And that prince of the Great Xia Dynasty.

He said disdainfully.

"Han Emperor, stop pretending.

Ji Ying will be my king's woman sooner or later.

If you dare to block it, you will pay the price.

Come on, kill me! "

After the sound fell.

Endless soldiers rushed towards Liu Zheng.

At this time, their eyes revealed bloodthirsty light.

But Liu Zheng didn't care at all.

Said slowly.

"Great Han warriors, kill them all for me!"

After the words fell, the entire army charged forward.

These soldiers, with the blessing, are all masters comparable to the ninth level of Daluo Golden Immortal.

Wherever he passed, screams rang out.

Especially Cao Zhengchun is brave.

A spear was dancing, and the people standing in front of him couldn't get any closer.

In a short period of time, most of them were killed.

It made the remaining crowd terrified.

At this time, Cao Zhengchun shouted angrily.

“Your Majesty has an order, those who surrender will be spared death.

Fight stubbornly and kill without mercy! "

After his words fell.

The momentum of the Han soldiers surged.

Every blow is like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

After seeing such a scene, the prince of the Great Xia Dynasty became a little panicked.

Because, he found that there were too many masters around Liu Zheng.

No matter how many troops he has.

Not an opponent either.

Thinking of this, he turned around and ran away.

However, he didn't get far enough to escape.

"hold head high!"

A dragon roar sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a giant dragon was seen sweeping out.

Wherever it passes, no one can escape.

He hit the prince directly.

The other party turned into a ball of blood mist in an instant.

All of this was seen by the powerful generals of Great Qin.

Although these people were not Han men, they were suppressed at this time.

After all, it really shocked them that a prince died like this.

And at the same time.

Outside the Han's military camp, rapid shouts of killing could be heard.

Then, I saw an iron cavalry charging towards the camp.

The fierce general at the head was the Tiger Leopard Cavalry who followed Li Yuanba to conquer the world.

However, at this time, it was him who was in charge.

At this time, his eyes were red.

He shouted to Liu Zheng.

"Your Majesty, the general's rescue is too late!"

After the voice fell, tears remained in his eyes.

If he had been a little faster, the princess would not have been caught.

Thinking of this, his whole body exuded cold murderous intent.

"Well, you came just in time!"

Liu Zheng said calmly.

At this time, he was still acting calm and calm.

And at this moment.

Those people from the Great Xia Dynasty also came in.

After seeing this scene.

The general of the Han Dynasty did not hesitate at all.

They all stepped forward to fight.


For a moment, the battlefield was filled with shouts of killing.

And at this moment.

Liu Zheng looked at Cao Zhengchun and said slowly.

"Order three thousand black-armored troops to follow me on the expedition. We must rescue Ji Ying safely!"

After hearing the sound.

Cao Zhengchun did not dare to neglect and quickly retreated.

Liu Zheng's body moved and he rushed towards the place of battle.

Wherever he went along the way.

The army was like a torrent of steel, spilling blood wherever it passed.

But at this time, the people of the Great Xia Dynasty could no longer bear it.

These generals of Great Qin were extremely powerful.

Especially Liu Zheng.

His whole body was wrapped in purple armor.

Hunter has a cloak on his back, and thunder is beating on his palms.

With one punch, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered.

That prince is no match at all.

In a short period of time, he completely fell to the ground.

As for the Imperial Guards of the Great Xia Dynasty, they were even more miserable.

When they faced Liu Zheng.

Can't even resist.

One by one, they fell on the battlefield.

Such an attack method made the prince look extremely pale.


After punching the opponent away.

Liu Zheng's voice sounded again.

"Cao Zhengchun, seal the palace. I want to see who dares to attack the princess!"

"As you command!"

Cao Zhengchun responded respectfully.

Then, he yelled.

"Deploy defenses!"

The voice sounded.

In an instant, countless soldiers surged towards the surrounding areas.

Various protective barriers were arranged.

No one can set foot in it.

Even the space is frozen.

Liu Zheng, on the other hand, walked forward.

At this moment, his eyes flashed with brilliance.


And just when he was about to enter the palace.

A roar sounded.

Then, a huge figure appeared in front of Liu Zheng.

This person's size is dozens of meters long.

The whole body is dark in color.

Eyes red.

The body exudes a ferocious and ferocious aura.

"Haha, you must be Liu Zheng, I didn't expect that you would fall into a trap!

Be obedient and surrender, otherwise, I will definitely tear your body apart! "

There was a harsh tone in the other party's voice.

Astonishingly, it was the Ferocious Ape King who had escaped alive from the Spirit Beast Valley.

He once suffered a loss at the hands of Liu Zheng.

Now, how can I let the other party go? Naturally, I want to take revenge.

"Get away!"

However, just after his words fell.

Liu Zheng's cold voice sounded instantly.

Immediately afterwards, he kicked out.

Fiery Gang Qi burst out in an instant.

This kick contains boundless power.

The fierce ape king couldn't react at all, and his body was whipped out.

Then, he vomited blood and fell to the ground.

He knew in his heart that he had met a peerless master.

Don't dare to stay.


The whole body exploded in an instant.

It turned into blood mist and disappeared in place.

After seeing such a scene, everyone in the Han Dynasty couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Then he ran towards the big man's station.

This time, something happened to Ji Ying, and everyone knew that this big man was finished.

After all, Ji Hao is the king of a country.

The daughter was captured in the Royal Court of the Wilderness.

How could he just sit back and do nothing?

Sure enough, just after Liu Zheng led the army to leave.

Within the Great Wilderness Imperial City, there are endless experts gathered.

Their strength is unparalleled.

The worst ones are all the cultivation of the eighth level of the saint.

This is the real trump card of the Great Wilderness Royal Family.

Unless the big men come out in full force.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to be an opponent of the Great Wilderness Imperial City.

However, Liu Zheng at this time was not afraid.

He stood outside the palace.

He said coldly.

"The Emperor of the Han Dynasty is here. If you know what's going on, give up your resistance. I will spare your lives!"


In the Great Wilderness Emperor City, an old man said with a sneer.

"A mere Han Emperor, our army from the Great Wilderness Emperor City crushed each other in minutes.

You'd better just go ahead and get arrested, so as not to suffer any consequences! "

After the words fell.

It means to indicate left and right.

Prepare to strike.


I saw countless arrows raining towards Liu Zheng at this time.

Obviously, this was to force Liu Zheng to submit.

However, just after the arrow rain approached.

Liu Zheng's figure moved in an instant.

His palm stretched out and actually held the sharp blade.


Sharp claws cut through the void.

The head of the eighth-level saint from the Great Wilderness King City flew up and he died instantly.

And after seeing such a scene.

The remaining elders shouted angrily.

"Kill him for me!"

They did not expect that the Han Emperor would be so brave.

However, Liu Zheng was not really surprised at this time.

Because he knew that the big man was in danger now.

If that's the case, don't blame him for being cruel.

I saw just after the elder's voice fell.

Liu Zheng's body flew out instantly.

At the same time, he struck down with a knife.

Blazing brilliance bloomed in the sky.


As a roar fell.

Those ancestors were killed on the spot in an instant.

And right now.

On the other side, a figure quietly approached the house where Ji Ying was.

This man wore a golden robe and led many generals behind him.

There was a cruel look in his eyes.

There was even blood spilling from the corners of his mouth.

It was the commander of the Desert King City who had just been injured.

A ferocious smile appeared on his lips.

The door panel was directly smashed.

Looking at Ji Ying in the room, she shouted.

"You bitch, let me see where you are going!"

The moment the sound sounded.

Ji Ying's expression changed drastically.

She didn't expect that.

The great commander of the Desert Dynasty actually came in person.

However, it's too late to say anything now.

The other party was getting closer step by step, and she couldn't avoid it at all.

"Jie Jie, I told you a long time ago that this desert dynasty will be destroyed sooner or later, but you don't believe it.

Now, become a prisoner.

Not only you, but also your parents will be buried with you! "

The leader of the Desert Dynasty said with a crazy look on his face.

There was excitement in his eyes.

At this time, even the pain in his body seemed to have weakened a lot.

See this situation.

Ji Ying's eyes showed resentment.

Her jade wrist trembled slightly.

In an instant, endless poison appeared in the air.

He rushed towards the leader of the Desert Dynasty.

"court death!"

After seeing this scene, the other party said disdainfully.

He waved his halberd and swept out.


The giant python was immediately knocked back.

But Ji Ying took advantage of the opportunity and rushed out quickly.

But, just when she wanted to leave.

A sharp claw poked out again.

He grabbed Ji Ying.


A shrill scream came out.

Ji Ying at this moment.

But in the end he couldn't hold on any longer, and his figure flew out.

There was even a huge wound on his chest.

It made her face extremely pale.

"You guys are going too far!"

Ji Ying said through gritted teeth.

However, just after her voice fell.

The leader of the Desert Dynasty said coldly.

"So what if I bully you.

Whoever dares to block what I, the Desert Dynasty, want will be met with death.

Kill them all.

Don't leave any alive!"

After the order was given, the soldiers of the Desert Dynasty rushed towards Liu Zheng.

Their attack was extremely swift.

Especially the leader of the Desert Dynasty, who was surrounded by green light.

The sharp blade in his hand flashed with a cold light.

Ji Ying's pupils shrank.

I didn't expect that I would die here today.

Just when she was ready to fight to the death.


The dragon roared.

Then, a mysterious giant python appeared.

Its body was ten thousand feet long.

It exuded a strong pressure.

"Bang! "

The soldier who just touched the giant python was killed on the spot.

The commander of the Desert Dynasty.

There was a look of horror in his eyes.

Without any hesitation, he turned around and fled.

He felt the horror of the other party.

And Ji Ying's face showed surprise.

Although she had never seen this snake, she recognized the other party's breath. It was left by Ji Hao.

Back then, Ji Hao had summoned it.

But he didn't expect it to appear in front of him.


While Ji Ying was stunned, the mysterious giant python instantly wrapped it around his waist.

Then, it jumped into the sky.

The huge tail was whipped down directly.

"Kara! "

A thunderous explosion sounded in the air.

The entire hall turned into dust in an instant.

Ji Ying disappeared from the spot in an instant.

When she reappeared.

She was already on an altar in the center of the hall.

Around her, there were densely packed generals of the Great Desert Dynasty.

Seeing this scene, Ji Ying's eyes were cold.

She knew that she was finished.

However, there was no fear in her eyes.

She spoke slowly.

"I will go with you, don't kill my parents!"

After the voice fell.

She closed her eyes.

At this time, she had no way to resist.

She just hoped that the other party would keep their promise and let her see her parents.

"Haha, don't worry, my Great Desert Dynasty keeps its word.

You two will be safe in the future!"

After hearing the voice.

Ji Ying knew in her heart that she didn't have to worry.

Then, she began to prepare to follow the other party to leave.

"Roar! "

However, at this moment, a deafening roar sounded.

Then, endless black clouds appeared in the distant sky.

Above stood a ferocious beast that covered the sky and the sun.

It seemed as if it could suppress the whole world.

It made everyone's breathing stop.

And the commander showed fear in his eyes.

If he encountered such a ferocious beast, he would definitely die.

At this time, he even forgot to chase Ji Ying.

Even the mount under his feet was trembling and crawling on the ground.

"Roar! "

And just as he was thinking.

In the eyes of the beast, a gleam of light flashed.

Then, a powerful aura spread out in all directions.

In an instant, many soldiers of the Desert Dynasty in the hall knelt on the ground.

They did not dare to move at all.

At this moment, a thought came to everyone's mind.

This beast is definitely not an ordinary creature.

Even Ji Ying was the same.

However, just when they were guessing what the origin of this beast was.


A fist-sized bead spit out from the mouth of the beast.

When it flew out.

The surrounding spiritual energy almost condensed into substance.

It smashed straight towards the commander.

The speed was so fast that it was astonishing.

And at the same time, the commander of the Desert Dynasty did not care about anything else.

He roared.

"Roar! "

His body suddenly swelled up, trying to block the attacking energy ball.

But he couldn't do it at all.

In just a moment, the energy ball hit him hard.

The general of the Desert Dynasty was directly blown away.

Moreover, his body was covered with bloodstains.

This was the most seriously injured.

Because his bones were broken and his dantian was broken.

It was obvious that he would not live long.

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