Li Yuanba showed a disdainful smile on his lips.

He stretched out his hand.

"Ka La!"

There was a flash of electricity on his fingers.

Then, he grabbed Xiang Yu.


When the opponent just approached, Li Yuanba's right claw was on Xiang Yu's shoulder.

This blow fell.

The opponent's whole body was shaking.

And at this moment.

Liu Zheng said slowly.

"Send all these corpses to the west gate and tell those noble families.

Three days later, attack the Great Qin Imperial City.

Anyone who dares to disrespect will be killed without mercy!"

A cold voice sounded.

The soldiers around him shuddered.

Then, he shouted respectfully.

"I obey the order!"

Then, everyone walked towards the battlefield.

But Liu Zheng at this time did not stop his steps.

He walked straight out of the palace.

He was ready to practice the technique.

During this period, Liu Zheng did not forget to practice while refining the elixir.

Now, he finally refined the technique thoroughly.

Now, he just needs to find a good time to overcome the tribulation.

When he came to the outside of the palace gate.

Cao Zhengchun had already knelt down respectfully.

After Liu Zheng sat down.

He asked.

"Eunuch Cao, is there anything going on here?"

After hearing the voice, the other party hurriedly said.

"Your Majesty, when you were in seclusion, the Heavenly Court sent an envoy to come.

Ask Your Majesty to discuss matters!"

After the voice fell, he lowered his head.

He did not dare to look up.

But Liu Zheng did not care and said slowly.

"In that case, then go ahead.

By the way, see how those people from the aristocratic families are going to deal with it!"

He stood up while speaking.

Cao Zhengchun did not dare to neglect it, and immediately followed behind him.

The two walked out of the palace.

The soldiers they met on the road.

They all knelt down respectfully.

They were in the Han Dynasty, but they saw how powerful Liu Zheng was.

The other party is a person who can decide life and death with a single word.

Moreover, more importantly.

Liu Zheng's subordinates are all strong.

Take Li Yuanba and Lu Bu for example.

Even if their parents come, they may not be opponents.

And just as the two walked towards the council hall.

Outside the palace of the Qin Dynasty.

Teams of soldiers gathered at the door.

They were all on guard.

Because, at this time, thousands of family heads gathered in the hall.

There was a hint of gloom in their eyes.

Although they were extremely angry, they had no way to deal with it.

The strength of the Han Dynasty was too strong.

These family elders were almost killed.

Now, only they were left.

However, facing such a strong Han Dynasty.

They couldn't even raise their hearts to resist.

And at this time.

Liu Zheng and Cao Zhengchun also rushed over.

"Your Majesty!"

After seeing Liu Zheng's arrival.

The heads of the major families in the hall all bowed and spoke.

At this moment, they were extremely terrified.

"Stand up!"

Liu Zheng said lightly.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

At the same time.

Those heads of the families dared to stand up.

At this moment, they were all uneasy.

Especially those heads of the families.

As soon as Liu Zheng stepped into the hall, the sharp breath oppressed them and made them breathless.

However, they dared not retreat now, because they knew that they still had hope of survival.

Otherwise, death would be waiting for them.

"Family heads, I heard that you intend to attack my Great Han Imperial City!"

Liu Zheng said.

At this moment, his eyes exuded a cold light.

Such a family alliance is a threat to any force.

And as his voice fell.

Others did not know how to speak.

In the end, they just gritted their teeth and said.

"Your Majesty, we are willing to surrender!"

As he spoke, he took out the jade talisman from his arms and threw it to the person beside him.

This is the jade talisman shared by the aristocratic alliance.

As long as it is crushed, the heads of other aristocratic families will feel it instantly.

This is a signal of surrender.

At this time, Liu Zheng did not say anything extra.

He just nodded and left.

Such a scene made the heads of the major aristocratic families feel relieved.

At least, there is no problem in saving their lives.

On the other side, Liu Zheng did not stay.

He returned directly to the hall.

He continued to retreat and break through his realm.

At this time.

Guests were welcomed in the Great Qin Imperial City.

These people were all wearing armor.

They came on giant beasts.

They exuded a strong murderous aura.

At the same time, the Han people were also ready for battle.

They understood that the other side was an enemy.

Looking at the camp of the army, Liu Zheng frowned.

This is the army of the East Wilderness.

Why would the other party come to the Great Qin Imperial City?

And just as he was thinking.

The leader spoke first.

"You are the army of the Han Dynasty!"

This person is clearly the Kamikaze Prince.

He is clothed in gold.

There was a glint in his eyes.

I came here this time because I wanted to test it out.

"We are from the Tianfeng Dynasty, and according to the imperial edict of our Divine Wind Dynasty, please Your Majesty to move to the Tianfeng Imperial City!"

He said extremely proudly.

The soldiers behind him roared at the same time.

"In accordance with the imperial edict of the Tianfeng Dynasty, we ask Your Majesty to move!"

They were condescending, looking down at the generals of the Han Dynasty.

The purpose of coming to Dahan this time is to let Liu Zheng know how powerful he and others are.

After all, today's big men are rising too fast.

If it cannot be stopped in time.

It will be too late later.

At this time, Liu Zheng was indeed filled with anger.

He had just killed the leader of the Xiang family.

The Kamikaze Dynasty came with troops to invade.

Do you really think that a big man is made of mud?

However, just when he was about to take action.

Cao Zhengchun stopped him.

Said softly.

"Your Majesty, please be patient.

The other party is just a small role.

I'm a big man and I'm not afraid at all! "

At this time, Cao Zhengchun's eyes flashed with cold light.

And right now.

The general of the Kamikaze Dynasty indeed said with a smile.

"Haha, I didn't expect you humble ants to actually know me.

Tell you, today I, the Kamikaze Dynasty, are here to attack you, the great man.

As long as you surrender.

All past grievances can be cleared up.

Otherwise, just wait and die! "

At this time, he was extremely arrogant.

Even provocative.

And just after his words fell.

The big Han soldiers around had cold murderous intent in their eyes.

They didn't expect it.

The other party would be so presumptuous.

And right now.

The great commander of the Kamikaze Dynasty.

But he said it again.

"Han Emperor, you have thought it through.

If you don't agree, don't blame me for being rude! "

The voice sounded.

Everyone was staring at Liu Zheng.

And at the same time.

Liu Zheng said slowly.

“Hmph, a mere barbarian country actually dares to seek respect.

You have the wrong person.

Today I will let you know the price of offending a big man! "

There was a sense of solemnity in the voice.

This made the general of the Kamikaze Dynasty show disdain in his eyes.

And right now.

Liu Zheng had already waved his arms.

In an instant, the army charged forward.

The two sides were instantly intertwined.

Screams and shouts of death could be heard in the open field.

The generals of the Han Dynasty carried astonishing energy with every blow they fired.

In a short period of time, it has reached the absolute top.

And those generals of the Kamikaze Dynasty.

Under the attack of the Han generals.

But he looked more and more embarrassed.

a short time.

They just lost.

And the ordinary soldiers who followed were even more vulnerable.

In an instant, pieces fell down.

At this time, the commander of the Kamikaze Dynasty had a look of horror in his eyes.

He knew it in his heart.

This big man is too fierce.

If they don't escape, the entire army will be destroyed.

Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate, turned around and ran towards the distance.

However, not long after he ran out.

Cao Zhengchun's figure flew out.

His palm prints rolled in the air.

It turned into a vast star and hit the commander's back hard.


A muffled sound fell.

Blood mist splattered.

The great commander was killed on the spot in an instant.

But at this time, Cao Zhengchun did not stop.

Leading the army, they fought towards the depths of the city.

Since these barbarians are unwilling to surrender, they will only be destroyed.

And when he was in the excitement of killing.

A burst of noisy sound came out.

"You bold thief, you dare to kill me, a member of the Kamikaze Dynasty.

It’s simply courting death! "

As soon as he finished speaking, a burly figure appeared in the field.

The armor on the opponent's body bloomed with brilliant brilliance.

Holding a sharp blade.

There was a ferocious look on his face.

And behind him.

An army of millions followed closely behind.

The leader was actually the head of the Daxia royal family, Xia Yu.

The patriarch of the Xia family, after seeing the scene in front of him.

His face was extremely gloomy.

This time, he originally planned to take the opportunity to get rid of the Han Emperor.

But he didn't expect that he would encounter a powerful man from the Qin Empire, and most importantly, kill the envoy of the Kamikaze Dynasty.

If this matter is reported back to Daxia.

I'm afraid it will cause huge shocks.

Therefore, when seeing Liu Zheng.

Without any hesitation, he shouted.

"Get them for me!"

The voice sounded.

The guards around him rushed forward.

The swords in their hands glowed.

Emit a dazzling light.

But Liu Zheng stood on the same spot, but did not move.

I saw Cao Zhengchun's body leaping up.

He greeted him with a punch.

Although these guards of the Daxia Dynasty are not weak in strength.

Some people have even reached the fifth level of Dao Yi Realm.

However, how could it be possible to resist Cao Zhengchun's attack.

The fist roared out.

He crashed directly into the crowd.

The blazing energy spread.

Those guards were pushed out in the blink of an eye.

Blood was all over the ground.

Cao Zhengchun's voice rang out.

"Your Majesty, these guards of Daxia are vulnerable.

You hurry into the city!"

After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng nodded.

He led the army and walked into the city.

This time, he must stabilize the situation as soon as possible.

Otherwise, once the Kamikaze Dynasty counterattacks.

The entire Han court is in danger.

Just after he entered the city.

Waves of shouts came from all around.

It was the people from all counties and prefectures who gathered together.

"Greetings to His Majesty, the Emperor of Han!"

They knelt on the ground.

There was a fanaticism in their eyes.

Such an emperor of Han is trustworthy.

"Stand up!"

Liu Zheng said lightly.

Then he sat on his dragon throne.

Looking at the general outside the city, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Then, he roared.

"You are really so bold.

You actually sent a large army to invade my Han court. What crime should you be punished for!"

The voice sounded like thunder.

The general couldn't help sweating on his forehead.

He didn't expect that the majesty of the Han emperor would be so strong.

At this time, he said tremblingly.

"Your Majesty, the Han emperor.

All this is a misunderstanding. We, the Kamikaze Dynasty, are willing to surrender.

Please spare my life!"

The voice sounded.

There was a panic in his eyes.

He was really scared.

If the Han emperor didn't agree, he would definitely die.

However, after hearing the voice, Liu Zheng's mouth corners showed a smile.

Slowly said.

"Oh, willing to surrender, what's the reason?"

There was teasing in the voice.

The general's face flushed.

He didn't dare to say much.

After all, he killed the Kamikaze Dynasty.

If Liu Zheng hadn't asked, he wouldn't have dared to admit it.

After seeing such a scene.

Liu Zheng continued to speak.

"Since you don't want to say it, there's no point in keeping it.

Kill it!"

After the voice fell, Cao Zhengchun didn't hesitate.

He grabbed the other party.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, he crushed his neck directly.

Then, he said respectfully again.

"Your Majesty, I have dealt with all the soldiers and horses of the Kamikaze Dynasty.

Can these people be settled!"

At this time, Cao Zhengchun showed a cautious look on his face.

For fear of angering the other party.

But Liu Zheng, after hearing the voice, said lightly.

"Collect it first, and talk about it later!"

His brows were slightly frowned.

This expedition was originally intended to rely on the morale of these people.

To improve the fortune of the Han Dynasty.

But he didn't expect to encounter trouble.

And just after his voice fell.

Lu Bu at the city gate stepped in in an instant.

There was a cold murderous aura flashing in his eyes.

He looked at the general and said slowly.

"Your Majesty, I will deal with this man!"

There was a bit of murderous meaning in his voice.

Cao Zhengchun was stunned.

However, he did not dare to disobey the order and retreated directly.

The general was shocked.

He never thought that Lu Bu would appear in front of him.

"Your Majesty, help me!"

He begged.

However, Lu Bu would not listen at this time.

He swung his sword and slashed.

The sharp sword energy was crisscrossing between heaven and earth.


The next moment, the general was split in half.

And this was just the beginning.

After the general fell.

The soldiers of the Han Dynasty and the people from all over the country rushed into the city.

At this time, the generals guarding the city showed a look of horror in their eyes.

They didn't know why such a change had occurred.

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