At this moment.

Liu Zheng's cold voice was heard.

"Fengxian, you lead the army and completely occupy this place. Anyone who dares to approach will be killed without mercy!"

The voice sounded, making Lu Bu's face even more ferocious.

Then, he said respectfully.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After the voice fell, the whole person's figure flew up.

He rushed straight into the city to kill.

For a while, screams rang out.

The whole city was full of blood.

The people of the Great Qin Holy Court were very fierce and did not leave any survivors at all.

The strength of these people was too low.

In their eyes, they were just like ants.

While the people of the Han Dynasty were killing.

In the distance, a cavalry team was galloping towards this place at a rapid speed.

When he saw the situation clearly.

The leader was furious.

He was Zhao Yun, the prince of the Song Dynasty.

The Song Dynasty was the only dynasty under the Great Zhou Dynasty, and now it has surrendered to the Han Dynasty.

Under such circumstances, who dares to provoke the Song Dynasty?

Now, the people of the Kamikaze Dynasty are obviously looking for death.


Zhao Yun's voice was full of indifference.

As the order was issued.

The people of the Song Dynasty rushed forward.

Wherever they passed, both ordinary troops and senior generals were killed.

Such a scene made people from other dynasties dare not stay and evacuate one after another.

Such things happen every year.

After all, this is what the Han Emperor likes to do most.

If they don't run away, they will die.

As long as they leave, the Han Dynasty can't do anything to them.

Therefore, in a short period of time, the entire Northeast Three States, except for the Song Dynasty, all other cities have fallen.

When the Han army appeared on the edge of the Northeast Three States.

A strong smell of war permeated.

Such an atmosphere is suffocating.

The army exudes a terrifying momentum at this time.

Especially Lu Bu, holding a painted halberd and standing there.

His eyes scanned the surroundings.

The faces of the city lords turned extremely pale.

At this time, they did not dare to neglect it at all, and they did not even dare to breathe.

Because the great Han warrior in front of them was too strong, beyond their expectations.

"Your Majesty, the three states in the northeast are now all under the control of my Han.

How are you going to deal with the remaining places!"

Zhao Yun said respectfully.

"Tell those dynasties that I allow them to migrate.

However, they must act according to the rules.

Otherwise, it will be a disaster for the destruction of the country!"

Liu Zheng's cold voice came out.

Then, he turned around and returned to the palace.

He did not believe that all dynasties could abide by the law so easily.

Sure enough, after he entered the palace.

Those city lords gathered together to attack Liu Zheng.

"The Han Dynasty is simply bullying others by doing this.

My Song Dynasty will never compromise!"

The voice sounded.

With a hint of resentment.

"Yes, our Song Dynasty is also a hegemon.

How can we be controlled by others!"

"The Han Emperor is too much!"


For a moment, the heroes were excited.

However, how could Liu Zheng be afraid?

He directly ordered Cao Zhengchun.

"Tell Lu Bu.

Kill all these rebels!"

After the voice fell, Cao Zhengchun's figure disappeared.

And outside the hall at this time.

Lu Bu had been waiting here for a long time.

"Greetings, Your Majesty!"

There was excitement in his voice.

His cultivation level finally broke through.

"Well, follow me to the three counties in the northeast to see.

By the way, kill those dishonest guys!"

Liu Zheng said calmly.

At this time, although he was still sitting on the dragon throne.

But, he had a feeling of looking down on the world.

At this moment, Lu Bu knew in his heart that the rise of the Han Dynasty was not far away.

Then, he nodded and agreed, ready to follow Liu Zheng out of the hall.

And just as he stepped out of the hall.


In the sky, waves of dragon roars sounded.

Then, a giant python was seen coiled in the void.

It was Jiuling Yuansheng who came.

"Your Majesty!"

When he saw Liu Zheng, Jiuling Yuansheng said respectfully.

"No need to be polite!"

Liu Zheng smiled and said.

Then, he said.

"You have worked hard during this period.

These city lords are not honest, I need to suppress them!"

The voice sounded.

Jiuling Yuansheng's eyes were red.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, I am willing to follow you!"

After the voice fell, he stood still.

Now he has broken through the bottleneck and successfully advanced to the fifth level of the Golden Immortal.

He can help Liu Zheng a lot.

"Haha, good!"

Liu Zheng said with a big laugh.

He didn't expect Jiuling Yuansheng to be so loyal.

He said immediately.

"Let's go and take a look at the three northeastern states!"

The voice sounded, and everyone followed the other party and walked away.

At the same time, the Kamikaze Dynasty was also retreating under the attack of the Song Dynasty.

The elite soldiers of the Song Dynasty were like wild beasts, constantly crashing into their defense lines.

At this time, the eyes of the kamikaze generals were almost filled with despair.

How could people like him be the opponent of the big man?

But just when they panicked.


The walls collapsed.

The Song army actually broke in directly from the gap.

And these kamikaze generals were even more trapped in a corner.

There was a look of horror in his eyes.

"Emperor Han, our Kamikaze Dynasty is at odds with you!"

"Hmph, there are many common people in your dynasty. Do you have the heart to kill them?"

Liu Zheng's voice sounded, leaving the kamikaze general speechless.

"Kill, kill for me, these kamikaze legions must be destroyed today.

Otherwise, how can we repay His Majesty's kindness! "

A general from the Song Dynasty shouted.

Then, he took the lead.

The long knife in his hand flashed with dazzling cold light and struck directly at the head of the Kamikaze general.

No matter who sees such a scene, they will be shocked.

And that general was no exception.


He met the general of the Song Dynasty with both fists.

In an instant, the two collided.


A stream of blood spurted out at this moment.

The Song general flew out upside down.

On the other side, Jiuling Yuan Sheng also took action.

He took one step forward, and his body jumped up to ten thousand feet.

The giant ax in his hand fell hard.

The blazing ax light flashed out in an instant, blasting straight towards the divine wind general.

The other party simply cannot avoid it.


There was a burst of cracking sounds.

The neck actually broke in an instant.

Death comes.

Then, Liu Zheng opened his mouth and shouted.

"Clean up the battlefield and prepare to return to Dahan!"

After the words fell, Jiuling Yuansheng led the Great Song Dynasty Iron Cavalry and walked towards the distance.

Wherever they passed, no one dared come near.

After all, these people were really afraid of the powerful Han cavalry.

This time, under the command of Jiuling Yuansheng.

The Iron Cavalry of the Song Dynasty pushed aside all the resisters.

Regardless of whether they are people from the secular world in the city.

He is also a disciple of various major sects.

When encountering the Han cavalry.

They all didn't dare to stop them in the slightest and surrendered obediently.

The Han army quickly occupied the city and built territory.

Only half a month's time.

The entire three northeastern counties were completely transformed into the territory of the Han Dynasty.

And after Liu Zheng finished solving the three northeastern counties.

Didn't stay any longer.

Leading the army, they swept towards the northwest.

His goal was to look south to the west of Buzhou.

At this time, the other party was also actively planning to resist the Han Dynasty.

If Liu Zheng's army appears, it will definitely cause a bloody storm.

And just after Liu Zheng left the three northeastern counties.

On the edge of the Eastern Wasteland, a huge car drove ushered in.

The carriage at the head was extremely luxurious.

It has a unicorn embroidered on it.

The horses pulling the cart are even more unusually strong.

The whole body is wrapped in scales.

It looked extremely ferocious.

At this time, we were driving slowly on the grassland.


One of the guards roared.

Then, he drove the horse and rushed into the depths of the grassland.

And in that carriage.

A beautiful woman with a solemn look on her face.

She is not too old.

However, the figure is extremely plump.

Skin is delicate and fair.

Exudes seduction.

Moreover, there was a touch of majesty between his brows.

If Liu Zheng were here, he would definitely recognize this woman.

Because the other party was clearly Ji Ying, the woman who had a one-night stand with Liu Zheng.

"Princess, we have been gone for three days.

If you work harder, you will reach the Great Xia Dynasty.

Tell me, after His Majesty finds out about your escape, will he blame you? "

After hearing the sound.

Ji Ying said with a slight frown.

“Oh, don’t mention that heartless man.

He is no better than my elder brother.

If it weren't for him, how could I have made such a choice! "

Ji Ying said angrily.

Liu Zheng saved her when she was in the most danger.

And she also promised the other party that she would serve him for the rest of her life.

Unfortunately, he broke his promise in the end.

Thinking of this, a look of regret appeared in his eyes.

But, at this moment.

"Da da!"

The sound of rapid horse hooves was heard.

Then, a cavalry roared over at this moment.

Looking at Ji Ying, he shouted coldly.

"Ji Ying, you actually betrayed the royal family, you really deserve to die!"

This is a prince, and his father is a prince.

This time, he was also ordered to capture Ji Ying.

Just didn't expect it.

Just after arriving at the grassland, I saw Ji Ying.

Although Ji Ying was dressed plainly, she was even a little embarrassed.

But he still recognized the other party.

After all, this is his fiancée.

Immediately, he shouted fiercely.

"Hmph, I don't owe you anything.

Your father forced me to do it.

If he doesn't agree with me marrying into the royal family, he will kill my whole family. What can I do? "

After hearing the voice, the prince said coldly.

Then, with a wave of his hand, his soldiers captured Ji Ying.

Then, he said coldly.

"Don't you like the Han Emperor? I will send you to find him this time!"

After the voice fell.

Ji Ying couldn't help but shrink her pupils.

And at this moment.


Just when she wanted to struggle.

Thousands of cavalrymen appeared around her.

The leader was holding a war spear and his eyes were wide open.

The body exudes a brilliant metallic luster.

It was Cao Zhengchun, now wearing golden armor.

It's like a god descending to earth.

"Who are you?"

After hearing the sound, the prince asked.

However, just after his words fell.

Cao Zhengchun's body bloomed with fierce murderous intent.

The next moment, the spear in his hand was stabbed directly.

"call out!"

A sound broke through the air.

Like thunder.

And after seeing this scene.

The guards beside the prince rushed to greet him.

However, Cao Zhengchun is too strong.

How they are rivals.

The spear drew a gorgeous arc.

In the blink of an eye, it penetrated several people's heads.

At this time, the murderous intent in Cao Zhengchun's eyes became more intense.

Then, he said coldly.

"Catch them alive!"

Just after the sound fell.

A group of soldiers gathered around him.

At this time, Ji Ying was frightened.

She had never seen such a battle.

What is this going to do.

"Miss, leave quickly. It will be safe when we reach the Great Xia Dynasty."

A guard shouted again.

However, he didn't wait for his words to finish.


Cao Zhengchun kicked out.

He directly kicked the old servant into a pulp.

And Ji Ying was indeed frightened.

She said as her body trembled.

"Don't mess around, I can give you money.

I'll give it to you as much as you want! "

"Haha, I don't lack money, nor do I lack beauties.

Just kill you.

I am the Prince Consort of the Great Xia Dynasty! "

Cao Zhengchun said with a smile.

At this time, his face was full of coldness.

But at this moment, Ji Ying finally couldn't bear it anymore.


"I'll fight you!"

As he spoke, he was ready to charge forward.

And right now.


Cao Zhengchun penetrated Ji Ying's shoulder with a spear.

Make the opponent unable to move.

Then, a cold voice sounded.

“Miss, this suffering is not over yet.

Take your time and enjoy.

Servant, please leave! "

After the voice fell.

He led his army and escorted Ji Ying towards the distance.

Inside the imperial palace of the Great Xia Dynasty.


The desk in front of Liu Zheng instantly shattered.

A fierce light flashed in his eyes.

These people deceive others too much.

Not long after he left, Ji Ying was robbed.

Needless to say, he also understood that it must be Liu Zheng's enemies.

But why are these people targeting Ji Ying?

Think of this.

In Liu Zheng's mind, he couldn't help but think of the scene when he met Ji Ying.

Her pure eyes seemed to still be vivid in his mind.

But now, it has become like this.

"The envoy of the Han Dynasty, come with me to welcome the bride!"

A moment later, Liu Zheng's voice sounded in the hall.

Since the other party dares to hurt Ji Ying.

Then I can't sit back and ignore it.

Then, he jumped up and stood on the dragon's shoulder.


A deafening roar sounded at this moment.

Then, the army appeared outside the city gate.

They marched in a mighty manner, causing huge clouds of smoke and dust wherever they passed.

It made the people in Daxia King's City feel palpitated.

No one knows what will happen today.

But at this moment, a Feiyunju was galloping at the front of the large group of people.

After seeing Liu Zheng, he knelt down respectfully and spoke.

"I will see your majesty at last. Please ask your majesty to avenge the princess!"

After saying that, he kowtowed to the ground.

Obviously, he was the first to receive news of Ji Ying's disappearance.

After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng nodded and said nothing.

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