Mr. Sirius had a look of amusement on his face.

Then, he said slowly.

"Oh, is it so.

Then tell me how you can atone for your sins.

Don't worry, as long as you are reasonable.

I will definitely spare your life.

However, the giant Jupiter master must be made my slave! "

Just after the words fell.

There was a hint of brilliance emanating from his eyes.

And after hearing the sound.

Li Yuanba couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and then said.

"Okay, I agree!"

There was a solemn look on his face.

This time, he really tried his best.

If the Giant Jupiter Master cannot be rescued, the entire Hundred Battle Battalion may be destroyed.

After hearing the sound, Tianlang Xingjun showed a look of joy on his face.

This is an opportunity.

If this Hundred Battle Battalion is controlled.

His strength will definitely increase dramatically.

"Come here, arrest this Giant Jupiter Lord!"

His voice rang out.

Then, the two powerful men at the ninth level of the Golden Immortal beside them rushed downwards.


However, he did not wait for him to get close to the giant Jupiter Lord.

Li Yuanba moved.

The two hammers in his hands were smashed out directly.

In an instant, the two of them turned into blood mist.

This scene is shocking.

Especially the people watching around.

His eyes widened even more.


The Hundred Battle Battalion under the command of Lord Giant Jupiter actually dared to disobey Sir Sirius's order.

And right now.

Lord Wolf Star also roared that day.

"You are seeking death!

kill! "

The voice sounded.

The soldiers under his command charged forward.

But how could Li Yuanba be afraid?


He kicked out and the ground suddenly collapsed.

Tens of thousands of soldiers were all buried in it.

When the screams sounded.

Everyone was shocked.

I didn't expect that the Hundred Battle Camp would be so brutal.

And at this moment.

Yang Lin has arrived in front of Mr. Sirius.

"What are you going to do? You want to surrender to me!"

There was a sinister tone in his voice.

At this time, he looked at Yang Lin and said slowly.

"Humph, Your Majesty, today we brothers will follow you to death together, and we cannot let you face this Lord Sirius alone.

Otherwise, we will feel guilty for the rest of our lives.

However, your Majesty, please rest assured that we will never harm your Majesty. We just ask your Majesty to protect the people of Giant Wood City! "

Yang Lin said respectfully.

"Haha, you are loyal, but I can't let your death be in vain.

You stand down first and wait until I kill this guy.

Let's continue to conquer all directions! "

Mr. Sirius said with a smile.

At the same time, Liu Zheng also spoke at this time.

"Yang Lin, please step back first and leave this person to me to deal with!"

There was a sense of solemnity in the voice.

After hearing the order, Yang Lin retreated without hesitation.

At this moment, he knew he didn't have to worry.

Mr. Sirius, on the other hand, didn't say much.

Since someone is going to die, it is naturally the best.

There was a ferocious look on the corner of his mouth.

"Han Emperor, you dare to stop my army.

Do you really think you are invincible?

Since you are seeking death, I will deal with you first! "

Lord Sirius's voice was filled with bloodlust.

The long knife in his hand was raised high.

The infinite demon soldiers behind him also rushed out in an instant.

After seeing such a scene, a smile appeared on Liu Zheng's lips.


When his figure lifted into the sky in an instant.

Vast thunder appeared in the sky.

A punch was fired directly.

The blazing electric light crashed towards Mr. Sirius.


Mr. Sirius's body was penetrated directly.


Then, a heart shattered in his chest.

The whole person's face was filled with horror.

"Han Emperor, you actually hide your cultivation.

Why, how could your strength be so strong! "

There was resentment in his voice.

There was even a hint of regret in his eyes.

If he had known Liu Zheng was so powerful.

You shouldn't provoke the other party at all.

However, it is a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world.

"You are too weak, there is no use keeping you, just die!"

After Liu Zheng's cold voice fell.

The sharp sword in his hand cut through the void again.

He slashed directly towards Mr. Sirius.


Mr. Sirius's body was blown away in an instant.

Blood spewed out of the mouth.

It seemed extremely desolate.

Then, Liu Zheng opened his mouth and gave instructions.

"Li Yuanba, go and save the giant wood city lord!"

As soon as the words fell, the fighting in the field stopped.

Li Yuanba led the soldiers of Baizhan Battalion.

Quickly ran towards the giant wood city lord.

At this time, the other party was still unconscious.

But the injury has indeed stabilized.

The soldiers of the Hundred Battle Battalion surrounded him.

These soldiers of the Hundred Battle Battalion self-destructed after being injured.

As a result, ordinary soldiers couldn't get even closer.

After Li Yuanba entered the room.

But I felt heartbroken.

Because the Lord of Giant Jupiter he knew was a bold and heroic man.

He has always looked honest and honest.

But now, he has become very skinny, with almost no good piece of meat on his body.

The whole person stood there in despair.

"Haha, Lord Giant Jupiter, you wouldn't have thought that today would happen.

Tell me, how do you plan to distribute this giant wooden city?

If I am satisfied, I may be able to leave a way for you to survive.

After all, there are many resources on Baicao Star.

Our king likes it very much! "

That Xingjun's voice came out.

And right now.

Li Yuanba's voice sounded at this time.

"Go away, you can never take away the things here.

I, Giant Jupiter, am willing to share everything in the Giant Wood City with Your Majesty. Please leave.

Otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude! "

The Lord of Giant Jupiter has an extremely resolute voice.

At this time, it was like a different person.

But the Xingjun became furious after hearing the sound.

"Lord Giant Jupiter, I will give you a way to survive based on our past friendship.

I didn't expect that you don't know how to praise me. If that's the case, then I can't blame you.

Kill them all for me.

This time, whoever can kill the Giant Jupiter Lord will be rewarded with a thousand spiritual plants.

If you can cut off the head of the Han Emperor.

I give you an artifact! "

There was a hint of madness in the voice.

After hearing the sound, the faces of the leaders of the surrounding star systems showed excitement.

Then, the figure jumped up in an instant.

Fighting towards the bottom.

These people are extremely powerful.

Especially in these years of fighting.

It has condensed its own Dharma.

And each one has a height of five to six feet.

Exudes brilliant energy.

Although the people of Giant Jupiter are powerful, they are weak alone.

Where is the other side's opponent.

Soon, he was suppressed and was at a disadvantage.

At this time, the giant wood city lord looked extremely ugly.

He didn't expect that things would turn out like this.

The foundation he had just established was now about to be destroyed.

And just when his thoughts were racing in his mind.

the other side.

Liu Zheng has already taken action.

Pushed out with a palm.

"hold head high!"

As a dragon roar sounded.

A golden-armored warrior god appeared on the battlefield.

He smashed it at the star.


It fell with a banging sound.

Blood mist poured down from the sky.

Xingchen Xingjun was shattered on the spot.

Then, Liu Zheng's eyes glanced around.

He wanted to kill all these people before the other party could react.

Otherwise, it will be too late.


As a roar sounded.

The heavenly palace turned into a huge mountain.

Cover the sky.


Then, the entire hall was suppressed downwards.

"Ah, no!"

Xingjun exclaimed, but there was nothing he could do.

I can only watch the Heavenly Palace falling.

The other soldiers were turned into ashes in an instant.

Within a short period of time.

The entire giant wooden city was completely covered.

And just after Liu Zheng led his soldiers to clean up the mess.

The giant wood city lord's eyes were red, and he slowly knelt down on the ground.

His eyes were red.

Over the years, I have worked hard to protect this giant wooden city.

did not think of.

In the end, he was attacked by stars in the sky.

The giant wooden city is finally gone.

"Lord Giant Jupiter, I have accomplished what I promised you.

Rest in peace! "

The sound sounded, and Liu Zheng waved his hand to signal everyone to bury him.

And at this moment.

The Star Lord's voice sounded again.

"Han Emperor, do you know who you have offended!"

After hearing the sound, Liu Zheng said lightly.

"Xingchenxingjun, it's none of your business, you'd better not meddle in other people's business.

Otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude! "

There was a hint of coldness in his voice.

At this time, the Xing Lord couldn't help but flinch.

He is afraid of death, and he is greedy for life and afraid of death.

Don't dare to provoke the Han Emperor easily, otherwise you will surely fall.

Therefore, I could only say it through gritted teeth.

"Han Emperor, I remember you, let's see!"

After the sound fell, it disappeared in place.

At the same time, everyone was ordered to withdraw their troops.

Obviously, he lost this battle and there was no need to stay here.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Giant Jupiter has obtained a summoning card!"

After hearing the voice, a smile appeared in Liu Zheng's eyes.

After the giant wooden city was captured.

The opponent's strength will be greatly improved.

Of course, these still have to wait.

But at this time, Xingjun couldn't care about things other than the giant Jupiter.

He wants to return to heaven to report the news.

As for Liu Zheng, after solving all this.

He also led the army and slowly entered the Heavenly Palace.

And the moment he just sat down.

"Your Majesty, did you kill the Star King?"

Cao Zhengchun asked cautiously.

He didn't understand how Liu Zheng did it.

"Well, a bunch of young people dare to distract me.

However, you guys, don't make a move for now.

Wait until I break through, then we'll talk!"

"I will obey the imperial decree!"

After hearing the voice, Cao Zhengchun bowed and said.

At this moment, he was extremely excited.

The more powerful Liu Zheng is, the greater his power will be.

And at this moment.

A strong smell of medicine came.

Then, a eunuch trotted in.

"Your Majesty, the elixir has been successfully refined!"

The voice was full of excitement.

After all, these elixirs used a lot of his precious materials.

"Take it up!"

After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng said lightly.

After a while.

Cao Zhengchun presented the elixir to Liu Zheng's hands.

The elixir was green and crystal clear.

There was a glow on it.

It made people feel pure energy.

"Good stuff!"

Liu Zheng muttered to himself.

Then, he swallowed it without hesitation.

"Chichi! "

The pill entered the body.

Instantly, bursts of explosions sounded.

Liu Zheng's cultivation was growing.

His brows were not only wrinkled.

Then he shouted.

"Protect me, no one is allowed to get close!"

After his voice fell, a large number of guards rushed in from all sides and surrounded the entire bedroom.

Then, they stood in front of the door to prevent the enemy from attacking.

And at this moment.

"Ka La!"

A crack appeared on Liu Zheng's body at this moment.

Then, blood flowed out.

Obviously, the power of the pill was too strong, making him a little unable to bear it.

However, he did not give up and continued to absorb the pill.

If such a treasure is wasted, it would really be a waste of heaven's gift.

As time went by, beads of sweat like beans on Liu Zheng's forehead dripped down.

There was a crackling sound in his body.

The whole person's figure was shaking.

"Puff! "

However, Liu Zheng simply ignored it.

He continued to absorb energy.

At this moment, a subtle sound was heard.

Then, the pill slowly melted away.

At the same time, Liu Zheng's cultivation was restored to its original state.

However, this scene was indeed extremely horrifying.

You know, the medicinal properties of this pill are very terrifying.

But at this moment, it turned into liquid.

Moreover, it seemed to have penetrated into Liu Zheng's flesh and blood.

A green seed actually appeared in his body.

It was as if it was full of vitality.

Then, Liu Zheng stretched out his finger and tapped it.

"Crack! "

Instantly, a cracking sound was heard.

The seed was crushed to pieces.

But Liu Zheng's face showed ecstasy.

Because, at the moment when the seed was crushed.

A powerful energy penetrated into his body along his fingertips.

This energy was extremely vast.

It made his skin crystal clear.

The body was like a dragon.

You could even faintly hear the dragon's roar.

Then, he sat cross-legged.

He began to practice.

Although Liu Zheng is only at the third level of quasi-saint now.

However, every breakthrough.

Will make his combat effectiveness be blessed.

And at this moment.

Outside the star field.

There was a group of people running towards Giant Wood City.

The middle-aged man in the lead was Xingchen Xingjun.

At this time, his face was gloomy.

"Hmph, little Liu Zheng, I will definitely kill you! "

The voice was filled with anger.

"Brother, don't be angry. It is said that Liu Zheng is the overlord of Jiuzhou and has countless masters around him.

We still need to make long-term plans.

Otherwise, even if we can kill him, we will definitely be seriously injured!"

Star Moon Lord consoled him.

"Hmph, can we just let that kid go like this?

I have lost all my face!"

Star Star Lord said hatefully.

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