The strength of these people is pretty good, if they are gathered together.

You can also increase the strength of the big man in the future.

At this time, Song Jiang had been fooled by Liu Bang.

Each of these women is extremely beautiful.

The Emperor of the Han Dynasty actually looked down upon him and wanted to give it away.

It's simply a waste of money.

However, there is no way now.

I can only accept my fate.

Then, he spoke to the people around him.

"You all go down!"

After the voice fell, those people from all major forces retreated towards the rear.

Then, he spoke to Liu Bang.

"Han Emperor, don't worry, we, the Song Dynasty, will never treat these people badly!"

"Haha, I hope so!"

Liu Bang said with a smile.

Then, he slowly closed his eyes and rested his mind.

His methods are extremely ruthless.

Since these people dare to provoke themselves.

You have to pay the price.

At this time, Song Jiang's face was extremely gloomy.

But there is no way.

We can only escort those women away.

Then, he ordered his men to send these people to the major forces.

After all, he, the Song Dynasty, was the ruler here.

And the relationship with those big forces is very good.

I believe the other party will give you face.

As for the other side, after Liu Bang handed those women over to Cao Zhengchun.

Just sitting in the big tent.

He wanted to see the reaction of the major sects.

After all, they are the most high-end existences in this world.

And just after he sat down, Cao Zhengchun's figure also walked in.

At this time, he spoke cautiously.

"Your Majesty, the leaders of all major forces have promised to buy back those women!"

"Well, this is best, if they dare to do it in disguise.

I will destroy them! "

Liu Bang said coldly.

These people are asking for it, so I can’t blame him.

But at this moment, Cao Zhengchun said again.

"Your Majesty, there is one more thing. Song Jiang sent envoys here.

He is ready to visit you personally! "

The voice sounded, but Liu Bang ignored it.

“Inform the Imperial Guards to bring all those women into the harem.

Everyone else was beheaded! "

The voice sounded.

Cao Zhengchun retreated respectfully.

And just after Cao Zhengchun left.

Liu Bang spoke again.

"Come here, please drive to Xiyuan. I want to see Song Jiang!"

There was a sense of solemnity in his words.

This Song Jiang was the first person to provoke him after his rebirth.

Since the other party dares to come, they must be taught a lesson.

And right now.

Song Jiang also came outside his residence.

His face was ashen.

I originally wanted to come here to apologize, but I didn't expect that I would encounter such a situation.

The people he sent were killed like this.

And he was killed by the person he trusted the most.

This made him unable to swallow this breath.


He clenched his fists and roared angrily.

"Han Emperor, I, Song Jiang, will fight with you!"

When the voice sounded, he walked towards the front.

"Bang bang bang!"

The footsteps sounded like muffled thunder.

However, just when he came to the courtyard wall.

However, they discovered that they were surrounded by dense soldiers.

Swords swept across.


Screams sounded.

Song Jiang's guards were killed instantly.

Then, there was a figure standing on top of the city and shouting.

"The Han Emperor has orders not to come near, otherwise he will be killed without mercy!"

"The Emperor of Han has bullied others too much, I want revenge!"

At this time, Song Jiang roared.

He felt that Emperor Han was too domineering.

And just after his words fell.

Cao Zhengchun's figure emerged from the darkness.

Then, a long sword was unsheathed, pointed at Song Jiang and shouted.


I dare to insult His Majesty, I am so impatient! "

Cao Zhengchun's voice sounded.

Waves of chilling air burst out.

Song Jiang's eyes showed horror.

Because he never thought of it.

How could a big man have such a powerful master.

Then, he was ready to turn around and escape.

However, how could Cao Zhengchun let him leave easily.

The long sword moved, and thick blood mist filled the air.

Song Jiang's head flew up.

Then, it turned into minced meat and fell to the ground.

The majestic leader of the Song Dynasty died in his own hands.

At this moment, the eyes of all the forces were red.

The evil reputation of Emperor Han was too strong.

Especially the ancestors of the big sects.

At this time, he couldn't sit still.

After all, if this continues.

I am afraid that all the forces in Beizhou will be destroyed.

Therefore, within a short period of time.

Almost all the sect forces gathered outside the West Garden.

But when Liu Bang set foot, the sparkle in his eyes couldn't help but shrink.

At this time, he felt a powerful aura.

These people are obviously the top masters of the sect.

And at this moment.

People from the big sects also noticed Liu Bang.

Everyone showed a look of vigilance.

Then, he spoke respectfully.

"See Your Majesty!"

Their attitude was very polite.

But Liu Bang understood that the other party was afraid of his own strength.

Sure enough, after Liu Bang sat down.

Someone said.

"Your Majesty, I was wrong to wait for what happened today, but we are willing to apologize.

Please be patient, Your Majesty. "

The ancestors of these sect forces will not give in easily.

However, just after his words fell.

Liu Bang's cold voice came out.

"You don't have to say anything. If anyone dares to stop me, then don't leave.

kill! "

After he finished speaking, he charged towards the field.

Such a scene made everyone's pupils shrink.

Never expected it.

The other party really dared to take the lead.


When Liu Bang's attack collided with the crowd.

It exploded instantly.

Fiery energy swept out like a tide.

Dozens of sect masters, together with their mounts, all collapsed.

Blood spilled all over the battlefield.

Such a scene made the remaining people completely lose their ability to resist.

And right now.

Liu Bangsen's cold voice sounded again.

"You can choose to surrender or die!"

After hearing the sound, everyone was stunned.

The strength of this Han Emperor simply exceeded their expectations.

How can this be.

At this time, Liu Bang said coldly again.

"What I hate most are ungrateful guys like you.

If I forgive you today, no one will respect me, the Heavenly Power of the Han Dynasty, in the future.

Kill them all.

Those who follow me will prosper, those who go against me will perish.

If you are not convinced, just come! "

After the words fell.

Countless Han troops rushed towards the front.

The screams were endless at this time.

The disciples of those forces could not stop the Han army from charging.

Wave after wave, they kept falling.

At this time, Lu Bu became more and more courageous as he fought.

His cultivation reached the ninth level of the Divine Lord, and he was now wielding Fang Tian's painted halberd.

It's like the God of War coming to the dust.

Wherever he goes, no one can match him.

In a short period of time, all the masters from the major forces were slaughtered.

After seeing such a scene.

An indifferent smile appeared on the corner of Liu Bang's mouth.

Then he said slowly.

"Marshal Han, follow me back to the palace!"

The voice sounded.

Cao Zhengchun quickly followed behind.

There was excitement in his eyes.

Emperor Han's temper was extremely violent, but it would be great to be able to change this now.

Just as the two were preparing to leave.

A figure appeared in front of the army.

But it was none other than Zhao Yun.

After receiving the news, he hurried over.

Now seeing Liu Bang, he said respectfully.

"General, I will pay my respects to Your Majesty!"

"Come on, what's the situation like now?"

Liu Bang asked slowly.

"Your Majesty, this place is not far from Dongchang.

Not long ago, Marshal Cao led a group of masters and defeated all enemies.

Now there are only a few traitors in the entire Dongchang.

The others were all killed! "

After hearing the sound, Liu Bang showed a smile on his face.

Then, he spoke.

“In that case, let’s go back.

I wonder if Cao Zhengchun has made proper arrangements! "

"Your Majesty, I will personally lead the way and ensure your satisfaction!"

After hearing the voice, Cao Zhengchun said flatteringly.

After that, the group returned to the Imperial City of Han Dynasty.

At this time, Cao Zhengchun had already arranged everything.

Although Liu Bang didn't say it, he was his trusted servant.

Of course he knows what to do.

"Your Majesty, these are the newly recruited guards. Do you think there is anything else we need?"

Cao Zhengchun pointed downward and said.

These soldiers were all wearing golden armor and holding weapons.

Standing in the middle of the field, he looked majestic.

"Ah, very good.

Just go down and let me know if you have anything! "

After hearing the sound, Cao Zhengchun retreated cautiously.

Then, Liu Bang walked towards the palace.

At this time, Cao Zhengchun ordered the imperial guards to escort Liu Bang into the palace.

As for him, he walked towards the other side.

At this time, the other party knew clearly that only he and Lu Bu could discover the secret of Liu Bang's summoning system.

Therefore, it is not appropriate to stay there by yourself.

Therefore, you must find a hidden place.

And just after he left.

A large number of palace maids came out.

They surrounded the palace.

Then, something even weirder happened.

I saw Liu Bang's whole body emitting dazzling golden light.

He actually turned into a giant.

At this time, his eyes widened.

A thick mist filled the mouth and nose.

The palace maids around were actually sucked into it.

Then, wisps of blood seeped out from Liu Bang's mouth and nose.

If such a scene were to be seen by outsiders.

It must be terrifying.

Because no one can do such a thing.

Even the Holy Emperor that Liu Bang grew up with was promoted to emperor.

It's nothing more than absorbing the power of people's faith.

Even if there are merit points in hand.

But there is no way to purify his own blood.

And at this moment.

Liu Bang felt a sharp pain in his body.

Then, he saw his body gradually becoming illusory.

Apparently, after absorbing enough power of faith.

It will dissipate in the air.

This frightened him.

And just when Liu Bang felt that he was about to collapse.

A vast breath suddenly surged.

Then, a drop of blood essence appeared in the air.

This was Liu Bang's own blood, which was condensed by the strong power of faith.

But now, his vitality was fading.

And the blood seemed to be attracted by something.

It flew towards the blood essence.

Almost in the blink of an eye, it merged into the blood essence.

In an instant, the originally illusory Liu Bang.

It was completely stabilized.

And just when he was just stabilized.


A golden dragon condensed in his body.

A huge pressure spread.

Then, Liu Bang said slowly.

"I am the Emperor of Han!"

As soon as his voice fell.

The robe on his body rustled.

The blood on his head was boiling.

"Greetings to His Majesty the Emperor of Han!"

After seeing this situation.

Cao Zhengchun said respectfully.

"Stand up!"

Liu Bang said slowly.

His brows were slightly wrinkled. This state was obviously due to his injuries.

Thinking of this, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

His mother had just died.

These people dared to attack him.

If he didn't kill them, how could he be worthy of his mother.

Therefore, he shouted in a deep voice.

"Kill all the rebels for me. Anyone who dares to escape will be killed without mercy.

Don't leave any!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After hearing the order, Cao Zhengchun did not dare to neglect it.

He flew out directly on the auspicious cloud.

This time he was ordered to inspect.

So the leader of the Jinyiwei was the leader of the team.

The opponent is strong.

More importantly, his loyalty is high enough.

Therefore, Cao Zhengchun can use him with confidence.

Moreover, in recent times, he has sent all his spies out.

To find rebels.

After all, now that Liu Bang has ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, the whole world will be shocked, and people from major families will naturally not sit idly by.

Therefore, Cao Zhengchun is worried that Liu Bang will be attacked.

This is also one of the main reasons why he is willing to follow Liu Bang to the expedition.

Just as his figure flew out.


A series of air-breaking sounds rang out.

Then, countless hidden arrows were seen, emitting brilliant light in the air.

Like a sharp sword, they shot towards the Jinyiwei.

Each of their arrows was wrapped in terrifying energy.

A cold light flashed in Cao Zhengchun's eyes.

Then, he waved his sleeves and went to meet the enemy.

"Bang bang!"

The fist and the sharp arrow collided with each other, and a burst sounded.

The surrounding space was shattered.

Then, those hidden crossbows were smashed.

And Cao Zhengchun was also forced back.

His face was extremely pale.

At this moment, he finally realized that he had underestimated the various tribes.

Their strength was good, even surpassing the Cao family.

If they continued to fight like this, the Cao clan would definitely lose.

Thinking of this.

A hint of determination appeared in his eyes.

"Your Majesty the Emperor of Han, I will withdraw first, you be careful.

Remember, if you encounter danger, you must not be stubborn!"

After the voice fell, he led the Jinyiwei and flew away.

At this moment, Cao Zhengchun knew in his heart that he could not help Liu Bang in this battle.

If he continued to stay here.

He could only become a burden to Liu Bang.

And just after Cao Zhengchun left.

The faces of many disciples of the aristocratic families around him showed excitement.

Because today is the day when Cao Zhengchun and others will be destroyed.

They want to avenge their dead brothers.

And at the same time.

Cao Zhengchun stopped.

He looked into the distance and said with a gloomy face.

"Your Majesty, this time, our Cao family is loyal to you. I hope you can take care of us in the future!"

There was a sense of sadness in his voice.

However, he did not hesitate any more.

He took a step forward.

He rushed forward.

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