Song Yu's son was so frightened that he peed his pants.

However, now that things have come to a point, a choice has to be made.

Therefore, after looking at Liu Zheng, he said:

"Han Emperor, don't mess around. We, the Song Dynasty, are one of the great clans of the Nine Provinces. Moreover, this time the Zhou Dynasty destroyed the country. You are seeking death yourself. If you kill the direct son of my Song family, you will be fighting against me, the Song Dynasty." Enemy. Even the gods can’t save you when the time comes!”

The voice sounded.

There was a strong hint of threat in his eyes.

However, Liu Zheng didn't care at all.

He said coldly.

"Whoever I want to kill, no one can stop me.

Today, even if the King of Heaven comes, it will be the same! "

After the words fell.

The figure disappeared instantly.

At the same time, a large number of Imperial Guards rose into the sky.

Gathering around.


The old man was just about to escape when he was chopped into pieces by a sword.

Blood spilled.

He never thought that Emperor Han would be so decisive.

At this time, the ancestor of the Song family.

Look at everything in front of you.

But he was completely stunned.

"Han Emperor, you can't kill me, otherwise I will be retaliated against!"

There was even a hint of prayer in his voice.


However, just after his voice fell.

The head exploded.

This time, he knew that the entire Song family was really doomed.

Liu Zheng, however, was still standing on top of the city.

There was a sharp light in his eyes.

He spoke slowly.

"Send the order and all the members of the Song family will be slaughtered.

All generals involved will be killed!

In addition, let the world know that from now on, the Han Dynasty will become the new lord of Kyushu! "

After the words fell.

Cao Zhengchun quickly retreated.

Then, start executing the command.

At the same time, the entire continent was shaken.

No one in Kyushu expected it.

The big man was so violent that he directly destroyed the Song family.

You know, Da Song is one of the top families in Kyushu.

This time, even more troops were mobilized.

I didn't expect that it would be wiped out so easily.

Such a thing is too terrifying.

The speed of the big man's rise simply exceeded everyone's expectations.

At this time, they couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

And right now.

Liu Zheng continued to give instructions.

"Cao Zhengchun sent envoys to various worlds to announce the Han Dynasty's will.

Anyone who is an enemy of Dazhou will be punished! "

There was a solemn meaning in the voice.

Make everyone feel scared.

"As you command!"

Cao Zhengchun answered cautiously.

Then he retreated.

At the same time, the people of Dazhou were looking at the Han Emperor on top of the city.

There was excitement on all faces.

The Emperor of Han is now like a sharp blade hanging over Jiuzhou's head.

Everyone feels scared.

Now that they finally defeated the opponent, they were naturally extremely excited.

At this time, Liu Zheng fell into deep thought again.

The Song Dynasty was destroyed.

The Song family was destroyed.

As a result, only three dynasties were left.

Now it is the weakest in Dazhou.

Next, what kind of conquest can be done to make the opponent surrender?

Liu Zheng frowned.

These three dynasties were located in the four continents of East, West, North, and South.

Extremely powerful.

Although I have a system, every summoning opportunity is very important.

Nowadays, it is not easy to waste it.

However, just when Liu Zheng was confused.

Cao Zhengchun walked in.

He spoke respectfully.

"Your Majesty, there is a messenger asking to see you!"

After hearing the voice, Liu Zheng nodded and motioned for the other party to come in.

A moment later, after seeing that person's appearance.

There was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Because the person he met this time was Zhao Yun.

At this time, his face was extremely determined.

As soon as he got close, he knelt down on the ground.

"Greetings to His Majesty the Han Emperor.

At the end of the day, the general came to see him on the order of the prime minister.

This is the letter from the Prime Minister to you! "

As he spoke, a letter appeared in his hand.

And just after his words fell.

Liu Zheng, however, didn't want to think too much.

Open and watch directly.

However, the more I looked at it, the more frightened I became.

Zhao Yun's letter stated that the Song Dynasty was destroyed.

However, Song Yu was not killed.

He left his last words.

Said that the Song family would take revenge on Liu Zheng.

He also told him that if Liu Zheng did not hand over the people of the Song Dynasty, it would definitely lead to the destruction of the family.

At this time, Liu Zheng had a solemn look on his face.

Unexpectedly, there are secret forces in the Song family.

It seemed that he had underestimated them.

"Zhao Yun obeyed the order and led the tiger and leopard cavalry to escort him back to the imperial city!"

Liu Zheng said coldly.

And just after his words fell.

Zhao Yun retreated respectfully.

Although this battle was a complete victory.

But it also suffered heavy losses.

Only about two thousand of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry were left, covered in scars.

However, he knew in his heart that these losses had nothing to do with him.

If it weren't for the help of the big man.

These brothers may have died long ago.

At the same time, within the eight ancient wastelands.

But there is a mountain range called Qinglong Ridge.

At this time, there are hundreds of millions of monks gathered on Qinglong Ridge.

These people, wearing armor, stood outside a huge city in the valley.

Their eyes were looking forward.

There was a hint of anger in his eyes.

There are many senior figures among them.

At this time, an old woman spoke.

"I didn't expect that Song Yu would actually collude with a foreign race.

If the big man hadn't arrived in time, we would have been in bad luck! "

The voice was full of resentment.

At this time, it seemed extremely desolate.

And just after her voice fell.

Others also echoed.

"That's right, I took in the Song family back then.

Just for the sake of their loyalty.

Now, it is ungrateful! "

"Hmph, since you dare to provoke me and others, let the Song family be completely eliminated.

Lest they betray humans again in the future! "

And just when everyone was talking about it.

Within the city.

The people of the Song family were extremely panicked.

Because now they are surrounded.

Song Yu and a group of elders stood in a courtyard.

There was a look of malice in his eyes.

"Song Yu, are you really willing to be a dog from a foreign race?

Do you know that before your father died, he asked me to take care of you.

Now, you are looking for death! "

The speaker was an old ancestor of the Song family.

Now he has lived for more than 500 years.

In the Song family, he has absolute authority.

Just after he finished speaking.

The people around him all stepped forward and shouted.

"Song Yu, you are so presumptuous, your father has been defeated by the big man.

Now, you still haven’t surrendered! "

Several elders of the Song family had eyes that were about to burst.

If it weren't for Song Yu, how could they have fallen to where they are today.

At this time, one can imagine the anger in his heart.

"Haha, it's just a joke for you bunch of trash to make me surrender.

If you hadn't coveted the Han Dynasty's elixir, how could we have been forced to leave the Song Dynasty.

Now, it's back to bite him.

I, Song Yu, will not let you go even if I am a ghost.

Don't force me, otherwise it will be a dead end! "

Song Yu yelled crazily.

Eyes blood red.

And after hearing the sound.

The venue suddenly became quiet.

They are indeed ashamed of the Song family.

After all, when Song Yu and his son led their family members to flee, they did not stop them.

This has led to the collapse of the Song Dynasty today.

But if you just give up like this.

Where is the face of the Song family?

So, after a brief pause.

The ancestor of the Song family said again.

"Song Yu, this is the ancestral home of my Song family.

You dare to try it! "

At this time, a sinister look flashed in his eyes.


Just after he finished speaking.

A strong man next to Song Yu suddenly smashed the table next to him.

"Song Yuancheng, you old bastard, you dare to threaten the young master.

Today, I will kill you! "

The sound sounded, indicating that he was ready to take action.

And just after his words fell.

A ferocious smile appeared on Song Yuancheng's lips.

"Huh, who of the Song family is afraid of death? Since you dare to kill me, the Song family elder.

I will take your sacrificial flag first! "

Just after he finished speaking.

Just rush towards the front.

Palm wave.

Mighty spiritual energy burst out.

Everywhere he passed, the space was trembling.

And just as his figure flew past the Han army's formation.

"hold head high!"

A roar came out.

Immediately afterwards, a giant dragon soared into the sky.

Emitting a blazing golden glow.

He crashed towards Song Yuancheng.

The speed is extremely fast.


As a roar fell.

Song Yuancheng's body flew out directly.

This scene was too terrifying.

Song Yuancheng is the head of the Song family.

The strength is unfathomable.

Now, he was actually knocked away by an ordinary Han soldier.

This made everyone stunned.

Especially Song Yuancheng, there was even a look of fear in his eyes.

What kind of freak is this general?

And at this moment.


A fire phoenix roared over.

A strong temperature spread.

Everyone feels like they are in purgatory.

Then, the fire phoenix swooped down at this moment.


The masters of the Song family were instantly reduced to ashes by the hot flames.

The maids, servants and others of the Song family had surprise in their eyes.

They were determined to die.

But now, it seems that he misunderstood Song Yu.

The other party has not forgotten himself and others at all.

And at this moment.


Another roar of beasts came out.

But he saw a male lion walking in.

Behind him were densely packed wolves and dogs.

These things are all monsters domesticated by the big man.

The weakest one is comparable to the third level of the Divine Sea Realm.

For a time, the entire Song family was stunned on the spot.

And right now.


The men of Han Dynasty finally entered the city.

Their bravery is unparalleled.

Every step he took was like thunder exploding.

Moreover, his body shape is unpredictable.

The attack was extremely fierce.

Wherever it passed, blood rained everywhere.

For a moment, the door of the Song family was completely opened.

"Your Majesty, Emperor Han, have mercy on me!"

Song Yuancheng knelt at Liu Zheng's feet.

At this time, he was covered in blood.

The whole person looked extremely miserable.

There was a look of panic on his face.

And at this moment.

Cao Zhengchun said.

“Your sins are too great.

You must pay with your life, otherwise, how can you convince the public! "

There was indifference in his voice.

Song Yuancheng couldn't help but tremble.

But he knew it in his heart.

If Liu Zheng is allowed to massacre the Song family members.

Then the Song family is really doomed.

Therefore, he opened his mouth and shouted.

"Your Majesty the Han Emperor, you promised me.

As long as I help you seize the continent.

Then let us go.

Do you want to break your promise? "

There was a strong tone of pleading in his voice.

"Haha, the Song family and the Han Dynasty have long been on the same side.

Do you think I will believe you?

Don't worry, after today.

The Song family disappeared from the mainland! "

After the words fell.

Liu Zheng just waved his hand.

Hundreds of thousands of troops surged towards the Song family.

At this time, the people of the Song family were frightened out of their courage.

They couldn't afford any resistance at all.

He could only run away desperately.

However, those disciples of the Song family are powerful in cultivation.

But after encountering the brutal army, there was no room for resistance.

After a while, there was no one alive in the entire Song family except Song Yuancheng.

Then, Liu Zheng said slowly.

"Cao Zhengchun, you should be responsible for collecting the Song family's property.

In addition, send a team to guard the Song family to prevent Xiaoxiao from taking the opportunity to cause chaos! "

"As you command!"

After hearing the sound, Cao Zhengchun said respectfully.

Then, it retreated downwards.

He wanted to send the bodies of the Song family to various prefectures as soon as possible.

This matter cannot be taken lightly.

After all, the members of the Song family have extraordinary status, and even a slight oversight will cause other families to covet them.

At this time, Liu Zheng did not care about Song Yuancheng's affairs.

He led the imperial guards and headed towards the ancient world.

At this time in the ancient world.

The war is still going on.

At this time, in the void.

A tall tower stands.

On top of the tower.

A look of pride appeared on the brows of a young man.

This person is surrounded by various visions.

Astonishingly, it was Xuan Yunzi, the grandson of Saint Xuanjia.

Around him, there were several people standing.

These people all exude a vast aura.

Shows their extraordinary background.

"Haha, this time the ancient world is destined to belong to our Xuanyun Holy Sect!"

A man in green clothes said with a smile.

The body bloomed with dazzling light, like stars in the sky.

“Yes, the mere Temple of Gods and Demons is nothing to worry about.

In this ancient world, the only one who can compete with our Xuanyun Holy Sect is Dugu Qiu, the master of the Sword Sect, who has been defeated.

However, this person cannot come out of seclusion, and there is nothing we can do about it.

This time, it is a bit dangerous.

I don’t know if the eldest brother has found a way. "

After hearing the sound, the leader, a man in brocade clothes, spoke.

This person's brows were shining, and the aura around him was even more violent.

"Don't worry, brother must be sure this time.

However, I didn't expect that this person from the Domineering Sword Sect would be so arrogant.

Not even my father's face.

When we meet later, we must teach them a lesson! "

Xuan Yunzi said, and at this moment, there was a sinister look in his eyes.

And just after his words fell.

The eyes of other people around also showed a hint of coldness.

They are all members of Xuanyun Holy Sect, and the reason why Xuanyun Holy Sect can dominate Tianhe State is because of their brothers.

Now, being ridiculed like this, how can I not be angry.

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