Said to the King of Dongling below.

Then, he signaled the other party to withdraw.

So that the other party did not dare to hesitate.

He bowed and retreated.

A moment later, a general came in.

It was Cao Zhengchun.

And just after he walked into the room.

He said respectfully.

"I will see your majesty!"

"Stand up, from now on, this Dongling City will be controlled by Cao Aiqing!"

Liu Zheng said with a smile.

"Thank you, your majesty!"

Cao Zhengchun retreated directly without any courtesy.

This made Liu Zheng look up to him even more.

It must be said that Cao Zhengchun is indeed a tiger general.

In a short time, the city was in his hands.

Then, he spoke again.

"Cao Zhengchun, order three thousand iron pagodas to station in Dongling City!"


After hearing the voice, Cao Zhengchun did not dare to neglect and retreated directly.

And Liu Zheng continued to look at the map.

Prepare to attack other areas.

After this battle, Dongling City became his possession.

However, not long after he left.

The spies of the Han Dynasty sent news.

It was said that a large number of foreign races were gathering towards Dongling City.

It turned out that the King of Dongling was in the city, issuing random orders.

As a result, a tribal leader was angered.

Now, he is leading a large army to attack Dongling City.

"Hmph, there is no need to fight this battle, notify all soldiers to retreat!"

After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng shouted coldly.

Then, he walked towards the imperial garden.

He had already received the news.

The head of the King of Dongling had been chopped off, so naturally he didn't have to take action.

And just as he walked out of the hall.

A burst of noise sounded.

"How dare you, my prince, how can you provoke him!"

The voice came out, causing Liu Zheng in the hall to frown slightly.

And at this moment.

Cao Zhengchun's figure appeared beside him.

Said respectfully.

"Your Majesty, it's the guard of the King of Dongling.

It seems that the son of the King of Dongling caused trouble.

He was killed!"

After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng nodded.

Then, he said lightly.

"Let's go!"

After the voice fell, Cao Zhengchun pushed Liu Zheng out of the gate.

However, when he came to the imperial garden.

He found that the scene at this time was completely opposite to what he imagined.

The originally arrogant aliens knelt on the ground at this time.

And in front of them.

A girl stood proudly.

Behind her were hundreds of corpses.

It was the soldiers of the vanguard camp.

At this time, Liu Zheng narrowed his eyes. This girl was none other than the princess of the King of Dongling, Li Yutong.

I didn't expect the other party to appear here.

However, Li Yutong at this time was more heroic than before.

Standing there with a long sword in hand, she looked like a goddess.

Moreover, more importantly, the other party actually broke through the cultivation level and reached the sixth level of the Grandmaster.

Such talent is not bad.

Just when Liu Zheng was about to step forward.

Li Yutong also saw the other party.

Then, she exclaimed.

"Big brother, why are you here!"

There was a hint of doubt in her voice.

"Hehe, I am the mayor of Dongling City.

Do you think I should be here?

Also, why are you here? Are you here to find your father?"

Liu Zheng said with a smile.

After hearing the voice, Li Yutong's eyes became moist.

During this period of time, she really missed Liu Zheng.

Every night she dreamed that her brother was killed.

Unexpectedly, the other party came to Dongling City.

However, she couldn't show it at this time.

Because Liu Zheng was her only support.

"Your Majesty, the King of Dongling is ambitious. He not only robbed the land of the Han people, but also plundered the caravans.

You must make the decision for me!"

At this time, she was in tears.

But Liu Zheng understood that although the other party was crying.

But deep in his eyes, there was a flash of cunning.

It was obvious that he did not completely trust himself.

"Well, I will solve this matter.

You can live in Dongling City for the time being!"

Liu Zheng said lightly.

Then, under the guidance of the palace maid, he entered the hall.

But Li Yutong stayed where she was.

Looking at Liu Zheng's back as he left, a strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Then he turned and walked towards the side hall where he lived.

At this time, the battles in various places in the Han Dynasty had come to an end.

However, Liu Zheng still showed no signs of stopping.

He wanted to expand and completely devour the entire Jiuzhou continent.

On this day, when he was summoning his ministers to discuss matters.

Cao Zhengchun hurried over.

He bowed respectfully on the ground.

"Your Majesty, all the major cities in the Han Dynasty have been attacked and suffered heavy losses.

Moreover, many generals have been injured.

Please make the decision, Your Majesty!"

Cao Zhengchun said cautiously.

"Well, just let them come back.

No need to send strong men to guard!"

After hearing the voice, Cao Zhengchun breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he retreated.

At this time, Liu Zheng could not help but frown.

The King of Dongling moved very quickly.

He had just taken over Dongling City.

The other party started to act.

However, now it seems that his guess was a little wrong.

The other party's target was not the Han at all.

But Dongling City.


While Liu Zheng was thinking.

In the distance, a roar came out.

Then, endless shouts and killings came out.

Then, a dense army appeared in his sight.

It was the Barbarian Cavalry.

These alien races were extremely cruel.

At this time, his eyes were red and he rushed against the city wall.

It was unstoppable.

Especially the leader, wearing black armor and holding a huge hammer.

His body was several feet tall.

He exuded a terrifying pressure.

He was following the Barbarian Cavalry and rushing towards the city wall.

It was the Barbarian King.

His speed was too fast.

It even makes people feel shocked.

And at this moment.

Lu Bu, who was beside Liu Zheng, took a step forward, and his armor shone brightly.

Then, he roared.

"Who dares to fight me!"

There was a ferocity in his voice.

"Haha, big man Lu Bu, I know you!

But today, you are destined to fall.

These alien races like to eat your flesh and blood the most.

I hope that after you die, you can turn into a ghost to take revenge!"

As he spoke, he raised the hammer in his hand and smashed it down.

A blazing wind swept over.

The surrounding space was rippling at this time.

Lu Bu's face was extremely gloomy, but he did not dare to hesitate this time.

He rushed to meet the opponent.

The two collided in the void.


The hammer fell on the opponent's steel fork.

In an instant, sparks flew out all over the sky.

And Lu Bu retreated at the same time.

However, he was a top general after all.

This time he was wearing black iron armor with gold patterns.

In addition to the resistance of the steel fork in his hand.

He did not receive a fatal attack.

However, the Barbarian King's face was extremely ugly.

He was a peerless warrior of the Barbarians.

Now, he was repelled by Lu Bu.

This made him angry.


Then, he tore off the clothes on his chest.

Revealing a bronze skin.

The next moment, he rushed forward to kill.

This is a unique body training method of the Barbarians.

Although the training is slow, it is extremely tough.


The Barbarian King roared.

The whole person rushed towards Lu Bu like a demon.

This scene made many generals on the top of the city change their faces.

They did not expect that the Barbarians were so brave.

At this time, Lu Bu also showed a solemn look on his face.

However, at this moment, Liu Zheng's cold voice did sound.

"Get out of here!"

The voice sounded, and the palm stretched out and shattered the void in an instant.


The head of the Barbarian King exploded directly.

Blood gushed out.

Then, the opponent fell to the ground.

The aura of death filled the whole field.

Everyone was stunned, with horror on their faces.

The strongest man of the Barbarians died. Is the ruling power of the wilderness also going to change hands?

At this moment, Liu Zheng's cold voice sounded again.

"All generals listen to my orders and follow me to conquer the other three cities.

I want to make the Kyushu Continent never peaceful!"

As soon as the voice fell, the soldiers of the Han Dynasty headed out of the city.

The obstacles they encountered along the way were almost easily torn apart.

The Barbarians were not vulnerable at all.

In a short time, the six cities occupied by King Dongling were taken under their command.

When he returned to the center of the city.

Liu Zheng stood on the dragon chair and asked lightly.

"Where is the King of Dongling?"

There was a hint of coldness in his voice.

"Your Majesty, the King of Dongling has fled!"

Cao Zhengchun said cautiously.

After hearing the voice.

Liu Zheng waved his hand.

"Okay, you retreat first, continue to monitor the enemy's news, I want to see them destroyed.

Remember, you must be alive!"


Cao Zhengchun bowed and said, then left.

Just after he retreated.

Liu Zheng's ears moved slightly.

He felt a strong momentum.

At this time, it was flying towards him.

This made him alert in his heart.

Then, he ordered the Weiwei beside him.

"Order the camp to prepare to meet the enemy!"

"I obey your order!"

After hearing the voice, the Weiwei did not dare to neglect it and retreated quickly.

Then, teams of Yulin Imperial Guards gathered on the city wall at this time.

There was a look of vigilance on their faces.

Because they all knew Liu Zheng.

Now, someone actually dared to attack the Han people.

If something went wrong.

The consequences would be very serious.

At this time, there was no way to be careless.

Just when the generals of the Han people were ready for battle.

On the city gate tower, a figure suddenly appeared.

He was burly and had a full beard.

He stood proudly with a spear in his hand.

Looking at the soldiers on the top of the city wall, he shouted.

"You are the generals of the Han Dynasty!

The Barbarian King is dead, and I am his brother.

I am willing to surrender to the Han Emperor. I wonder if you can make some concessions.

I promise not to break the rules of the Han Dynasty!"

The man said.

After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng narrowed his eyes.

I didn't expect that the barbarians would really choose to surrender.

Then, he said slowly.

"Okay, since you are willing to surrender, then I will spare your life!

However, from now on, you can only submit to me.

How about it!"

"In accordance with the will of His Majesty the Han Emperor, the Barbarian King is willing to lead his subordinates to surrender.

I am willing to serve you and go through fire and water in the future!"

The barbarian general said excitedly at this time.

He didn't expect that he would win so easily.

This big man is not that good.

And just after his voice fell.

Liu Zheng waved his hand to signal the other party to go down.

Obviously agreed to the other party's request.

After seeing such a scene,

The barbarian generals did not dare to stay.

They led the army to withdraw quickly.

A moment later, Liu Zheng sat in the hall in the city.

His face was extremely gloomy.

He did not expect these barbarians to dare to enter the Kyushu continent and make trouble.

Such a thing is simply unheard of.

And at this moment.

A young man in brocade clothes came in and bowed respectfully on the ground.

"I pay my respects to His Majesty the Emperor of Han!"

The other party's voice was full of flattery.

After seeing such a scene.

Liu Zheng said lightly.

"Stand up!"

There was no wave in his voice.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The young man in brocade clothes was extremely happy and stood up slowly.

At this time, he could not help but look at the decorations in the hall.

Then, he said flatteringly.

"I wonder how your Majesty's palace is!"

There was a hint of smile in his voice.

"Haha, the barbarian man has luxurious buildings.

My palace is far inferior.

If you have any good suggestions, just tell me.

I will definitely reward you handsomely!"

When the voice sounded, a gleam of brilliance flashed in the eyes of the man in brocade clothes.

Then, he said.

"In that case, I won't be polite!"

After the voice fell, he took out a blueprint.

It was the whole picture of the Kyushu continent.

Then, he pointed out the mountains and rivers.

"Your Majesty, my blueprint shows that there are rich minerals in various places in Kyushu, and there are many precious medicines.

Moreover, in the past two years, many alien worlds have invaded.

Now, all major forces have already sent reinforcements.

We, the Han Dynasty, might as well send experts to suppress them.

In this way, it will definitely increase the revenue of the treasury!"

This is a detailed geographical record.

It not only introduces the mineral deposits, but also introduces everything nearby.

After hearing the voice.

Liu Zheng frowned.

After a moment of silence, he spoke.

"You mean, I want to send troops to attack everywhere?"

At this moment, he felt an extremely oppressive feeling.

On the Jiuzhou continent, the major sects and forces are restraining each other.

If the Han Dynasty rashly attacks everywhere.

It is afraid that it will cause a melee.

However, at this moment.

The young man in brocade clothes spoke.

"Your Majesty, my brother, the Barbarian Emperor, once said.

If my Han Dynasty wants to be the master of the world, it must have enough resources.

Don't worry, as long as you take action, those sects and families in other worlds.

Will never resist!"

There was a touch of pride in his voice.

Obviously, this young man in brocade clothes did not take other tribes seriously.

After all, the Han Dynasty was too powerful.

It's just that I don't know who this young man in brocade clothes is.

"Hmph, if that's the case, prepare to attack other areas.

However, I don't want any accidents to happen to the leaders of these forces.

If you succeed.

I will make you a great marshal, and you don't have to participate in politics.

But if you fail, you will be sentenced to death!"

After hearing the voice, the young man in brocade clothes did not dare to hesitate.

He knelt down on the ground and said.

"I obey your orders!"

After the voice fell.

He quickly retreated.

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