Then, armies of armies moved towards the surrounding areas.

Every day, killings shook the sky.

On the other side, Liu Zheng was patrolling the entire battlefield on the city wall.

There was a cold light flashing in his eyes.

This time, all major families jointly sent troops.

Although the barbarians were driven back.

But the losses were equally huge.

Especially those top families.

Almost exterminated.

Now, he wished he could lead the troops in person.

However, he couldn't leave.

The foundation of Da Han is still shallow.

Except for himself, there is no strong person sitting in charge.

Moreover, the people of the Han Dynasty also need to be resettled.

If something goes wrong.

It's troublesome.

At this time, Liu Zheng knew in his heart that he could only endure it temporarily.

And at the same time.

The man in brocade had already appeared outside the Great Xia Dynasty.

At this time, he was smiling all over his face.

He said to the general beside him.

“These generals of the Han Dynasty are indeed brave and good at fighting.

Just after the battle, our army was defeated.

But this time, my father has an order to capture the Han Emperor alive! "

After the words fell, the general said respectfully.

"I will obey your orders!"

After saying that, he led his soldiers and flew towards the city.

“Haha, the Han Emperor’s men are all a bunch of idiots.

Under such circumstances, he actually wanted to resist my elder brother's attack.

You are really looking for death! "

Young Master Jin Yi looked at the scene in the sky and said with a sneer.

This time, the brother and sister were ordered to come.

Not just to seize the mineral veins.

He also wanted to capture Liu Zheng.

Because there are rumors that the other party owns a dragon marrow fruit.

This thing made him salivate.

And at this moment.


The large formation above the city was rushed away by the Wild Guards.

Immediately afterwards, a rain of arrows filled the sky.

The city was covered in an instant.

Most of the barbarian generals who were guarding them had already fallen before they even got close.

As for other people, they also avoided it.

However, many people still died.

This scene made Young Master Jinyi look horrified in his eyes.

The big man's strength exceeded his expectations.

I dare not say more at this time.

Turn around and run away.

However, just after he ran a few steps.

A sharp claw scratched the void.


Blood splattered, and the young man in brocade fell straight to the ground.

And at the moment of his death.

Liu Zheng's eyes flashed.

Then, he opened his mouth and shouted.

"Pursue the enemy!"

After the voice fell.

The officers and soldiers of the Han Dynasty followed Liu Zheng and flew forward.

This time, Mr. Jinyi can be said to have lost both his wife and his troops.

Not only did you not get what you wanted.

Even his life was lost.

At this time, in the royal court of Daxia.

When the man in golden robe came out of the training room.

His face was extremely ugly.

He is the father of this young man in Jinyi.

At this time, I was extremely angry.

His only son actually died outside.

And at this moment.

The minister came in and reported in a low voice.

“Your Majesty, the barbarians have conquered Beihai.

Nowadays, most of the forces have surrendered, leaving only the Nanhuang clan.

It is said that the Han Emperor personally led an army to the southern wilderness.

What do you think about this matter? "

At this time, he seemed cautious.

“Hmph, a mere big man dares to go against me, Daxia.

Send the order and gather the army.

This time, we must defeat the big man.

I will kill them all and avenge my son! "

The voice was extremely cold.

Then, it disappeared in place.

All the armies within the Great Xia Royal Court were assembled in an instant.

The mighty murderous aura permeated the entire world.

The army flew towards the North Sea.

At this time, Liu Zheng had also reached the sphere of influence of the Great Xia Royal Court.

He stood on horseback, looking down into the distance.

There was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

At this time, he finally met his real enemy.

However, there was no fear at all.

He was waiting, waiting for the barbarian army to gather.

In this battle, we can only win but not lose.

Otherwise, the entire Han Dynasty will be in crisis.

At this time, Liu Zheng could no longer care about anything else.

And right now.

In the North Sea, a guest was also welcomed.

This time, it was no one else.

He was the uncle of Mr. Jin Yi, the general of the Great Xia Dynasty.

At this time, he was riding a wolf.

A dazzling divine light bloomed from his body.


A fierce roar sounded, as if it was about to tear the sky apart.


When that war wolf smashed the defensive formation on the city tower.

It hit a palace directly.

It instantly turned into a puddle of flesh.

The strong smell of blood filled the air.

The defenders on the city wall were extremely panicked at this time.

"Hurry up and notify the Imperial Guard that the enemy is attacking!"

A general shouted.

This is the most important palace within the Royal Court of Daxia.

If it is destroyed.

They have to be responsible.

Just, right now.

The war drums outside the city sounded again.

The dense army surged up in an instant.

Their bodies emitted a brilliant golden light.

Like a golden-armored war god.

These are the barbarian armies.

This time they invaded Daxia.

Just for the dragon marrow fruit in the palace.

This treasure is too precious.

It is of great help to them, so they will not give up easily.

The first person was the leader of the barbarian tribe.


A huge ax was swung out in his hand.

Suddenly someone screamed and fell into the dust.

Then, he swept across with a punch.


The figure even flew out upside down.

Such a scene made the big Han soldiers look horrified in their eyes.

I didn't expect that the barbarians would be so powerful.

And right now.


Another burst of roaring sounds came out.

Then, legions of legions appeared on the field.

The leader was a burly man.

There was a cruel look in his eyes.

Holding a halberd, his whole body was shrouded in black mist.

It was the barbarian king.

And right now.

The burly general also reacted.

There was a ferocious look on his lips.


After the words fell.

The whole body was filled with blazing light.


The long sword in his hand struck down.

The big man's soldiers were split into two pieces in an instant.

Anyone who sees such a scene would be frightened.

But the soldiers of the Han Dynasty became more and more ferocious.

There was a bloodthirsty light in their eyes.

Killed out again and again.

Don't care at all.


Another barbarian was killed.

But there was disdain in their eyes.

At this time, the strong soldiers of the Han Dynasty were already crazy.

There is no fear of life or death at all.


Another roar came out.

The big man's warriors rushed forward.

And at the same time.

The barbarian king on the other side also led his army into the city.

Their goals are very clear.

That's the palace.

And right now.

The Lord of the Barbarians looked at the general beside him.

Said slowly.

"Tell that Great Xia monarch that my barbarians want the dragon marrow fruit!"

His voice rang out.

There was excitement in his eyes.

As long as they get the dragon marrow fruit, they can improve their skills for hundreds of years.

At that time, it will be enough to conquer the entire prehistoric world.

After hearing the voice, the barbarian general showed a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

Then, he said slowly.

"Your Majesty, the Han Emperor is also eyeing the Dragon Marrow Fruit.

What if he doesn't agree? "

The voice sounded, and the Lord of the Barbarians' face couldn't help but darken.

After a moment, he said slowly.

"Although Emperor Han is strong, he is still far behind me.

What can he do to stop him? "

After the voice fell, the Barbarian Lord continued to move forward.

At this time, he couldn't wait to seize the Dragon Marrow Fruit.

And right now.

But a figure blocked the way.

Astonishingly, he was the national advisor of the Great Xia Dynasty.

He is powerful and is a strong man at the third level of Yin and Yang Realm.

"you wanna die!"

The powerful general of the Han Dynasty shouted angrily at this moment.

And the national master's eyes were shining with light.

Immediately afterwards, a palm was slapped downwards.

The speed is extremely fast.


The sound of giant trees being destroyed was heard.

There were actually crack marks on the chest of the barbarian warrior.

Obviously, the strength of the Great Xia Dynasty's national division was not weak.


However, his voice just fell.

The eyes of the barbarian warrior burst out with scarlet light.

The long knife in his hand slashed straight out.


Blood splattered out.

The imperial master was cut into two pieces.

As for the barbarian warrior, there was still no change in his eyes.

He continued to move forward.


Just approaching the palace gate.

A powerful wave of energy.

Escaped from the body of the Imperial Master of the Han Dynasty.

Immediately, it turned into a giant flaming snake.

Swallowing towards the barbarian warrior.

"Destroy it for me!"

The barbarian warrior raised the weapon in his hand in an instant.

A hammer hit the python on the head.

Then, the giant flame snake was completely annihilated.

This all happened too fast, even beyond everyone's expectations.

The barbarian warrior, after repelling the giant python.

But he did not stop, but walked towards the palace.

However, he had just taken steps at this time.


There was a burst of thunder.

Then, countless thunder and lightning rained down from the sky, covering the strong man.

This is the great calamity of the Han Dynasty.

After feeling this vast pressure.

The face of the barbarian warrior finally showed a look of fear.

After all, his own strength is still low.

Facing this terrifying disaster.

You can only avoid the edge temporarily.

Because he knew that if he avoided it, these disasters would probably befall him.

Just when he was about to retreat.


A series of dragon roars sounded at this time.

It turned out that the big warrior had just escaped the heavenly tribulation.

The surrounding void condensed into a giant tree.

On the giant tree, endless branches exuded a green color.

The temperature around became extremely hot.

Then, branches swept towards the barbarian warrior.

"Damn it, break it for me!"

After seeing such a scene.

The barbarian warrior's angry voice sounded.

He greeted it with a palm.


The two sides collided in one place.

There was a deafening roar.

And the strength of this barbarian warrior seemed to be even stronger.

At this time, the giant tree was overturned to the ground.

Dare not neglect.

Flee directly to the distance.

But, at this moment.


Another dragon roar sounded.

The dragon's body instantly condensed together.

Its huge body seemed to be cast from a piece of divine iron.

Its eyes were filled with cold light.

It spewed out a strong fire from its mouth, entwining the barbarian warrior.

The latter's pupils shrank.

Then, the spear in his hand was swung out.


This time, the giant flaming python was smashed.

But just when he was about to breathe a sigh of relief.


The dragon roared again.

It was the giant flaming dragon that appeared again.

However, this time, the barbarian warrior did not wait for resistance.

Vines bound it.

He could not struggle.

"Let me go!"

The barbarian warrior roared.

But it was useless.

"Hehe, today I will make you die without a burial place!"

At this moment, a strange laugh sounded.

It was the prince of Daxia who appeared.

Looking at the bound barbarian warrior, his eyes were full of joy.

"Haha, do you really think that you can trap this young master with just a few vines?

Today, I will kill you first!"

The voice sounded.

The figure of the barbarian warrior rushed out in an instant.

While moving, his figure directly broke through the vines.


The prince of Daxia was blown away in an instant.

Blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

However, he was not afraid at all.

Because he knew that such an attack was just a test.

Then, golden armor surged on his body.

At the same time, he roared.


This time, he wanted to fight desperately.

And at this moment.


Those vines had already collapsed.

The barbarian warrior picked up the prince of Daxia in his hand.

He said ferociously.

"Don't you like to play with people's hearts? I will kill you first!"

The moment the voice sounded.

He rushed to the top of the city.

The strength of the barbarian warrior was too strong, and the soldiers of Daxia could not resist it at all.

And at this moment.

Outside the city, a man in a royal robe came.

Beside him, several old slaves followed.

When he entered the hall.

"Greetings, Your Majesty!"

Looking at Liu Zheng sitting on the dragon throne, the emperor shouted respectfully.

"Stand up, why are you here!"

Liu Zheng said lightly.

At this time, a hint of coldness appeared in his eyes.

"Father, I am unwilling!"

Just after his voice fell.

Huangfu Yun, who was standing in the center of the hall, knelt on the ground and cried out.

At this time, his whole body exuded a cold murderous intent.

"Okay, I know!"

After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng nodded and motioned the two to stand up.

Then, he said.

"Follow me!"

As the voice fell, he walked towards the depths of the hall.

The most mysterious hall of the Great Xia Dynasty.

At this time, Liu Zheng spoke slowly.

"This time, I decided to send you two to the Southern Wilderness.

I hope you can bring him back!"

After the voice fell, Huangfu Yun and the Great Xia prince both showed surprise on their faces.

Although the Southern Wilderness is also prosperous.

But compared with the territory of the Han Dynasty, the gap is obvious.

Such a dangerous task, the Han Dynasty actually gave it to the two of them.

"Father, aren't you worried that we will be in danger!"

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