"Is this the Sea King City!"

And just after his voice fell.

Liu Zheng also guessed it.

Sea King City, in this sea area, is definitely the top overlord.

Someone once said.

There are masters of the Great Sage Realm in this Sea King City.

But no one knows the details.

At this time, Liu Zheng did not think much.

Now, he just recognized the woman.

In his eyes, a cold light was surging.

The spear in his hand flew out in an instant.


The sound of the sharp blade tearing through the space sounded.

The woman could not avoid it at all.

The shoulder was pierced.

Blood was all over the sky.

The pride of the Sea King City was completely defeated at this moment.

And the other pirates were even more unbearable.

There was almost no power to resist.

They were killed in pieces.

In a short time, all the troops were killed.

Zhu Rong looked at the scene in the field.

He said with fear.

"Your Majesty, the Emperor of Han, thank you for your help!"

This was Liu Zheng's reward for helping him take back the pirate ship.

Otherwise, he would have died today.

And at this moment.

Liu Zheng said lightly.

"You can go now. There are still some things here for you to defend yourself!"

After the voice fell, he threw the longbow in his hand to Zhu Rong.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Zhu Rong, who received the longbow, said gratefully.

Although the longbow was covered with rust.

But he was sure that it must not be an ordinary thing.

As for what treasure it was, he really didn't know.

"Remember, the teleportation array that leaves here has been destroyed.

If you encounter trouble, you can go find my Han caravan, they will protect you to return safely!"

After hearing the voice, Zhu Rong thanked Liu Zheng again before turning around and leaving.

The matter here is resolved, and the rest of the things will not be Liu Zheng's turn to worry about.

And he believes in Zhu Rong.

The other party will not live up to his kindness.

Sure enough, when he returned to the fleet.

The pirate leaders came up respectfully.

He said.

"Thank you, brother Zhu Rong, for bringing the Emperor of Han to help!"

"You are too polite, brothers. Since we are all pirates, we should support each other. This is nothing!"

After hearing the voice, everyone said with a smile on their faces.

After all, Zhu Rong just witnessed their strength.

And while the two sides were talking.

On the other side.

Zhu Rong's men did change.

They looked at the bows and arrows in their arms.

There was a fiery look in their eyes.

Especially looking at Zhu Rong, he said.

"Chief, you are so lucky that you actually got the longbow of the Sea King City!"

After hearing the voice.

Zhu Rong waved his hand and said.

"This Emperor of Han is very powerful. Even the mysterious great saint died in his hands.

We can survive thanks to him!"

After hearing the voice, the pirates around nodded in agreement.

Dare not say more.

At the same time.

In the Sea King City, a young man was extremely angry.

"Waste, what a bunch of waste.

You can't even deal with a pirate ship.

What else can you do to compete with me!"

The man's voice was cold.

He was called Jinwu Emperor.

He was a disciple of His Majesty the Sea King, and his status was extremely respected.

Because, it was said that the other party escaped from the hands of a powerful monk.

In addition, he also obtained a magic weapon from the other party, which increased his strength.

Now, he has reached the peak of the ninth level of the saint.

This time he went to the Sea King Island to participate in the trial.

It was to become the heir of the Sea King's Mansion.

But now it's a mistake.


Then, he clenched his fist and smashed it hard on the pillar next to him.

In an instant, cracks appeared on the pillar.

It was obviously seriously damaged.

And at this moment.

A figure slowly walked in.

This is a woman.

She has an unusually hot body, but the expression on her face is extremely cold.

She is the Sea King's Concubine.

"Husband, why did you hurt my spirit pearl again!"

The voice was extremely low, even filled with murderous aura.


These pirates are simply too much.

They actually sent pirates to attack me.

They are just some ordinary people. How dare they challenge my Sea Palace?

They are really looking for death!"

After the voice fell, the Sea Princess showed disdain in her eyes.

"You don't know that the Emperor of Han has come.

He helped Zhu Rong to take back the pirate group.

He also gave me a longbow!"

At this time, Zhu Rong said excitedly.

"The Emperor of Han? Why haven't I heard of him!

His cultivation should be about the same as yours.

No need to worry!"

The Sea Princess still said calmly.

However, after hearing the voice, Zhu Rong couldn't help shaking his head.

This husband is too arrogant.

"The Emperor of Han killed a fifth-level saint!"

He reminded.


As the voice fell, the Sea Princess was not afraid, but smiled.

Then, he said.

"Haha, this is exciting enough.

I want to see if this Han Emperor is really as powerful as the rumors say.

I will play with him tomorrow! "

After the sound fell, the temperature in the entire room seemed to drop suddenly.

Zhu Rong couldn't help but shiver.

But he didn't say much.

After all, he also knew what his wife was like.

This night passed quickly.

Zhu Rong and others rested for a night.

Liu Zheng drove the fleet and sailed towards Beihuang.

But at this time, Beihuang was in chaos.

Pirate attacks are something no force is willing to face.

After all, this is a matter of life and death.

Moreover, the monthly offerings are also extremely large.

So after hearing the news.

All the great clans in the Northern Wilderness sent their masters to the sea area to provide support.

However, there were too many pirates, and they simply could not be resisted by the numbers.

Pushed all the way away.

As a result, all major forces lost their troops and generals.

Such things happen on the ocean.

Naturally, he couldn't hide it from the spies of Neptune City.

At this time, on a huge ship.

The commander-in-chief who was sitting in charge of the battle frowned, with a look of hesitation on his face.

Finally said through gritted teeth.

"Tell the Lord of the City that I am willing to go to the sea and stop these pirates!"

The sound rang out, making the guards around him stunned.

But then, he retreated.

After all, in their eyes, their commander is the biological brother of Neptune.

If you can perform meritorious service, Neptune will naturally not be stingy with rewards.

At this moment, a middle-aged man wearing armor stood in front of the navy.

This is a general.

The name is Haitao.

He is the most powerful general under Neptune King and one of the deputy city lords of Neptune City.

At this time, he shouted coldly.

"Haitao obeys the order and prepares to go to war!"

After hearing the sound, Haitao did not dare to neglect and hurriedly knelt down on the ground.

He shouted respectfully.

"I will obey your orders!"

The voice sounded.

His head bowed deeply.

At this moment, a trace of ferociousness appeared in the depths of his eyes.

As for Neptune City, after the general left.

Neptune also summoned all the warriors in the city.

"Today the tide is coming, all the soldiers of the Sea King's Mansion, follow me to defend against the enemy!

If you come back victorious, you will definitely be rewarded for your merits! "


After hearing the sound, everyone in the Sea King's Mansion shouted in unison.

And the moment they just walked out of the hall.

In the distance, a roar came.

The tide came, and the sky was covered with darkness.


Looking at such a scene, Haitao's eyes showed a solemn look.

The corners of his mouth even overflowed with blood.

Such a battle situation made him feel fearful.

But there was nothing we could do.

We can only do our best to resist the enemy.

However, this is the case.

They were still crushed.

A brutal roar came out.

A small town covered by waves.

All the creatures in it were devoured in an instant.


A miserable sound echoed in the air.

In the waves, corpses surfaced one after another.

This scene was too shocking.

And right now.

An indifferent voice sounded.

“Let the tsunami stop.

Leave a way for others to survive.

Otherwise, everyone in Haizhou City will perish today! "

The sound sounded, causing a look of horror on Hai Tao's face.

Because he knew this voice.

The other party was none other than His Majesty the Han Emperor.

But what puzzled him was.

Why did the other party want to save the people in Haizhou City?

Could it be that the other party wants to conquer Beihuang.

How can this be.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but doubt his decision.

"Your Majesty the Han Emperor, are you trying to make an enemy of our Haiwang Mansion?"

His voice rang out.

There was a hint of anger in his eyes.

Although I know that my strength is insufficient.

But he was not afraid, he just hoped that Liu Zheng could change his attention.

"An enemy? I just want to take the life of Neptune.

If you don't take action.

Just pretend I didn’t say anything today! "

After the words fell.

There was silence all around.

Everyone in Haiwang Mansion did not expect Liu Zheng to be so decisive.

At this time, Liu Zheng's eyes fell in the direction of Beihuang.

I know clearly in my heart.

This was a gamble for him. If he won the gamble, Beihuang surrendered to him. From now on, he no longer had to worry about the threat of Neptune.

If the bet fails, then Beihuang will be in danger.

After all, Neptune's power is the most powerful in the entire Northern Wilderness.

Now that he has killed the other party's only son, it would be strange if he didn't take revenge.

Therefore, there is no way to give up easily.

Sure enough, just after Liu Zheng's voice fell.

Neptune's order spread throughout all the major families in the Northern Wilderness.

"His Majesty the Han Emperor wants to kill my king.

Today I have to stop him even if I risk my life! "

After Haitao's voice fell.

The whole person's eyes were about to burst.

The same is true for other families at this time.

Neptune is powerful.

If Neptune dies, their family may not be spared either.

Therefore, at this moment, everyone gathered outside the door of Neptune's Mansion, preparing to protect their relatives and friends.

After seeing such a scene, Haitao became even more angry.

Their father, in their hearts, is not as important as their own lives.

But, just when they were about to enter the mansion.

A figure flew over.

This person is from the Northern Wilderness.

However, he is very loyal to Neptune.

As soon as I came here, I shouted loudly.

“Lord Neptune has an order to evacuate Neptune’s Mansion.

Otherwise, shoot without mercy! "

After the words fell, everyone's expressions couldn't help but change.

Especially that Haitao, who led the army this time, can be said to be the elite of the Neptune Palace.

But he didn't even have the strength to fight.

How could he be willing to do this?

"Hmph, we will protect Lord Neptune to the death!"

At this time, Haitao looked extremely stubborn.

And right now.

Among the army on the other side, a chariot was slowly approaching.

The car curtain opens.

Revealing a handsome face.

However, when he saw all this.

But he said coldly.

"Anyone who refuses to obey will be killed without mercy!"

There was a chilling air in the cold voice.

This is a young man, and he is the crown prince of Haizhou.

Named Haiyunlong.

At the beginning, he was the first to provoke the Han and sent troops to attack the Han caravan.

Now, Neptune is dead.

He has become the new Sea King.

Naturally, he couldn't tolerate his betrayal by his subordinates.

"Hai Yunlong, you are so brave. We are old men who follow Neptune to conquer the country. How can you, a young boy, control us!"

The sound of sea waves sounded.

But his legs were indeed shaking.

Because Hai Yunlong's cultivation level is too high, reaching the third level of the Holy Emperor, he is a strong man.

If he was really cruel, he wouldn't be able to offend him at all.

"If that's the case, I'll send you to hell!"

Hai Yunlong said coldly.

Then, the figure rushed out.

On the palm, a rich black light bloomed.

Like a giant axe.

Wherever it passes, the space is shattered.

Haitao's eyes showed despair.

He wanted to resist, but there was no chance.

The opponent's attack was too fast, and there was fear in his eyes.

But he was unable to resist.


Finally, a palm hit his chest.

Blood mist splashed out, and Haitao fell straight to the ground.

At this time, he had completely lost his breath.

This battle is over.

Not only Haitao died on the battlefield.

Even the other people in Neptune's Mansion were reduced to limbs and arms.

There was blood all over the ground.

The son of Neptune was even beheaded on the spot.

"Lord Neptune is dead. You may still be able to save your lives by surrendering!"

Hai Yunlong stood in the void and shouted.

A stern smile appeared in his eyes.

After hearing the sound, everyone below hesitated.

After all, this is a matter of life and death.

Haizhou is far away from Beihuang.

Even if they surrender, will the Han Emperor let them go?

Therefore, no one dared to speak for a while.

When Hai Yunlong saw this, the smile on his face became even brighter.

Then, he said slowly.

"In that case, don't blame me for being rude!"

After the voice fell.

The long knife was held horizontally in his hand.

In an instant, the figure cut across the sky in an instant.

Rushing towards the bottom.

"hold head high!"

But at this moment, a dragon roar sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the vast dragon power filled the air.

Then, he saw dense black lines appearing in the sky.

Each army exudes powerful energy fluctuations.

This is the Imperial Forest Army of the Han Dynasty.

This is Liu Zheng's direct descendant.

At this time, Liu Zheng had a ferocious smile on his face.

He didn't expect that the people from Neptune's Mansion hadn't left yet.

At this time, it happened to be used for military training.

The strength of the Royal Forest Army is not weak.

The worst ones are also in the realm of supernatural powers, with huge numbers.

As they charge down.

It almost covered the entire Neptune Palace.


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