

Without any hesitation, he quickly retreated.

At the same time, he yelled at the people around him.

"Set up the formation!"


As the voice fell, everyone's handprints gathered together in an instant.

Turn into a huge barrier.

This barrier is extremely hard, and more importantly, it can block any harm.

But the moment the barrier appeared.

It still shattered in an instant.


Finally, the entire barrier disappeared.

The Lord of Tianfeng City was also blasted into blood mist in an instant.

"The city lord is dead!"

People around him cried out in grief.

At this time, they finally understood why the city lord valued this Ganoderma lucidum so much.

Because the preciousness of this thing is simply beyond imagination.


At this moment, another roar came out.

Then, the huge body appeared in front of everyone.

This man had the head of a bull and the body of a bull, with bloodthirsty light flashing in his huge eyes.

Moreover, a group of strange beasts followed behind.

Apparently they are of the Black Water Crocodile lineage.

Their bodies are covered with thick scales.

The sharp teeth glowed coldly.

Behind him, his tail swung even more.

Bringing up smoke and dust all over the sky.

At this time, he looked at the humans around him.

There was a ferocious look in his eyes.

"No one can save you today!"

The voice sounded.


A black water crocodile behind him was the first to roar.

Then, he charged towards a leader.

Saliva was flowing from the corners of the other party's mouth.

A ferocious aura emanated from his body.


Almost instantly, he bumped into the leader.

This caused his body to fly up and fall hard to the ground.

Blood spewed from the mouth.

He was obviously hit hard.


But just after he landed, another leader jumped up at this moment.

His figure grew larger in an instant.

It's like a small mountain.

The crescent-moon battle ax in his hand hit the ground hard.


There are cracks in the ground.

"Get out of my way!"

The leader was roaring angrily.

However, this scene has no effect at all.

The huge bull didn't care about all this at all.

Instead, he held him down.

Then, a sharp blade was placed on his neck.

A cold feeling came out.

This made the leader's body tremble.

He was certain that if he struggled a little, his head would definitely move.

At the same time, the other two leaders were also killed.

This made him feel horrified and wanted to die.

This Qinglong City Lord is too cruel, he even wants to kill his own allies.


Then, the tauren roared.

At this time, his face was full of madness.

"Lord Qinglong City, please take out the treasure, otherwise, I will kill you all today!"

The tauren roared and said.

He exuded a violent aura all over his body.

The red light in his eyes almost made him bleed.

At this time, everyone around knew that they and others were finished.

The Lord of Qinglong City actually gave the Ganoderma lucidum to the monster.

How could they be willing to do such a thing.

Just, right now.


A fist shadow flew over at this moment.

It instantly landed on the head of the tauren.


The other party let out a ferocious roar.

He didn't expect that such a thing would happen.

However, there was no time to think too much.

"Bang bang!"

Then, several more attacks landed.

His head was directly blown to pieces.

These attacks were all from the young man who had just walked out of the thatched cottage.

Under his control.

That giant monster had no power to fight back.

"Bang bang!"

Finally, the other party was screaming.

He fell straight to the ground and died.

And the young man also walked out again.

He glanced around with indifferent eyes.

Finally, he said slowly.

“You can go.

But tell me, what exactly is this place?

Where do I come from! "

After the words fell, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

They were afraid, really afraid of this young man.

"This is the scope of Tianfeng City!"

A strong man spoke.

Don't dare to neglect even a little bit.

"Oh, in that case, I'll be relieved.

But you'd better leave quickly, otherwise, I won't be able to protect you when the city lord returns! "

As soon as the words fell, the figure had disappeared from the spot.

But those who were left behind were completely dumbfounded.

They wanted to return to Tianfeng City to report.

But he didn't dare to act.

After all, the consequences of doing so are too serious.

And just when they hesitated.

The Lord of Tianfeng City in the distance had already noticed something unusual.

At this time, he roared.

"Search for me and find these evil beasts. If they dare to kill my son, they must die today!"

There was a strong evil spirit in the voice.

After hearing the order.

Those soldiers dare not stop anywhere.

They spread out one after another, looking for traces everywhere.

As for other high-level officials in the city, they were also sent out to investigate.

However, when they searched every inch of the sky, and even dug three feet into the ground.

But no clues were found at all.

This made the people in the City Lord's Mansion frown.

"You can't escape the damn thing. Find it for me. You'll want to see someone alive, and you'll want to see a corpse if you die!"

There was a strong sinister tone in the voice.

At the same time, the Lord of Tianfeng City also personally took action.

He didn't believe that these traitors dared to slip away under his nose.

This would be really embarrassing.

Next to Tianfeng City Lord, stood several deputy city lords, all of whom were brothers of the city lord.

At this time, he was also extremely nervous.

Their son was killed before his eyes.

If their son's body cannot be recovered, they have no way to explain.

Especially the eldest brother's only son was beaten to the head.

If he didn't catch the murderer, the other party might still be able to survive.

But now, death is certain.

And just when Tianfeng City Lord and others were anxious.

the other side.

In a courtyard in the north of the city.

At this time, it was filled with strong men.

The leader is the Lord of Qinglong City.

A fiery light bloomed in his eyes.

The whole person is as dazzling as a blazing sun.

At this time, he said coldly.

“Everyone, we have more and more enemies in Qinglong City now.

Although our Qinglong City is not powerful in this primitive world.

However, any provocation by any force will never be allowed.

I hope that all of you here can help me! "

After the voice fell.

Everyone below them all shouted.

"Please give me the city lord's orders. As long as you open your mouth, you will go through fire and water, even if you die!"

The voice sounded extremely passionate.

At this moment, a burst of noise was indeed transmitted into the room.

Then, a figure stumbled in.

He looked at Qinglong City Lord shouting in panic.

“City Lord, the eldest son is dead.

He was shot to death by a teenager.

The young man said, I want you to prepare spiritual crystals to redeem people! "

After hearing the sound, everyone present was stunned.

They didn't expect that things would turn out like this.

"Damn it, does that Qingmu City dare to disobey my order?"

The Lord of Tianfeng City roared angrily.

There was a deep chill in his eyes.

At this moment, he knew in his heart that his plan might be ruined.

Then, he said in a deep voice.

"Notify, go down and assemble the city guards.

Follow me to Qingmu City to collect debts! "

After the words fell.

"As you command!"

The maid retreated.

As for City Lord Aoki, a smile appeared on his lips.

Then, he walked out of the hall.

Now, the Lord of Qinglong City has reached an agreement with him.

He helped the other party kill the son of the city lord.

As a condition, these people were handed over to him.

Therefore, he was not worried that these people could escape.

However, at this moment, a voice sounded at the city gate.

"Welcome to the Great Elder!"

After hearing the sound, everyone bowed respectfully to the ground.

A look of awe appeared on his face.

At this moment, the Great Elder’s face was filled with anger.

When he saw the Lord of Tianfeng City, he angrily yelled.

"Trash, even a junior can't solve it!"

The sound sounded, and everyone's bodies couldn't help but tremble.

Then, the Lord of Tianfeng City said respectfully.

"Father, this matter has nothing to do with my son!"

After hearing the sound.

The great elder's face showed disdain.

He shouted coldly.

“Hmph, you guys like to quarrel with each other on weekdays.

Now, using such a trick really makes me more and more disappointed.

In this case, let me wake you up! "

The voice sounded.

He slapped it with one palm.

The Lord of Tianfeng City couldn't avoid it and was shot away.

Chest collapsed.

It instantly turned into blood mist.

Others even knelt on the ground, trembling.

They knew in their hearts that their brothers had similar personalities.

If we don't kill the chicken to scare the monkeys, there will definitely be no end in the future.

And just when they were trembling.

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