There was a strong hint of threat in his voice.

But the Xixia envoy was not afraid at all.

Said directly.

"Your Majesty, Emperor Han, if you don't agree, then don't blame me for being rude!"

The voice sounded.

In an instant, the two deputies stood beside him.

Each and every one of them exuded strong murderous intent.

But the Xixia Imperial Master said slowly at this time.

"Han Emperor, don't force us to use force!"

There was a ferocious look in his eyes.

Mana surged throughout his body.

Looks very strong.

But, right now.

"Haha, after so many years, people in Xixia like to talk about the rules of the world.

Unexpectedly, you become more and more confused as you live.

Today I will teach you a lesson! "

The sound rang out, and the surrounding area was instantly filled with troops.

This scene was too terrifying.

Dark soldiers.

There are millions of people.

And the leader was actually Xiang Yu.

This made the Xixia envoy's pupils shrink involuntarily.

Then, he shouted loudly.

"Han Emperor, have you forgotten the agreement you signed with Xixia?"

After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng showed a smile on his lips.

Said slowly.

"so what.

Your national destiny of Xixia has been taken away.

Even if I give it to you, I can't compensate you.

Why don't you get out of here, do you really want to stay for dinner? "

After the words fell.

The surrounding armies all stepped forward.

Get ready to take action.

This made the Xixia envoy's eyes brighten.

Then, he shouted.

"Han Emperor, you asked for this.

If we don't cooperate, we will have no choice but to fight to the end.

The worst case scenario is that the fish will die and the net will fall apart! "

There was a hint of viciousness in his voice.

Immediately afterwards, figures flew out in the sky.

A brilliant golden light bloomed on their bodies.

He is clearly the top powerhouse in Xixia.


After seeing such a scene.

Liu Zheng roared angrily.

There was endless indifference in his voice.

But the surrounding armies were already charging forward.

The two sides collided in an instant.

This time, the Xixia envoy did not expect that Liu Zheng would really dare to take action.

His eyes flashed with cold light and he said coldly.

"Your Majesty the Han Emperor, you must think carefully.

This is the territory of the Song Dynasty.

If we take action, it will trigger a war between the Song Dynasty and the Han Dynasty! "

There was a warning in the voice.

However, just after his words fell.

Liu Zheng said coldly.

"I hate others threatening me the most.

What's more, you Xixia didn't keep your word first and tried to occupy my Han territory.

Do you think I still need to abide by the agreement?

Now, I just want to kill you! "

Liu Zheng's cold voice came out.

And just after his words fell.

He was going to kill the Xixia Imperial Preceptor.

This time, not only Liu Zheng, but others also took action.

Especially Li Jing.

He was wearing armor, and he seemed to have transformed into a god of war.

As he waved his palms, vast wind burst out.

The entire void was trembling at this moment.

And the eyes of the Xixia Imperial Master also showed a solemn look.

He did not expect that Liu Zheng would dare to take the lead.

However, he also knew that this battle was probably unavoidable.

Thinking of this, a flash of cruelty burst out in his eyes.

He shouted to his men in a deep voice.

"Meet the enemy!"

After the voice fell.

As soon as his body moved, he rushed towards Liu Zheng.

A scimitar appeared in his hand.

The blazing flames almost enveloped him.

It's as if he wants to destroy the entire world.

This national master is known for his powerful attacks.

His cultivation has reached the ninth level of Hunyuan Saint.

At this time, using his secret technique, his combat effectiveness was terrifying.

Even Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel frightened.

However, at this moment, Yuchi Gong on the other side stood in front of him.


The moment the two of them fought, the whole world shook.

Yuchi Gong couldn't help but be startled.

Then, he shouted.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?"

There was concern in his voice.

"No problem!"

After hearing the sound, Liu Zheng shook his head.

At this time, Yuchi Gong was no longer hesitant.


He punched out and collided with the national master.

The other party simply cannot withstand such an attack.

The whole person flew out upside down.

Chest collapsed.

He was obviously seriously injured.


At this moment, Meng Tian on the side also took action.

The long sword in his hand struck out.

The dazzling sword light filled the sky.

Wherever they passed, those Xixia people were simply unmatched.

Each one was chopped into pieces.

Within a short period of time.

The situation on the field was reversed again.

"Retreat, hurry up!"

Looking at the dense soldiers and horses.

The Xixia envoy said with a pale face.

There was fear in his eyes.

Don't dare to stop at all.

It is necessary to flee with the remaining defeated soldiers.

However, Liu Zheng would not forgive easily.

His order had just been given.

The army just chased away.

The Xixia Imperial Preceptor even more desperately fled into the distance.

However, how could Liu Zheng let him go?


The moment he just left the battle circle.

The sound of breaking through the air was heard.

It was Liu Zheng's arrow rain.

At this moment, the world is changing.

The Xixia Imperial Master's face turned pale.

However, he did not dodge, but instead picked up the sharp blade in his hand.

I want to resist this hail of arrows.

He is the protector of the Xixia Kingdom and is very powerful.

I believe that it should be able to block this round of attacks.

However, just after his words fell.


A burst of blood mist floated out in the sky.

His head splashed away at this moment.

There was a look of horror in his eyes.

Obviously didn't expect it.

The great master of the ninth level of Hunyuan Saint, he actually died like this.

However, it's too late to say anything now.

And at the same time.

Beside Liu Zheng, Cao Zhengchun's voice sounded.

"Your Majesty, the Xixia prince has been captured!"

There was excitement in his voice.

And just after his words fell.

"Haha, your majesty is wise, this time my big man will definitely become famous all over the world!"

Liu Bowen's voice was filled with passion.


Liu Zheng nodded lightly and said nothing more.

Then, continue to move forward.

As for the others, they were escorting the prince of Xixia Kingdom from the rear and rushing towards the city.

Soon, they arrived outside the city gate.

When I saw Liu Zheng appear.

There was a hint of ferocity in the eyes of the eldest prince of Xixia.

Then, he shouted directly.

"You're a big thief, why don't you let me go!"

There was ferocity in his voice.


Liu Zheng snorted coldly.

Then, he flicked his fingers.


Prince Xixia's forehead exploded in an instant.

He was actually killed by a direct bombardment.

After seeing such a scene.

Everyone's pupils couldn't help but shrink.

Because no one expected that the big man could be so ruthless.

This kind of decisive killing is shocking.

However, immediately after, Liu Zheng spoke.

“Give me the order to enter the palace in three days!

Put the army on alert and no one is allowed to approach! "

There was a chill in his voice.

"The last general takes command!"

After hearing the order, Yu Chigong and others retreated.

Then, Liu Zheng entered the palace by car.

At this time, he was ready to summon.

After all, these alien races are too powerful.

Although the big man now has an absolute advantage.

However, there can be no slacking off at all.

As soon as Liu Zheng entered the palace, Cao Zhengchun respectfully knelt on the ground.

"Greetings to Your Majesty, your servant has brought you tea!"

Cao Zhengchun said cautiously.

Liu Zheng frowned, feeling a little strange.

Although Cao Zhengchun was not unruly in his daily life, he was also very arrogant.

Where has it ever been as low-key as it is now?

"Aren't you very stubborn on weekdays? You took the wrong medicine today!"

he asked slowly.

However, there was a smile in his voice.

"I know that Your Majesty likes to hear the truth. Since you want to know, I will tell you the truth.

My princess has fallen in love with the man’s national spirit beast, and I hope you can part with it! "

Cao Zhengchun said.

There was a flattering tone in his voice.

But Liu Zheng couldn't help but be stunned.

It turned out to be for the Golden Retriever Lion King. No wonder Cao Zhengchun has been very well-behaved recently.

And he also served personally.

After thinking about this, he did not refuse.

He said to Cao Zhengchun.

"Okay, since you like it, I'll give it to you!

Just you have to remember.

Please be careful in the future, otherwise.

Don't blame me for punishing you! "

There was a warning in his voice.

And just after his words fell.

Cao Zhengchun did not dare to neglect.

He said hurriedly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, thank you, Your Majesty!"

At this moment, he wanted to find a gap to get in.

He didn't dare to look directly at Liu Zheng.

"Well, go down. If you have nothing to do, don't disturb me!"

Liu Zheng waved his hand.

And with the fall of his order.

Cao Zhengchun retreated.

Then, he spoke in Liu Zheng's ear.

"Your Majesty, your room slave has been arranged!"

He spoke carefully.


Liu Zheng nodded slightly.

Then, after taking a bath under the other party's service, he lay down on the bed.

Get ready to rest.

And at the same time.

In another city in the Eastern Wasteland.

However, two uninvited guests were welcomed.

These people were wearing heavy armor.

Each one exudes vast coercion.

Standing on the tower.

The sparkle in his eyes surged.

Surrounding them were thousands of soldiers guarding them.

And these people were clearly reinforcements sent by the Kamikaze Emperor.

The leader is Marshal Kamikaze.

At this time, there was a cold arc on the corner of his mouth.

There was even a hint of madness in his eyes.

Over the years, their power in the Eastern Wasteland has been almost wiped out.

Such shame can only be washed away with blood.

Therefore, after getting the news that a foreign race appeared in the Eastern Wasteland.

He just led the army to kill him.

Now, we are getting closer and closer to the imperial city of the Han Dynasty.

This excited him.

If he can gain merit, his son can be made a marquis.

Thinking of this, the joy on his face could hardly be concealed.

But at this moment, a burst of noise sounded.

"Be bold!"

Then, a soldier roared angrily.

I saw a team walking slowly at the entrance of the tower.

The leading general had a beard all over his face, and his aura was extremely powerful.

The general next to him was even more emitting a cold light.

It was Xiang Yu.

They came and finally reached Donghuang.

At this time, the other party looked at the Kamikaze Commander on top of the city tower.

There was a solemn look in his eyes.

But then, the brilliance in his eyes bloomed again.


"Who are you? If you don't surrender, surrender and avoid death!"

There was a strong sense of dominance in his voice.

"Haha, I am the general of the Kamikaze Empire.

You are just a barbarian, how dare you provoke our Kamikaze Emperor.

It’s simply a matter of life and death! "

Marshal Kamikaze said coldly.

Then, he looked at the generals beside Xiang Yu.

He opened his mouth and scolded.

"Why, don't you want to die too!"

After his words fell.

The atmosphere in the field became tense.

Especially Xiang Yu, the veins on his head were bulging.

This time, he led the army into battle.

did not think of.

Just arrived here.

Just encountered obstacles.

How could I bear it at this time?


Therefore, the next moment was an order.

In an instant, boundless murderous intent filled the sky.

Then, he jumped towards the city wall.

Palms stretched out.

The five claws are like a golden dragon.

Emit a blazing light.

He grabbed it straight out, as if he wanted to tear the sky apart.

Marshal Kamikaze did not expect that Xiang Yu would dare to attack.

There was no time to escape.

He could only face him with his sword raised.


There was a violent roar.

The two collided.

The body of the kamikaze commander flew back.

The chest was stained with blood.

It was obvious that the internal organs were injured.

And Xiang Yu is still extremely vigorous.


A sharp blade pierced the opponent's shoulder.


The Kamikaze commander screamed.

At this time, he was horrified.

This time, I'm afraid it's going to be much worse.

Think of this.

Not daring to stay, he turned around and ran away.

And the moment he turned around.


Xiang Yu's figure actually caught up.

Kick out.

The kamikaze commander was completely kicked out.

Vomiting blood from the mouth.

At this moment, he was certain to die.

However, Xiang Yu did not intend to forgive him.

At this time, he exuded a tyrannical aura.

The finger points out.

"call out!"

The Kamikaze Commander's body exploded directly.

The smell of death filled the air.

But Xiang Yu's whole body was wrapped in a thick layer of mist.

Then, his entire body turned into flowing light.

Soaring into the sky, running towards the distance.

Donghuang is too big.

It is not easy at all to find someone.

However, thanks to Liu Zheng’s reminder, he was already prepared.

Let Lu Bu search everywhere.

As for himself, he stayed outside the palace, waiting for the other party to return.

And right now.

Within the Eastern Wilderness and Northern Territory, there were waves of killing cries.

This is close to the Kamikaze Empire.

Therefore, the troops and horses of the Kamikaze Emperor were also stationed here.

After they heard the cry of killing.

But he didn't dare to delay.

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