
After hearing the sound, Liu Zheng nodded, showing a satisfied look.

However, right now.

In the distance, there were cavalry roaring towards them.

They wore heavy armor and carried scimitars in their hands.

The leader is the Princess of Daxia.

After seeing such a scene.

Liu Zheng said slowly.

"To capture the thief, capture the king first and kill her!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lei Bao pounced directly on him.

This time, he wants revenge.


Lei Bao's fist hit Princess Daxia hard.

The other party didn't even have the strength to resist.

The whole person fell to the ground.

There was despair in his eyes.

However, just when she thought death was inevitable.

A vast coercion surged out in the sky.

next moment.

A woman in white appeared in the sky driving a chariot.

She looked at the Thunder Leopard below.

There was a hint of disgust in her beautiful eyes.

Then, he said.

"You evil beast, get out of here!"

The voice was extremely cold.

Just like the cold wind of Jiuyou.

It makes people shiver.

After hearing the sound, Lei Bao felt not only the slightest fear.

Instead, he shouted angrily.

"Damn you bastard, if your father hadn't seduced my father back then.

How could my mother die?

I am going to kill you! "

There was a hint of resentment in the voice.

And after hearing the sound.

The princess of Daxia was stunned for a moment.

She couldn't believe what her ears were hearing.

No one in the entire continent knows about the affairs between the Emperor Daxia and his father.

Moreover, many children were born.

No wonder Lei Bao would seek revenge on himself.

Thinking of this, there is no hesitation.

The figure suddenly flew out, and the jade palm was shot out.


The Thunder Leopard was shot straight away, leaving a pool of blood on the ground.

He struggled to get up.

Prepare to continue the charge.

But how could she be the opponent of Princess Daxia?

Right now.

The other party actually appeared next to him and waved out his jade palm.


Lei Bao's neck shattered in an instant.

Blood spurted out, looking extremely ferocious.

Immediately afterwards, the body fell backward.

As for Princess Daxia, her face was indeed ashen at this moment.

"Kill, no one will be left!"

At this time, her voice contained boundless murderous intent.

At this moment, the entire world seemed to be enveloped in a murderous aura.

And just after her words fell.

The generals behind him did not dare to neglect.

They rushed into the battlefield one after another.

Nowadays, their cultivation and strength have improved.

Every one of them is terrifying.

Especially the army under Liu Zheng.

Their fighting power is far beyond that of ordinary people.

Wherever he went, ordinary people were simply unable to compete.

In a short period of time, the battle situation stabilized.

Those civilians would not be in danger at all as long as they did not attack the city wall.

When Liu Zheng stood on top of the city and saw this scene.

There was a hint of joy on his face.

At this time, the generals of the Han Dynasty were all fighting hard.

Liu Zheng, on the other hand, stood with his hands behind his back.

He waited for the war to end.

At this time, most of the members of the Daxia royal family had been killed by him.

Only one escapes.

However, his strength is very weak and not worth mentioning.

Now, I'm afraid he has already been hiding.

Liu Zheng ignored it.

Just stop messing with yourself.

He is unwilling to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Sure enough, at this moment.

"Your Majesty, the Emperor of the Great Xia Dynasty wishes to see you!"

On top of the city, a general spoke respectfully.

The voice sounded, and Liu Zheng raised his eyebrows.

Then he said lightly.

"Let him in!"

The words just fell.

The Emperor of Daxia walked in respectfully.

His face was extremely pale.

On his forehead, there were beads of sweat seeping out.

However, when he saw Liu Zheng, he did not dare to neglect him.

Kneel down on the ground.

"Your Majesty, Emperor Han, spare your life. Our royal family of Great Xia is willing to surrender to you!"

At this time, he was completely frightened.

Liu Zheng existed like a devil in his heart.

If they come a step too late, the entire Great Xia will be destroyed in the hands of the other party.

How could this not make him panic?

After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng's eyes fell on the body of Emperor Daxia.

There was a glint in his eyes.

Then he spoke.

"I can spare your life, but you must promise me three things!"

A cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Your Majesty, please give orders, the common people will not give up even if they die!"

The Emperor of Daxia spoke.

And just after his words fell.

Liu Zheng's expression suddenly turned cold.

"First, hand over the dragon veins of the Great Xia Dynasty!

Otherwise, I, the great man, will crush the Great Xia Imperial Palace.

Article 2: From today on, your Daxia Dynasty will become a vassal force of the Han Dynasty! "

After hearing the sound, the Emperor of Daxia couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

But in the end he gritted his teeth and said.


He now understood that he had no other choice.

If he didn't agree, he would be slaughtered.

And just after his voice fell.

The bloodthirsty look in Liu Zheng's eyes became more intense.

He said slowly.

"Very good, then follow my rules.

Go and gather the clansmen!"

At this time, Liu Zheng's voice sounded.

The emperor of Daxia did not dare to neglect and quickly retreated.

A moment later.

The people of the major families in the city.

They gathered on the square.

They looked at Liu Zheng with horror in their eyes.

Although the Han Dynasty rose strongly.

The killing of various princes.

They were extremely shocked.

However, after seeing Liu Zheng.

Only then did they realize.

The information they knew.

was very little.

The other party was so fierce.

Moreover, the means were cruel.

They didn't know what to do.

However, Liu Zheng didn't care about these at all.

He said slowly to the bottom.

"Since you are here, follow me and leave.

Remember, everything here was fought for by your ancestors.

I hope you cherish it!"

"Bang bang!"

After hearing the sound, everyone thanked him.

Dare not delay at all.

After all, their lives are in Liu Zheng's hands.

At this time, Liu Zheng nodded with satisfaction.

Then, he walked away.

He was going to the prehistoric world, and the foundation of the Great Zhou Dynasty was naturally to be built in the prehistoric world.

On the other side.

The face of the Great Xia Emperor showed excitement.

There was a hint of ferocity in his eyes.

Then he spoke.

"Pass the order, all the children of the Great Xia.

Gather outside the city gate.

Today I swear to destroy the Han Dynasty's ancestral temple.

I want to tell the world that this time, the Great Xia is still supreme!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After hearing the sound, the eunuch beside him said respectfully.

Then he turned around and retreated.

The faces of the other people in Daxia became more and more solemn.

Because, at this moment, they also wanted to destroy the Han Dynasty.

Now, after the other party's words fell.

They felt extremely depressed.

They didn't know when they would encounter such a misfortune.

However, they forgot that if they had not done anything wrong, they would not have become prisoners.

This is their own fault.

At this time, the city gate rumbled loudly.

Then, dozens of flying boats.

Directly smashed the defense of the moat.

Flying towards the city.

These are the secret guards trained by the Daxia royal family.

At this time, they were finally used.

Their goal is only one, which is to kill.

At this moment, the whole city is almost filled with shouts of killing.


A flying boat emits a dazzling light.

Sweeping around.

They want to use the sharp blades in their hands to pierce Liu Zheng and the Daxia royal family.

Make them fall into the darkness forever.

At this time, Liu Zheng showed a cold smile on his face.

Then, he shouted coldly.

"Cao Zhengchun, send the cavalry to meet the enemy!"

He wanted to crush the opponent with absolute strength.

"I obey your order!"

After hearing the voice, Cao Zhengchun did not dare to neglect it.

He led the cavalry of the big man directly and rushed into the sky.

Their momentum seemed to tear the sky apart.

Every warhorse was shining with cold light.

The sharp swords and guns flashed with dazzling metallic luster.

Especially those soldiers, at the moment of galloping, there were bursts of dragon roars.

On their armor, there was a brilliant golden light.

The weapons in their hands were even colder.

Wherever they passed, those dark guards had almost no power to resist.

In just a short time, they were slaughtered.

And Liu Zheng stood on the top of the city and watched all this.

These young generals are still a little unstable.

This battle is bound to be injured.

But if not, how can he grow faster?

Sure enough, while he was thinking.

Cao Zhengchun had already roared.

"The King of Han has ordered to enter the palace of Daxia and kill all the people of Daxia!"


After hearing the voice.

Countless troops roared.

Then, they rushed forward.

The people of Daxia didn't even dare to say a word.

They knew that if they angered Liu Zheng, the end would be miserable.

And the emperor of Daxia rushed towards Liu Zheng at the same time.

His figure turned into a golden rainbow.

When his palm was extended.

The vast vitality was surging.

It turned into a golden long sword.

It chopped towards Liu Zheng.

It looked extraordinary.

However, after seeing such a scene.

Liu Zheng was not afraid at all.

He threw a punch and hit the golden sword light directly.

The two sides collided, making a clanging sound.

The sword light was shattering.

But Liu Zheng did not move at all.

At this moment, he was like a great king.

There was a look of disdain in his eyes.

Looking at the Emperor of Daxia, he said slowly.

"Kneel down now.

I will give you a decent way to die! "

After the words fell, murderous intent surged in his eyes.

This scene is too shocking.

The emperor of Daxia was actually forced to kneel down by the Han Emperor.

This is simply unbelievable.

And as time goes by.

The emperor of Daxia finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He knew it in his heart.

I cannot afford to lose this battle.

If you really kneel down.

My whole life is over.

"hold head high!"

A growl came from his mouth.

The body was actually emitting endless yellow light.


The next moment was to charge forward again.

His palms were like blocking out the sky and the sun.

Catch Liu Zheng.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng had a hint of disdain on his lips.


When the opponent's palm is just approaching.

His kick came out.

In an instant, the emperor of Daxia was kicked out.


A mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

There was a look of fear in his eyes.

"Han Emperor, how dare you bully me like this!"

His eyes were red and extremely angry.

However, what greeted him was Liu Zheng's cold voice.

"Insulting my son is an unforgivable crime!

You have great courage! "

After the words fell, he took a step forward.

The whole world seemed to be shaking.


Then, the emperor of Daxia was hit in the head with a punch.

Blood splattered.

It's shocking.

However, Liu Zheng did not stop at this time.

His figure jumped up and shot directly into the distance.

At this time, his speed was extremely fast, almost beyond common sense.

Wherever it passed, the air made a roaring sound.

The soldiers of Daxia were unable to react in time.

"Bang bang bang!"

Then, heads were thrown into the air one by one.

The blood mist filled the air and was extremely rich.

And right now.

The generals following Liu Zheng also charged forward.

The battle started instantly.

Such a scene is heart-stopping.

No member of the royal family of Daxia has ever seen such a scene.

They knew in their hearts that the Han Dynasty had succeeded in attacking the Daxia Dynasty this time.

After this battle, Daxia will definitely be destroyed.

And Xia Jie's eyes were about to burst.

The strength of the big man was far beyond his expectation.

He didn't know why his eldest brother lost.

However, at this time, he understood that if he continued to fight, he would definitely die.

So, even if you are ready to leave.

And just when he took action.


Two arrows pierced the void and shot towards him.

Astonishingly, two divine generals, Li Jing and Lu Bu, arrived.

At this time, the two men were holding sharp arrows.

Howling in the void.

Xia Jie's pupils shrank.

Then, there is avoidance.

However, the cooperation of Li Jing and Lu Bu.

How could it be a simple existence.

Although the opponent tried to dodge, he was eventually brushed to the edge.

A strand of hair fell to the ground.

At this moment, Xia Jie's expression became extremely ferocious.

As the majestic Lord of the Divine Court, he has never encountered such a thing.

But now, we can only resist forcefully.

Because, unless you escape.

Otherwise, I am afraid I will die here today.

Thinking of this, he shouted angrily.

"Kill me, kill the great Han Emperor!"

There was boundless hatred in his voice.

The other Daxia masters did not dare to neglect after hearing the voice.

They all rushed towards Liu Zheng.

For a moment, shouts of killing shook the surrounding area.

Liu Zheng's eyes showed a ferocious look.

"court death!"

He said, pointing with his finger.


With a thud it fell.

The bodies of the Daxia masters who gathered around them shattered into pieces in an instant.

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