"Haha, let's see what you can do to fight me this time!

Today, I will make sure that all of you stay here!"

The quasi-saint surnamed Liu shouted.

There was a ferocious look in his eyes.

But the face of the Lord of Jiuyang City was very ugly.

Although his strength was not weak, he could kill the ancestor witch.

However, when facing a quasi-saint ninth-level master, he was simply no match.

However, since Ji Hao had already promised to help him, how could he regret it?

The next moment, a dazzling golden color surged around his body.

He flew straight out.

Holding a war spear, he faced the quasi-saint ninth-level master.


The two sides collided with each other, and Ji Hao's figure was knocked out in an instant.

A trace of blood appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Who are you, dare to interfere in the affairs of my demon clan!"

Looking at Ji Hao, the quasi-saint ninth-level strong man asked.

"Hmph, I am Ji Hao, the Lord of Jiuyang City.

From today on, my Jiuyang City will be out of the control of the demon race.

Get lost!"

Ji Hao said slowly.

He did not expect that the people of the demon race were so domineering that they dared to attack at this time.

After hearing his voice, the quasi-saint Liu was stunned.

There was a look of joy in his eyes.

I did not expect that Ji Hao really had a trump card.

He could actually resist himself.

"Hmph, since you want to die, I will fulfill your wish!"

As soon as the voice fell.

He rushed towards Ji Hao again.

He did not believe that a mere third-level powerful person would survive his attack.


However, at this moment, a roar came from the void.

The next moment, endless black clouds covered the quasi-saint Liu.


As time went by, a strong smell of burning came out.

Then, the opponent emerged from the black cloud.

At this time, he was in a very miserable state, his clothes were tattered and almost turned to ashes.

His face was covered with bloodstains.

"This is impossible!"

He said in disbelief when he saw the scene in front of him.

Then, he drove the magic weapon and prepared to escape.

However, just when he turned around.


A deafening roar was heard.


The next moment, the opponent's head exploded, and the soul disappeared between heaven and earth.

All this happened so fast that the people in Jiuyang City could not react.

When the quasi-saint Liu fell in the void.

The remaining heroes dared not stay and fled in all directions.

However, there were no defenders in Jiuyang City.

They naturally did not have to worry about being besieged.

In a short time, they escaped.

Seeing such a scene, the eyes of the Lord of Jiuyang City showed a fanatical look.

He knew that he had made the right bet this time.

However, just when he was about to invite Ji Hao into the city.

The other party had already left.

This made him look disappointed.

At the same time, he felt a little guilty.

Because he was afraid of those forces, refused to help, and even wanted to drive them away.

And, more importantly, his wife almost died at the hands of the quasi-saint eighth-level master.

However, Ji Hao's departure did not make him lose his mind.

Instead, he directly sent the city guards and the city defense team to search for all forces.

He hoped to resolve the crisis.

After all, the Han Dynasty now has more than five million troops stationed in the city.

Moreover, Ji Hao's strength is far beyond that of ordinary emperors.

As long as the other party is willing to take action, it is enough to flatten the Nine Netherworld.

On the other side, Ji Hao, at this time, after returning to the mansion.

Looking at the generals of the Han Dynasty who were kneeling below, he shouted.

"Get up!"

After the voice fell, everyone below stood up.

Then, they stood respectfully on the left and right sides of Ji Hao.

"Your Majesty, this is the jade slip left by the quasi-saint Liu.

It records the distribution of forces in various places and the characteristics of those monsters.

If you need it, I can lead everyone to destroy all the monsters!"

After Sha Seng presented the jade slip, he spoke.

Excitement appeared on his face.

"Not bad, very good!"

After hearing the other party's voice, Ji Hao said lightly.

But his eyes flashed with brilliance, he didn't expect.

This monster tribe is so powerful.

No wonder the Lord of Jiuyang City chose to surrender.

"Your Majesty, have those monsters retreated now?"

Donghuang Taiyi asked cautiously.

Now, he knows in his heart that his elder brother has grown a lot.

Not only has his cultivation improved by leaps and bounds, but more importantly.

He is extremely calm in dealing with everything.

"Well, they have retreated, you go down first!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After receiving Ji Hao's order.

The group retreated respectfully.

And just after everyone left.

Ji Hao went straight to Jiuyang Palace.

He wanted to meet the Lord of Jiuyang City.


When the other party pushed the door open, a strong aura rushed towards him.

Ji Hao frowned slightly.

The strength of this city lord is much stronger than that of the quasi-sage named Liu, and he has at least reached the seventh level of quasi-sage.

Such a person can be regarded as the number one person in Jiuyang City.

However, he spoke immediately.

"You are the Lord of Jiuyang City!"

The voice sounded, and the other party's pupils couldn't help but shrink.

The pressure Ji Hao gave him was too great.

Even if you think you have been practicing for many years.

Even though he was very powerful, he still felt a little struggling.

"I've met the emperor!"

After hearing the sound, the Lord of Jiuyang City spoke respectfully.

He knew that the other party was definitely not what he saw on the surface.

If they really fight, the outcome is unknown.

"You are Welcome!"

Looking at the Lord of Jiuyang City, Ji Hao said with a smile.

Then, the two of them sat down in the hall.

Waiting for the other person to speak.

After a moment, he spoke directly.

"I don't know what the emperor wants to do if you call me here!"

"I have something I want to ask you!"

Ji Hao said calmly.

He knew in his heart that the Lord of Jiuyang City would definitely tell him the answer.

"But it doesn't matter!"

The Lord of Jiuyang City said that although he didn't know what Ji Hao's purpose was in finding him, he had saved the entire city after all.

You should also express yourself.

"Nine Sun City, have you ever heard of Nine Yin City!"


After hearing Ji Hao's voice, Jiuyang City Lord showed hesitation in his eyes, as if he had something to hide.

"Why, you don't know!"

Seeing the other party's appearance, Ji Hao's eyes narrowed and he spoke.

At the same time, the majesty around him bloomed.

A trace of murderous aura escaped.

"Emperor, this Jiuyin City is a stronghold of evil spirits.

They will slaughter a city every ten days!

Now, eight cities near Jiuyang City have been destroyed by it! "

After hearing Ji Hao's voice, the Lord of Jiuyang City gritted his teeth and said.

Although he didn't know the specific strength of the other party, he also knew it.

This emperor is by no means an ordinary person.

Moreover, he also controls an army of five million.

If we can unite with the other party, we will definitely be able to resist the attack of the evil force.

"Oh, if that's the case, let's go take a look!"

Ji Hao said calmly.

Then, he walked out.

And after Ji Hao left.

The Lord of Jiuyang City also showed a look of determination in his eyes.

Followed closely behind Ji Hao, heading towards the teleportation array.

Jiuyin City can be said to be famous in the entire Jiuyou.

Occupying a mountain range as a base.

There are all kinds of monsters living in the city, and they are extremely ferocious.

Moreover, they also like to devour humans.

Therefore, along the way, the eyes of Jiuyang City Lord were full of fear.

He didn't want to go.

But he also knew that Ji Hao's character determined that he could not refuse the other party's request.

At this time, Ji Hao, after seeing the Nine Yin City.

The corners of his mouth could not help but outline a slight arc.

"Haha, they are indeed a group of evil spirits, even the city lord dares to arrest them.

Brothers, follow me and fight in! "

Looking at the huge dark city in the distance, Ji Hao spoke.

Then, he drove the chariot and hit the city wall.

The speed was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, he arrived at the foot of Jiuyin City.


With one kick, the city gate shattered into pieces in an instant.


There was a roar, and then several embarrassed figures appeared on the scene.

I saw that the chests of those people were scratched by sharp claws, and blood flowed out.

The injury was obviously serious.

However, he is still extremely brave.

"Who are you!"

When they reacted, they roared angrily.

Sparks of anger flashed in his eyes.

"Humph, Jiuyang City, does it still exist?"

Ji Hao's cold voice came out, making the other party startled.

Unexpectedly, the Lord of Jiuyang City actually rebelled.

"Hmph, do you think you can shake Jiuyang City with just a few hundred people!"


A person from Jiuyin City had just finished speaking when his head exploded.

Then, there were screams of surprise again, because another person fell into Ji Hao's hands.


When everyone in Jiuyin City was in a state of panic, another sword slashed out.

The blazing sword made it impossible for them to dodge, and they died in an instant.


Just when the city gate was just opened.

A huge group of iron cavalry rushed in.

"Haha, Ancestor Jiuyin, you finally can't stand it any longer!

Today, I'm going to kill you! "

The Lord of Jiuyang City gave a loud shout and rushed towards the Jiuyin Ancestor.

The two of them were fighting fiercely in an instant.

The ancestor of Jiuyin is very powerful.

Although the Lord of Jiuyang City is very talented, he is still no match for him.

In a short period of time, his body was covered with scars.

However, he had no intention of retreating. Instead, he became more and more courageous as he fought, defeating the Nine Yin Ancestor step by step.

"The Lord of Jiuyang City is indeed a genius of the world, he is really powerful!"

Looking at the leering Lord of Jiuyang City on the battlefield, Ji Hao said calmly.

At this moment, the Lord of Jiuyin City was completely in danger.

His expression was extremely ugly, because at this time, he was already at a disadvantage by the Lord of Jiuyang City.

But the other party seemed to have no intention of stopping at all.


When the Lord of Jiuyang City forced the Jiuyin Patriarch into a desperate situation, he punched the opponent on the shoulder.

In an instant, blood mist filled the air.

On the other side, the elder of Jiuyin City was held tightly by Xiang Yu, unable to get away at all.

"Lord of Jiuyang City, if you dare to betray God's Domain, I will kill you with a thousand swords!"

Looking at the Lord of Jiuyang City and the ancestor of Jiuyin, he said ferociously.

"Hey, I'm afraid you're dreaming and haven't woken up.

We have already surrendered to His Majesty the God Emperor. From today on, this place no longer belongs to you in Jiuyin City! "

The Lord of Jiuyang City spoke.

There was a hint of disdain on his face.

He just finished speaking.


The sound of broken bones was heard again.

It turned out that it was the Lord of Jiuyang who stepped on the leg of the ancestor of Jiuyin, causing the other party to scream and collapse to the ground.

Then, he spoke.

"Take him down and imprison him for me. If he dares to escape, I will shoot him without mercy!"

The voice sounded, and the Lord of Jiuyang City saluted Ji Hao and disappeared.

The ancestor of Jiuyin has indeed become a prisoner at this time.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

When the Lord of Jiuyang City returned, he spoke respectfully.

"You're welcome, it's all thanks to you this time!"

Ji Hao said calmly.

There was a glimmer of light in his eyes, this Jiuyang City was definitely a fierce general under his command.

With such people around, he felt a lot more at ease.

As he spoke, Jiuyin City gradually calmed down.

Only the devastated city walls and corpses scattered everywhere were left.

Ji Hao took charge of Jiuyang City, and then sent out the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

This time, he personally led a 3 million vanguard battalion there.

For a time, the entire universe seemed to be boiling.

Because, deep in the continent, a miracle appeared.

Not only is the fairy light shining brightly.

There is even more dazzling glow.

There is even a golden dragon coiled around it.

A grand scene.

However, Ji Hao doesn't pay too much attention to all this. In his opinion, maybe these things are really destined to him.

However, when he led the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty to the miracle, he found that the surrounding space was rippling like water patterns.

A terrifying suction force came out.


Feeling something bad, Ji Hao shouted loudly.

At the same time, his wings trembled and flew back.

However, other soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty could not achieve Ji Hao's speed.

In an instant, he was swept in.

Then, Ji Hao was shocked to find that the suction force was actually increasing.

He felt that the magic power in his body was weakening rapidly.

"Damn it!"

Ji Hao couldn't help but cursed angrily.

As soon as he stood firm, he was ready to cast spells to resist.

"hold head high!"

However, at this moment, a huge roar came from the void.

A huge dragon snake appeared in front of Ji Hao.

The huge coercion spreads, making people's liver and gallbladder burst.

This scene shocked Ji Hao.

He couldn't understand why the other party would suddenly appear here at this moment.

On top of the snake's head, stood a young man.

Looking at Ji Hao, a cold smile appeared on his lips.

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