"Your Majesty, I will finally live up to your entrustment."

His voice was choked and tears appeared in his eyes.

And the pirate leader, after seeing this scene.

But he didn't dare to neglect.

He felt as if he had hit an iron plate.

Not only did he not take any advantage.

Instead, he suffered a loss.


You are lucky today.

However, I won’t be so lucky next time! "

After the sound fell.

The pirate leader turned and left.

He was afraid that if he stayed any longer, he would perish here.

It's just that he just left.

Liu Zheng said calmly.

“Come when you want, leave when you want, who do you think I am.

Now that you are here, please stay! "

Liu Zheng's voice was extremely calm.

However, after hearing the sound, the pirate leader's body couldn't help but tremble.

Then, his face was filled with a ferocious look.

"Han Emperor, I advise you not to meddle in other people's business.

Otherwise, you will regret it.

The forces here are not something you can afford to offend! "

The pirate leader snapped.

However, what greeted him was the coldness in Liu Zheng's eyes.

He said disdainfully.

“No one can stop what I want to do.

Today, you must die! "

After the sound fell, it flew forward.

At this moment, his figure looked like a ghost.

Layers of phantoms were left in the sky.

The moment he approached the pirate leader.


The right fist is thrown directly.

Fiery fists burst out in an instant.


This punch directly shattered the armor worn by the pirate leader.

The opponent screamed and fell directly to the ground.


He spit out blood from his mouth and his whole body collapsed on the ground.

At this time, Zhu Rong.

The light in his eyes skyrocketed.

He knew in his heart that his grudge had been avenged.

However, Liu Zheng's kindness to him will never be forgotten.

Therefore, under Liu Zheng's instructions.

He spoke directly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

His voice was extremely deep.

At this moment, the pirate leader struggled to get up.

However, Naihe was seriously injured.

It simply can't be done.

All he could do was beg for mercy.

"Han Emperor spare my life, Han Emperor spare my life!"


However, just after his voice fell.

Liu Zheng stepped down with the sole of his foot.

The pirate leader's head was actually crushed in place.

Blood mist filled the air.

At this time, the people watching around him.

But he became more and more excited.

Over the years, the Han Dynasty has dominated the world.

However, they compete with heroes from all walks of life for resources.

Especially the islands in the East China Sea are known as remote areas.

Moreover, it is still extremely dangerous.

Many people are looking forward to the victory of the Han Dynasty.

Unexpectedly, I actually won today.

And at the same time, on the other side of the sea.

"hold head high!"

There is another golden dragon, spanning the sky and the earth, roaring.

Shockingly, reinforcements from the Han Dynasty arrived.

This time, it was General Zhenxi of the Han Dynasty who led an army of 50,000 tigers and wolves to rescue Zhu Rong.

"Your Majesty, this Zhu Rong is too reckless. If you encounter something like this in the future, be extremely careful!"

General Zhenxi said respectfully.

There was worry in his eyes.

After all, the opponent was a fierce general under the Han Emperor.

It would be a real pity if it was damaged here.

"Well, I understand.

The enemies here are left to you.

I'll go back to Chaoge and wait for news.

Remember, if that doesn’t work, come back immediately! "

Liu Zheng said slowly.

Although the matter this time has been resolved.

However, if the big man can't even deal with a group of pirates.

I'm afraid it will be troublesome in the future.

"According to the order!"

General Zhenxi said.

Immediately afterwards, the two separated.

At this time, Zhu Rong followed Liu Zheng and headed towards the Heavenly Palace.

At this time, Zhu Rong looked extremely excited.

He didn't expect that when he was about to die.

The big man finally arrived.

Moreover, in this battle, the big man killed more than ten divine kings.

What an honor.

In the past, this would have been unbelievable.

At this time, Liu Zheng was preparing to return to the Heavenly Palace.

He believed that General Zhenxi would definitely handle this matter.

After all, since the founding of the Han Dynasty, there has been nothing that can make the opponent helpless.

And just as they were traveling.

A bicycle frame stopped in place.

The person leading the attack was Xiang Yu, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty.

"I pay my respects to Your Majesty!"

After seeing Liu Zheng, Xiang Yu bowed and said.

Then, he continued.

"Your Majesty, do these pirates need to be arrested?"

The voice sounded.

Liu Zheng nodded.

"Go and do it yourself!"

Then, Xiang Yu retreated.

Liu Zheng, on the other hand, drove Long Chu and returned to the imperial city.

As for Zhu Rong, he followed behind.

This Han Wu general is now the person Liu Zheng relies on most.

And just when they were halfway through.

A cry of killing came out.

"Haha, Mr. Zhu Rong, let's see how you escape this time!"

As the voice fell, several strong men were seen flying over.

Surprisingly, they were pirates from the other three islands.

After seeing this scene, Zhu Rong's pupils shrank.

At this time, he had already felt the power of oppression.

If those strong people were included, it would be difficult for him to survive.

However, at this moment, Liu Zheng's voice came out.

"General Zhu Rong, don't be afraid!

Leave these people to me! "

After the words fell.

Standing on the horse's back, he walked towards the field.

His stature was extremely tall.

The whole body exudes a fiery aura.

Like an ancient giant spirit.

When he came in front of everyone, a smile appeared on his lips.

Looking at the leader of the pirates, he said calmly.

"Go away, I don't want to kill anyone today.

If you dare to provoke me again, you won't be polite! "

His voice was very cold.

However, after hearing this, the pirates showed disdain in their eyes.

It's a million miles away from land.

Emperor Han actually dared to threaten them.

This is simply courting death.

But at this moment.

Several other pirates were indeed the first to take action.

They all charge.

The weapon in his hand flashed with cold light and struck towards Liu Zheng.

Unparalleled speed.

Zhu Rong's expression changed.

This type of attack is too dangerous.

And right now.

There was a solemn look in Liu Zheng's eyes.

"hold head high!"

Then, the Black Water Black Snake beside him jumped out instantly.

The huge body swings in the air.

In an instant, they rushed towards the pirates.


However, the fighting power of those pirates is not weak either.

The long knife in his hand hit the Black Water Black Snake's body hard.

Its figure couldn't help but be startled.

However, immediately after, he rushed into the battle group again.

Now he has practiced the devouring spell.

The physical body is comparable to divine iron.

How could these ordinary pirates hurt him?


The sound of collisions between the two sides kept ringing.

The entire sky turned into chaos.

Zhu Rong looked at the black water snake with a look of horror on his face.

Because, in his opinion.

The opponent's strength even surpassed these pirates.

But, at this moment.


A crisp sound came out.

But it was the black water snake that bit a pirate's head into pieces during the battle.

It caused him to completely fall.

Blood splattered in the sky.

Zhu Rong only reacted at this time.

screamed the monster.

"It's amazing! This beast ate that pirate's brain!"

There was a sense of shock in the voice.

And just after his words fell.


The Black Water Black Snake roared angrily.

He opened his mouth and swallowed the two pirates.

His body was strong, and with every step he took, a deep pit appeared under his feet.

Wherever it goes, no one can stop it.

The remaining pirates' eyes were about to burst at this moment.

This is the force they worked so hard to organize.

Now, it is destroyed like this.

How can they be willing to do this?

Especially the pirate leader.

His eyes were filled with ferocious color.

He shouted to the people around him.

"Brothers, fight hard, this Han Emperor must die.

Otherwise, our brother's death will be in vain! "

The sound sounded, and everyone took out their weapons at the same time.

He charged towards Liu Zheng.

They want revenge.

Zhu Rong, on the other hand, wanted to stop it.

However, he didn't dare to get close at all.

That black water black snake is too terrifying.

His strength is completely incomparable with that of his opponent.

I can only stand back and watch.

And just when Zhu Rong had just escaped.

The leader of the pirates also led his men to kill him.

The sword in his hand waved.

The blazing sword light was filled with strong murderous intent.

"Death to Emperor Han!"

he yelled.

Kill directly towards Liu Zheng.

At this moment, Zhu Rong's heart was in his throat.

However, Liu Zheng was still calm and calm.

Dang even spoke.

"hold head high!"

Punch out.

Vast fists shot out of the air.

The pirate leader had a look of fear on his face.

He didn't expect that.

The fighting power of this Han Emperor would be so terrifying.

However, if I want to run away now, there is no chance at all.

Even his pirates didn't have time to evacuate.


The collision between the two sides started in an instant.

The pirate leader didn't even scream.

He just fell into a pool of blood.

At this moment, everyone couldn't help but shrink their pupils.

But Liu Zheng did not hesitate.

The dragon wings behind him flapped in an instant.

The figure disappeared in a flash.

Then, a figure appeared.

Astonishingly, they were the big man's imperial guards.

His palms extended.

A claw poked out.

He directly grabbed another pirate's chest.

No matter how hard the man struggled, it had no effect at all.

Immediately afterwards, he slowly crushed the opponent's head.

Such a picture is too shocking.

The pirates who were watching all had their eyes widened.

They have never encountered such a powerful existence.


Another head fell to the ground.

At this time, Liu Zheng was bathed in blood mist.

It was like the god of death came to the world.

Zhu Rong's eyes showed excitement.

Then, he said respectfully to Liu Zheng.

“Your Majesty is indeed worthy of his reputation, with such strength.

It's really rare.

I don’t know when I will reach your level.

By the way, I don’t know when His Majesty is going to march into the Northern Wilderness.

If necessary, my subordinates are willing to follow you! "

The voice was full of flattery.

And just after his voice fell.

Liu Zheng opened his mouth and said.

"You have many things to do, don't worry about me.

When the time is right, I will summon you! "

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After hearing the sound, Zhu Rong said respectfully.

But, just when he was about to retreat.

A burst of rapid shouts of killing came out.

"Kill, protect the young master, never let this Han Emperor hurt him!"

The words just fell.

A group of soldiers were charging towards this side.

The leading figure is a woman.

Her figure is plump.

Although she is younger, she gives people a feeling of being a woman and not inferior to a man.

The long sword in his hand swept across.

Wherever it passed, any pirates who blocked the way were killed with the sword.

After seeing such a scene.

The look of fear on Zhu Rong's face became even stronger.

Then he said respectfully.

"Your Majesty the Han Emperor, help me!"

There was a hint of panic in his voice.

After all, the woman in front of him was considered a top expert among pirates.

If he were to become his enemy, he would probably be in trouble.

Liu Zheng's mouth showed a smile.

Now that he is here, he will naturally not give up such an opportunity to make a contribution.

Dang even said coldly.

"Don't worry.

I'm here! "

After his words fell.

Just prepare to step forward and fight.

And at this moment.

The woman spoke.

She said condescendingly.

"Han Emperor, how dare you insult my young master.

You will definitely pay the price! "

The words fell.

The jade hand was raised.

In an instant, a short knife flew out.

Go straight to Liu Zheng and stab him.

The sharp energy spreads across the sky and the earth.

Zhu Rong's expression couldn't help but change.


However, it was already too late for him to come to the rescue.

Behind Liu Zheng, golden light shines brightly.

The giant spirit god's attack roared out at this moment.

His fist pierced the sky in an instant.

Collided with the dagger.

Fierce light bloomed.


The woman backed away instantly.

There was a hint of blush on his face.

Apparently there were internal injuries.

But at this moment, Liu Zheng moved again.

This woman is obviously not simple.

The lowest level of cultivation has reached the ninth level of saint.

This kind of combat power is enough to rival an ordinary third-level Saint King.

How could Liu Zheng let it go?

Thinking of this, he took a step forward and attacked and killed the woman.

Extremely fast.

"court death!"

The woman did not expect that Liu Zheng would dare to take action against her at such a dangerous time.

Her finger pointed.


In the sky, a thin line suddenly condensed.

Then, it turned into a shooting star.

It hit Liu Zheng hard on the head.

However, no fatal injuries were caused.

Liu Zheng's physique is extremely strong.

Even beyond ordinary people's understanding.


Liu Zheng punched out.

The entire sky curtain collapsed at this moment.


The woman's arm actually shattered inch by inch at this moment.


Then, a roar came from his mouth.

Behind her, an ancient city emerged.

There were countless pirates roaring among them.

This city seems to contain endless power.

This made Liu Zheng frown slightly.

Because this is the most terrifying city he has ever seen.

Not only him, but also Zhu Rong's eyes showed horror.

Then he murmured.

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