
But the next moment, Ji Hao pointed out.

The sharp sword light splashed out, emitting dazzling brilliance.

It shot straight into the center of the Great Desert King's eyebrows.

This time, the opponent could not recover.

The body fell to the ground in pieces.

The Great Desert King died, died in Ji Hao's hands.

On the other side, Lu Bu was also in a bitter battle.

He was not the opponent of the Great Desert King, and there were too many strong men under the opponent.

Although he was outnumbered, he was not at all inferior.

But after all, the strength of these people had reached the sixth level of Quasi Saint.

In addition, there were also strong men of the fifth level of Quasi Saint sitting in charge, how could they match it.

So, in just a moment, he was seriously injured.

Keep gushing blood mist.


At this moment, Liu Zheng's roar came out.

Immediately afterwards, endless Han soldiers rushed forward.

Military camps were set up in the blink of an eye.

"Kill all the rebels for me!"

Liu Zheng's cold voice sounded.


Then, shouts of killing rang out in the air.

At this time, the soldiers had completely lost their minds.

There was only the desire to kill in their eyes.

The Lord of Daxia City stood on the city wall.

After seeing this scene, his pupils shrank.

"How could these soldiers of the big man suddenly become so crazy!"

He exclaimed.

I don't understand why things have developed to such a state.

At this time, Ji Hao simply ignored the Lord of Daxia City's doubts.

He stared straight at the battlefield with a terrifying light in his eyes.

The King of the Desert, he would never forgive.

However, just when he wanted to make a move again.

In the center of the desert, endless murderous aura rose up.

Everyone couldn't help but take a breath.

Then, they knelt down respectfully.

They didn't dare to be negligent in the slightest.

The deepest part of the Desert King's Court.

At this time, there was a man in a black robe, sitting cross-legged on the spot.

He exuded a cold aura, as if he had crawled out of the Nine Nether Purgatory.

"Desert King, we have helped you get revenge!"

At this time, an old man on the side said respectfully.

There was joy in his eyes.

"Hmph, you did a good job, but what about the things I want!"

A cold voice came out.

The elder did not dare to hesitate.

He quickly handed over a jade bottle.

In the jade bottle, there was a light blue liquid rolling.

It exuded a burst of fragrance, which made people intoxicated.

The Desert King stretched out his hand and grabbed it into his mouth.

In an instant, his body condensed again.

At the same time, his cultivation was slowly improving.

"Haha, it's really a good thing.

It's worth the years of thinking that this king has wasted!"

He said with a big laugh.

Then, he walked out of the city gate.

He had to leave at this time.

Otherwise, it would be really troublesome.


However, just when he walked out of the city gate.

A huge iron ball hit him.

It was Xiang Yu who made the move.

His face showed a bloodthirsty light.

This Great Desert King was almost certain to die under Ji Hao's attack.

Now, the other party was finally going to be killed.

However, before he could continue to chase.

A roar was heard.

"Bold thief, you dare to assassinate my people in the Great Desert King's Court, you deserve to die!"

The speaker was a strong man, whose strength reached the seventh level of Quasi-Saint.

At this time, holding a huge hammer, he hit Xiang Yu hard.

The blazing flames almost wrapped the other party.

Obviously, he was ready to kill him in one fell swoop.

After seeing this scene.

Xiang Yu's eyes were red.


He roared.

The painted halberd in his hand swept out.


The moment the two sides collided, the guard of the Desert King's Palace was directly chopped away.

And he himself was also seriously injured.

At this time, he did not dare to stay, turned around and disappeared on the spot.

Only Xiang Yu was left roaring on the spot.

However, he could not do anything to the other party.

Because the others also gathered around.

Such a situation was too dangerous for him.

But at this moment.


A sharp arrow broke through the air.

It was shot by the Golden Lion King.

The speed was extremely fast.

When it was close to Xiang Yu.

It was discovered.

Then, he felt a pain in his body.

"Your Majesty, save me!"

His shrill voice sounded.

But it was useless. Liu Zheng would not only not save him, but also send him off personally.

Therefore, as soon as his voice fell.

The Golden Lion King was completely killed on the spot.

Then, Liu Zheng opened his mouth and shouted.

"Capture the King of the Desert for me!"

The voice rang out, and the endless army rushed towards the city.

At this time, the entire battlefield was filled with a strong killing intent.

The brave generals of the Great Zhou kept charging.

And the Lord of the Great Xia on the city wall.

There was also a look of fear in his eyes.

Liu Zheng's power exceeded his expectations.

This time, I'm afraid I really won't be able to escape.

Thinking of this, a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

"Today I will fight with you!"

The Lord of Daxia City spoke.

The long knife in his hand actually gave off a dazzling light as he wielded it.

It turned out that he went straight towards Liu Zheng in the army.


As a roar fell.

The two collided.

Although the Daxia City Lord's cultivation was weak, he was still more ferocious.

In a head-to-head confrontation with Xiang Yu, he actually blocked the opponent's attack.

Everyone was stunned, but the next moment, they started to attack again.

However, Liu Zheng did not take action.

Let the other side fight with those big warriors.

After all, if the Great Xia City Lord blew himself up.

I'm afraid it could cause huge losses.

Moreover, with his own strength.

As long as you are willing, you can instantly destroy all the masters in the city.

However, Liu Zheng did not do this.

Just watched quietly.

After a while, blood finally flowed from the corners of the Daxia City Lord's mouth.

Obviously he couldn't hold on any longer.

At this moment, the soldiers on top of the city were torn apart in an instant.

"Your Majesty, please be careful.

This guy is going to blow himself up! "

Hearing the sound of the system, Liu Zheng was watching the battlefield.

His brows furrowed.

Because he knew that if he retreated, the Great Xia City Lord would definitely fall.

Thinking of this, his eyes flashed with brilliance.

However, in the end I chose to trust the system.

After all, he believed in the system and would not lie to him.

At this moment, the Daxia City Lord's target had indeed been fixed on Xiang Yu.

There was a look of madness in his eyes.

"Haha, you all deserve to die!"

There was a ferocious tone in the voice.

The sharp sword in his hand was thrust out.

"hold head high!"

The roar of the dragon sounded.

Xiang Yu jumped up and flew forward.

However, the Daxia City Lord was not to be outdone.

The sharp blade in his hand directly drew a bright light.

It hit Xiang Yu straight away.


There was a violent roar.

Xiang Yu's figure flew back in mid-air.

On the chest, there are white bone stubble exposed.

The soldiers around him couldn't help but shrink their pupils.

Don't understand why things turned out like this.

The army of the Great Zhou Dynasty, after a short period of silence.

The attack was launched again.

Their speed is very fast.

It was like a black cloud pressing over the top, surging forward.

Xiang Yu, at this time, was supported by the Han's imperial army.

No matter what, he is also a loyal minister of the Han Dynasty.

Xiang Yu cannot be allowed to die in his own hands.

At this time, Liu Zheng's eyes flashed.

His body slowly stood up at this time.

Then he shouted coldly.

"The entire army evacuates.

I'll deal with him! "

His voice was extremely cold.

It made everyone tremble involuntarily.

Unexpectedly, Liu Zheng would appear at this time.

"I will obey your orders!"

Huangjin Qushuai said respectfully.

Then, it retreated into the distance.

The same goes for other armies.

They know Liu Zheng's character well.

What the other party said must definitely count. Otherwise, he would not have walked out of the palace to fight the Desert King.

In this case, they must obey orders.

After all, Liu Zheng's majesty was not something they could disobey.

And just after they left.

Liu Zheng looked at the city lord of Daxia who was still resisting on the tower.

He spoke slowly.

"I've been waiting for a long time, now it's your turn!"

After the words fell, a pill suddenly appeared in his hand.


Without any hesitation, just crush it.

In an instant, a majestic vitality spread out.

Liu Zheng's injuries recovered almost in the blink of an eye.

He walked towards the city step by step.

The look in his eyes was extremely cold.

Every step you take.

There were bursts of thunder in the sky.


Immediately afterwards, a purple thunder and lightning condensed under his feet.

It made everyone extremely shocked.

"hold head high!"

Another roar sounded.

Behind Liu Zheng, a giant beast appeared.

His whole body was bathed in thunder and lightning.

It was the Thunder Leopard.

At this time, his hair was floating.

Bloodthirsty light bloomed in his eyes.

The aura on his body was terrifying.


Thunder Leopard, who had just reached the sixth level of Quasi-Saint, charged directly towards the top of the city.

He's too fast.

Leaving behind a bunch of afterimages in the void.


On the city wall, cracks appeared due to the smashing.

After seeing such a scene.

Everyone had a look of shock on their faces.

They did not expect that such a big man would appear.

"Hmph, how could I, Daxia, succumb to you!"

The Lord of Daxia City spoke.

The sharp blade in his hand swept out again.

However, there was no way to stop Thunder Leopard.

I saw the opponent opening his bloody mouth and biting it.


Fiery flames spurted out.

Above the neck of the City Lord of Daxia.

A huge head flew out.

Until his death, he could not believe it.

Liu Zheng actually beheaded himself.

All this is really too sudden.

But at this time, the other party's eyes showed excitement.

Then, they began to harvest the people near the city gate.

These people, under the siege of the vanguard army, could no longer hold up.

And when Thunder Leopard arrived.

Even more vulnerable.


He roared up to the sky, stretched out his huge claws and grabbed it directly.

Corpses fell to the ground one after another.

The screams kept ringing out.

However, Lei Bao didn't seem to feel it at all.

Just, right now.

Liu Zheng spoke again.

"Stop it!"

There was a hint of indifference in his voice.

This made Lei Bao dare not disobey.

Dang even stepped aside.

Then, he spoke to the bottom.

"Open the city gate and spare your lives today!"

After the voice fell, he stepped aside.

When the Daxia generals on the city tower saw Liu Zheng's statement, they did not dare to neglect it.

shouted quickly.

"Open the city gate and welcome the emperor into the city!"

After the words fell, the soldiers guarding the city gate did not dare to delay.

Even if it is pushing the city gate.

Although this Daxia city has many buildings.

But it is only built with stone.

There was no way he could stop the Thunder Leopard's impact.

Soon, the city gate was completely opened.

After seeing such a scene, Liu Zheng's eyes flashed.

Then, he walked in first.

And others followed.

The moment the city gate closes.

The whole battle is over.

The figure of the Great Xia City Lord was instantly reduced to ashes.

At the same time, the Golden Crow Army behind Liu Zheng also walked out.

This is Liu Zheng's latest army.

They are extremely brave, and they are assisted by the three-legged Golden Crow.

It can be said to be extremely fierce.

Now, he has grown into a true warrior.

Their eyes were filled with evil spirits.

"See Your Majesty!"

As soon as they entered the city, the generals prostrated themselves on the ground.

There was a respectful look in his eyes.

And right now.

Liu Zheng's mouth showed a smile at this moment.

Then, he spoke.

"Destroy all the major families in the city for me!"

He wants to eradicate all the major families.

Only in this way can the world be shocked.

Otherwise, your empire will eventually be taken away by others.

And after hearing the sound.

The generals did not neglect.

In an instant, they were rushing towards the major families.



Waves of roaring sounds sounded at this time.

All the major families in the city were in chaos.

Because they felt the breath of death.

Especially Li Yuanba.

He was tall and armed with a mace.

Wherever it goes, no one can resist it.

Anyone who gets close will be directly smashed to death on the spot.

There was a cold light in his eyes.

Now, he had never experienced such a scene.

All around him were strong men, protecting him.

This gave him a strong sense of security.

And at the same time.

Liu Zheng on the other side also led the army to join the front line.

As they walked, a vast aura of killing filled the air.

The temperature all around seemed to be getting lower.

When Liu Zheng rushed outside the city.

The people of Daxia in the entire city.

They had almost been slaughtered.

The smell of blood assaults your nostrils.

"Your Majesty, Daxia has been destroyed!"

Lei Bao stood respectfully behind Liu Zheng and said.

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