Huangfu Yun asked cautiously.

He knew in his heart that although the Han army was powerful, it would suffer heavy losses in every battle.

"Of course I believe in your abilities.

However, if you can't even win the Southern Wilderness.

Then you are not worthy of staying by my side.

Remember, the target this time is a genius named Ji Hao, who has practiced for less than a hundred years.

Now, he should be studying on the Holy Mountain.

You must complete the task within one year.

Otherwise, I will take back this army and train it separately! "

After the sound fell, it disappeared in place.

Only Huangfu Yun and Prince Daxia were left looking at each other.

Then, the two people left the hall.

Now that the order has been given, there is no way to disobey it.

You can only do your best to complete the task.

“Let’s go, let’s head to the Holy Mountain now.

There is no oil and water here anymore, go there to find opportunities! "

Huangfu Yun said.

His eyes flashed.

Then, the two disappeared from the spot.

But just after they left, Liu Zheng in the hall frowned.

In this life, his children are actually competing for their talents.

Moreover, from the reports from all parties, Liu Zheng can see that today's Southern Wilderness is by no means as simple as imagined.

Not only those monsters, but also the Han army encountered a lot of troubles on the road.

And right now.

In a secret room of the Daxia royal family.

The faces of Huangfu Yun and Prince Daxia showed solemn expressions.

"Brother, you are sure that guy will learn skills on the Holy Mountain!"

At this time, there was murderous intent in his eyes.

"It is said that the other party was thrown into the holy mountain by the master.

The specific situation is still unclear, but as long as we find each other, everything will be explained.

Moreover, this is a unique genius.

If we catch it, my father will definitely reuse it.

Even, they will grant us imperial power. "

Prince Daxia said slowly.

There was a fiery look in his eyes.

"Hmph, then I want to see what kind of talent he has!"

After the voice fell, Huangfu Yun's figure jumped up.

He actually headed straight for the Holy Mountain.

And just when the two of them stepped into the mountain range.

I just felt that waves of vicious energy were filling the air.


The howls of wolves kept ringing out.

These ferocious beasts are not weak in strength.

However, at this time, the two of them did not take them to heart at all.

It's a direct push.

After they crossed hundreds of feet.

Finally I saw a familiar figure.

This man is thin, has a hooked nose, and looks somewhat gloomy.

The whole body was shrouded in black robes.

If it weren't for the cold light flashing in those eyes.

I'm afraid no one will recognize it.

And after seeing the Huangfu Yun brothers.

There was a hint of excitement in the eyes of the man in black.

"Hey, you two finally came to my door. It's not easy!"

There was a hint of madness in his voice.

The next moment, they were rushing towards the two men.


The sharp knife cut through the void.


Immediately afterwards, Huangfu Yun was directly shaken back.

There was a look of horror in his eyes.

He was defeated by this blow.


Just, right now.

The prince of Daxia reflected it.

He waved his palm directly towards the man in black.

The vast energy distorted the surrounding space.

It's just this kind of move.

In the eyes of the man in black, it was simply not enough.

His figure moved.

After dodging the attack, he punched out again.

This time, it directly smashed the chest of the Daxia Prince.

Scarlet blood gurgled out.

It made the other party's face look extremely pale.

"Jie Jie, you two just accept death.

However, your Daxia royal family actually dares to collude with the Han Dynasty.

This time, death is certain! "

The man in black said with a strange smile.

He was ready to continue.

The Prince of Daxia, however, had a look of fear on his face.

Because at this time, he had already felt it.

I can't hold on any longer.

But, at this moment.

A burst of angry shouts came out.


Immediately afterwards, a golden-winged roc eagle appeared in mid-air.

His speed was extremely fast, and he was on the field in an instant.


Falling with a roar.

The wings behind him flapped.

Endless strong wind swept across.


Huangfu Yun's body was directly thrown away.

His eyes showed strong hatred.

He never thought that he would be injured outside the Han Emperor City.

At the same time, the prince of Daxia was not having a good time either.

Blood was dripping from the corners of his mouth.

Looking at the Peng Diao, a look of vigilance appeared in his eyes.

“Haha, none of you can run away this time.

Let me die here! "

Peng Diao said ferociously.

The next moment, a giant claw stretched out in an instant and struck at Huangfu Yun and Prince Daxia.

The power of this claw is too terrifying.

The expressions of the two people changed, and they did not dare to neglect and quickly evaded.

"hold head high!"

After Peng Diao's claw failed.

The sound of dragon roar came out.


The sound of phoenix chirping sounded at this time.

Then, another giant flame bird soared into the sky.

There was a burning aura coming from his body.

Like a ball of flame.


When the fire bird touched the roc eagle.

Suddenly, a hissing sound came from the other party's body.

The whole body is being burned.

Finally, it turned into a wisp of smoke in the air and dissipated in place.


After seeing such a scene.

The two of them couldn't help but gasp.

The man in black also looked at the two of them in surprise at this time.

He didn't expect that these two people would be accompanied by such a strong person.

Moreover, there is more than one.


At this time, the man in black knew that he had made a mistake today.

If I stay, I'm afraid I'll have to explain it here.

After the words fell, he wanted to escape.

Just, right now.

The prince of Daxia and the figure of Peng Diao were already blocking the front.

Looking at the man in black, the Prince of Daxia shouted.

"No one can leave today!"

There was a coldness in the voice.

"Hmph, you dare to block my way!"

After hearing the sound, the voice of the man in black sounded cold.

Obviously, the two men did not know each other.

Otherwise, the other party would never be so arrogant.

After all, if they are acquaintances.

We had already discussed the plan, how could we launch a surprise attack?

"Haha, do you dare to disobey my order?

Do you really think that with your strength, you can resist the attack of my Daxia army? "

There was a hint of indignation in the voice of the Prince of Daxia.

"Haha, since you are looking for death.

Then it will be fulfilled for you.

Let's take action together! "

The man in black spoke.

After the words fell, the whole person's eyes burst out with brilliant light.

The dagger in his hand flew out in an instant.


The sharp sword fell like a meteor.

This is the man in black's best magical power.

He didn't believe it, facing such a fierce attack.

The prince of Daxia and the Peng Diao can stop it.

However, just as his figure stood still.


The sword fell, and the Peng Diao's body bloomed with dazzling brilliance.

It actually smashed the Dao Gang into pieces.

Then, he rushed towards the man in black.

"Damn it!"

Seeing such a scene, the man in black didn't dare to show any slightness and retreated directly.

But how could that Peng Diao spare him lightly?

The speed is even faster.

"call out!"

Catch it with one claw.

Suddenly, several blood stains appeared on the body of the man in black.

Then, a look of fear appeared in his eyes.


Then, he knelt down on the ground.

He said with a trembling voice.

"Sir, please spare my life!"

He knew in his heart that it was all over.

And at this moment.

The Prince of Daxia on the other side also slowly got up from the ground.

Although he was also seriously injured and vomited blood.

However, he was still standing in the same place at this time.

Then, he stared at the man in black.

"Tell me your identity.

I can spare your life! "

There was a hint of indifference in his voice.

"Yes, Your Majesty, the villain is called Wang Hu.

It's the secret agent of Tianmomen! "

After hearing the sound, the man in black said respectfully.

"Okay, get out!"

The prince of Daxia waved his hand to signal him to leave.

And just when Wang Hu was about to leave.

Peng Diao spoke.

"Your Majesty, this guy killed my brother, how could you let him go like this!"

There was a hint of anxiety in his voice.

"Don't forget that our country, Daxia, is prosperous and is one of the holy places of hundreds of tribes.

You don't cause trouble.

When the big Han attacks the surrounding areas, let him assist in the defense! "

Prince Daxia said.


Then, he kicked the opponent on the head.

He was knocked unconscious immediately.

He understood that if he did not kill this person.

It will be a disaster for Daxia.

And after seeing such a scene.

There was a gloomy look in the eyes of the Prince of Daxia.

Then, he said slowly.

"withdraw troops!"

After the voice fell, he led many soldiers and left.

Only the man in black was left, stunned on the spot.

It took a moment for him to react.

No matter what, this member of the Daxia royal family is gone.

He might as well survive.

At this moment, Liu Zheng was in the camp.

But something big happened.

Cao Zhengchun walked into the room, his face full of joy.

He said to Liu Zheng.

"Your Majesty, we have just discovered a large amount of supplies.

Enough to feed an army for three years.

Moreover, there is plenty of food and grass! "

After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng frowned.

Although these things are precious, what he needs now is spiritual stones.

However, thinking about this time, he conquered so many sects.

Moreover, most of them are sect elders or princesses from various states, who personally deliver them to their doorsteps.

A smile appeared on his face again.

Then, he spoke.

"Well, very good, you send people to do an inventory first.

Three days later, a summons was issued! "

After the voice fell, Cao Zhengchun's eyes showed excitement.

He quickly retreated.

He understood that he was one step closer to promotion.

And in the battlefield at this time.

With the return of the Emperor and Princess of Daxia.

Both sides came together.

At this time, Princess Daxia's face was extremely pale.

Just got a kick out of it.

"Father, I want to go home!"

There was a hint of sobs in her voice.

This time, I almost died. If I hadn't met Liu Zheng, it would have been a disaster.


After hearing the sound, the Emperor of Daxia sighed.

Not only was his daughter in danger, he was also feeling aggrieved.

"Father, you promised me to help me destroy that demon sect. I want revenge!"

After hearing the sound, the Emperor of Daxia spoke.

"Okay, wait until this battle is over.

I'll go with you! "

After the voice fell, the Emperor of Daxia turned around and walked out of the camp.

At this time, the ministers in the hall were extremely nervous.

Especially those from aristocratic families.

Because they were worried that the Emperor of Great Xia would settle accounts later in the year.

At first, these forces pushed Princess Daxia to marry the prince.

Sure enough, after a while, the Emperor of Daxia came back.

“If we win this battle, we will gain more benefits.

These aristocratic families also made huge contributions.

I won’t blame you! "

The voice was extremely deep, making people from all the major families heave a sigh of relief.

After all, there is still a large army outside the Imperial City of Daxia.

If the Emperor of Daxia turns his back.

They simply couldn't resist.

And right now.

Outside the ancient battlefield.

Liu Zheng led the army and finally arrived.

After seeing the vast ancient battlefield in front of me.

A smile appeared on Liu Zheng's lips.

"Army, follow me into it and hunt the monsters!"

The sound rang out, and everyone's spirits were lifted.

Nowadays, the ancient battlefield can be said to be full of dangers.

Ordinary soldiers simply cannot penetrate deep.

Only the army under Liu Zheng's command has any hope of being able to dominate it.

And after hearing the sound.

However, the Great Qin Cavalry did not hesitate at all and rushed in following their monarch.

Along the way, wherever they passed, there were all the monsters blocking the front of the army.

All were beheaded.

At this time, Liu Zheng did not stop.

Go towards the depths of the battlefield.

The closer you get to the core area of ​​the ancient battlefield.

The space cracks are becoming more and more dense.

Giant dragons shuttled through the void, exuding powerful pressure.

At this time, Liu Zheng.

I also feel more and more strenuous.

He could clearly feel that the rich vitality of heaven and earth around him was about to turn into liquid.

If it is absorbed and refined, it will definitely make the cultivation level improve by leaps and bounds.

But no matter what, now he lacks elixirs.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it would have already broken through.

"hold head high!"

While he was thinking, a roar came out.

Then, I saw several giant pythons as thick as buckets.

Perched atop a mountain peak.

The ferocious snake letter spat out.

Exuding terrifying pressure.


Liu Zheng stepped forward.

Punch out.

Fierce golden light flashed.

The entire space shattered instantly.

However, those giant pythons dodged away.

Then, they rushed towards him.

At this scene, Liu Zheng's eyes showed a hint of coldness.

"Bang bang bang!"

Every punch he threw had an inexplicable rhythm.

As a result, the giant python was killed in an instant.

Then, a cold light flashed in his eyes and he said slowly.


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