And while the two were arguing.

The disciples of the Star Palace stopped.

Looking at the outline of the giant wooden city in the distance.

Someone said.

"Senior Sister Xingyue, Giant Wood City is almost here.

We went there in such a hurry.

Will it cause misunderstanding? "

After finishing speaking, his eyes turned to Xingyue Xingjun.

They were sent by Lord Xingchenxing.

Now, there is some worry.

And after hearing the sound.

There was a trace of indifference on the corner of Xingyue Xingjun's mouth.

Then, he said slowly.

"What's the misunderstanding?

It is generally accepted that Juju Xingjun and Liu Zheng are at odds with each other.

Moreover, this time it was the Starry Sky Troll who was hunting down the Han Emperor.

I'll go there, maybe I can help.

After all, this is a good opportunity to make a contribution.

If anyone is timid, just leave! "

"We are not afraid!"

After hearing the sound, the other disciples quickly spoke.

Starry sky troll, this word means death in the star field.

Who wants to miss it.

"very good!"

After hearing the sound, Xingyue Xingjun finally showed a smile on his face.

Then, he said it again.

"Everyone, follow us, let's go into the city!"

After the voice fell, a group of people flew towards the giant wooden city.

In this giant wooden city, the soldiers who defend the city have long been accustomed to it.

Xingyue Xingjun, it can be said that he comes here often on weekdays.

So, they didn't think much about it at all.

Instead, he was greeted.

He shouted respectfully.

"I've seen Fairy Xingyue!"

"Well, is Mr. Giant Jupiter here? I have something to discuss with him."

Xingyuexingjun opened his red lips lightly.

At this time, she looked extremely gentle, like a delicate flower.

"Replying to the fairy, the city lord is in retreat and it is inconvenient to see guests!"

The soldier said respectfully.

There was fear in his eyes.

They all know that the other party is powerful, and if they annoy the other party, they and others will not be able to bear it.

"Hmph, I want to see if he dares to refuse!"

After the sound fell.

The palm of his hand passed through the air.

Suddenly, wisps of light flashed.

In the end, it turned into a giant net and covered the soldiers.

It made them terrified.

"Bang bang!"

There is almost no resistance.

A neat voice sounded.

All the soldiers were killed.

At this moment, even Xingyue Xingjun was shocked.

He could not help but curse in a low voice.

"Damn it!"

But, at this moment.

There was a voice in the distance.

"Sister Xingyue, you are causing trouble again!"

The voice sounded, with a hint of ridicule.

"Star Spirit, why is it you again!"

After hearing the sound, Fairy Xingyue said disdainfully.

Although this woman is a direct disciple of the Star Palace.

But because of its weak strength, its position is rather embarrassing.

Therefore, he did not get along harmoniously with the other fairies.

Therefore, when he spoke at this time, he naturally had no good temper.

"Haha, since you are here, let's stay here to eat.

Your father should welcome it! "

Star Spirit said calmly.

There was no emotion on her face.

However, when she first set foot in the city, her expression changed.

At this time, she found that the air around her seemed to be frozen.

All the people in the entire city were kneeling on the ground.


Immediately afterwards, bursts of thunder sounded in the sky.

Then, a thick black mist rose.

The most dazzling thing is above the city gate.

At this time, a shadow actually stood.

This is an old man.

His eyes opened.

The body exudes a brilliant golden light.

Gives people a suffocating feeling.

And after seeing such a scene.

Fairy Xingling not only showed no fear at all, but instead walked towards the opponent.

Then, a cold voice sounded.

"Who are you, and you dare to stop me!"

The voice sounded, but it had a touch of unruliness.

She is the most special existence in the Star Palace.

Although she is the daughter of Xingchen Xingjun.

But the talent is too poor.

Therefore, the treatment within the family is not high.

All of this is naturally blamed on Xingchen Xingjun.

Therefore, in her opinion, even Xingchen Xingjun is his biological father.

He also followed suit.

What's more, coming here this time is the order of Xingchen Xingjun.

Sure enough, after her voice fell.

In the opponent's eyes, a fierce murderous intention suddenly burst out.

Then, he shouted coldly.

"Nie Zhan, are you looking for death?"


The sound just fell.

A golden python appeared instantly.

The huge figure rushed directly towards the star spirit.


At the same time, the bloody mouth opened wide.

The sharp teeth exuded a ferocious luster.


After seeing such a scene.

There was disdain in the eyes of the stars.

Then, he was ready to tear the giant python apart directly.

She is a genius.

Although his cultivation level is low.

However, he is still full of confidence.

But, at this moment, something strange happened.


A burst of air-breaking sounded.

Then, the golden giant python actually exploded directly.

Blood spilled, staining Xing Ling's entire body like a bloody man.

"What's going on!"

At this time, her eyes showed horror.

"Haha, do you really think there is no defense ban here?

Let you attack recklessly, then this city lord is a fool!"

A cold voice came out.

Then, several figures appeared in the field.

The leader was Xingchen Xingjun.

However, at this time, the other party looked at Xing Ling.

His eyes were filled with coldness.

"Father, how can you do this!

What did I do that made you dissatisfied?

Why do you have to demolish my mansion!"

Xing Ling's voice was full of anger.

She had never encountered such a thing before.

Her father actually wanted to destroy the house she had worked so hard to build.

"Hmph, others don't know, but you don't know.

That Liu Zheng has a grudge against my Divine Sect.

If we don't kill this kid, how can we solve it?

Even if this place is destroyed today, it's none of your business!"

Xingchen Xingjun said coldly.

Beside him, there stood a figure.

It was Xingling's mother, Madam Xingchen.

"Liu Zheng, you dare to hurt Xingling!"

The corners of her mouth showed a ferocious look, staring at Liu Zheng fiercely.

Then, she leaped.

She pounced on the latter.

But Xingchen Xingjun did not mean to stop him.

In his opinion, such an attack would definitely kill Liu Zheng.

After all, although the opponent had some strength.

But it wouldn't be too terrifying.

After seeing such a scene.

Ji Hao's eyes flashed.

He didn't want to fight with Xingchen Xingjun.

But Xingling's mother had no choice.


A punch was thrown directly.

The blazing fist burst out in the air.

Smashed towards Madam Xingchen.

Such an attack can be said to be extremely swift.

The other party's face changed involuntarily.

Unexpectedly, a mere Han emperor actually had such strength.

However, he was not willing to be outdone.

He stretched out his palm and met the fist.


Two vast energies collided in one place.

Madam Xingchen flew back with shock in her eyes.


Ji Hao's strength would be so strong.

However, she did not say much.

After all, she was in the wrong in this matter.


At this moment.

The python on the side had already launched another attack.

The giant tail swung open.

The entire void was filled with ripples.

After seeing such a scene.

The guards did not care about anything else.

They drew their swords and blocked in front of Ji Hao.


A violent sound rang out.

The guards were knocked directly to the ground.

However, the python also paid a price.

A fang was broken off.

It looked miserable.


The python roared angrily.

Then, it rushed forward again.

"Hmph, the beast is looking for death!"

At this time, Xingchen Xingjun finally couldn't sit still.

In his hand, a sharp sword was slashed directly.


Wherever the sword passed, a head flew up.

Scarlet blood gushed out.

And the python had no time to dodge.

In an instant, the body was split in half.

Such a scene made Xingchen Xingjun's eyes light up.

"This time the merit of the battle is in hand again!"

He said excitedly.

On the other side, the Xingling Fairy was already stagnant in place.

At this moment, she felt a kind of despair.

Unexpectedly, this time her father was so cruel.

"Okay, since you are here, stay here.

After a while, follow your brother to the Holy Mountain of Stars!"

Just when she was stunned.

The indifferent voice of the Star Lord sounded.

After the voice fell.

He turned and left.

At this moment, the Star Fairy knew in her heart that this was a complete failure.

However, she did not choose to escape, because she could not afford such a result.

She could only acquiesce.

And at this moment.

In the depths of the ancient demon domain.

When an extremely magnificent palace stood between heaven and earth.

The ferocious beasts around knelt on the ground, not daring to be negligent in the slightest.

They knew that this was the royal court of the evil demon clan.

At this time, there were endless guards standing outside the hall.

There was a fierce light in their eyes.

This is the important place of the evil demon clan, and no one is allowed to approach.

Otherwise, they will be killed without mercy.

And just as they were patrolling.

A figure in black slowly walked towards the palace gate.

He was a burly man, with a strong murderous aura emanating from his body.

The guards were all startled.

However, a commander immediately stood in front of the other party.

He spoke respectfully.

"Please stop!"

After hearing the voice.

The other party said coldly.

"Get out of the way!"

There was a murderous aura in the cold voice.

"Hehehe, who are you? How dare you talk to our commander!"

A soldier shouted viciously.

As the strongest person under the commander.

On weekdays, he was used to being arrogant and domineering.

Now that he had the opportunity to show off in front of the commander, he certainly didn't want to miss it.

And the commander also looked eager to try.

However, just when the two were about to fight.


A crisp sound rang out.

The commander flew backwards directly.

Blood spit out of his mouth.

Such an accident made everyone's face change.

Then, one by one, they looked in the direction where the sound came from.

I saw a figure slowly walking out of the hall.

He held a dagger in his hand.

Just now, it was the other party who cut the commander's throat.

This man was tall.

He was three meters tall and covered with scales all over his body.

A long snake was coiled around his head.

It looked extremely ferocious.

And it gave people a feeling of extreme danger.

When he saw this figure.

The leader's pupils shrank.

Because this person was actually the young master of the evil demon clan.

"Greetings, young master!"

The voice sounded, and he seemed extremely respectful.

At the same time, his figure stood in the team in an instant.

"Hmph, who asked you to patrol here, get out!"

The young master's voice was extremely cold.

"Yes, yes!"

After hearing the order, the leader did not dare to hesitate and responded quickly.

Then, he was ready to leave.

And Xingchen Xingjun also reacted.

He did not expect.

The young master of the evil demon clan would be here.

"I wonder which family you are from, sir!"

He asked with a smile, and at the same time, a trace of brilliance appeared in his eyes.

It seemed that he was observing the other party's cultivation.

After hearing the voice, the corner of the young master's mouth showed a hint of playfulness.

"What? Xingchen Xingjun, are you going to attack me?"

After the voice fell, his figure trembled.

Then, the fierceness in his eyes flashed.

"Hehe, the young man is just talking nonsense, we have something else to do.

Goodbye first!"

After hearing the voice, Xingchen Xingjun's face froze.

But then he spoke.

After the voice fell, he led his children to leave.

"Stop, you haven't answered me yet!"

Xingchen Xingjun wanted to leave, but was stopped by the young master.

The other party's eyes were full of bloodthirsty killing.

This made Xingchen Xingjun frown.

If he was in his own mansion, he really wouldn't be afraid of this young master.

But now he is in someone else's territory.

Even if he wants to retaliate, it's not easy.

So, he spoke immediately.

"Sir, let's forget about this matter. You are a prince, why bother with us!"

Although the voice was polite, anyone could hear the perfunctory meaning in it.

"Haha, okay, since you said to forget about this matter, then I am too lazy to bother with you.

However, I like your daughter, so leave her to me!"

After hearing the voice.

The young master laughed and said.

At this time, he was like a bandit.

There was a playful look in his eyes.

His status is very noble.

Although he is still young, he is spoiled.

This time he came here to play with a few female demons.

As for the rules of this beast city, he didn't take it seriously.

Even the star god, he could ravage it at will.

And just after his voice fell.

On Xing Ling'er's pretty face, a touch of paleness appeared.

Then, he shouted.

"Father, save me!"

The voice sounded.

The whole body was trembling.

After all, this young master was too cruel.

He not only liked to play with the beautiful women in the evil demon clan.

He even did not let go of the wives of ordinary people.

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