And just when his figure fell to the ground.

The ferocious beast did not give up.

The huge mouth opened, and a ball of flame spurted out from the mouth.

The blazing temperature caused the surrounding void to distort.

After seeing such a scene, Ji Ying couldn't help but be startled.

Then, he shouted.

"don't want!"

At this time, the general of the Desert Dynasty was already dying.

If he allowed himself to be burned by the flames, he would surely die.

And after hearing Ji Ying's voice.

The ferocious beast's eyes were looking towards her.

There is a hint of ferociousness on the ferocious head.

It was as if he was considering whether he should kill Ji Ying.

After all, if it weren't for the other party, it wouldn't be here.

Thinking of this, the flames in the giant mouth became more and more intense at this moment.

The blazing high temperature makes people feel hot.

However, Ji Ying had no intention of backing down.

Still staring stubbornly at the ferocious beast.

After a moment, a ferocious look appeared in the beast's eyes.


The blazing flames instantly enveloped the commander.

The other party wanted to struggle, but it was already too late.

All he could do was wail in pain, rippling in the air.

But unfortunately, it is of no avail.

Gradually, his vitality was deprived of him, and finally when the flames burned out, his body completely shattered.

reduced to ashes.

This was his only thought before he died.

After Ji Ying saw such a scene, she couldn't help but shed tears again.

Then, he opened his mouth and shouted.

"Your Majesty the Han Emperor, please save my father!"

The sound was extremely shrill.

At this time, Liu Zheng was unwilling to hesitate.

He ordered below.

"Give the order, the whole army must assemble.

I will destroy the Desert Royal Court! "

After hearing the voice, Cao Zhengchun dared to neglect it.

He immediately spoke respectfully.

"Slave obeys the order!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he ran towards the outside of the city.

Liu Zheng walked towards the city.

This pass is too big. If it is not solved in time, it will take a lot of time.

However, just when he was approaching the city wall.

The city gate suddenly opened.

Then, bursts of shouts of killing were heard.

It turned out that Ji Hao had already led an army to attack the city.

At this time, when he saw Liu Zheng arriving, he immediately prostrated himself on the ground.

He spoke.

"General, I will pay my respects to Your Majesty!"

There was a touch of excitement and excitement in his voice.

I didn't expect that I was so lucky.

Liu Zheng had just stepped into the city.

That's what happened.

"Get flat!"

He said calmly.

Then, they walked towards the city.

At this time, in the royal palace of the Desert Dynasty.

The Lord of the Desert Kingdom had a smile on his face.

Since then, Ji Hao's strength has been promoted to the fifth level of saint.

After adding the support of the big man.

The strength of the Desert Royal Court has indeed increased a lot.

Although it is not comparable to the other three countries.

But for a short period of time, there was no problem.


The Desert King had just entered the hall.

The table in the main hall was overturned on the ground.

A woman stood in the middle of the hall and shouted.

"Trash, a bunch of trash, after all these years, you still can't get enough information.

Do you have to wait until I marry someone else to know when eldest brother will return? "

This girl is no one else, she is the pioneer general, Dugu Qian, the daughter of the Dugu family.

In this desert dynasty, she is the only one who dares to be so arrogant and domineering.

However, Dugu Qian today is a little strange.

Originally, she was supposed to be stationed at the edge of the desert.

But now, it appears in the royal city.

This has to be doubtful.


At this moment, there was a sound of slapping outside the hall.

But it was the general who was reprimanding his subordinates.

The subordinate was seen covering his swollen cheeks and kneeling on the ground without any resistance.

"Your Majesty, Miss Dugu, you cannot kill him. He is the person sent by me to find out the news. If something happens, our desert will be in danger!"

The Desert King said.

Although he also hated this daughter, how could he give up the lives of his men.

"Hmph, you coward, I don't care, I must find my eldest brother today, otherwise, get out!"

The sound sounded, and the hall became a little colder.

Then, he saw the general and shouted.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for not obeying my orders.

This battle is led by my king.

Even if I leave, he will definitely win. Just wait in the royal city.

I guarantee that the king will return in triumph in less than half a month! "

After hearing the sound, the Desert King nodded and stopped talking.

But Dugu Qian's face showed anxiety.

"Father, I don't care, you must send troops to help me find my eldest brother, otherwise, it will be my fault.

I don’t live anymore! "

When the voice fell, he sat on the ground and started crying.

The entire hall was filled with a sad atmosphere.

And just after her words fell.

The Desert King had no choice but to agree.

Then, he ordered the general to move the desert army to the southwest border to prepare to support Dugu Hao.

At this time, he knew in his heart that if Dugu Qian really caused trouble, the consequences would be unimaginable.

However, they had no idea that Ji Hao had already reached the border.

However, the Desert King's movements were fast, and Liu Zheng's speed was even faster.

"hold head high!"

As a burst of dragon roar fell.

On top of the golden chariot driven by Liu Zheng.

The army has been assembled.

At this time, Ji Hao was looking at the towering Xiongguan in the distance.

Said slowly.

"I'm here first!"

As the voice fell, the battle flag swayed and flew downwards.

But the strong soldiers following him were like a torrent.

Sweeping away into the distance.


At the same time, there was a roar.

The Four Elephants Legion also launched an attack.

Huge waves surged into the sky, crashing into the soldiers in the desert.

In an instant, the opponent is torn into pieces.

On the other side, the army was led by Ji Hao.

Rush towards the tower.


As the thud fell.

A huge head was thrown down.

It was the general of the desert.

Today, the desert army can be said to be a piece of loose sand.

There was no way to stop Ji Hao's impact.


But at this moment, the Desert King finally arrived.

He was riding a war horse with extremely cold eyes.

Looking down, he couldn't help but speak.

"Ji Hao, you actually dare to slaughter the people of my desert.

I will kill you today! "

The cold voice contained strong murderous intent.

At this moment, the Desert King completely exploded.

And after seeing such a scene.

Ji Hao ignored it and continued to kill the enemy crazily.

Although the Desert King is strong, he is by no means weak.

When the two fought against each other, they were evenly matched.

The expressions of those around watching the battle changed.


After another slash, Ji Hao turned around and prepared to retreat.

Now that the other party is here, there is no need to stay here.

But, at this moment.


In the moat of the desert, water splashed all over the sky.

A huge figure emerged from the water.

He looks extremely ferocious and holds a mace in his hand.

A fierce light flashed in his eyes.

Surprisingly, he is the guard commander of the royal city in the desert: Barbarian.

"Ji Hao, suffer death!"

At this time, Manhuang's eyes were about to burst. He was almost killed by Liu Zheng because of his greed for power.

This incident became an eternal pain in his heart.

Now, it was not easy to meet Ji Hao.

Naturally, he was not willing to let the other person off easily.

And after seeing such a scene.

Ji Hao couldn't help but reveal a bloodthirsty smile.

"Haha, Savage, if you want revenge, I will accompany you to the end!"

The sound fell, and the war spear flew into the air.

The blazing cold light bloomed and headed towards the wilderness.

The two sides collided.


A violent roar sounded.

Both of them were blown away.

A bloody hole appeared on Savage's chest.

Clearly injured.

But at this moment, Ji Hao took the opportunity to attack the opponent.

Just when he collided with Savage, he felt that the opponent was too weak.

Obviously, this barbaric strength is only at the sixth level of a saint.

In this case, I am naturally not afraid.


He roared and swung a sharp sword.

The bright golden light pierced the void in an instant.


The sword energy passed through, and a thunderous sound was actually formed in the void.

After seeing this scene, Manhuang's eyes showed a look of horror.

He did not expect that this mere emperor of Han Dynasty could actually unleash such an attack.

And in the next moment, he didn't even care about anything else and just ran away.

Because he found that he couldn't stop it at all.

But, how could he be Ji Hao's opponent.

Before he could run a few steps.


The sound of a sharp blade piercing the body was heard.

The wild eyes widened, and his figure stagnated for a moment.

Then he fell to the ground.

He died where he stood.

Next to his body, a token attracted everyone's attention.

"Is this the royal seal of the Desert King?"

one general exclaimed.

But the eyes of the Desert King couldn't help but shrink.

"Take it away quickly!"

He shouted to the people around him.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After hearing the sound, the generals around him did not dare to neglect and quickly ran towards Yuxi.

But, just when he stretched out his hand to grab it.

A big palm landed directly on his neck.


There was a crisp sound, causing the opponent's head to fall on his shoulders.

At this moment, the soldiers in the desert did not dare to resist at all.

And those clan members did not dare to stop him.

In their opinion, Ji Hao's ferocity was beyond their ability to resist.

Especially when they saw the corpses all over the ground.

I even felt that my liver and gallbladder were about to burst.

The Han Dynasty was really cruel.

Not only did they kill the soldiers in the desert, but they also didn't spare the civilians.

But at this moment, the Desert King shouted again.

"Quick, inform my son!"

There was panic in his voice.

Because he knew that he could not stop such killing attacks at all.

I can only rely on my son's help.

"Father, don't worry, I'm here!"

The voice sounded.

Just saw a young man walking towards the battlefield.

The other party is extremely tall.

The whole body is covered with black armor.

Holding a sharp ax.

The whole body exuded a fierce aura.

It was the prince of the desert.

And right now.

Ji Hao's eyes were also staring at each other.

When seeing the other party's cultivation level clearly.

He couldn't help but be startled.

"Fifth Level of Saint!"

At this time, the opponent had already broken through.

However, I thought that the other party was born in the wild.

Ji Hao felt relieved.

"Father, what's going on!"

The prince asked with a frown.

He had just come out of seclusion.

But I don't understand why such a tragedy happened.

After hearing the sound, the Desert King pointed at Ji Hao and said angrily.

"This traitor not only broke the moat and dam of my desert, but also killed tens of thousands of my soldiers.

You cut him into pieces for me! "

After his voice fell.

The prince's eyes sparkled with bursts of sparkle.

He did not expect that his father would be defeated at the hands of a Han emperor.

Therefore, the next moment was to shout loudly.

"Father, please step back and the child will take care of him!"

After the words fell, his figure turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Ji Hao.

At the same time, he raised the weapon in his hand and faced Ji Hao.


The two sides collided together.

A huge strong wind rippled out.

It knocked the surrounding trees to the ground.


Ji Hao, on the other hand, refused to give in at all.

The killing intent in his body almost covered the sky.

The whole person stood in the field like a demon.

"hold head high!"

The purple-green pagoda above the head shines with dazzling light.

Be ready to suppress at any time.

However, at this moment, the Desert King shouted.


There was anxiety in his eyes.

Because, just now, when his son was fighting Ji Hao, he actually sensed that the opponent's body contained a strong killing aura.

If we continue to fight, I'm afraid someone will really die.

After all, Ji Hao kills people without any calculation.

However, just after his voice fell.

The prince and Ji Hao had separated after a brief stalemate.

Then, Ji Haosen's cold voice slowly came out.

"You want to save him!"

The cold voice contained endless murderous intent.

"Yes, I promised your mother and concubine to protect the flesh and blood she left behind.

No matter what happens today, I will not let you succeed! "

The Desert King said firmly.

There was a hint of madness in his eyes.

"Huh, if that's the case, then you can't blame me!"

Ji Hao said coldly.

At this time, he had no patience.


Then, he stamped his foot.

The heavenly palace appeared in an instant.

Powerful pressure filled the entire sky.

Then, the dragon roared.

The roc spreads its wings and soars ninety thousand miles.

Two wild beasts headed straight for the prince.

The speed is extremely fast.

The other party's expression couldn't help but change.

But the Desert King couldn't help but get furious.

"court death!"

But, how could Ji Hao pay attention to him.

King Yu's bow was drawn in his hand.

A huge arrow shot into the desert king's body in an instant.

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