After the voice fell, he walked towards the front.

And on the other side at this time.

Those people from aristocratic families were restless.

Especially when I saw Liu Zheng, it was smooth sailing all the way.

Among the army, news of victory was even conveyed.

They know that this situation is not a long-term solution.

And at this moment.

"Haha, it really happened.

Brother, I will follow you from now on! "

The prince of Daxia had a look of surprise in his eyes.

Then, he said excitedly.

At this time, his strength has reached the eighth level of Yin Yang Realm.

The most important thing is that he has a special physique and extraordinary fighting power.

Now, the people of Daxia are ready to migrate.

Because all the treasures here have been taken away by Liu Zheng.

If you stay, you are courting death.

But the other brothers in Daxia were a little hesitant.

After all, this might be the last chance.

If we give up, it will be much more difficult to enter this ancient battlefield again in the future.

However, right now.

Liu Zheng's order has already been passed on.

"The whole army attacks and follows me to conquer this ancient battlefield.

Anyone who dares to disobey military orders will be killed without mercy! "

This is the second time Liu Zheng has given an order.

Shows his determination.

"I will obey your orders!"

After hearing the sound, the generals of the Han Dynasty would not dare to neglect it.

Just charge forward.

They also gained a lot of benefits from this battle.

Therefore, as long as there is a fight, it is natural to rejoice.

And as time went by, when they came to the depths of the ancient battlefield.

It was discovered that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here was getting stronger and stronger.

Moreover, it contains terrifying energy.

Such a scene.

The eyes of those people from big aristocratic families showed a burning look.

They knew that so much energy could be refined.

It will definitely have a huge effect on your own improvement.

Just, right now.

"hold head high!"

As a neighing sound sounded.

Just saw a dragon tearing apart the space.

Its eyes bloomed with dazzling brilliance.

The body is twisted and twisted.

The bloody mouth stretched out and bit towards the Daxia Prince.

At this time, he had a look of panic on his face.

"Get away!"

The sharp blade in his hand waved.

But there was nothing that could be done about that huge dragon.

Instead, he was entangled by the other party.

"help me!"

The prince of Daxia couldn't help shouting.

"hold head high!"

However, just after his words fell.

The dragon suddenly accelerated.


One head was bitten off.

Blood filled the air.

The dignified prince of Daxia.


And at this moment.


Another black shadow passed by.

This time, it was a dagger that cut through the neck of the big family member.

The other party didn't even have time to scream.

It just fell to the ground.

This scene made those who were ready to take action have a look of horror on their faces.

"What should I do? The monsters here are too powerful.

We are no match at all! "

The member of the aristocratic family, with red eyes, spoke to the family member next to him.

They were scared.

If you continue to stay here, you will probably be eaten by a vicious beast.

But, at this moment.


A high-pitched chirping sound sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a fire plume pierced the void at this moment.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were looking at the owner of the fire feather.

I found out that it was Liu Zheng.

A cold smile appeared on his face.

The fire phoenix behind him spread its wings and made an ear-splitting cry.

It made the whole space tremble.


After the cold voice fell.

Liu Zheng struck down with his sword at this moment.

The blazing sword gang cut through the sky like a shooting star.


The head of a disciple from a great family was chopped off and fell to the ground.

At this time, Liu Zheng was like the devil coming.

Holding the Emperor's Sword in hand, he takes the lead.

Every creature in its path was slaughtered.

Within a short period of time.

That is to kill all the people from the big families.

Such a ferocious offensive completely frightened people from all the major families.

They simply couldn't withstand such a sharp attack.

"Han Emperor, please spare my life!"

A direct descendant of a noble family knelt down in front of Liu Zheng and begged.

However, Liu Zheng really ignored it.

The emperor's sword in his hand swept out.


In an instant, the guy was killed on the spot.

But Liu Zheng still didn't stop at all.

The sharp sword in his hand kept dancing.

Dazzling lights flashed in the sky.

All of this seemed too fast.

In a short period of time, all the people from those aristocratic families were killed.

Not only that, but even those extremely ferocious beasts.

They were also beheaded to death.

After seeing this scene, the people from the small aristocratic families and sects around them.

But he couldn't help but swallowed.

With such a terrifying attack method, even if their ancestor comes, they may not be able to gain any benefit.

At this time, Liu Zheng said slowly.

"Why don't you retreat quickly!"

The voice sounded.

Although the soldiers of the Great Zhou were extremely afraid in their hearts.

But they still retreated.

If it was later, they would be affected.

At this time, the people of the Great World could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Then, they retreated to the rear.

At this time, they did not dare to stay for a moment.


And just after they left.

Bursts of roars were heard.

In the valley, a huge monster stood in the canyon.

It was covered with scales and was ten thousand feet tall.

It exuded a fierce aura.

And the army looking at the big man was even more angry.

At this time, he roared.

"You deserve to die!"


As soon as the voice fell.

The giant claws slapped down.

The blazing energy gathered, with destructive power.


Following a roar,

A huge mountain was blown away.

The generals of the Han Dynasty even felt that their bodies were about to break apart.

Such attack power was beyond their expectations.


The Han army at this time was no longer the cowardly look just now.

They were brave and unmatched, and they were honing themselves every day.

Now, after encountering a strong enemy, they finally met their nemesis.

A commander of the Han Dynasty, riding a flying eagle, soared into the sky and fought with the giant bird.

The battle between the two sides was instantly stirred.

The vast air waves swept across the world.

However, this was not over yet. Behind the giant bird, there were hundreds of figures following.

They were all fierce beasts.

Their strength reached the level of the ninth level of the saint.

At this time, they all rushed up.


When the two sides collided in one place.

The throat of the flying eagle general was directly pierced.


Then, the huge body fell to the ground.

This is the real war. Once defeated, there is no chance of a comeback.

After seeing such a scene.

How dare others neglect it.

At this time, they fled to the rear.

However, at this moment.

The army of ferocious beasts was chasing them at this time.


The leading ferocious beast roared.


A young man from a big family who could not escape was directly caught in the palm print.

Finally, he turned into a pile of meat paste.

At this moment, those who wanted to retreat understood what despair was.

At this time, Liu Zheng was giving orders at the same time.

"Han Emperor Corps, listen to my orders, kill for me!"


Accompanied by a roar.

A cavalry galloped from a distance.

Their bodies were wrapped in a rich golden iron color.

The cold light of the long spear flashed.

They were all wearing black tortoise armor.

In the process of charging, they were uniform.

Wherever they passed, those ferocious beasts were torn apart directly.

Especially the cavalry general, the Fang Tian Hua Ji in his hand was like the sickle of the god of death.

He kept moving back and forth on the battlefield.

Wherever he passed, the beasts were almost unable to resist.

Moreover, behind these cavalrymen.

There were also a large number of infantry.

At this time, it was like a torrent of steel.

Every step he took made the earth tremble.

They were very fast and arrived at the edge of the canyon in the blink of an eye.


A general shouted angrily.

The spear in his hand pierced directly into the abyss of the canyon.

In an instant, countless magma was exploded.

On the other side.

Several family heads led their clansmen to flee to the outside world.


When they just rushed out of the canyon, their bodies exploded directly at this time.

Blood mist filled the air.

It made other people horrified.


At the same time, waves of roars came from the sky.

Countless beasts appeared again.

They rushed towards the soldiers of the Han Dynasty.

The situation in the field became more and more chaotic.

Liu Zheng's eyes flashed with brilliance.

At this time, he was not in a hurry.

Because he knew that the other party would not be able to bear it.

Sure enough, just after his voice fell.

The leader of the beast finally couldn't sit still.


He roared.

His figure flew out.

At this time, a brilliant purple glow bloomed on his body.

The whole person's figure whistled in the sky.

His palm opened, and it actually covered the entire sky in an instant.

Then, it pressed down fiercely.


With a violent roar.

The cliffs of the canyon were shaking constantly.

If it weren't for the guards to stabilize it, the whole canyon would have collapsed long ago.


At this time, the soldiers of the Han Dynasty were not to be outdone.

They waved their weapons and went up.

At this point in the battle, they couldn't retreat, otherwise they would be courting death.

After seeing such a scene.

The giant's eyes showed a ferocious look.

He turned his head and locked onto Liu Zheng.

At this time, they charged towards the other side.

Such a being, even the generals of the Han Dynasty, could not match it at all.

"Your Majesty, we will go to intercept!"

Guan Yu shouted.

"No, let these beasts go.

It's a good time to train the army!"

Liu Zheng said coldly.


Just after his voice fell.

Lv Bu had already rushed up.

The Yuwang Shield in his hand shone with dazzling light.

At this moment, he smashed directly at the giant.

His eyes were full of excitement.

This giant is a real strong man.

My cultivation is too low, not only is it difficult to win, but there is even a danger of falling.

And now, the opponent came to the door himself.

How can I miss this opportunity.

Thinking of this, there was a madness in his eyes.

This blow was like thunder.

The surrounding void was broken.

And the giant was not afraid at all.

He raised his fist.


The two huge heads collided with each other.

In an instant, blood splattered.

Lu Bu actually gained the upper hand.

Then, he ignored his own injuries.

He continued to attack.

And the giant's face showed a solemn look.

Although he was not injured in this attack, Lu Bu's attack was indeed very sharp.

This made him extremely afraid.

However, just when Lu Bu was about to take the opportunity to kill the opponent.

"Ka La!"

Suddenly, bursts of lightning and thunder were heard in the sky.

It was the leader of the ferocious beast who summoned thunder.

This thunder and lightning contained the breath of destruction.

It was extremely frightening.

"Haha, do you think you can stop the ancestor with just thunder and lightning? It's just a dream.

Today I will let you watch me kill!"

After the voice fell.

"Pili Pa La!"

Endless thunder fell.

No one could avoid it wherever it passed.

At the same time, the leader of the giant spirit tribe moved.

He jumped up.

He actually rushed towards Lu Bu.

The opponent's eyes were red at this time.

There was a bloodthirsty light in his eyes.

At this moment, he was completely in a state of madness.

His speed was too fast. In just a moment, he was close to Lu Bu.

His claws stretched out.

He grabbed the opponent.

He obviously wanted to cut Lu Bu into pieces.

After seeing such a scene.

Lu Bu was not weak.

He chopped directly with the Fang Tian Hua Ji in his hand.

The blazing light flashed with a frightening light.

However, the leader of the giant spirit tribe was faster.

In just a short time, he came to Lu Bu.


The two collided in one place.

The vast energy was raging.


Blood marks appeared on Lu Bu's body at this time.

This surprised him extremely.

The giant spirit tribe is also a large race in the entire wilderness.

There are countless masters in the tribe.

However, he has never met one.

The opponent's strength was actually almost the same as his own.

And just as he was thinking.

The fierceness in the eyes of the giant leader was radiating again.

Then, he moved his body and rushed forward again.

There was infinite majesty between the waving of his claws.


Lu Bu roared.

The Fang Tian Hua Ji in his hand danced and collided with the opponent.

Fiery sparks splashed.


Blood marks appeared on Lu Bu's shoulder.

Such a scene was unexpected by no one.

However, at this moment.

The giant leader smiled at the corner of his mouth.

His body suddenly rushed out.


The sharp teeth actually bit on Lu Bu's arm.


At the same time, a roar came out of his mouth.

Then, the whole person stood up.

This is his innate magical power, which can control the actions of others.

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