Charge all the way towards the city gate.

This time, Commander Kamikaze came to the city in person to observe the enemy's situation.

Whoever can rescue him will be rewarded heavily.

Therefore, it made the soldiers fight desperately.

However, just at the moment they rushed out of the city gate.

A powerful energy roared down.

Completely enveloping everyone.

Then, it was suppressed on the ground.


When the dust settles.

A figure appeared on the city wall.

After seeing the person coming.

Everyone's pupils shrank.

I didn't expect that these thieves would be so terrifying.

After seeing such a scene, Marshal Kamikaze.

His face turned even more ashen.

"Han Emperor, what do you mean?"

At this time, he shouted angrily.

Although the big man is very strong, these ordinary soldiers have been with him for many years.

He was loyal to him, but now his entire army was wiped out, how could he endure it.

"You mean, me?"

The voice was extremely deep.

"Huh, if it's not you, who else could it be!"

Marshal Kamikaze said coldly.

Then, a cold light flashed in his eyes.


"Since you won't hand over Liu Zheng, don't blame me for being ruthless.

Kill all these traitors for me.

Not a single one left! "

There was a coldness in the voice.

Even the deputy general next to him was frightened.

I didn't expect that the situation would be so serious.

The faces of those captured generals were extremely pale.

They originally thought that they could live a good life by joining the Kamikaze Commander.

Who knew that he would become a prisoner in the end?

If I had known this earlier, how could I have dared to do this?

Not only did he harm himself, but he also harmed others.

And right now.

The eyes of those generals were about to burst.

He shouted at the kamikaze commander.

"Commander Kamikaze, you cannot kill us. Your Majesty and I are also comrades-in-arms.

Are you going to break your promise? "

There was a sadness in their voices.

However, what responded to them was the kamikaze commander, who waved his butcher knife without hesitation.


It fell with a banging sound.

The heads of several generals flew up.

Blood filled the sky.


It was also the deputy general standing on top of the city.

At this time, he spit out a mouthful of blood.

He was obviously seriously injured.

But he didn't take it into consideration at all.

he shouted in horror.

"Commander Kamikaze, please spare my life!"

However, just after his words fell.


The Kamikaze commander kicked him in the chest.

In an instant, his whole body flew backwards.

It hit the city wall in the distance.

The whole person's aura was extremely depressed.

At this time, Commander Kamikaze said coldly.

"Those who betray the Zhou Dynasty must die!"

There was a hint of coldness in his voice.

At this moment, everyone felt chilled all over.

It's terrible that these normally aloof and powerful commanders have turned into this.

Then, the other party spoke again.

"The order goes down and all those participating in the operation will be killed without mercy.

Anyone who dares to resist will be killed without mercy! "

After his voice fell, the soldiers around him cheered in unison.

Then, the mighty team set off again.

At this time, the entire city fell into chaos.

The soldiers and horses of Da Zhou were too fierce.

Each of them can almost withstand a big man's elite infantry.

However, this time they encountered Han Dynasty cavalry.

This made everyone extremely frightened.

After all, everyone has almost no room for resistance under these iron hoofs.


As a roar sounded.

Outside the Kamikaze Camp, there was a thick fire rising.

Screams and roars came and went.

The Han's infantry were like tigers and wolves, charging forward.

These people are too strong, they are overwhelming and look down upon them.

Especially those fine knights, when the formation spread out, they were like sharp blades, pushing out horizontally.

Wherever it passed, all the soldiers who blocked it were crushed to pieces.

In a short period of time, the Kamikaze Camp was filled with corpses.

And the Kamikaze Commander had a look of horror in his eyes.

He didn't expect that the big man was so elite.

This is simply beyond common sense.

Then, he opened his mouth and shouted.


The sound sounded, and the army began to slowly leave.

Don't dare to stay even half a minute.

At this time, Yuchi Gong saw such a scene.

There was excitement in his eyes.

Then, he jumped down.

The two hammers in his hands were raised and struck down hard.


A mountain peak was smashed to pieces at this moment.

Yu Chigong's voice sounded at this time.

"Pursue the Kamikaze Legion, leaving no one behind!"

Following his order, countless Han soldiers rushed forward to fight.

These are the best in the kamikaze army.

Under such a fierce attack by the Han cavalry.

The kamikaze army is simply unmatchable.


A long spear cut through the void and pierced the neck of a general.

Then, he was seen holding a halberd and rushing out.

At this time, he was like a god of war.

Wherever he went, no one could stop him.

In a short time, he harvested the lives of countless Kamikaze Corps.

"Haha, it's great!"

Yuchi Gong laughed and said.

Such a battle is really too refreshing.

On the other side.

Lu Bu and Zhang Fei were fighting a Kamikaze Corps.

Zhang Fei's strength was already good.

Now after practicing the God and Demon Golden Bell Cover.

His combat power is even greater.

A giant axe danced in the wind and rain, tearing the space apart wherever it passed.

Those Kamikaze Corps people couldn't get close to him at all.

As for Lu Bu, he was even more domineering.

The Yu Wang Shield in his hand protected his body, and his body was like lightning. Every time he rushed out, he could knock the enemy directly out.

And his moves were tricky, only taking the enemy's head.

For a moment, the Kamikaze Marshal's face was very ugly.

Because, if the battle continued like this, even if he won.

The losses would be heavy.

He immediately said.

"Han Emperor, are you really not going to make peace?"

His tone was full of anger.

After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng showed a hint of disdain at the corner of his mouth.

He said lightly.

"Make peace, how much do you think it is possible for me to cooperate with you!"

Liu Zheng asked coldly.

He must win this battle.

Otherwise, the prestige of the Han Dynasty will definitely fall to the bottom.

Therefore, he must win.

After hearing the voice.

Kamikaze Marshal gritted his teeth and said.

"Han Emperor, if you win this battle today, my Kamikaze Army will definitely swear to revenge!"

His voice was filled with endless ferocity.

Then, he pulled the bow in his hand and shot an arrow instantly.

The blazing aura flashed and shot towards Liu Zheng.

It was so fast that even Liu Zheng did not dodge.


But at this moment, the dragon in his dantian roared.

Its huge body blocked Liu Zheng.

The arrow hit the dragon's scales, splashing sparks.

Although the dragon also showed a look of pain.

But in the end, it still held on.


The dragon roared at this time, and his eyes showed bloodthirstiness.

His body swayed.

He actually flew towards the divine wind commander.

The speed was extremely fast.

The divine wind commander's face changed.

But at this time, it was too late to react.

He could only use the whole body skills.

Hope to block the dragon's attack.


As the bang sounded, the opponent's figure flew out.

Blood spit out of his mouth.

There was a trace of panic in his eyes.

But the dragon didn't care.


Another claw swung down.

The Kamikaze commander was slapped and flew out.

He fell to the ground.

This existence that roamed the southwest.

He was crushed by the dragon.

Everyone in the field was shocked.

And at this moment.

A voice came from the sky.

It was Huang Zhong who arrived.

He looked at the scene in the field, and a touch of joy appeared in his eyes.

Then, a cold voice came out:

"Your Majesty has arrived, Kamikaze Kingdom surrender!"

As soon as the voice fell.

The army assembled in an instant.


Then, one soldier after another pulled the trigger of the crossbow in his hand.

Dense feather arrows covered the army.


A scream sounded in an instant.

The army suffered heavy losses.

And at the same time, Liu Zheng got off the dragon sedan.

At this time, he looked around and spoke.

"Lord of the Kamikaze, since you are here, come out and die!"

The voice was so cold that everyone in the field felt extremely afraid.


Sure enough, just after he finished speaking, a head flew out from a distance and hit the ground directly.

Then, a figure stood up.

It was the Lord of the Kamikaze.

At this time, there was hatred on his face.

"Han Emperor, I cannot coexist with you!"

The vicious voice of the Kamikaze Marshal sounded in an instant.


But, just as his voice fell.

Huang Zhong slapped out with a palm.

The blazing palm print almost covered the sky.


The Kamikaze Marshal couldn't resist it at all.

The whole body was smashed directly.

But Liu Zheng didn't have any expression at all.

At this moment, he showed a fierce look in his eyes.

Said slowly.

"General, send strong troops to suppress the Kamikaze Continent.

The rest of you follow me, charge into the city, and kill the rebels!"

There was a strong murderous aura in his voice.

"As ordered!"

Cao Zhengchun said respectfully.

Then, he commanded the army to charge towards the city gate.

They were extremely fast.

It was like a hurricane.

No one could match them wherever they passed.

"The Han Emperor is so bold that he dared to kill my brother.

I, the Kingdom of Kamikaze, definitely want you to look good! "

The Kamikaze Dynasty is located on the Kamikaze Ridge.

At this time, his face was full of ferocity.

And after hearing the sound.

Liu Zheng didn't care at all and said calmly.

"Haha, Kamikaze Dynasty, right? I'll make a note of it, and wait until I destroy your Kamikaze Dynasty.

I’ll take your sacrificial flag first! "

At this time, Liu Zheng's eyes exuded cold murderous intent.

The Kamikaze Dynasty has repeatedly tried to seize its own country.

How to keep him from being angry.

"Haha, what an arrogant Emperor Han.

I don’t know what you rely on to be so arrogant! "

Kamikaze King couldn't help but laugh and said.

And just after his voice fell.

Liu Zheng's voice indeed sounded again.

"What do I rely on? You don't need to know. I just want to tell you that the Kamikaze Dynasty will fall today!"

There was a chill in his voice.

And right now.


The dark clouds in the sky became more and more solid at this time.

The black clouds rolled like thunder.

This made the Kamikaze King's pupils shrink involuntarily.

Then he opened his mouth and shouted.

"Han Emperor, even if you have the power to reach heaven, I can't save you today!"

After the words fell, a thunder pierced the void.

Immediately afterwards, the entire world darkened.

This scene is too terrifying.

Except for the Kamikaze Dynasty, everyone's expressions changed.

Especially those ordinary people.

Even more trembling.

They had never seen anything like this.

And just when the thunder was about to fall.


The whole world is trembling.

The huge waves rose thousands of feet high.

It's like the end of the world.

Waves of vast aura emanated.

Everyone couldn't help but take a breath.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the boundless sea water surging downwards.

This is the navy of the Kamikaze Dynasty. They control the sea and sweep across the entire continent.

Moreover, a fleet appeared on every island.

These ships have different shapes, and there are tens of thousands of them.

Their combat power is very powerful.

It was the fleet that once attacked Shenting.

Now swimming in the sea.

Looking at Liu Zheng, his eyes flashed with indifference.

At this time, Liu Zheng had a hint of disdain on his lips.

"Hmph! It's just a pirate, but he dares to be so rampant!"

Then, his order was passed on.


With the order given.

A large number of infantry charged out.

They flew forward.

The two sides soon collided.


With a series of banging sounds falling.

A large number of soldiers fell in a pool of blood.

But those pirates were extremely brave.

Still rushing forward.

In a short period of time, several soldiers of the Han Dynasty died.


Huang Zhong raised the long knife in his hand, and his body emitted a dazzling golden light.

At this time, he was like a demon.

Wherever you go.

Endless pirates were chopped into pieces.

But this is just the beginning.

over time.

The sea surges.

The entire sea surface turned blood red.

And those pirates became more and more brave as they fought.

However, right now.

Above Liu Zheng's head, a sharp sword appeared at this moment.

"hold head high!"

A burst of dragon roar came out, and the sword light swallowed the world.

"Han Emperor, how dare you!"

At this time, the Kamikaze King was finally scared.

Because, he found that he had underestimated the strength of the big man.

The opponent can actually summon dragon spirits to attack.

Although, he didn't understand how the Dragon Clan could help Liu Zheng.

But it's too late.

Even the pirates felt a fatal threat.

I wanted to retreat, but it was too late.


The giant sword fell instantly, and a bright crack appeared in the entire sky.

The coastline of the Kamikaze Dynasty completely collapsed.

And the king of the Kamikaze Dynasty was shocked to death on the spot.

The army behind him was also slaughtered.

At this time, Liu Zheng exuded endless killing intent.

The existence of this Kamikaze Dynasty is the deepest shame for the Han Dynasty.

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