
The hot energy made the opponent's face look solemn.

However, he did not retreat.

He opened his arms and gathered a seal in an instant.

It rose in the wind.

Finally, it became a force that covered the sky and the sun.

He rushed towards Han Xin.

This was his desperate move, and it was also his last magical power. It depended on whether he could pass this time.


After seeing such a scene.

The red-scaled dragon python also roared.

Two sharp claws stretched out above its head.

"Ka La!"

There were lightning and thunder in the sky.

Then, in the shocked eyes of everyone.


A destructive force directly bombarded down.

The defense of the city lord could not resist it at all.

It turned into ashes in an instant.

At the same time.

The long halberd in Han Xin's hand pierced the sky.


The void exploded in an instant.

At this time, the giant python became more rampant.


The soldiers guarding the City Lord's Mansion were torn into pieces in an instant.

At the same time, Han Xin had led a large group of people to the City Lord's Mansion.

The strong men in the city were all alarmed at this time.

They did not expect that such a thing would happen today.

An old-fashioned priest in the palace actually died here.

This is very serious.

After all, every priest represents a certain degree of strength.

If there is no sufficient reason, no country will give up such a person.

However, when everyone felt the strong smell of blood.

They knew that the matter was really irreversible.

Therefore, they immediately followed to the City Lord's Mansion.

And just when they just stepped into it.

A person's voice sounded again.

"Your Majesty the Emperor of Han, do you want to go against all parties?"

At this time, a figure slowly stood up.

There was a cold light in his eyes.

It was the mysterious priest before.

Although the other party lost a son, they were not panicked.

Instead, they seemed unusually calm.

After hearing the voice, Liu Bang said indifferently.

"Who do you think you are? Do I need to explain to you!"

As soon as the voice fell, the entire hall was filled with armored soldiers.

They held weapons and surrounded the worshiper in place.

After seeing this scene, everyone around did not dare to neglect it.

They hid in the corners.

At this moment, everyone understood that the war was about to break out completely.

Sure enough, just after they had just stood firm.

A cold voice came from the mouth of the worshiper.

"Your Majesty, if you don't give me an explanation, I'm afraid it will be difficult to leave today.

We will participate in this battle for your daughter.

If she is willing to marry me, we will never interfere.

Otherwise, please think carefully!"

There was a threat in the voice.

After hearing the voice, Liu Bang did show a smile at the corner of his mouth.

He looked at the old man below and said coldly.

"Okay, in that case.

I want to see how you can stop me.

Kill them!"

As the order was issued.

Behind Liu Bang, countless soldiers rushed out.

They were very fast.

Especially the Feixiong Army and Xuanwu Guard, who were like a torrent at this time.

"Looking for death!"

After seeing such a scene, the ancestors didn't care about their own face.

They rushed up together.


The Feixiong Army raised the giant axe in their hands.

One axe was chopped.

The blazing axe force cut through the void in an instant.

It was as if it could cut through the stars.


Then, the axe force fell on a worshiper.

The other party didn't even have time to scream, and died.

As for the Xuanwu Guard.

At this time, it was even more terrifying.

Their fists were like hills.


An old ancestor was hit, and his whole body almost shattered.

However, this is far from over.

The attack of the Feixiong Army was too sharp.

They formed a formation in an instant.

Spreading to the surroundings.


Those worshippers were strangled on the spot without even having time to dodge.

The worshippers were killed one by one.

But the brilliance in Liu Bang's eyes became more and more brilliant.

An excited smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

So many masters, even with his current cultivation, are unmatched.

This battle must be won.

Thinking of this, Liu Bang's heart became excited.

And the face of the city lord on the other side became more and more gloomy.

Because he knew in his heart that if too many of these worshippers died.

I am afraid he will really be finished.

Thinking of this, a fierce look appeared in his eyes.

Then, a majestic spiritual energy surged in his body.


He actually exploded himself.

This scene was beyond everyone's expectations.

Including the ancestors, none of them had ever thought that the city lord would be willing to explode himself.

"Hmph, you are worthy of self-destruction.

I give you glory and wealth because I want you to help me with things.

Now, he is doing such a stupid thing, damn it! "

At those moments when the offerings self-destruct.

Liu Bang's voice sounded.

"hold head high!"

Then, the golden snake leaped up.

Hovering in the air.

The huge body bloomed with dazzling light.

Then, it hit the body of the city lord.

Although the other party is dead, his soul is still alive.

Seeing this scene, the other party's eyes showed a look of horror.

He never expected that Liu Bang could actually control his body.

I wanted to escape, but it was too late.

The golden snake swallowed it up directly.


With a burst of chirping sound.

The city lord's body disappeared from the spot in an instant.

At this moment, the ancestor was completely stunned.

All this made him don't know how to deal with it.

However, at this moment, Liu Bang's eyes showed a hint of ferocity.

He shouted coldly.


After the voice fell, he rushed towards the ancestor.

This old man is no ordinary person.

He is worshiped by a dynasty and has certain power in the heaven.

Now I am hurt by myself.

Of course I can't stay.

Just, after hearing the sound.

The ancestor roared angrily.

"Emperor Han, if our ancestor does not take revenge today, I will not be a human being!"

After the words fell, the long knife in his hand swept across.

The mighty sword light flashed in the air.


But Liu Bang showed no sign of weakness at this time.

His palms extended.

Instantly grasp the sword light.

Then, crush it into pieces.

Then, he shot out with a palm.

Fiery palm prints filled the world in an instant.

There was a look of fear on the old man's face.

Want to resist.

But it was simply too late.

Liu Bang's strength is really too strong.

In the end, the entire body was directly killed on the spot.

And after seeing such a scene.

The remaining worshipers in the field all had frightened expressions in their eyes.

Then, prepare to retreat.

They don't want to die.

But at this moment, Liu Bang's eyes showed a hint of ferocity.

"Who dares to leave!"

As his roar fell.

Those who made offerings, their bodies stopped moving.

And at the same time.


Hundreds of streams of light passed by.

These people were all captured by the Forbidden Army.

when they were thrown into the palace.

One by one, they all trembled as they worshiped.

They didn't expect that they would fall here.


But at this moment, Liu Bang pointed out.

One of the worshipers turned into blood mist.

Such a scene made the other worshippers even more frightened.

Not only them, but also the Ji family disciples beside Liu Bang had fear in their eyes.

Liu Bang is simply scarier than the devil.

But, at this moment.

The leader, the worshiper, opened his mouth and said.

"Han Emperor, please spare my life.

I am willing to surrender.

Please go around us. "

There was a hint of bitterness in his voice.

These people all suffered losses under Liu Bang.

How can we not panic when we meet each other now?

Moreover, such a situation is simply irresistible.

After hearing the sound, Liu Bang showed a serious smile on his lips.

"Haha, since you choose to surrender.

That person will be my subordinate from now on.

I hope you won't disappoint me! "

After the voice fell, Liu Bang waved his hand to signal everyone to leave.

Then, he looked at the city lord below and said slowly.

"Tell me, who are you?"

"We are just people from a small world.

I have no intention of going against His Majesty! "

After hearing the sound, Liu Bang waved his hands and said.


He said impatiently.

At this time, he obviously didn't believe these people.

After all, it is simply ridiculous for a group of ants to want to rebel against a big man.

And after hearing the sound.

The city lord didn't dare to neglect.

He left directly with his soldiers.

He knew it in his heart.

Liu Bang would not spare himself.

Only by taking all the blame on yourself can you have a chance to survive.

Otherwise, death is certain.

And just after the city lord retreated.

Liu Bang spoke again.

"Cao Zhengchun, send the Jin Yiwei to investigate and see what secrets the major dynasties are hiding!"

"According to the order!"

Cao Zhengchun said respectfully after hearing the sound.

Then, prepare to leave.

However, at this moment, Liu Bang suddenly spoke.

"Stop, bring these women back to the palace for me!"

There was a domineering tone in his voice.

Then, outside the main hall, guards entered.

Take those offerings away.

And those women were sent to the palace.

These women were all prisoners sent by the major dynasties.

No matter what, they cannot be let go easily unless they have special value.

And at this moment.

The people in the city outside the main hall all breathed a sigh of relief.

The Han Emperor finally didn't notice himself and others.

However, at this moment.

Liu Bang's figure moved in an instant.

He's extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, they arrived outside the palace gate.

The dragon pattern sword in his hand was slashed out.


One of the worshipers was split into two halves.

This made the city lords around them have a look of fear in their eyes.

"Bang bang!"

At this time, Liu Bang seemed to be going crazy.

He took one step forward.

The whole world seemed to be trembling.

With one punch, another enshrinement was unlucky.

But at this time, the city lord couldn't help but shout.

"Han Emperor, if you dare to kill us.

The big man will never have peace.

The strong men of all races must be big men who will kill you.

When the time comes, no one can stop it! "

The voice was full of resentment.

"Jie Jie, do you think I will be afraid? My big man has stood tall for hundreds of millions of years, relying on nothing but bravery.

Today, even if it means breaking the sky.

I also want you to understand.

The price of provoking a big man! "

The voice came out.

Then, the palm was raised again.

Push forward.

"hold head high!"

The dragon roared.

One palm can cover those offerings.

At this time, their eyes showed horror.

Because this great Han Emperor actually dared to kill him.

This makes them feel incredible.

But at this moment, the old man did speak again.

"Han Emperor, if you kill us, you, a big man, will not die well.

Let us go now.

We are willing to be loyal to you! "

The voice sounded and Liu Bang said disdainfully.

"Loyalty to me is worthy of wastes like you!"

There was a sound, and a slap flew out.

Although these people were not weak in cultivation, Liu Bang did not take them seriously at all.

And right now.

A low voice came out at this moment.

"The Emperor of Han is indeed very courageous.

He is worthy of being the emperor of the Han Dynasty, I admire him.

I don’t know if you can give me some mercy and let these people go.

I guarantee that they will never dare to go against your will in the future! "

The person who spoke was clearly Song Jiang, the Holy Emperor of the Song Dynasty.

The other party is Song Jiang.

When he attacked Dongchang, he was defeated by Liu Bang.

Therefore, he did not dare to be careless.

Liu Bang, on the other hand, said calmly.

"Oh, then I ask you, if you, the Song Dynasty, want to destroy my Han Dynasty, what should you do?"

"Your Majesty the Han Emperor, we cannot decide this matter.

We need to go back and discuss it! "

Song Jiang said tentatively.

"Haha, I'll tell you now.

If you want to destroy my big man, you should destroy the entire world of Shenwu first.

Otherwise, you will definitely die today! "

After hearing the sound.

Song Jiang's expression couldn't help but change.

He did not expect that Liu Bang would be so arrogant.

Then, he said coldly.

"Han Emperor, don't be too arrogant.

This time, you must at least show sincerity! "

Song Jiang said dissatisfied.

However, just after his words fell.

Liu Bang's eyes flashed with a cold light.

"Huh, what do you want?

I just agree! "

his voice rang out, waving his hand.

Immediately, Cao Zhengchun walked out.

"Your Majesty has a decree to send all these women to various treasuries!"

After hearing the sound, Song Jiang couldn't help but frown.

"Han Emperor, don't you even spare the women of your own country?

That's a little too despicable! "

"I only like male pets, what are these women doing?

Send it over quickly! "

Liu Bang said nonchalantly.

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