
Seeing the opponent's attack, Master Tongtian couldn't help but snorted.

The figure swept out, and the sharp blade in his hand stabbed straight out.


A clear voice came out.

The sharp claws were directly chopped into pieces.

Then, with a kick, the black dragon flew backwards.

The body was covered with cracks. Looking at the miserable appearance of the other party, the leader of Tongtian didn't care at all.

Kill again.

This time, it was extremely cruel.

As long as the black dragon dodges a little.

There will definitely be serious injuries.

At this time, Ji Hao, after defeating the other ferocious beasts, also came to the side of the Tongtian Cult Leader.

At this time, the black dragon was in an extremely embarrassed state, with blood stains all over his body.

There was a look of fear in his eyes.

He didn't expect that the two of them would be so powerful together.


Seeing the black dragon, he still refused to leave.

Ji Hao's cold voice came out.

Then, the Emperor Sword in his hand was raised, ready to take action.

Tongtian Cult Master's eyes showed joy.

Because, at this time, the two of them are similar to the black dragon.

However, Ji Hao is an outsider after all.

If the other party leaves, he will have the treasure here exclusively.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on his face.

"Haha, all the treasures here belong to me!"

Seeing Ji Hao preparing to take action.

The black dragon smiled wildly, and then rose into the sky.

Want to escape.

"I want to run, but it's too late!"

When the leader of Tongtian Cult saw the other party trying to escape, he made a cold sound in his mouth.

The sharp blade in his hand cut through the void.

In an instant, the unparalleled sword light crashed into the air.

Like a waterfall pouring down.


The moment it touched the black vortex, there was a thunderous explosion.

Then, the black vortex disappeared.


The black dragon roared angrily, and flames almost burst out of its eyes.

These are all his hard work.

Unexpectedly, it was destroyed now.

How could this prevent him from becoming angry?

The next moment, his figure transformed into ten thousand feet and rushed toward the leader of Tongtian Cult.

The blazing fist roared out in the air, emitting a brilliant golden light.


The next moment, it landed on the chest of Lord Tongtian.

Great power surges.


The opponent's ribs instantly shattered.

The leader of Tongtian Cult spit out a mouthful of blood.

The whole body was like a cannonball, hitting the back.

At the same time, he shouted in his mouth.


The movement here has attracted too many ferocious beasts.

At this point, you must leave immediately.

Otherwise, even if you are defeated, it will be difficult to escape.

But, just when he was about to retreat.


There was a roar.

It turned out that it was Ji Hao who struck the black dragon in half with one palm strike.


The next moment, a strong fishy smell came out.

This made him frown.

I saw that the black dragon at this time had been completely dismembered.

A ball of dark green liquid surged out from his abdomen and condensed into a huge dragon ball in mid-air.

"hold head high!"

When Master Tongtian just reached out to grab the dragon ball.

The other party let out a sad roar.

Then, in the next moment, it completely exploded and turned into spots of light that filled the sky and disappeared.


But looking at this scene, the leader of Tongtian Cult showed a terrifying light in his eyes.

This scene is really too weird.

"Let's go!"

Ji Hao said calmly.

He had no intention of stopping and continued to move forward.

However, the leader of Tongtian Cult did not dare to neglect and followed closely behind.

At this time, he could feel that his senior brother must have been poisoned.

If he is caught up, he may be in trouble.

Dang even didn't dare to delay and quickly followed him.


I have just traveled thousands of miles away.

Ji Hao saw two teams appearing in the distance.

These figures were uniformly dressed and exuded a cold and chilling air.

The leader is actually the ninth level saint.

There are also several eight-star god kings and six-star god kings.

Such strength, even in Hongmeng, is at the top level.

"Meet the sect master!"

While Ji Hao was observing the other party, a respectful voice came out.

I saw that the man leading on the other side had a majestic figure.

Holding a giant axe.

It was the most powerful person among this group of people, the ninth-level saint.

Then, his eyes fell on Ji Hao.

After a moment, he shouted.

"You must leave quickly or die!"

After the voice fell, he led everyone and prepared to move forward.

However, after hearing the voice, Ji Hao's eyes showed a hint of disdain.

"I came here to practice, but I didn't even find a single spiritual stone. Do you think I will be willing to leave?"

After the voice fell, the whole body was filled with strong fighting spirit.

After hearing the voice, the strong man of the ninth level of the saint ignored him and left.

Obviously, Ji Hao was not taken seriously.

And Ji Hao's eyes also flashed with the slightest light at this time.

I didn't expect that this saint in the ancient world would be so arrogant and arrogant.

Of course, he didn't know.

These people are accustomed to being superior in their respective powers.

Moreover, there are strong men from the ninth level of saints sitting in charge.

That's why he is so arrogant.

However, since Ji Hao chose to provoke, how could he make it easier for them?

Just after his words fell.


The flawed sword energy in his hand was shot directly at the person on the opposite side.

Wherever the sword light passed, there was a mighty murderous intent.

The leader, the ninth-level saint, couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

"court death!"

A low cry came from his mouth.

The big ax in his hand was standing in front of him.


A violent roar sounded.

His arms trembled, and his figure was even blown away.

There was a look of horror in his eyes, obviously he did not expect that Ji Hao would be so powerful.

Not only him, but also other strong men did not expect this mere Seven-Star God King.

The strength will be so terrifying.

You must know that the attacks of the ninth level saint are very powerful.

Even an ordinary eighth-level saint would never be able to resist so easily.


Ji Hao's movements didn't even pause at all.

At the moment when the ninth level saint was blasted away.

One finger pointed out, and in an instant, the bright finger light pierced the sky.

Wherever he passed, he could even hear the sound of space breaking.

"Get out of my way!"

The ninth level saint had a look of panic in his eyes.

He waved the halberd in his hand and stabbed the opponent's finger.

However, the sharp blade was of no use at all when it encountered Ji Hao's fingers.


In a burst of roar, the two sides collided.

Although the ninth level saint can be considered a strong person.

However, compared with Ji Hao, it was much worse.

He was shaken and flew backwards.

A trace of blood spilled from his mouth.

There was a look of fear on his face.

However, Ji Hao didn't give him a chance to breathe at all.

The footsteps moved and walked towards each other again.


He kicked out and landed hard on the opponent's shoulder.

The saint's ninth level body was thrown into the air in an instant.

Then, in the air, it was pulled down by a huge force.


As a crisp sound came out, his entire arm.

It was unexpectedly broken off abruptly.

There was pain in his eyes.

"Spare my life, I am willing to hand over the spirit stone, please let me go!"

Looking at Ji Hao who was slowly approaching, the ninth level saint began to plead.

At this time, he understood in his heart.

Today I am afraid that I am really going to die here.

But after hearing the voice, the other party showed no mercy at all.


The broken sword in his hand suddenly struck down.

The blazing sword light flashed in the void, making the surrounding temperature become a bit hotter.


The shrill screams came out from the strong man of the ninth level of the saint.

The next moment, he was beheaded with a sword.

The Tongbei Monkey King on the side couldn't help but change his expression.

However, it returned to normal immediately.

This strong man of the ninth level of the saint had no power to fight back under his hands.

Therefore, he is not afraid at all.


While the two of them were standing aside.

A junior from ancient times suddenly appeared next to Ji Hao.

The same sneak attack came out.


His dagger fell directly on Ji Hao's body.

A dazzling cold light emitted from the sharp blade.

But, at the moment when he is close to the other party.

A trace of blood spilled.

A huge scar appeared on the neck of the attacker.

The head fell to the ground.

But it is impossible to die.


But behind Ji Hao, the old ape appeared beside him quietly like a ghost.

His hands were covered with blood.

But Ji Hao's eyes showed the slightest hint of murderous intent, and his body turned slightly sideways to avoid the opponent's sneak attack.

Then, the sword light in his hand was drawn out.

Senhan's murderous aura caused the surrounding space to fluctuate.


The screams came out, and a deep ravine appeared on the old ape's chest.

Red blood flowed out.

However, he did not care about his injuries at all.

Still pounced on Ji Hao.


However, he has not yet arrived.

A ray of golden sword light fell from the sky.

It pierced his head directly, killing him completely.

At this time, Ji Hao had already turned around.

There was a hint of cold murderous intent in his eyes.

"Hmph, this is a battle between two of us brothers. Why do you, an outsider, participate?

Don't you have to pay the price? "

Ji Hao had just killed two prehistoric natives.

The strong man at the ninth level of the saint said coldly.

It turned out that there was also a powerful ninth-level saint in the prehistoric times.

At this time, he did not dare to act rashly.

After all, Ji Hao's strength is too weird.

After a brief loss of posture, it returned to its original appearance.

So that they dare not take action easily.

And after seeing Ji Hao dare to take the initiative to stir up trouble, a ferocious light appeared in his eyes.

These natives all grew up in chaos.

His temper was extremely bad, and when he saw Ji Hao at this time, he dared to provoke him.

Where can I live patiently?

Therefore, after seeing Ji Hao and glancing over, he was ready to take action.

He determined that the other party was just a casual cultivator.

He is the top existence in the world. If he can't even deal with the other party, wouldn't he lose face?

And after Ji Hao heard the other party's voice.

The corners of his mouth were raised, revealing a smile.

Then, he spoke indifferently.

"Are you talking to me?"

There was a strong sense of domineering in his words.

At this time, the powerful man in the ancient world could not help but narrow his eyes.

"Why, don't I look like that!"

His gloomy voice came out at this time.

"You don't deserve to talk to me!"

When Ji Hao finished speaking, he ignored the other party.

The broken sword in his hand was raised high at this moment.

The next moment, he hacked it out.

The bright sword light spread across the sky and the earth.


Feeling the power in the sword light, the strong man of the ninth level of the saint.

Not daring to neglect, he roared angrily and came forward.

However, his strength was no match for Ji Hao's.

How could it be possible to stop the sword light transformed from the Broken Army Sword?


A cloud of blood mist bloomed, and his entire body instantly turned into fragments and dissipated into the void.

Only the corpses on the ground and the Tongbei Ape King were left.

The other party's eyes finally showed a hint of fear, looking at Ji Hao and not daring to speak.

However, Ji Hao obviously had no intention of easily bypassing the opponent.

Back then, he traveled among the three clans.

It can be said that I am deeply impressed by these powerful men in the ancient times and know their nature.

At this time, how could he show mercy? A sword flashed out.

Just kill the ape king.


When the last powerful man from ancient times fell.

There was a burst of thunder in the sky.


Deafening thunder could be heard, and then pouring rain fell on Ji Hao's shoulders.

His body swayed.

Although protected by the body-protecting wind, it was still a bit unbearable.

This rain contains the terrifying law of destruction, which is even more dangerous than the tribulation between gods and demons.

If he were an ordinary person, he would have been chilled by the rain.

But Ji Hao sat down cross-legged in an instant.

Use luck to resist.

At this time, the mana in his Dantian was surging, and it was pouring into the Hongmeng seeds crazily.


With the infusion of mana.

The seed seemed to be alive, bursting out countless brilliance in an instant.

Ji Hao couldn't help but widen his eyes, with excitement on his face.


Then, there was another explosion.

Ji Hao's cultivation level increased by half again, reaching the sixth level of saint.

It's only half a step away from reaching the seventh level of the Saint.

But at this time, his eyes became more determined.

Since this is a prehistoric world, he must enter it.

Not only because of his own hatred, but more importantly, Ji Hao wanted to find the reincarnation of the Nuwa Empress.

But, just after his thoughts fell.

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