He didn't think Zhu Rong could win alone.

But Zhu Rong's face became extremely violent in an instant.

His younger brother actually ended up in such a situation.

How could this not make him angry.

At this time, he said with red eyes.

"Okay, let's try it.

See if you are qualified and bargain with me! "

After he finished speaking, he made a fist and punched forward.

The blazing flames rose up like meteors streaking across the sky.

The hot temperature even made the entire void tremble.


As the roar sounded.

Huge waves swept into the sky, sweeping all around.

This scene made the pirate leader look solemn in his eyes.

I didn't expect that Zhu Rong was so powerful.

However, when he reacted.

It's too late.


The two sides collided.

Fiery breath surged.

The figure of the pirate leader flew out.

Vomiting blood.

Obviously, Zhu Rong was really angry this time.

"If you dare to sneak attack on me, you will die!"

At this time, Zhu Rong's eyes were filled with madness.

He didn't expect that he was actually cheated.

All this happened involuntarily.

And at this moment.

"hold head high!"

The sound of dragon roar came out.

Immediately afterwards, a divine dragon soared into the sky.

He was radiating brilliant light.

Shockingly, Xiang Yu is here.

The opponent at this time had just arrived.

There was a cold look in his eyes.

Then, without saying a word, he directly attacked them.

This time, the big men came out in full force.

They are not just dispatching troops.

They even sent top experts to the place where the Beiming Pirates were located.

This time, there is only one purpose, and that is to completely destroy the opponent.


The sound of thunder sounded.

An elder from the Thunder Punishment Palace holds a sharp blade.

Hit the pirate's head hard.

Suddenly, blood mist filled the air.

Then, there was another strong man.

It turned into a stream of light and hit the opponent's chest.


In an instant, blood splattered.

Such means of attack.

It almost caught the pirates off guard.

They are used to being domineering in the sea. Who would have thought that they would encounter a tough problem today.


A cry of killing came out.

Above the sea, the soldiers of the Han Dynasty were murderous.

In a short period of time, countless pirates were killed.

"Ah, the big man bullies people too much!"

A miserable cry rang out, the pirate leader had been maimed.


Then, the entire body exploded above the sea.

This pirate leader fell like this.

But at this moment, the pirate leader on the other side led his men to escape.

Zhu Rong wanted to stop him, but was blocked by another elder.


The other party's body bloomed with a vast fierce light.

Although Zhu Rong is the most powerful existence in Zhu Rong's lineage.

But he is young after all.

There is no match for the opponent at all.

At this point, all he could do was flee in confusion.

But even so.

Still entangled.

Finally, after giving an arm, he was able to get rid of the other party.

This made him feel extremely frustrated.

At the same time, I secretly sighed:

If his brother was here, why would he be like this?

But, it's too late to think about this now.

Zhu Rong did not stop where he was.

Continue to charge forward.

His speed was very fast, and he disappeared into the vast sea in the blink of an eye.

And just after he left.

Among the Han fleet, Xiang Yu couldn't help but frown.

He looked ahead and said coldly.


The voice was filled with murderous intent.

"Your Majesty, if we act rashly, I'm afraid it will anger the Zhurong clan, and we will be in trouble!"

After hearing the sound, Huang Zhong said cautiously.

He has been with Xiang Yu for a long time and has a deep understanding of Xiang Yu's temperament.

This is not someone who can stand it.

If he offends the other party, he may be in trouble.

However, what surprised him was that Xiang Yu didn't say much.

After just nodding, he took the lead and stepped into the battlefield.

The war here is far more brutal than on land.

At this time, near the coastline, corpses were strewn everywhere.

Endless blood is rolling.

A large number of corpses were piled up on the island.

The strong smell of blood is almost suffocating.


A giant shark roars.

At this time, Xiang Yu's eyes were red.

Looking at the island, my eyes were about to burst.

Because there are personal guards that he is familiar with.

They died under the siege of this pirate.

At this time, their bodies were already cold, and even their bones were difficult to find.


Xiang Yu's voice was filled with murderous intent.

"hold head high!"

Then, the dragon roar sounded.

The Fang Tian Painted Halberd in his hand waved away.

Every time it falls, it creates boundless waves.

At this time, the big man can be said to be unstoppable.

The army advances in battle.

And above the Beiming Sea at this time.

Zhu Rong was also ambushed.


His body flew out in the sea.

His eyes showed a look of shock.

He, a powerful Saint King of the ninth level, was actually ambushed by someone.

This was simply unbelievable.

"Hehe, Zhu Rong, you didn't expect that we have been paying attention to you.

Today, you will definitely die here!"

A sinister voice came out.

Then, one figure after another stood up from the sea.

It was the subordinates of the pirate leader, who all appeared here at this time.

At this time, Zhu Rong's face changed.

He knew that he was afraid that he would be in danger today.

The strength of these pirates was very strong.

Especially the leader, although he only had the third level of Saint cultivation, he had many magic weapons in his hands.

At this time, he was not willing to be outdone and rushed towards the other party.

"Hmph, kill him!"

After seeing such a scene, the pirate leader shouted angrily.

Then, the dagger in his hand leaped out like a poisonous snake.

Stabbed towards Zhu Rong.

The speed was extremely fast.


However, Zhu Rong didn't dare to neglect it. He took a step forward and the golden hoop in his hand instantly met it.


The two collided, making a sound of metal clashing.

Sparks flew.

Zhu Rong took a step back, his face pale.

But a smile appeared in the eyes of the pirate leader.

Then, he attacked again.

His moves were strange and unpredictable, like a poisonous snake.


The dagger cut through the air, making a hissing sound.

He went straight to Zhu Rong.

And Zhu Rong's eyes flashed with a gleam of brilliance.

The Fang Tian Hua Ji in his hand swept out in an instant.


As a series of bangs fell.

Zhu Rong retreated, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

This was still in the sea water, otherwise his injuries would be more serious.

But even so, he was not the opponent of the leader.

The other party seemed to have seen through Zhu Rong's strength, and became more and more crazy at this time.

Black mist surged around him.

It was like a demon god descending to the world.

In his eyes, there was a ferocious bloodthirsty look.

At this time, he obviously wanted to take advantage of the victory.


Just when the leader just approached Zhu Rong.

The waves under the other party's feet suddenly rose up.

Then, they swept towards the pirate leader.

"Haha, mere sea water, how can it do anything to me!"

After seeing such a scene, the pirate leader laughed and said.

A ferocious look appeared in his eyes.


The dagger in his hand instantly pierced the waves.

However, he felt a sharp pain immediately afterwards.

A terrible wound appeared on his shoulder.

The bright red blood dripped.

At this time, he underestimated the sea water after all.


But then, another violent roar came out.

I saw a huge body standing on the waves.

This is a whale.

But it is covered with scales and has a dark luster.

It is a hundred feet tall and exudes a powerful aura.

It is the big monster in the Donghuang Bell.

"Ka La!"

Then, an axe appeared behind it.

When he saw the pirate leader.

He chopped it without hesitation.

On the blazing axe blade.

There was thunder flashing.

Wherever it passed, the space shattered, so that the pirate leader did not dare to neglect it.

He raised his claws to meet it.


The two collided and made a clanging sound.


Blood flowed from the pirate leader's claws.

There was resentment in his eyes.

He did not expect that he was injured.

But before he could react.


A crisp sound came out.

It was the big monster, who actually grabbed his neck with another claw at this time.


The sound of sharp teeth tearing flesh was heard.

The head of the pirate leader was pulled out alive.

The scarlet blood filled the sky.

And just when the pirate leader fell here.

On the other side.

Zhu Rong was also under great pressure.

Although he was a ninth-level Saint King of the Zhu Rong clan.

But facing several fifth- and sixth-level Saint masters, he could not resist at all and was beaten back step by step.

In the end, he was directly blown away.

He spit out blood from his mouth and showed despair in his eyes.

"Haha, old man, surrender.

We will leave you a whole body!"

A pirate laughed wildly.

And just after his voice fell.

Zhu Rong still had no intention of compromise.

At this moment, his eyes were extremely red, and he spoke coldly.

"You want me to surrender? Dream on.

Do you dare to be an enemy of the Han?

Your Majesty will surely crush you to dust!"

After hearing the voice, the pirate had no intention of giving up.

He shouted directly.

"Haha, the Han is nothing. It will only take a snap to destroy him.

If you know what's good for you, surrender quickly. Otherwise, I will tear your tendons and skin you alive!"

The pirate leader said arrogantly.

At this moment, he had indeed forgotten that the Vanguard Corps died at the hands of Liu Zheng.

If Liu Zheng hadn't taken action.

This vanguard corps would have been wiped out.

But how could he know.

After hearing the voice, Zhu Rong stopped talking.

He knew that he couldn't escape even if he tried his best.

And the pirate leader saw Zhu Rong's silence.

The excitement in his eyes became more intense.

Then, he was ready to go forward and take down the opponent.

However, just when his figure just flew out.

A cold voice came out in an instant.

"Who gave you the courage to be so presumptuous in front of me!"

After the voice fell, he led the army and walked slowly.

It was Liu Zheng. After receiving the news, he personally led the army to the island to rescue Zhu Rong.

Unexpectedly, he encountered a battle just after arriving at the shore.

"Han Emperor, it turned out to be you!"

After hearing the voice, the pirates were stunned.

Then, the leader shouted.

There was a cold murderous intent in his eyes.

But Liu Zheng did not answer.

With a wave of his hand, the Jinyiwei beside him rushed out to kill.

Especially Xiang Yu, who was extremely brave at this time.

He led the way, and the pirates could hardly stop him wherever he went.

The Tiger Soul Sword in his hand slashed out horizontally.

He immediately harvested lives.


At this moment.

Zhu Rong also stood up from the ground.

Holding the Fang Tian Hua Ji, he danced in the void.

Every attack could create vast ripples.

At this time, even the pirate leader showed horror in his eyes.

Zhu Rong's strength shocked him.


However, at this moment, Li Jing on the side moved.

He exuded a dazzling light.

His figure jumped into the battlefield in an instant.

The steel whip in his hand burst out with endless cold light, covering Zhu Rong.


Zhu Rong had no time to dodge, and was hit in the chest, and flew backwards.

Blood spurted out of his mouth, looking very miserable.

But Li Jing had no intention of stopping the attack.

His figure flashed, and he rushed towards Zhu Rong again.

His speed was extremely fast, and he reached the opponent's side in the blink of an eye.

He slapped out with one palm.


The strong wind whistled, as if it was going to cover the sun and the moon.


A loud noise came out, and Zhu Rong's body was blown away directly.

At this time, he was already seriously injured and dying.

The gloom in his eyes was almost hard to hide.

However, just when he fell to the ground.


A sharp arrow broke through the air.

It shot directly into Zhu Rong's heart.

It made him look desperate.

Because, the sharp arrow contained a terrible toxin.

It actually blocked all his meridians.

Now, even if there is a panacea, he can't recover.

Thinking of this, Zhu Rong's mouth showed bitterness.

Then, he murmured to himself.

"It seems that I am destined to die here in this life.

I just hope that the lord can rise soon!"

And just after his voice fell.

The soldiers around him had already rushed into the field.

In a short time, the pirates surrounding Zhu Rong were completely killed.

After seeing such a scene.

The faces of those pirates became extremely ugly.

They didn't expect that the Han Dynasty would suddenly send troops to deal with Zhu Rong.

"Damn it, how did the Han Dynasty know that Zhu Rong was surrounded!"

A leader roared.

Then, they began to organize people to retreat.

After all, the combat effectiveness of the Han army is strong.

They can't resist it at all.

And at this moment.

There were bursts of shouting and killing in the distance again.

Only endless golden dragon flags were seen fluttering.

Cao Zhengchun had arrived.

Behind him, there were countless strong men.

Among them were the imperial guards of the Han Dynasty.

However, there were also garrisons from various states and even the imperial guards from the imperial city who joined the battle.

This was arranged by Liu Zheng to protect Zhu Rong.

Now, he was finally a step late.

Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

When he saw Liu Zheng appear on the scene.

Zhu Rong's eyes were about to burst.

The Han Dynasty did not disappoint him after all.

All of this was true.

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