
The space was torn apart at this moment.

Then, a group of hundreds of people came out.

The leader was the guys who had escaped before.

And the leader was sturdy and had a beard on his face, which made him look very ferocious.

When he appeared.

A strong pressure spread.

It was a powerful man of the eighth level of the saint, much more powerful than the old man before.

"Hehe, kid, you can't fly away today!"

Looking at Ji Hao, the leader said with a strange smile.

At this time, he had forgotten how he had fled before.

"You guys are really haunting!"

After hearing the other party's voice, Ji Hao slowly said.

"Boy, don't be arrogant, your life is mine!"

After the voice fell, he was ready to rush up again.

However, before he could get close.

The Roaring Sky Dog standing next to Ji Hao slapped out with a claw.

The blazing claws, like lightning, cut through the space.

Grabbed towards the powerful man in the prehistoric world.

"Hmph, you're looking for death!"

Seeing the Roaring Sky Dog attacking, the people in the prehistoric world shouted disdainfully.

At the same time, the people from other prehistoric forces around them couldn't help but show joy on their faces.

They naturally hoped that the elders of their sects would win.

However, just when the smiles on their faces just appeared.

The next moment, the eyes of the prehistoric strong man showed a look of horror.

It turned out that when he was ready to fight.

Roaring Sky Dog had already jumped up.

The speed was extremely fast.


Almost in the blink of an eye, it came to the opponent's side.

The sharp teeth bit down fiercely.

The prehistoric strong man just reacted, but it was too late.


And just as the Roaring Sky Dog swallowed it, the giant dragon in the sky roared and swept around.

This is the second time it devoured a prehistoric warrior.

This time the effect is obviously better.


A violent explosion sounded.

All the people in the field were turned into minced meat in an instant.

This scene made the prehistoric man change color.

He did not expect that the other party would be so cruel.

He actually killed so many strong men in a short fight.

You know, these masters in the prehistoric world are their trump cards, which they are reluctant to use on weekdays.

Now, they are all dead, how can he not feel heartbroken.

However, he can't care much.

After all, their only choice now is to fight Ji Hao to the death.

Only in this way can there be a glimmer of hope.

"Boy, die for me!"

The prehistoric warrior who led the prehistoric world shouted.

The next moment, his figure turned into a giant python in an instant.

The scales on his body flashed with cold light, as if cast in gold and iron.

As the tail swung, it created endless ripples.

It set off a huge wave in the air and crashed towards Ji Hao.


Seeing this scene, the giant dragon roared and turned into a ten-thousand-foot-long green dragon, rushing towards the giant python.

The battle between the two sides started almost instantly.

Every time the snake tail of the prehistoric warrior swung, it would bring endless waves.

It covered the sky.


The two dragons met and collided directly.

A loud noise was heard, and the vast energy raged.

The giant python was whipped and flew out in an instant.

Blood flowed, extremely tragic.

And the prehistoric warrior also spit out blood in an instant, his face was pale and he was panting.

Obviously, he was seriously injured.


But the giant dragon took advantage of the victory to pursue him, not giving him any chance to breathe.

The huge dragon claw stretched out and grabbed him.

At this time, everyone believed that this prehistoric strongman would definitely die, and there was no way to avoid it.

And Ji Hao couldn't help but frowned. If this continued, the other party might really die here.

No matter what, he was also a strong man in the world. If he really died, he would be blamed.

Thinking of this, he shouted.

"Stop it!"

"Haha, begging for mercy now, it's too late.

You forced me to do this, I will fight you!"

After hearing Ji Hao's voice, the prehistoric strongman roared in anger.


Then, he opened his mouth and sprayed out a rich essence.

It condensed into a ball in the void and crashed straight into the green dragon.

At the same time, his body swelled.

It turned into a million feet in size, like an Optimus Prime.

One palm covered the giant dragon.

The entire space was completely blocked.

Obviously, this powerful man in the prehistoric world was going to risk his life.


The two sides finally collided.

The giant python was directly smashed away.

Although it did not die, it was also seriously injured.

At this time, it seemed listless.

And the blue dragon let out a shocking roar, and slapped the other party to the ground with one claw.


The sound of broken bones was heard.

Then, the powerful man from ancient times fell unwillingly into a pool of blood.

The pupils of all those watching the battle could not help but shrink.

I didn't expect that things would turn out like this.

But Ji Hao's eyes showed joy.

Looking at those people in the wilderness, he spoke.

"Who else wants to stop me?"

There was a look of disdain in his voice.

For a moment, those people hesitated and did not dare to speak.

"Kill, follow the emperor and kill!"

Seeing that the people on the opposite side were silent, Ji Hao's army on the side started shouting again.

There was madness on their faces.

This time, they were determined to die.

Even if you fight to the last soldier, you will never back down.


And looking at the soldiers who are not afraid of death.

The eyes of those people in the wilderness are about to burst.

They really didn't expect that the generals of Zhou Dynasty would be so brave.

However, their cultivation level is higher than that of ordinary soldiers.

But facing thousands of Han soldiers, they were still defeated.

In just a moment, nearly half of them were strangled.

And the remaining people, after seeing the power of Great Zhou.

But he didn't have the guts to stay any longer.

Therefore, after fighting for a while, they all ran away.

Their eyes were filled with fear.

I just wish my parents had two legs.

However, Ji Hao's eyes became colder and colder.

Because, since the other party has already taken action, how can he let go of so many prisoners?

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and shouted.

“Capture all these people.

Remember, stay alive! "

"I will obey your orders!"

After hearing Ji Hao's voice, Xiang Yu spoke respectfully.

The next moment, groups of soldiers rushed into the wilderness.

In the camp, those people from ancient times were captured.

And those people, after feeling the terrifying evil energy emanating from these people, had no idea of ​​resistance in their hearts, so they could only surrender.

"Your Majesty, everyone in the wilderness has been captured. Please review them!"

However, at this moment, Xiang Yu spoke respectfully.

In their hands, they carried dense crowds of prisoners and walked toward the city.

Looking at the prisoners, Ji Hao nodded.

Said slowly.

"Take him to jail first!"

As soon as the voice fell, the army escorted the prisoners away.

Don't dare to be negligent in the slightest.

On the other side, those suppressed people in the wilderness showed anger in their eyes.

However, at this time, Ji Hao simply ignored it.

The other party wanted to take advantage of the situation, so it was merciful enough that he did not kill him.

Moreover, the other party is not worthy either.

"Your Majesty, what should we do with these people in the wilderness?"

Xiang Yu asked respectfully after putting all the prisoners into prison cars.

The people in this primitive world have extraordinary strength.

He was worried that it would pose a threat to Ji Hao.

"You decide for yourself. If you need help, just call."

Ji Hao said calmly.

"I understand!"

After hearing the other party's voice, Xiang Yu spoke.

Then, he waved his hand to signal the army to move forward.


And when they just stepped outside the city wall.

In the distance, waves of beastly roars were rising again.

It turned out that the powerful man from ancient times was defeated by the giant python.

However, the other party also spread the news before he died.

That's why the ferocious beasts from all directions came after hearing the news.

However, when they saw the mountains of corpses behind Ji Hao and others.

But he couldn't help being stunned.

Because they don't know what happened.

"hold head high!"

At this moment, a high-pitched dragon roar sounded in the void.

Then, the golden dragon appeared in the field.

Looking at those ferocious beasts, he shouted ferociously.

"Wait, no one can escape today!"

After the sound fell, the dragon's claws stretched out.

In an instant, the entire void was enveloped in dazzling golden light.


A quasi-sage sixth-level demon king was torn to pieces in the void at the moment when the dragon claws were waved.


At the same time, Shenlong's back suddenly exploded.

Immediately afterwards, a huge dragon ball flew out from it.

Under the sunlight, it shines with brilliant golden light.

It was a treasure given to Ji Hao by the ancient ancestral court.


However, the ferocious beast at this time could not take much care at all.

A ferocious beast king looked up to the sky and roared, charging towards the golden dragon ball.

His body is huge.

The sharp teeth are ferocious, drawing brilliant streams of light in the void.

It's obviously a different species.

But after seeing his attack, Shenlong was not afraid at all.

A pair of dragon eyes burst out with dazzling murderous intent.

The next moment, the dragon's tail swung and it rushed forward.


Following the violent roar, the beast's head and body separated.

Blood filled the void.

However, Shenlong's body was still shaking.

Then, it rolled several times in the void.

Standing in the void again, his eyes were extremely gloomy.

Obviously, this attack cost him a lot.


At this moment, the other beasts finally couldn't bear it anymore.

With a roar, they rushed up.

They wanted to fight for the dragon ball.

After all, anyone who encountered such a treasure would be tempted.

However, when those prehistoric strongmen saw this scene.

The corners of their mouths were drawn with a slight smile.

Because they knew that the reason why the dragon clan could sweep across the prehistoric world was not because of their strength, but because of this dragon ball.

If the dragon ball was lost, the dominant position in the prehistoric world would be lost.

And the prehistoric strongman thought so too.

Therefore, when those beasts just approached the range of the dragon ball by a hundred feet.

There was a prehistoric strongman who responded.


With the fall of a roar.

In an instant, the whole prehistoric world fell into chaos.

Masters from all walks of life gathered on the top of the city.

They fought with those fierce beasts.

The strong men in the prehistoric world were indeed extraordinary.

Especially the leaders, all of whom were the top masters in the prehistoric world.

Each of them could rival several masters of the third level of Quasi-Saint.

After a brief confrontation.

In the prehistoric world, they once again took the upper hand.

A dragon was grabbing the dragon ball with its fangs and claws.

They wanted to snatch the treasure, but at this moment, the old monster in the prehistoric world took action.

With a palm strike, the dragon vomited blood and retreated, almost falling on the field.

Such a record made everyone's face happy.

At the same time, Xiang Yu took the lead.

He crossed the void in one step and came to the side of the dragon.


The Fang Tian Huaji in his hand pierced the dragon's head in an instant.

The dragon instantly turned into a vast aura and merged into Xiang Yu's acupuncture points.

This caused his cultivation to surge.


Then, another huge dragon roar was heard, and then the dragon soared into the sky.

Like a blue dragon, it coiled and circled in the void, exuding infinite power.

At this moment, he was like a king inspecting the territory, with a cold look in his eyes.

However, those prehistoric strongmen showed a look of shock in their eyes.

They did not expect that Xiang Yu's strength would be so strong.


After the dragon's eyes swept over everyone's figures, it stretched out a claw and chopped straight down at everyone.

Wherever it passed, it brought up a blazing gale.


The dragon's head was still at his feet, but he did not dare to neglect it.

The dragon claw went straight up to meet it.

The two sides collided, making a deafening sound.

Then, the dragon was blown away.


But he hadn't stopped yet.

Xiang Yu had come to kill again.

This time, the dragon claws went straight to the dragon.

The opponent couldn't dodge in time, and his scales were directly scratched, and a strong smell of blood came out.

This scene made everyone's pupils shrink.

And the dragon was even more unbearable.

His head was injured, and even his neck was broken.


In the end, the beast king had no choice but to kneel on the ground.

"I surrender, I am willing to be your mount!"

The beast king said respectfully.

There was a look of fear in his voice.

He felt like an ant in front of this prehistoric strongman.

After hearing the voice, Xiang Yu said lightly.

"In that case, I promise you!"

The voice sounded, making everyone startled.

It was unimaginable that a great king would subdue this fierce beast as a mount.

However, no one dared to question it.

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