
The sound of a sharp blade piercing flesh was heard.

Endless blood flying.

The screams were even more constant.

At this time, Hai Yunlong was frightened.

He felt that the soldiers of this big man were less willing to give in than the guards of Haiwang Mansion.

This made him dare to believe his eyes.

He is also a prince.

How could he not recognize the Han's armor?


At this moment.

The Golden Lion King and the Green Scale Python also appeared on the scene.

They roared.

He grabbed out a claw and tore a guard into pieces.


Just when these armies were wreaking havoc in the Sea King's Mansion.

On the city wall, someone also jumped down.

It was the mighty general of the Han Dynasty, Lu Bu.

The opponent at this time was wearing black armor.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, as if his surroundings were about to freeze.

Fang Tian's painted halberd struck down in his hand.

Wherever it passed, countless disciples of the Sea King Palace were smashed into pulp.

At this time, Liu Zheng was sitting inside the Dragon Boat Festival.

The joy on his face was almost uncontrollable.

This Sea King's Mansion is simply a treasure.

Even he has never encountered such wealth.

At this time, the other party understood in his heart that if these things were given to him.

I'm afraid it can improve a lot of combat effectiveness.

Thinking of this, his eyes showed a hint of excitement.

"Your Majesty, all the generals have been dealt with.

You can enter the city now! "

Lu Bu's respectful voice came out.

"Well, I know!"

Liu Zheng nodded lightly, and then drove Long Chu towards the Sea King's Mansion.

But at this time, the faces of the people in the city showed horror.

Although they have never seen the Han army, they have heard about it.

Nowadays, these ferocious beasts appear in Haizhou, they must be the Han Dynasty army.

Unexpectedly, in a short period of time, the Han Dynasty could actually destroy an entire state.

It made them fearful.

There was no need to worry about Neptune at this time.

They all ran away.

Afraid of attracting the big man's attention.

However, just when Liu Zheng was about to arrive outside the city gate.

A burst of noise was heard.

Immediately afterwards, endless cavalry rushed towards here.

This scene made Liu Zheng frown.

Unexpectedly, someone would dare to block the road.

And at this moment.

However, Haitao came forward.

"His Majesty the Han Emperor, our prince invites you to go to the city lord's palace to have a talk!"

Haitao said.

There was a flattering look on his face.

Don't dare to be negligent in the slightest.

"Haha, don't you, King of the Sea, know that I need to rest now?"

After hearing the sound, Liu Zheng said coldly.


At this time, Haitao didn't know how to speak.


After seeing such a scene, Liu Zheng spoke again.

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Haitao was filled with resentment.

But he didn't dare to stop it.

At this time, we can only return to the city lord's mansion.

Neptune asked as soon as he arrived in the courtyard.

"Then what did Emperor Han say?"

There was urgency in the voice.

"Father, Emperor Han asked you to wait for two days.

Said he needed some rest! "

Haitao said softly.

Obviously he didn't want the other party to know.

But Neptune was furious.

He clenched his fists and said through gritted teeth.

“Hmph, this bastard actually dares to play tricks on me.

You go down first.

I'll go find your mother to discuss it.

This matter must be done successfully! "

The sound sounded and then disappeared.

Apparently going to get help.

There are many female relatives in the Neptune Palace.

Neptune Princess is the sister of Neptune King.

And he also practices water magical powers.

The strength is very deep.

Her husband is the second in command in the palace.

As long as the other party agrees, even the Han Emperor will be a little wary.

Thinking of this, Neptune's eyes revealed a sinister look.

"Han Emperor, you wait for me!"

At this time, I secretly swore in my heart.

And just when he was about to leave.

However, Princess Neptune appeared, and she was extremely beautiful.

And beside Neptune, there are many maids who follow him.

These people have different temperaments, but they are all very beautiful.

Some women, in particular, have plump figures.

There is temptation in every frown and smile.

But at this time, Neptune didn't care about this.

He said to his sister.

"Haixia, are you willing to marry a man?"

The voice sounded, causing Princess Haixia's face to change. She looked at Neptune with some annoyance and said.

"Brother, what you said is true!"

This result exceeded his expectations.

“Haiwang Mansion is at odds with the Han Dynasty and will surely perish sooner or later.

Now, the only option is to get closer to the Han Emperor.

To save your life.

Otherwise, no one can save you! "

Neptune's voice sounded.

“But, if I really marry a big man.

Then the title of King of the Sea is gone! "

At this time, Princess Haixia spoke.

There was a look of confusion on his face.

After all, Neptune has always doted on her.

"As a member of the royal family, you can naturally get a title.

If you marry Emperor Han.

Your title will be higher! "

After hearing the sound, Princess Haixia fell into silence.

After a moment, he said slowly.

"Brother, I'll go with you!"

There was determination in his voice.

At this moment, Neptune's eyes finally showed a smile.

As long as my sister is willing, nothing else matters.

As for Princess Haiyun, after learning about this matter.

He couldn't help but sigh.

However, she would not refute it at all.

The current situation of Neptune Mansion is indeed not optimistic.

And just when Neptune was about to go out.

Princess Haiyun shouted again.

"Brother, what else do we need to do!"

There was hesitation on her face.

"Don't worry, sister, although the Sea King's Mansion has declined.

But he still has many connections and will not die easily! "

After hearing the voice, Princess Haiyun nodded, but ultimately did not speak.

Poseidon, accompanied by Hai Xia, rushed towards the Han City Lord's Mansion.

But at this time, Liu Zheng didn't know all this.

At this time, he had arrived outside the city.

"Your Majesty, let's go into the city!"

Cao Zhengchun, who was standing next to his carriage, said.

"Need not!"

But Liu Zheng waved his hand.

Indicate that the other person does not need to say anything.

Because, at this time, he had already felt a tyrannical momentum flying towards him.

Sure enough, when the distance between the two parties became closer and closer.

The figure of Neptune appeared in the field.

And after seeing him arrive.

Liu Zheng said slowly.

"Neptune, long time no see. You kept me waiting for a long time!"

The voice was extremely cold.

"Haha, His Majesty the Han Emperor, your reputation is illustrious in the heavens.

How dare you provoke Hai?

I came here today to invite His Majesty to attend Hai Xia's wedding.

I hope His Majesty the Han Emperor will not refuse! "

Neptune said.

There was a look of ingratiation on his face.

However, just after his words fell.

Liu Zheng said calmly.

"Why should I give face?"

The voice was extremely cold.

This made Neptune's face instantly turn pale.

"Han Emperor, do you really want to completely break up with my Hai family!"

At this time, there was a hint of murderous intent in Neptune's voice.


Just after he finished speaking.

Space shattered.

A man stepped out.

There is a powerful aura emanating from the whole body.

It was Liu Zheng's general, the Holy Emperor of Donghua.

And after seeing Emperor Donghua appear.

There was a smile on the corner of Liu Zheng's mouth.

He shouted.

"Okay, since it's your Hai family, I brought it to your door.

Then no wonder I am! "

After the words fell.

The Holy Emperor of Donghua rose directly into the sky and shot out into the distance.


Neptune wants to escape.

But he was slapped on the chest by Donghua Holy Emperor.

The whole person fell to the ground.

Blood mist floated, and shrill screams could be heard.

No one expected that the big man could be so domineering, and Neptune had just finished speaking.

Was attacked.

"Your Majesty the Han Emperor, Hai is wrong!"

At this time, Neptune was horrified.

He didn't expect that.

Emperor Han would be so violent.

However, at this moment, Liu Zheng shouted.

“Hmph, you Hai family are colluding with foreign races.

This time, I will spare your life.

Next time we meet, root out the root! "

There was a sound, and Emperor Donghua kicked out.

Neptune's head actually exploded in an instant.

Then, Liu Zheng drove the dragon and drove straight to the palace.

At this time, he couldn't wait

I want to see the little princess.

After all, the other party is his daughter-in-law.

When he came outside the palace.

The imperial guards guarding the palace gate saluted respectfully.

Then, the door was opened.

However, immediately after, the leading eunuch came forward.

He spoke respectfully.

"My slaves pay homage to His Majesty the Han Emperor!"

Obviously, this eunuch was newly rewarded by Liu Zheng.

Because the other party knows him.

"Well, lead the way!"

Liu Zheng said lightly.

At this moment, his eyes flashed with brilliance.

Then, he walked towards the inner hall.

This is the second time Liu Zheng has come here.

He had been here when he got married to Princess Haixia.

However, he is no longer what he used to be.

All the way.

No matter who the Han official he met was.

All are respectful retreats.

She didn't even dare to look up at him.

Liu Zheng, on the other hand, didn't care at all.

Walk directly forward.

When he arrived in the hall.

Then he saw the little princess sitting on the tatami.

The queen, now wearing a phoenix crown and rosy robe, was graceful and luxurious.

There is majesty between the brows.

Especially after seeing Liu Zheng.

The joy in his eyes could hardly be concealed.

Said slowly.


The voice is extremely gentle.

And at the same time.

Liu Zheng also walked in from outside.

Looking at his wife.

A smile appeared on his face and he said slowly.

"What, are you still used to living here?"

"Well, it's not bad!"

After hearing the sound, the little princess smiled and said.

At this time, she had a sweet look on her face.

But at this moment, a burst of rapid footsteps sounded.

It turns out that the person from the Hai family has returned.

When Neptune saw Liu Zheng, his face was full of anger.

But, he didn't wait for him to speak.

The little princess was the first to speak.

"Father, do you have anything to do with your husband?"

Although she is the daughter of Neptune.

However, she is now married to Liu Zheng.

What's more, she didn't like this Neptune in the first place, so her tone was very harsh.

"Hmph, this Sea King's Mansion is no longer under my control from now on.

If you want to stay here, then stay here! "

Neptune said fiercely.

And just after his words fell.

Liu Zheng spoke.

"Sea King, if I remember correctly, the Hai family seems to have two choices, either surrender or die.

In fact, I have given you enough choices.

But you persist in your stubbornness and you can’t blame me! "

After the words fell, a fierce murderous aura filled the surrounding space.

Such a scene caused sweat to flow from the forehead of the Sea King.

However, after a moment, he said through gritted teeth.

"Don't even think about it, our Hai family will never give in!"

The voice sounded, indicating that he was about to leave.

But, just when he turned around.


With a burst of chirping sound.

Neptune was reduced to ashes.

A generation of heroes was killed with one punch.

At this time, Liu Zheng stood in the field like a murderer.

The little princess was indeed nestled in Liu Zheng's arms with a face full of happiness.

She knew in her heart that she could marry Liu Zheng.

The most proud thing in this life.

But at this time, everyone around was stunned.

No one expected it.

This great Han Emperor, His Majesty, is so terrifying.

"Han Emperor, I will fight with you!"

After seeing such a scene.

The elders of the Hai family couldn't bear it after all.

He roared at Liu Zheng.

He is the elder of the Hai family and has a high status. In ordinary times, he has never been so humiliated.

Now, my heart is extremely angry.

However, just after his words fell.

The Holy Lord Donghua came out at this moment.

Grab the opponent's neck.

He said coldly.

"When His Majesty the Han Emperor is speaking, you dare to interrupt.

court death! "

After the voice fell, he was ready to take action.

But Liu Zheng waved his hand.

He signaled to the Holy Lord Donghua not to take action.

Then, his eyes fell on the people of the Hai family.

He spoke slowly.

"What about your Hai family's family rules? Have you forgotten it?

When you see His Majesty, you should kneel down! "

Liu Zheng's voice sounded.

It made the elder of the Hai family feel like his eyes were about to burst.

However, at this time, he was also worried about Liu Zheng.

After all, the opponent is too strong.

He could only grit his teeth and speak.


Bend your knees.

He knelt heavily on the ground.

But Liu Zheng ignored it.

Continue to speak.

"Is the current head of the Hai family present?"

The words just fell.

Someone stood in the center of the hall and said respectfully.

"Your Majesty the Han Emperor, the head of the family is outside the palace. Please take a seat!"

After his voice fell, Liu Zheng said slowly.

"Okay, then I'll go meet him!"

As he spoke, he walked towards the outside world.

And those common people followed behind.

At this time, I was very excited.

They were not qualified to observe Liu Zheng's battle.

But it is also an exciting thing to see Emperor Han ascend the throne.

However, just when they appeared outside the main hall.

It was discovered that the Hai family at this time had become ruins.

Blood mist rises.

Corpses and debris were scattered all around.

At this time, the people of the Hai family were tied up in the square.

The whole person was trembling.

The disciples of Neptune King and Haixia stood in front of the hall.

After seeing such a scene.

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