"hold head high!"

Just when he appeared.

A dragon roar sounded.

Then, a golden dragon that was a hundred feet long appeared in front of everyone.

Its body is entrenched in mid-air.

There was a fierce light in his eyes.

"hold head high!"

At this moment, another roar sounded.

Then, a giant eagle spread its wings and flew out.

Behind his back, the wings looked like they were made of steel.

The powerful aura made everyone feel suffocated.

The last thing that appeared was a tiger.

His body is majestic.

The body is covered with scales.

Stand still.

Like a transcendent god and demon.


"Three-legged golden toad, blue luan and white crane!"

The Lord of Jiuyang City opened his mouth wide and muttered to himself.

He didn't expect that this would be the result.

"Haha, these two guys finally came out.

Today I will chop them alive! "

At the same time, a wild smile sounded from the other side.

Then, a burly figure appeared.

It is Sun Wukong.

In his hand, he held a stick.

Brilliant thunder flashed above.

At this time, he stared at the three ferocious beasts in the distance with excitement in his eyes.

At this time, the three ferocious beasts did not have the slightest fear.

Qingluan said slowly.

"Humph, it's just a bunch of monkeys.

I dare to challenge my majesty.

court death! "

After he finished speaking, he swooped down and rushed towards Sun Wukong.

"hold head high!"

But the giant bear and the golden roc were not to be outdone.

Following him, he also went up to kill him.

They are three brothers.

Cooperate with each other tacitly.

Although his strength is not as good as Qingluan.

However, the speed is strange.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the other party's side.


Jin Peng shouted angrily.

The sharp claws stretched out and grabbed Qingluan's neck directly.


A trace of blood mist bloomed.

Then, Qingluan was torn apart.


However, the moment he killed Qingluan.

The golden roc above the sky was blocked by the golden cicada.

The Buddha's light on his body shone brightly, and the Zen staff in his hand swept out directly.

In an instant, the giant Kun's head was smashed away.

The huge corpse fell to the ground.

It made everyone in the battlefield shrink their pupils.

Jin Chanzi's strength is too powerful.

No matter which ferocious beast it is, it cannot compete with it.

And at the same time.

The Golden Retriever Lion King also appeared.

In his hand he held a golden knife.

There was a bloodthirsty light in his eyes.

Staring across the sky.

Wherever you go.

Other ferocious beasts were constantly falling in front of him.

His ferocity is terrifying.

Is this the strength of the wild beast?

For a time, the entire battlefield became extremely chaotic.

And right now.


A cold voice sounded.

Then, Cao Zhengchun led tens of thousands of soldiers and charged into the battlefield.

They are powerful.

Especially with the Golden Retriever Lion King, a quasi-sage eighth-level being, sitting in charge.

Wherever he goes, no one can match him.

In a short period of time, a large number of monsters were conquered.

As a result, the battlefield gradually stabilized.

And the Lord of Jiuyang City.

There was joy in his eyes.

These monsters were difficult for him to control under normal circumstances.

Now it is helping him to resist the ferocious beast, which is really great.

At this time, he gave the order directly.

Gather all the ferocious beasts together.

As the guard of Jiuyang City.

These ferocious beasts are not only powerful in cultivation.

More importantly, loyalty is extremely high.

Now, if the Lord of Jiuyang City wants to recruit them, he will have no problem.

After a while, the battle was over.

Except for a few ferocious beasts that escaped.

The rest became prisoners.

The Lord of Jiuyang City personally led the team to escort them back.

Marching all the way, it's a huge battle.

This scene made Ji Hao frown.

Because, what the Lord of Jiuyang City did was obviously a little too much.

After all, the other party rebelled despite the ferocious beast.

If this happens, the demon clan will definitely be angered.

Although these ferocious beasts are unruly, they also know how to repay kindness.

If the Lord of Jiuyang City does not give benefits to the other party.

I'm afraid, trouble will arise.

Thinking of this, his eyes couldn't help but flash.

He has decided to wait until this war is over.

The city must be built.

This Jiuyang City cannot be left without an owner for a day.

Otherwise, it will always make people feel uneasy.

Even the current Lord of Jiuyang City is still far behind in Ji Hao's eyes.

And just when Ji Hao was thinking.

A strong fragrance came out.

But it was floating in the city lord's mansion.

It's a medicinal scent.

Ji Hao guessed that it should have been refined by the Lord of Jiuyang City.


However, when he was about to enter the city lord's palace and watch how the other party refined the elixir.

A violent roar suddenly came from the city gate.

Immediately afterwards, he saw several figures crashing through the wall and falling awkwardly at his feet.

"City Lord, help me!"

A general shouted sternly.

At this time, the Lord of Jiuyang City also walked out of the door.

When he saw the general who fell at Ji Hao's feet.

His expression changed involuntarily.

He knew these people, they were all generals in Jiuyang City.

Unexpectedly, the other party was killed so quickly.

I have never heard of such a thing.

"What's wrong with you!

Who did it! "

At this time, he spoke with a bit of anger in his voice.

"City Lord, you have to make the decision for us.

Those monsters actually besieged us! "

After hearing the sound, a general shouted miserably.

The other few people also nodded in agreement.

"You go down to heal your injuries first!"

After hearing the sound, the Lord of Jiuyang City said calmly.

However, I understand in my heart.

If you don't use your trump card, it will be difficult to defeat these ferocious beasts.

"Yes, City Lord!"

At this time, these generals were already scared out of their wits. They dared to say more, so they spoke respectfully.

Then, the figure disappeared from the place.

The city lord, on the other hand, set his sights on the Golden Retriever Lion King.

A cold light shot out from his eyes, and he spoke.

"Today, this city lord will take your life!"

His voice was extremely gloomy, and at the same time, he exuded a powerful aura.

Obviously ready to fight.

"Haha, Lord of Jiuyang City, you will definitely die today. I want to see who dares to be arrogant here.

My master will be here soon! "

The Golden Retriever Lion King stood in the void and said disdainfully.

He is powerful.

Now, it has reached the seventh level of Quasi-Saint.

Even Cao Zhengchun has just reached the fifth level of quasi-sage.

Naturally, they are not afraid of each other.

After hearing the sound, the Jiuyang City Lord's mouth twitched twice.

Finally, he said coldly.

"Since you are seeking death, you can't blame me!"

There was murderous intent in the voice.

Then, his hands drew a mysterious trajectory in front of him.

A blazing flame appeared on the palm of his hand.


The scorching temperature caused the surrounding void to distort.


And when he saw the other party was about to take action.

The Golden Retriever Lion King was not afraid at all.

His body turned into the size of a hundred feet.

He punched the Jiuyang City Lord with a punch.

Above the fist, there was black and red firelight flowing.

Like lava gushing out.


The two sides collided together.

In an instant, the figure of the Lord of Jiuyang City retreated towards the rear.

A drop of blood fell, showing that he was wounded.

However, I have no regrets.

Because he can't retreat.

If they retreat, the entire city's soldiers and civilians will fall.

"Hmph, I will fight with you!"

The Lord of Jiuyang City gave a loud shout and charged forward again.

And look at each other.

There was disdain in the eyes of the Golden Retriever Lion King.

Although the opponent is powerful, it is simply impossible to defeat him.


After another collision.

The Golden Retriever Lion King's fist hit the opponent's chest hard.

The body of Jiuyang City Lord was thrown out in an instant.

Falling on the ground, vomiting blood.

He was obviously completely shocked.

And at this moment.

The figure of the Golden Retriever Lion King flew up again.


His sharp claws struck the city lord on the neck.

In an instant, the opponent fell into the battlefield.


The golden lion king looked up to the sky and roared, his eyes shining with excitement.

At this time, it couldn't wait to leave.

Because Ji Hao had already given him an order to attack other cities.

At the same time, Ji Hao had arrived outside the city lord's mansion.

"See Your Majesty!"

After seeing the person clearly, the soldier guarding the gate spoke respectfully.

"Well, I have something to tell you!"

After hearing the voice, Ji Hao spoke slowly.

"Please give me your Majesty's orders!"

The soldier spoke.

"Tell you city lord that we will attack other cities after one month.

Hope he defends himself well! "

Ji Hao said calmly.

Then, he led the big men and walked towards the city gate.

Although this city is huge, in Ji Hao's eyes, it is nothing.

Within a short period of time, it was breached.

Moreover, the resources obtained.

A batch of rewards will be refreshed every ten thousand years.

Otherwise, these ordinary cities would not be able to penetrate Ji Hao's eyes at all.

When Ji Hao came to the border of Jiuyang City.

At this time, a huge army has gathered, obviously waiting here.

After seeing Ji Hao arrive.

The generals from all walks of life bowed to the ground.

"Greetings to Your Majesty!"

The sound sounded alarming.

This time, although Ji Hao did not deliberately show imperial domineering.

However, his aura that looked down upon the world made people unable to help but crawl to the ground.

"Everyone, please be safe and come with me to destroy those monsters. Remember, don't let any of them go!"

When the voice sounded, he walked towards the front.

And those armies were naturally following closely behind them.

When they came outside Jiuyang City.

The other party has already been waiting here.

However, at this time, Ji Hao's brows were slightly wrinkled.

Because, in front of them, there were dozens of strong men standing in the void.

Each of these people has profound cultivation, and they are even half-step ancestral witches.

Especially the leader is a quasi-eighth level master.

I don’t know which old monster it is.

"Haha, the Lord of Jiuyang City is finally willing to send someone to die!

If so, we will help you! "

Looking at Ji Hao, the quasi-eighth-level saint shouted.

His eyes were full of contempt.

"Haha, Brother Liu, you're welcome. I, Jiuyang City, will advance and retreat with you today.

But, again, if I die, all the resources and wealth in the city will be yours! "

After hearing the sound, the Lord of Jiuyang City said with a smile.

There was a look of amusement in his eyes.

But Zhunsheng Liu, whose surname was Liu, couldn't help but change his expression after hearing the voice.

Unexpectedly, the Lord of Jiuyang City would be so desperate for revenge.

However, it would be a bit unreasonable for him not to agree.

After all, the two parties have cooperated many times.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and said.

"Jiuyang City Lord, is it really worth it for you?

We have been in alliance for a long time, why bother?

If you are willing to take refuge in me, I guarantee that you will not suffer a loss! "

After the voice fell, his eyes were fixed on the Lord of Jiuyang City, not letting go of any expression.

However, at this moment, the Lord of Jiuyang City said coldly.

“Hmph, stop talking nonsense, if you don’t surrender today.

Don't blame me for not being friendly! "

After saying that, he rose directly into the sky.

The others followed closely behind, chasing each other.

"Hmph, looking for death!"

The quasi-sage surnamed Liu had a fierce look in his eyes.

The next moment, the figure rushed towards the Lord of Jiuyang City.

However, just when he was about to approach the Lord of Jiuyang City.

"hold head high!"

A dragon roar sounded.

Then, a giant python appeared in the void.

His form covers the sun and the moon.

The huge scales exude a cold light.

His eyes were staring down coldly.

"This is Jiuyin Juemai, how is this possible!"

After seeing this scene, the quasi-sage surnamed Liu exclaimed.

The Lord of Jiuyang City also froze on the spot at this time.


Even Ji Hao couldn't help but gasp.

This is the legendary Nine Yin Jue Meridian.

It is said that it only appears after a woman is pregnant.

But now, I didn't expect that I would encounter him.

However, no matter what, a beautiful face appeared in his mind.

"Your Majesty, save me, I am willing to sacrifice my husband's life!"

Just as Ji Hao's thoughts came to an end.

The other party's screams were heard.

But it was the wife of Jiuyang City Lord who had been beaten to pieces by a palm.

"Damn it, die!"

Seeing such a scene, the quasi-sage Liu's eyes were about to burst.


Then, he attacked Jiuyin Juemei.

"hold head high!"

As soon as the other party pointed it out, it turned into a raging flame in an instant.

The blazing flames seemed to burn everything in the world.

The Jiuyin Juemai's eyes couldn't help but show a solemn look.

However, at this time, she couldn't avoid it at all.


The next moment, the pillar of fire fell on her body.

In an instant, the opponent's entire figure exploded.

Blood mist filled the sky.

After seeing such a scene.

The other people around him couldn't help but have looks of horror in their eyes.

The Lord of Jiuyang City is no exception.

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