Then, he slowly spoke.

"I am the commander of the Eighth Army of the Patrol Legion under the Emperor of God. Qing Ming, are you going to capture me without any help, or do you want me to take action?"

After hearing the other party's voice, Ji Hao did not dare to neglect.

He knew that this Shenting hunting army was formed by masters from the God Clan.

Every soldier has reached the sixth level of saint at the lowest level of cultivation.

Moreover, the weapons used are top-grade Lingbao-level armors, which can be said to be invincible in defense.

Even for Ji Hao, it is not an easy task to break through.

At this time, he was unwilling to waste his mana.

Therefore, he spoke.

"In that case, I'll take my leave.

I hope you won’t regret it! "

Ji Hao said, and then his figure disappeared from the place.

But at this time, Qing Ming's eyes showed a hint of disdain.

The cultivation level of this Jiuyang City Lord is almost different from his.

However, he still couldn't help but think that the other party was just lucky.

Moreover, the other party does not know his identity yet.

If he knew it, he would not dare to provoke him even if he had ten courages.

At this moment, several figures appeared outside the ancient ruins.

These people all exude a powerful aura.

It made the Jiuyin Sect disciples who were responsible for guarding tremble.

"Report to the sect master quickly, the ancient ruins have been opened!"

When they arrived, an elder shouted excitedly.

Then, they walked straight towards the ancient ruins.

When he came closer, he saw a huge whirlpool floating in mid-air.

There is a strong chaotic air current rolling in it.

It made his eyes light up involuntarily.

However, after seeing the guard in front of the door, he couldn't help but frown.

Although the opponent's strength is good, it is still far from his own, so he shouted coldly.

"You guys, get out of my way. I am the elder of the hunting army of the Jiuyin Divine Dynasty, and I am here to visit the tomb of the god.

If you don't want to cause trouble, get out of here! "

After the voice fell, a powerful aura suddenly erupted from his body.

And after his voice fell.

Those who guarded the tomb of the gods hesitated, not knowing what to do.

After all, if the other party's status is good, even they would not dare to offend him.

But, just when they hesitated.


A sword light cut through the void and struck towards the elder.

The sharp sword made the opponent's pupils shrink involuntarily, and his body retreated in an instant.

"Hmph, even the elders of the hunting patrol army dare to be so arrogant. I'm really tired of living!"

Ji Hao's cold voice came out.

Then, another sword light swayed out.

This time, the elder couldn't avoid it and was directly killed in the field.

This time, he didn't give the other party any chance.

Ji Hao spoke again.

"Tongtian, kill all those guys!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After hearing the order, Master Tongtian spoke respectfully.

Then, he flicked his sleeves.

A war spear shot into the sky, and in an instant, blood mist filled the air.

The entire void was covered.

In a short period of time, dozens of elders of the Nine Yin Sect were killed.

At this moment, the entire periphery of the God's Tomb was completely boiling.

No one expected that such a large-scale killing would occur here.


And while everyone was talking about it.

Ji Hao's loud shout had already been heard.

Then, he drove the dragon and rushed towards the ancient ruins.

His men followed closely behind.

The group of people burst into the ancient ruins in a vast manner.

However, on this day, the entire ancient ruins were indeed very lively.

Disciples from all the major forces gathered at this moment, making the entire God's Tomb become a Shura field.

Ji Hao's figure had just entered it.

Just felt a little bit unusual.

I saw a towering ancient tree standing in the center of the ruins.

The branches and leaves are lush, like a horned dragon, swaying in the wind.

Around it, various rare and exotic grasses grow.

However, none of them can be used to make elixirs. They are all treasures of heaven and earth.

Ji Hao couldn't help but swallowed. Such a thing would probably be enough to support the development of the entire Jiuyang Palace for thousands of years.

Not only him, but also the leader of Tongtian Cult, his eyes were shining brightly.

Everything in this ruins is too tempting.


While the two of them were looking around.

A roar came out.

Then, a huge black shadow rushed towards Ji Hao.

This is clearly a tiger.

The whole body is covered with dark scales, exuding a metallic texture.

The sharp minions burst out with dazzling sparks when they touched the space barrier.

Unrivaled in ferocity.

Ji Hao couldn't help but feel startled.

Such a being must have attained the third level of quasi-saint cultivation.

However, he was not afraid.

He stretched out his palm and grabbed it directly.


The two sides collided instantly.

The tiger was immediately thrown away.

But Ji Hao's face showed a look of satisfaction.

I am very satisfied with my current strength.

There are very few people at the same level who can match him.

"hold head high!"

At this moment, another golden python came to kill him.

Open your mouth and bite it out, the smell is extremely fishy.

Ji Hao reacted quickly, stretched out his hand and pointed out a lotus flower, which bloomed and stood in front of the python.


There was a violent explosion, and the python's head shattered.

Turn into powder.

Then, Ji Hao continued to go deeper.

And along the way, the monsters encountered became more and more powerful.

There are even fifth-level quasi-saints who hide in the dark and make sneak attacks.

However, they were all easily solved by him.

Such strength made the leader of Tongtian Cult stunned.

Why is my Majesty so evil?

You know, before this, Ji Hao had just entered the quasi-sage realm.

Now, in just over two years, it has reached this level.

Simply appalling.

After they traveled a certain distance, they discovered that the scene in front of them had become completely different.

It turns out that this is a journey.

Wherever they passed, there was no grass growing at all.

But now, in front of us is a paradise.

There are endless spiritual grasses everywhere, and there are countless precious treasures of heaven, materials and earth.



While they were marveling.

There was a neighing sound.

But he discovered the behemoth deep in the ancient ruins.

It was a giant beast, its body was a hundred feet long.

The wings are spread out and are as wide as a thousand feet.

The sharp teeth were cold and emitted a brilliant brilliance under the sunlight.

The most terrifying thing is that there are densely packed birds hovering behind it.

Obviously they are all his children.

At this time, everyone was staring at them with hatred.


And just when they were shocked.

The giant bird finally couldn't bear it anymore and let out a high-pitched cry.

He led the heirs behind him to attack everyone.


And as they approached, the earth shook, the mountains shook, and the sound of the sky collapsing and the earth cracking could not help but be heard.

As a result, those ordinary disciples instantly fell to the ground and shivered.

The expressions of those who were at the sixth or seventh level of quasi-sage also changed drastically.

Although their strength is good.

However, they are definitely no match for these ferocious beasts.

After seeing such a scene, Ji Hao's figure moved and faced the giant bird.

He clapped his palm, and brilliant mana surged, creating endless ripples in the void.

The next moment, it hit the giant bird's body hard.


A crisp sound came out.

Blood splattered above the giant bird's head.

The huge body suddenly fell to the ground.

However, those ferocious beasts were still attacking Ji Hao without fear of death.

"Get away!"

Ji Hao's voice contained infinite murderous intent.

When it fell, it was like thunder, exploding the void.

The next moment, he was blown away directly.

The corpses of those ferocious beasts were collected by the Tongtian Cult Leader.

Because, he needs to refine a group of puppets to protect the safety of Da Zhou.


A sword light flashed across, and a fierce lion's head was cut off.

Blood spurted out, causing everyone's pupils to shrink.

I didn't expect that Ji Hao's combat power would be so terrifying.

"hold head high!"

Just when everyone was surprised, another ferocious beast rushed up.

He roared at Ji Hao.

The voice is loud and breathtaking.

Ji Hao, on the other hand, didn't care at all and punched out again.


In an instant, Fist Gang collided with the ferocious beast.

The blazing flames burst out in an instant.

The ferocious beast howled and disappeared from the spot.

But at this time, Ji Hao did not dare to neglect at all.

The Kunpeng wings under his feet flapped in an instant.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he caught up with another ferocious beast.


Hit the opponent's head with one blow.

Then, the figure retreated towards the rear.

But the ferocious beast was smashed into pulp in an instant.


Another loud shout came out, and endless energy of chaos rose up around Ji Hao's body.

These are all extracted from Hongmeng.

Although extremely rare.

But every ray can kill a quasi-saint fifth-level master.


A golden sword was sacrificed by him.

In an instant, it struck the neck of another ferocious beast.

While the opponent had no power to resist, he was also decapitated.

The thick blood mist dispersed.

After Ji Hao absorbed it, he felt that his merit value had increased a lot.

At this moment, the leader of Tongtian Cult also walked slowly.

There was excitement in his eyes.

At this time, if the ferocious beast in front of him is refined, he will be able to fight even those strong men at the peak of the Half Saint.

Dang even said.

“Your Majesty, let’s go quickly.

There are too many ferocious beasts here. If they are entangled, they may attract a large number of reinforcements! "

There was concern in his voice.


After Ji Hao nodded, he followed the other person and moved forward.

Here, as expected by Tongtian Cult Leader, there are many dangers.

Not long after entering this secret realm, he was surrounded by several tyrannical beasts.

Each one of them was fierce and mighty, and seemed to be no weaker than those veteran half-step holy kings.

If it weren't for the great strength of Tongtian Cult Leader.

The two of them have already died here.

Moreover, as time went by, more and more ferocious beasts gathered around.

Even though they are quite strong, they also feel the pressure is increasing.

"Your Majesty, be careful!"

While the two of them were struggling to resist the attacks of those ferocious beasts.

Leader Tongtian suddenly shouted.

Immediately afterwards, a stream of light pierced the sky.

It actually shot towards Ji Hao's chest.


Seeing such a scene, how could there be so much to consider.

After snorting angrily, he popped out his finger, and a vast energy burst out in an instant.


The next moment, the arrow broke and turned into debris.

"you wanna die!"

When Ji Hao saw that the person who shot the arrow was actually the boy next to the leader of Tongtian.

The violent voice came out.

With a twist of his wrist, the Emperor Sword was held in his hand.

The next moment, he slashed straight towards the child.


The other party screamed, but Ji Hao had no intention of holding back.

Cut off the opponent's head directly.

Blood rained.

However, this is not the end.

"Death to me!"

Ji Hao's cold voice came out, and he waved the long sword in his hand continuously.

Every sword will definitely take away the life of a strong man.

The leader of Tongtian Cult was not to be outdone, and a dazzling divine light bloomed from his staff.

Cover the entire battlefield.

The unparalleled sharp energy raged freely, causing those strong men to fall.

In a short period of time, more than thirty people have died in the hands of these two people.

At this moment, a sinister smile sounded in the distance.

"Jie Jie, you guys are so lucky. I have been searching for this secret realm for a long time.

Today, I finally met two masters and made a lot of money this time! "

After hearing the sound, Ji Hao looked up and saw a thin monk appearing in the field.

He is short in stature and has a wrinkled face.

However, the momentum around him was extremely terrifying.

Taking one step forward, he appeared in front of Ji Hao and the two of them, the smile on his lips getting even bigger.

"Who are you!"

The leader of Tongtian Cult said with a twinkling light in his eyes.

He didn't expect that he would meet such a master in this secret realm.

Moreover, what shocked him the most was that the other party obviously wanted to kill them all.

He and others had only killed hundreds of people, so he couldn't wait to jump out.

"Hey, I am the black dragon in the Blackwater Lake. I am ordered by the ancestral witch to guard this place and wait for newcomers to enter.

I didn't expect that I would meet you two today. In that case, I don't need to bother! "

As soon as Master Tongtian finished speaking, the black dragon smiled strangely.

A cruel smile appeared on his face.

The next moment, he was heading towards the leader of Tongtian Cult.

Extremely fast.

"hold head high!"

The moment he approached the leader of Tongtian Cult, a claw reached out and made a ferocious neighing sound.

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