And at this moment.

Cao Zhengchun's figure also appeared on the city wall.

At this time, he said respectfully.

"Your Majesty, what you ordered has been completed.

All the troops are stationed in the city! "

After the voice fell, Liu Zheng nodded with satisfaction and then spoke.

“In that case, let’s get started.

Remember, kill all the enemies.

Leave no one behind! "

After hearing the sound.

"As you command!"

Cao Zhengchun replied respectfully.

Then, it retreated downwards.

But the Emperor of Daxia looked at Liu Zheng with a look of horror.

At this time, he felt that his body was stiff.

"You, what do you want to do!"

At this time, he asked in horror.

"Haha, don't worry, I won't kill you.

However, I will let you experience all the hardships in the world before letting you die! "

Liu Zheng said with a smile.

Then came the order.

"Everyone listens to the order and closes the city gate, completely trapping the enemy here!"

his voice came out.

The next moment, he rushed towards the Great Xia Emperor.

At this time, the other party's eyes were filled with fear.

He didn't expect that the big man would do this.

This is simply cutting the grass and roots.

Not only must all Daxia's armies be destroyed, but they must also be eliminated together with themselves.

How can I not be afraid when I think of this.

However, it was already too late.

Liu Zheng's fist was shining with dazzling light.


One punch hit the chest of the Great Xia Emperor.

This time, the other party was completely dead.

The whole person fell to the ground, and his breath had disappeared.

And on the other side.

Those generals of Daxia were extremely cruel.

Their strength is not too weak.

Especially in these years, after practicing the skills given by Liu Zheng, he became even more powerful.

However, the opponent was too powerful.

Li Yuanba was fighting in front, with a huge ax constantly slashing.

Like a killing demon.

Anyone who gets close will be killed directly.

Zhang Fei turned into an iron tower.

There was a cold light in his eyes.

Each of his hammer blows weighed more than ten thousand pounds.

"Bang bang!"

Those ordinary soldiers could not even withstand such power.

The body exploded during the collision.

Blood mist drifted out.

This scene lasted for half an hour before it ended.

The Han general stood there with no expression on his face.

They are resting.

Waiting for the end of the war to return to Han Dynasty and resume his life.

However, right now.

In the city, there were bursts of cheers.

"Your Majesty is mighty!"

Then, they gathered towards Liu Zheng's location.

Their bodies all exuded a fiery aura.

This is the effect of taking elixirs, which can improve your cultivation level in a short period of time.

Whether it is used in combat or during daily practice, it has miraculous effects.

At this time, Liu Zheng had a look of joy on his face.

These people are all loyal to themselves.

Now that he has made a breakthrough, he can fight in all directions for him.

This is a good thing for him.

And at this moment.


Within the city of Daxia, roaring sounds were heard again.

This is the roar of Daxia’s dragon.

Immediately afterwards, a golden dragon was seen rising into the sky.

This is a general at the level of an emperor.

His strength is considered top-notch among masters of the same level.

At this time, after the roar fell.

It turned out to be a direct attack on Liu Zheng.

His figure flashed and he reached the top of the city in the blink of an eye.

He slapped Liu Zheng with a palm.

"hold head high!"

And just when his palm was stretched out.

A vast coercion enveloped the entire city.

Then, the Daxia Emperor showed a smile on his lips.

He originally thought he was going to die.

But he didn't expect that his reinforcements would arrive.


As the roar fell.

The Soaring Dragon Emperor was directly knocked away.

The body is shaking.

However, Liu Zheng did not stop.

"The sacred beast of the country appears!"

His voice just fell.

A tiger appeared on his shoulder.

A bright golden light bloomed from his body.

As if it were real.


The next moment, the sacred beast looked up to the sky and roared.

Huge claws clawed out.


Blood splattered.

The royal master of the Dragon Dynasty was directly crushed.


After seeing such a scene, the powerful powerful forces outside the city couldn't help but take a breath of air.

At this time, they finally knew how powerful Liu Zheng was.

The opponent's trump cards never seem to run out.

At the same time, Cao Zhengchun and Xiang Yu had already taken the lead in rushing into Daxia's city.

Wherever the army passes.

There was almost no resistance.

When the Han army attacked the center of the city.

The Emperor of Daxia's eyes widened.

At this time, he simply couldn't understand why Liu Zheng could summon such a ferocious beast.

Could it be the effect of the elixir?

But, it's too late to say anything now.

The Han army didn't give him a chance to think.

The blade passed, and his head rolled down directly.

Finally, he fell on the spot.

Then, the city fell into silence.

Liu Zheng walked slowly into the palace.

When he saw the body of the Great Xia Emperor.

He said lightly.

"Han Emperor, we are willing to surrender, please spare us!"

This time, the Han army was too powerful.

They had no power to resist.

Therefore, they had to choose to surrender.

After hearing the voice.

Liu Zheng frowned.

Although he won.

But he had no interest in the surrendered enemy.

After all, who knows if there will be traitors among them.

But at this moment.

A general of the Han Dynasty stood up and said respectfully.

"Your Majesty, these people are elite.

It is better to gather them into the army to increase strength.

It will not become a hidden danger in the future!"

The voice sounded.

Liu Zheng's face showed satisfaction.

The other soldiers also had a gleam in their eyes.

Indeed, they had never seen so many strong men under Liu Zheng's command.

If they could gather them together, it would definitely be a good thing for the Han Dynasty.

Thinking of this, Liu Zheng nodded.

"In that case, let's do as you say!"

The voice sounded.

The general of the Han Dynasty instantly knelt on the ground.

Said respectfully.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Although these people are all rebellious.

But now, they dare not disobey Liu Zheng's will.

Otherwise, the other party will definitely take action.

Then, they retreated.

After a while, several armies were assembled.

Their strength is much stronger than that of the vanguard corps.

Moreover, all of them took the elixir given by Liu Zheng.

At this time, the combat effectiveness is terrifying.

After seeing such a scene,

Liu Zheng's mouth also showed a smile.

Then, a cold voice sounded at this time.

"Let's go and attack Dongyi!"

After the voice fell, the Han army followed behind.

Heading towards the Dongyi King's Court.

The army was moving.

The speed was very fast.

Not only because of Liu Zheng's strong strength.

More importantly.

There were two fifth-level emperors guarding Liu Zheng.

Unless there were masters who surpassed the sixth level of the emperor or the eighth level of the quasi-saint.

Otherwise, no one could intercept them.

And the generals of Daxia were relieved at this time.

They finally saved their lives.

At the same time, Liu Zheng had led the army and was close to the Dongyi King's Court.

The army at this time was extremely excited.

Especially those ordinary soldiers.

In this level of war, there was no room for display.

They could only watch the battle.

Therefore, they shouted immediately.

"Your Majesty, let's attack and kill all those foreigners!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

A burst of noises sounded.

This time, they wanted to go to the battlefield immediately.

Just after the big man's voice fell.

Liu Zheng shook his head and said.

"There is no rush for this battle!"

He had to wait for the system's reward.

After hearing the voice.

The army did not dare to say more and was cautiously on guard.

However, just as the army was waiting.


A cannonball fell at the feet of everyone.

Then, smoke and dust filled the air.

A man in a black robe appeared on the spot.

His eye sockets were sunken and his eyes were gloomy.

It turned out that the strong man of the Dongyi tribe had arrived.

However, at this time, he looked extremely embarrassed.

His body was covered with scars.

Not only him, but also millions of troops were lying on the ground.

This scene made everyone's eyes show surprise.

The Dongyi tribe was extremely powerful, but they were defeated by the Han.

And just when everyone was shocked.

The man in black said in a fierce voice.

"Han Emperor, today is your end.

You killed my son, I will tear you into pieces!"

After saying that, he rushed towards Liu Zheng.

This is a top master.

He even reached the ninth level of the emperor.

He punched Liu Zheng.

This blow contained great power.

The space around him was constantly breaking.

In Liu Zheng's eyes, the brilliance was surging.

Then, he punched him.

Lu Bu beside him also shouted angrily: "Looking for death!"

He chopped down with an axe.

The whole person exuded a strong murderous intent.

In an instant, the two sides collided with each other.


There was only a roar.

The two separated.

The figure of the man in black robe retreated violently.

At this time, he showed a look of fear in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, he was defeated by Liu Zheng.

Then, he flew out again.

A blazing flame emanated from his body.

He wrapped around Liu Zheng.


At this moment, Guan Yu's giant spirit shadow condensed out.

His body was like a mountain.

He pushed it out with one palm.

The sky and the earth changed.

The man in black robe was completely suppressed.


Another violent collision was heard.

The man in black robe was knocked back continuously.

Finally, he fell to the ground.

After seeing such a scene.

Cao Zhengchun's eyes showed surprise.

The black-robed man's cultivation was very powerful.

However, compared with the top strong men of the Han Dynasty, the gap was too big.


Sure enough, the next moment, the other party spit out blood.

At this time, he showed fear on his face.

He felt that death was approaching.

Then, he said.

"Your Majesty the Emperor of Han, you won!"

The voice sounded.

And just after his voice fell.

Lu Bu's giant axe chopped down directly.


The head flew up, and the black-robed man was directly blown up.

No one expected such an ending.

Liu Zheng looked at the army in the distance and said slowly in a cold voice.

"The killing has just begun, and the Dongyi King City must be destroyed!"

After the voice fell.

He led the army away.

Almost all the people of various tribes encountered along the way were slaughtered.

Now they have entered the outside of Dongyi King City.

This is a majestic ancient city.

Although there are no strange buildings.

But it gives people a heavy feeling.

When the army stopped in front of the city gate.

The general in charge of guarding the king's city appeared in the field.

He is a young man.

His face is pale and a little scary.

At this time, beads of sweat flowed on his forehead.

When looking at the army, he was like an ant.

"Greetings to His Majesty, your subordinates are here to see Your Majesty!"

A respectful voice sounded, but there was a trace of panic in his eyes.

His strength is not very good.

He is just a member of the royal family.

Now, seeing the great Han army's formation.

How can he not be afraid.


After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng said lightly.

"I ask you, which forces are the strongest in this city.

If anyone surrenders, I will spare his life!"

The voice sounded, and the man guarding the royal city was stunned.

His face flushed.

At this time, he didn't know how to speak.

And at this moment.

In the army of the great Han army, Lu Bu did speak.

"My lord, these guys are all fence-sitters.

Not trustworthy!"

"Haha, what a trustworthy one.

In this case, today we will flatten this royal city.


After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng roared.

Then, the rolling army rushed towards the city gate.

Looking at the whistling Han army.

The general guarding the city gate couldn't help but change his face.


He shouted.

In an instant, dense arrows shot towards the city gate.

Just when the arrows just reached the city gate.

Xiang Yu beside Liu Zheng moved.

At this time, he showed a ferocious smile in his eyes.

The huge axe in his hand instantly drew a brilliant light.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang!"

A series of metal clanging sounds came out.

As time passed, the soldiers on the city gate.

Were swept to the ground directly.

In a short period of time, they were killed completely.

And at this moment.


The city gate was knocked out.

"Han Emperor, you are bullying too much!"

An old man appeared in the field.

There was a dazzling light flashing on his body.

It was the elder of the Dongyi tribe.

At this time, looking at Liu Zheng viciously, he said.

"Humph, today I, the Han, only ask for a fight!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xiang Yu jumped up directly.

He raised the huge sword in his hand.

Then, the yellow dragon behind him soared into the sky.


A roar sounded.

The yellow dragon turned into a giant golden python.

It opened its bloody mouth and bit the Dongyi elder.

"Don't run away, you evil beast!"

Seeing this scene, the Dongyi elder shouted angrily.

He was also preparing to attack.

However, just after he finished speaking.

Xiang Yu would not give him a chance at all.

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