
Another palm fell.

This time, Tianfeng City Lord's head exploded in an instant.

The smell of death permeates the air.

Everyone was extremely frightened.

At this time, he no longer had to worry about the pressure from the city lord.

He shouted directly.

"Great Elder, spare your life!"

"Spare my life, I am willing to surrender to Aoki City!"

The voice was full of panic.


However, at this moment, the great elder stepped out.

He kicked out a deputy city lord who had just reacted and was about to beg for mercy.

Screams sounded in an instant.

This scene made the remaining people feel heartbroken.

Then, the great elder said coldly.

"From today on, anyone who disobeys will be killed!"

The sound rang out, and everyone trembled.

This great elder is not only powerful in cultivation.

The most important thing is that the opponent kills decisively.

Immediately, a deputy city lord said respectfully.

"Thank you, Great Elder, for your support. From now on, I will follow you to the death!"

After saying that, he actually knelt down on the ground.

And after seeing such a scene.

How dare the people around me neglect him.

"We will swear allegiance to the Great Elder to the death!"

The sound sounded, and the venue suddenly became extremely solemn.

These people are all ruthless bandits in ancient times.

Everyone's mind is extremely high.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to survive in the wilderness for so long, but he is still at ease to this day.

Now, there is no thought of resistance at all, and they all surrender.

It is enough to show how high the majesty of this great elder is.

"Okay, since you sincerely surrender, I agree to it.

This time to Aoki City, you don’t need to bring too many people.

Five hundred of you, plus my two precious horses, are enough to destroy the entire Aoki City.

Moreover, no matter who blocks it, he will be killed without mercy! "

After hearing the sound, everyone's faces showed excitement.

Then, he retreated.

A moment later, thousands of cavalry gathered in Tianfeng City.

He ran towards Qingmu City in a mighty way.

Each of these people exudes a strong aura.

The strength is even more extraordinary.

The leader is wearing silver armor.

Astonishingly, he was the son of the Lord of Feng City that day.

Tianfeng Divine General.


However, when they were still dozens of miles away from Aoki City.

The earth was shaking violently.

Immediately afterwards, a huge ferocious beast soared into the sky.


The sharp claws waved, directly tearing the void apart.

Then, the body grew bigger in an instant.

Appearing in the sky like a giant holding the sky.


A low roar sounded, like muffled thunder.

Everyone's heart skipped a beat.

Especially that day, General Fengshen had a look of horror in his eyes.

Because, this ferocious beast at this time.

Astonishingly, it was the strange beast that protected the city of Aoki City.

But, he didn't wait for his reaction.

The opponent's tail was whipped out hard.


With the whip falling, Tianfeng Divine General's arm actually fell directly to the ground.


Blood spurted out, staining half of the sky red.


At this moment, bursts of roaring sounds sounded.

Then, endless figures poured out of Aoki City.

The leader is also the city lord of Aoki City.

At this time, a cold light bloomed in his eyes.

He said coldly to the guard commander beside him.


"Yes, Lord City Lord!"

The guard commander said respectfully.

Then, he controlled the mount beneath him.

Flying forward.

The cavalry behind him, although not elite, were definitely powerful.

After all, he is a close aide of Lord Aoki.

At this moment, he charged downwards.

The knights in Windy City couldn't help but scream in agony that day.

In a short time, he was rushed into the crowd.

Screams kept coming out.

It only takes a moment.

The cavalry of Tianfeng City were all killed.

The Lord of Aoki City slowly walked towards Tianfeng City.

There was a look of violence in his eyes.

Looking at the mess in the field, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This day is destined to rewrite the history of Aoki City.

At this time, Liu Bang's eyes were also flashing with light.

His mission was finally completed.

On that day, the Lord of Feng City stood up at this moment.

Said respectfully.

"Thank you for your help, Your Majesty. From today on, I am willing to do whatever you want!"

There was flattery in his voice.

It shows the humbleness and servitude of this person.

Liu Bang nodded lightly and didn't care.

However, just when he was about to leave.

The voice of Tianfeng City Lord came out again.

“Your Majesty, my father’s enemy this time is Lord Aoki.

If we can kill him, I, Tianfeng City, will definitely shed tears of gratitude! "

There was flattery in his voice.

"Oh, I know.

You go down first.

I will naturally help you take revenge! "

There was a touch of understatement in Liu Bang's voice.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After hearing the voice, the Lord of Tianfeng City said hurriedly.

Then, he retreated.

But Liu Bang didn't care.

He walked straight out of the city.

At this time in the prehistoric world.

As people from major forces arrived one after another.

This day was very lively.

At the same time, the Lord of Qingmu City had received the news.

The Lord of Tianfeng City fell.

The God of Tianfeng rebelled and led the remaining troops to occupy the entire Tianfeng City.

For a moment, he was extremely angry.

He shouted immediately.

"Send scouts to investigate.

Remember, if you meet the God of Tianfeng, you must notify me!"

There was a cold meaning in his voice.

At this time, he wanted to kill the guy who betrayed him.

"Yes, Lord!"

After hearing the voice, his generals hurriedly said.

Then, he retreated.

On the other side.

The God of Tianfeng also received the news.

However, after learning that Qingmu City had also fallen.

There was no frustration on his face.

Instead, he showed a ferocious look.

Because his target was not Qingmu City at all.

But Qingmu Mountain.

The attack on Qingmu City this time was just to attract firepower.

If it could be completely taken down.

Then in the entire prehistoric world, I am afraid that no one would dare to provoke his Tianfeng City.

Thinking of this, the joy in his eyes could hardly be concealed.

He immediately ordered.

"Gather the troops and march towards Qingmu Mountain.

Remember, don't leave any survivors, you must be quick.

Don't delay any time!"

After hearing the voice.

A general said respectfully.


Then, he retreated.

And not long after he left.

The battle flags in the entire Tianfeng City fluttered.

Tianfeng God General, led the army, and rushed towards Qingmu Mountain.

At this time, Liu Bang was also on the road.

His target this time was the Qingmu King in the Qingmu Mountains.

That was a strong man in the Saint Emperor realm.

For him now, it was also a rare training.

But the other party at this time didn't know.

Liu Bang had already headed towards Qingmu City.

Just when Liu Bang had just stepped into the Qingmu Mountains.

The system voice sounded at this time.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained the hidden task.

Kill the most powerful existence in Qingmu City.

Reward, a seal of the people!"

After hearing the voice, Liu Bang's eyes showed a gleam of brilliance.

Then, he said.

"Let's go, follow me to Qingmu City!"

There was endless murderous intent in his voice.

At this time, the other party wanted to slaughter the entire Qingmu City.

Now, it's not easy to come to the Qingmu Mountains.

How could he miss this opportunity?

Moreover, he had expected the Qingmu King in his heart.

Because, in the original work, the strength of the Qingmu King is comparable to the existence of the four emperors of the Han Dynasty.

Enough to rival the big guys above the Nine Heavens.

If you don't handle it carefully.

I'll be in real trouble.

However, Liu Bang couldn't care too much at this time.

What he had to do was to improve his strength.

Otherwise, nothing would be easy to do.

And at this moment.

Several armies also gathered at the outskirts of Qingmu City.

Among these people, one-third were from the prehistoric times.

And all of them were children of the Han Dynasty.

The leading general.

He was the Lord of Tianfeng City.

His face was extremely ugly at this time.

His son was killed by the Lord of Qingmu City.

And he surrendered to the Han Dynasty, which was a great shame.

However, he couldn't regret it now.

And at this moment.

In the distance, a figure was walking towards here.

It was the Lord of Qingmu City.

After seeing the other party, the Lord of Tianfeng City's pupils shrank instantly.

Then, he shouted angrily.

"Qingmu, you dare to come!"

His figure turned into a stream of light in an instant, and he rushed forward.

However, facing the oncoming figure.

The Lord of Qingmu City was not afraid.

Instead, he said coldly.

"Old Tianfeng, are you looking for death!"

After the voice fell, his palm swung out.

In an instant, a bang sounded.

The Lord of Tianfeng City was blown away.

His body crashed into a building and fell to the ground.

And at this moment.

The Lord of Qingmu City said coldly.

"Today, use your blood to commemorate the soul of old Tianfeng!"

After saying that.

He rushed towards the Lord of Tianfeng City.


The giant claws crossed the sky.

The blazing aura spread out.

Where it passed, there were bursts of thunder.

How could the Lord of Tianfeng City be negligent.

The long sword in his hand cut through the sky.

He went straight to meet it.


The sound of a sharp blade breaking through skin was heard.

A huge wound was torn on the chest of the Lord of Tianfeng City.

But there was no trace of fear in his eyes.

On the contrary, his face was full of madness.

He wanted to avenge his son.


A roar was heard.

The figure leaped up again and rushed towards the Lord of Qingmu City.

The wings spread out, covering the void.

The speed was so fast that it was shocking.

However, this scene might be shocking in the eyes of others.

But the Lord of Qingmu City was disdainful.

He stood in place, waiting for the opponent's attack.

However, when the fist of the Lord of Tianfeng City landed on his head.

He felt something was wrong.

I saw that the opponent's fist was covered with rich magic power.

At this time, he actually locked himself tightly.

He had no way to avoid it.


A punch hit his head.

In an instant, the Lord of Tianfeng City fell in a pool of blood.

After seeing such a scene.

The corner of the mouth of the Lord of Qingmu showed a smile.

This time, he finally avenged his father's murder.

Then, his voice slowly sounded.

"Pass the order down, seal this place, don't let a fly out!"

The voice was ruthless and decisive.

This is his territory after all.

Even the people in the city are his confidants.

As long as a little pressure is applied, they will definitely obey the order.

"Yes, sir!"

After receiving the order, the people of Tianfeng Divine Mansion said respectfully.

And the Lord of Qingmu City was relieved.

He believed that with these loyal subordinates, he could stop the attack of the Han Dynasty.

As for the city, he was not worried.

As long as he could hold the opponent back, he would naturally win once the reinforcements arrived.

Thinking of this, he retreated.

However, just after he left.

A figure appeared on the city wall.

There was a sinister flash in his eyes.

The murderous intent around him was blooming, like a demon god.

It was the military advisor of the Han Dynasty, Li Jing.

At this time, he showed a cold arc at the corner of his mouth.

Speaking to the soldiers around him.

"Send the message and tell His Majesty that this battle should be over!"

The voice was full of cruelty.

"Yes, military advisor!"

After hearing the voice, the soldier on the side said respectfully.

Then, he retreated.

It was obvious that he was going to deliver the letter.

And just after Li Jing's voice fell.

On the other side, the Lord of Qingmu City had already returned home.

"Haha, after this battle,

The territory of Tianfeng City will be divided equally between the two of us.

At that time, I can dominate the Qingmu Dynasty!"

The Lord of Qingmu City said excitedly.

However, just after his voice fell.

Another voice sounded at this time.

"Humph, who told you this, you want to become the leader of the Qingmu Dynasty, I don't want to.

You'd better stay, so as not to harm others!"

After hearing the voice, the face of the Lord of Qingmu City changed.

This voice was not someone else, but the deputy lord of Qingmu City.

At this time, the other party was walking towards him step by step.

Every step seemed to contain great power.

"What do you want to do!"

At this time, the Lord of Qingmu City finally showed panic in his eyes.

Not only because his brother died in the hands of the other party.

At the same time, he was afraid that he would be killed.

Looking at the Lord of Qingmu City, the deputy city lord said lightly.

"You don't need to know!"


As his voice fell.

The dagger was directly inserted into the chest of the Lord of Qingmu City.

Then, he spoke to his subordinates.

"Send someone to notify everyone in Qingmu City to attack the city gate at noon tomorrow.

Everything is going according to plan!"

After the voice fell, he led his generals to retreat.

The whole city was in a busy state.

At this time, they were all preparing for tomorrow's attack.

On the other side, Liu Bang also received reports from Guan Yu and Xiang Yu.

His brows couldn't help but frown.

There are too many masters in this Qingmu King City.

It is not easy to capture the city.

Although there are four imperial guards guarding it, it should be no problem.

However, it also requires a lot of energy.

And at this moment.

Zhang Liang's voice was heard.

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